NaslovnaOnline KazinaBitdreams Casino Recenzija
Bitdreams Casino Recenzija
Ne prihvata igrače iz Ohio
Bez Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan
Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan
Poseti kazino
Metode isplate
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • SOFORT Überweisung
  • Neosurf
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bank transfer
  • MiFinity
  • Litecoin (LTC)
Isplatni limiti
Blue Beaver N.V.
< 1.000.000 $
Nema licencu
Detalji kazinaBonusiRecenzije korisnika31Objašnjenje Indexa SigurnostiDiskusija17Metode isplate14

Bitdreams Casino Recenzija

Detaljno smo proučili Bitdreams Casino i dali smo mu ispod prosečni sigurnosni indeks. Ovaj kazino ima nekih dobrih kvaliteta, ali takođe ima i dosta nedostataka zbog čega je bolje da igrate negde drugo. U našoj recenziji, razmotrili smo žalbe igrača u ovom kazinu, procenili prihode, licencu, da li su igre prave, kvalitet korisničke podrške, da li pružaju fer tretman u smislu odredbi i uslova, podizanje novca i limite dobitaka, i druge faktore. Pročitajte celu recenziju ispod i saznajte više o ovom kazinu.

Prema našem istraživanju i procenama, Bitdreams Casino je manji onlajn kazino u smislu prihoda. Prihod kazina je važan faktor, jer veća kazina ne bi trebala da imaju problem da isplaćuju velike dobitke, dok manja kazina potencijalno mogu da se muče ako uspete da osvojite zaista veliki dobitak.

Pronašli smo jednu relevantnu žalbu na ovaj kazino. Zbog ove žalbe, dali smo ovom kazinu 2.664 crnih bodova. Možete saznati više informacija o žalbama i crnim bodovima ispod u delu recenzije koji se zove "Objašnjenje indeksa sigurnosti".

Kao što smo već pomenuli, dali smo Bitdreams Casino upitan sigurnosni indeks. To znači da iako nije potpuno loš, ima nekih negativnih kvaliteta zvog čega je preporučljivo da potražite bolji onlajn kazino za igranje.


Bez Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan
Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan

Metode isplate

Metode isplate
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • SOFORT Überweisung
  • Neosurf
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bank transfer
  • MiFinity
  • Litecoin (LTC)
Isplatni limiti


Nema klađenja
Video poker
Džekpot igre
Uživo igre
Nema pokera
Craps i igre sa kockicama
Nema klađenja na eSports
Crash igre

Dostupni jezici

Engleski website
Korisnička podrška na engleskom
Engleski chat uživo

Provajderi igre

  • NetEnt
  • Nolimit City
  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Novomatic
  • Evoplay
  • Evolution Gaming
  • BGaming

Pozitivne strane

  • Dobra selekcija provajdera igara
  • Depoziti kripto valuta se prihvaćaju
  • Dostupne su različite opcije odgovornog kockanja

Loše strane

  • Live chat korisnička podrška nije dostupna 24/7
  • Samo za igrače iz nekoliko zemalja
  • Ograničen izbor metoda plaćanja

Zanimljive činjenice

  • Mesečni limit podizanja novca i do €20000 na osnovu VIP nivoa
Autor & Garant: Jana Kopecká Zadnji put ažurirano: 05/02/2025 Da li je nešto netačno ili nešto fali? Recite nam
Kazino Bonusi

Bitdreams Casino bonusi

Pregledajte sve obnuse koje nudi Bitdreams Casino, uključujući njihov bez depozitni bonus i bonus na prvi depozit.

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

Recenzije korisnika (31)

Recenzija korisnika Bitdreams Casino

Ovo je mesto gde možete podeliti vaše iskustvo sa Bitdreams Casino. Pročitajte šta su drugi igrači napisali ili napišite svoju recenziju i podelite sa svim pozitivne ili negatinve kvalitete bazirano na vašem ličnom iskustvu.

Feedback korisnika:

Ocenjeno od 31 korisnika

Vrlo pozitivanPozitivanNeutralanNegativanVrlo negativan

Da li imate bilo kakvo iskustvo sa ovim kazinom?

Napišite recenziju

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

• pre 5 meseci
Well, I had this as a poor review but since Blue Beaver NV took over, I've played a number of times on here due to their outstanding bonus offers and their great slot selection with providers set at highest RTP settings. Absolutely no complaints and happy to see a new ownership group improve the casino so much.

Casino Guru you should update your records and give this casino a better rating IMO.
  • Good bonuses
  • Nice selection of games on high RTP
  • New ownership has made this a great place to play
  • Withdrawals are smooth, no issues
• pre 5 meseci
Since the casino changed ownership, I really like the site

Welcome bonus is good, all necessary providers, no max cashouts with bonus money, nice support
  • Fast payout
  • Good welcome offer
  • No verification necessary [for withdrawals up to 2000€]
  • Few payout methods
• pre 1 godinu
Ugledni kazino i dobri VIP menadžeri. Bonusi su veoma dobri

Mogu samo da preporučim ovaj kazino!

  • bonus
  • 24/7 podrška
Bitdreams Casino
Poštovani vinklerlarri77,
Drago nam je da čujemo da ste zadovoljni našim proizvodima i uslugama. Vaše pozitivno iskustvo nam mnogo znači i mi smo posvećeni tome da i dalje uživate u vremenu sa nama.

Ako imate bilo kakve komentare ili povratne informacije o našem prijateljskom timu za podršku, podstičemo vas da svoje misli usmerite na svog posvećenog menadžera naloga, Olivera. Cenimo vaš doprinos jer nam pomaže da poboljšamo naše usluge i prilagodimo ih vašim potrebama.

Naš krajnji cilj je da našim klijentima pružimo najbolje moguće iskustvo, uključujući uzbudljive bonuse, fantastičnu igru i još mnogo toga. Posvećeni smo tome da se fantastično provedete sa nama i vaše povratne informacije igraju ključnu ulogu u tome.

Hvala vam još jednom što ste odabrali Bitdreams kao svoju destinaciju za igranje. Radujemo se što ćemo nastaviti da vam pružamo prvoklasnu zabavu i uslugu u budućnosti.

Želimo vam fantastičan provod sa nama!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Vaš Bitdreams tim
• pre 1 godinu

Great overall casino. Exceptional customer service from all staff. Verification is quick provided you follow directions. Fast payouts once verified. Casino has a big game selection from all major providers. I have played for 6 months here and have nothing bad to say. Very enjoyable. Ill update review at 1 year.

  • Loyalty program
  • Popular game providers
  • fast payouts
  • Excellent customer service
  • Not applicable
  • None so far
Bitdreams Casino
Hi dustbedard486,
We would like to thank you very much for your feedback and hope you are doing well!
It is really great to hear that you are happy with our services. This is very important to us. He is great :)

We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment and your feedback is valued.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 1 godinu
Playing at Bitdreams has been a great experience. Large selection of games, multiple ways to deposit or withdrawal plus incredible customer service. My VIP manager brightened up my Easter weekend with a $60 non deposit bonus just to show me his appreciation for my continued loyalty at playing at this casino. Sure was a great way to start my weekend. Overall I would recommend Bitdreams as a trustworthy casino that I am certain you will enjoy.
  • Great customer service
Bitdreams Casino
Hi Ehjax78,
We would like to thank you very much for your feedback and hope you are doing well!
It is really great to hear that you are happy with VIP's services. This is very important to us. He is great :)

We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment and your feedback is valued.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 1 godinu
The agent Oliver is really the best.
He responds perfectly to my questions, my requests and this quite quickly.
Bitdreams Casino
Hi Meloue_1999,
We would like to thank you very much for your feedback and hope you are doing well!
It is really great to hear that you are happy with Oliver's services. This is very important to us. He is great :)

We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment and your feedback is valued.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 2 godina
Been playing casinos for years and bitdreams is my all time favorite.

Large variety of slots and live games.
Very quick livesupport. Quick verification and cash outs/deposits with multiple options.
  • Withdrawls
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Iqbremz,
We would like to thank you very much for your feedback and hope you are doing well!

It is really great to hear that you are happy with our products and services. This is very important to us.
We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment and your feedback is valued.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 2 godina
Zadovoljan sam kazinom, osvojio sam dosta i nikada nije bilo nikakvih problema i ako jeste, korisnička služba je uvek to dobro objasnila i to bi se moglo rešiti ;) Mogu samo da preporučim Bitdreams
  • Uvek postoje dobri bonusi
Bitdreams Casino
Draga jenniflak89,

Želeli bismo da vam se zahvalimo na pozitivnim povratnim informacijama. Lepo je čuti da ste zadovoljni našim proizvodima i uslugama – to nam je veoma važno! 😍

Dajemo sve od sebe da zadovoljimo naše klijente bonus ponudama i zadovoljstvom igranja, između ostalog. Naš cilj je vaša zabava.

Želeli bismo da iskoristimo ovu priliku i želimo vam puno sreće na daljem putu sa nama.

Sa najboljim željama,
Bitdreams tim
• pre 2 godina
igre nastavljaju da padaju. posle nekoliko okretanja, greška servera ili uuuuppps nešto je pošlo naopako. 3 puta u ćaskanju, uvek isto bla bla. nema toka igre, samo se pauzira i ponovo pokreće. Ne bih to preporučio
Bitdreams Casino
Dragi Franc,
Hvala vam što ste odvojili vreme da ostavite povratne informacije koje će nam omogućiti da poboljšamo naš proizvod i uslugu.

Žao mi je što vidim da ste imali negativno iskustvo kada ste pokušavali da igrate igrice na našem servisu.

Nakon pregleda vaših snimaka ekrana, vidimo da koristite ViFi i da vaš računar treba da ažurira Vindovs. Takođe, imali ste aktivne pozadinske usluge koje bi mogle preopteretiti vašu vezu sa serverom (brzina Vi-Fi) za naše usluge i igre.
Takođe, vaša brzina interneta je veoma mala i preporučujemo da povećate brzinu interneta na najmanje 100 Mbts.
Koristite „AD blocker", ova aplikacija može blokirati pristup slot igrama ili ih srušiti kao što ste iskusili.

Preporučujemo vam da preduzmete nekoliko koraka pre nego što pristupite našoj usluzi da biste izbegli probleme sa vezom.
Ako imate problema sa funkcionisanjem naše usluge, pokušajte sledeće korake:
1. Pokušajte da se odjavite sa svog naloga i ponovo se prijavite
2. Pokušajte sa drugim pregledačem: na primer Google Chrome (najnovija verzija)
3. Pokušajte da obrišete „keš memoriju" privremenih internet datoteka i kolačića.
Imajte na umu da veb lokacija može usporiti ako pokrećete više programa, preuzimate velike datoteke, delite internet vezu sa drugim korisnicima, imate sporu internet vezu ili niste izbrisali istoriju pregledanja neko vreme.

Molimo vas da se predomislite o našoj usluzi jer verujemo da je problem grešaka u igri tokom vaše igre vaš sajt za računar i ViFi veza.

Srdačan pozdrav,
Bitdream tim
• pre 2 godina
My experience with this casino was bad.

Deposited around EUR 100, rolled it over without bonuses / promotions, made a profit, requested withdrawal of the initial deposit.

During the KYC verification procedure I was asked to upload a selfie 5 times, because my elbow was not fully visible / my arm was not fully visible - it was kind of humiliating and ridiculous. Especially given the fact, that on the KYC section of the site this requirement is not clearly stated.

During the KYC procedure you have to be proactive and ask customer service to check if all the documents are uploaded - if you do not do so, they will reject your documents in order to prolong the withdrawal process.

After the KYC was complete my withdrawal of EUR ~100 was processed after 13 days. This is way too long and I perceive that - given the complaints filed by the clients on casinoguru - as a way to prolong the withdrawal process, so that the customer cancels them and loses the money :)

The "Responsible gaming" option is not clearly visible - you have to scroll the site, enter the "Responsible gaming section" at the bottom, read the section, and click on a small link in order to set deposit limits, cool-off periods etc.

Finally, the customer service is not helpful - when I asked several times about my withdrawal, I was given the same copy-paste formulas like "The financial department needs more time" "I am sorry to hear that. Please be patient" and so on.

My withdrawal was finally processed, but I decided to close the account permanently and self-exclude myself. I don't know if my case was an edge case (probably not), but if this is a standard practice from their side - I definitely do not recommend playing in this casino.

Regards :)
  • wide variety of games and providers
  • the verification takes a lot of time (and patience)
  • they do not state clearly on site what do they require during the KYC process
  • withdrawal process - waited 14 days for the withdrawal
  • customer service is friendly, but they copy-paste standard formulas
Bitdreams Casino

Thank you for taking the time to leave some feedback which we can use to improve our product and service.

I'm sad to see that it appears you had a negative experience while trying to verify your account and withdraw your winnings. I understand the KYC process can be frustrating at times but it is a legal requirement as part of our licence. I will look into the scenarios you mentioned with regards the selfie and so on to see what happened here and how that element can be improved. I will also work with the team to improve the information on site so customers will better understand what is required.

I understand your account is already self excluded based on your response but in order to review this in more detail would you be able to email us at with the email used on your Bitdreams account. You can title the email 'Casino Guru Follow Up' and mention in the email this is for the attention of Oliver the Customer Relationship Manager.

With your account information I will be able to fully review everything and take the necessary steps.

Again thank you for the feedback.

• pre 2 godina
Osvojio sam 28.167,52 evra i onda su počeli problemi.
U toku procesa verifikacije tražili su izvode iz banke, što nije bio problem.
Nekoliko puta sam rekao da ćete ih u Nemačkoj dobiti tek krajem meseca i da ću ih odmah proslediti u kazino.

Onda šok danas.

Moj nalog i €28,000 su jednostavno deaktivirani.
Shrvan sam jer sam mislio da sam konačno pronašao renomirani onlajn kazino.
Bitdreams Casino

Sorry to hear you have had a negative experience with us.
In order to investigate could you please reach out to customer support and reference this review and we'll be able to then identify your account and rectify any issues.

Bitdreams Support
• pre 2 godina
Sadly the casino doesnt accept in the KYC process, if you blacken anything from your bank statement, even if its only your bank balance. Hence they have sensitive informations about you and about transactions you make with third parties. So make sure you are willing to give those information to them before you make a deposit or an account. When confronted, the Chat told me that they need to make sure, that the money wasnt transfered back to my account, which is an odd reason in my oppinion. Unfortunately I will not get my money from this site, because Im not willing to give them those informations, since I dont know why they want it and what they will do with it.
  • dubious KYC methods
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Fribo,
I am sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with the service you have received here at Bitdreams.
We appreciate that you took the time to provide us with your feedback.
I am sorry to hear that your experience with our casino so far was not as you expected.
I hope the bellow explanation will dispel your doubts and you will change your feedback.

We would like to inform you that documents verification is our standard verification procedure accepted by account holders due to registration.
By registering the account, the customer is obliged to accept the Bitdreams Terms & Conditions and also to provide us with copies of the required documents if asked by the security department.
It is of paramount importance to us that gaming is comfortable and does not cause harm.
As Responsible Gambling Ambassadors, we do verification to check if the level of playing meets your financial situation.

Bitdreams reserves the right to request additional information and documentation from any user, if such evidence is required to fulfill other legal obligations.
Getting to know our customers also assists us in ensuring that we are fully compliant with all applicable laws and regulatory demands.

We can assure you that, as soon as the documents have been processed our relevant department inform the user immediately about the verification process status.

If your case has still pending status, please do not hesitate to contact us at We will be more than happy to support you!

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 2 godina
one of the best casinos I've ever played..verification confirmed 10 minutes after sending the documents and withdrawal arrived in my account, after only 1 hour after making the request!I recommend anyone to play there..there are few online casinos like this reliable..
Bitdreams Casino
Dear MARCUS101010,
We would like to thank you very much for your feedback and hope you are doing well!

It is really great to hear that you are happy with our products and services. This is very important to us.
We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment and your feedback is valued.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 2 godina
Quite new to casino online.
Deposits were easy and many options, and love how many games to choose from!
Customer care does feel a bit robotic though:)
  • Love how easy it was to register and fund my account. Once I got my account verified, the withdrawal process was quite quick too
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Hermanstar,
We would like to thank you very much for your feedback and hope you are doing well!

It is really great to hear that you are happy with our products and services. This is very important to us.
We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment and your feedback is valued.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 2 godina
beskorisno ne igraj ovdje beskorisno ne igraj ovdje beskorisno ne igraj ovdje
  • bezvredno ne igraj ovde
  • bezvredno ne igraj ovde
Bitdreams Casino
Dear maroun2021,
We appreciate that you took the time to provide us with your feedback.

We are sorry to hear that your experience with our casino so far was not as you expected.
Should you wish to discuss your gaming experience with us in more detail then feel free to contact us either via the live chat service or simply send us an email via

We do value our customers' feedback and we are doing our best to provide support and entertainment our players are looking for.

Best of luck in the future!
Bitdreams Team
• pre 2 godina
igrao u ovom kazinu dugo vremena - i konačno osvojio visok četvorocifreni iznos.
Dokumenti poslani - verifikacija je završena i potvrđena u roku od 10 minuta. Isplata je zatražena - 24 sata kasnije u chatu (moram da koristim prevodilački alat za ovo, iako je nemačka podrška ovde reklamirana) pitao kada će isplata biti obrađena - uostalom, web stranica reklamira munjevito brze isplate - odgovor: Ja treba biti strpljiv, ide redom. Bit će obrađeno za nekoliko sati. 48 sati kasnije poslata su dva mejla - na njih do danas nije odgovoreno. Dakle, vratite se u chat - uzeo prevodilac - i pitao kada će isplata biti obrađena. Odgovor: uvijek u redu - zbog velikog broja uplata, ne mogu mi reći kada će moja biti obrađena.
Sačuvajte sebi pisanje e-pošte - na njih ionako neće biti odgovoreno. Klonite se ovog kazina - više privida nego stvarnosti - ako i dalje plaćate, putevi će se ovdje razdvojiti....
Šteta…. Zaista sam mislio da imaju potencijala...

Sada sam se službeno žalio na ponuđeni ADR i nadam se da će to nešto učiniti.
  • brzi proces verifikacije
  • Podrška - ćaskanje samo na engleskom
  • Na mejlove se ne odgovara
  • Isplate se ne obrađuju
Bitdreams Casino
Poštovani kbbysyv44v,
Hvala vam na iskrenom pregledu, vaše povratne informacije su nam važne i omogućavaju nam da se poboljšamo.
Žao nam je što vaše iskustvo u našem kazinu nije ispunilo vaša očekivanja.

Hvala vam što ste dali povratne informacije o procesu verifikacije i što ste ocijenili našu korisničku podršku.
Iskreno se izvinjavamo za sve neugodnosti uzrokovane nedobijanjem podrške na njemačkom jeziku. Trudimo se da kupci uvijek imaju takvu priliku, ali zbog velikog broja njemačkih razgovora to nije uvijek moguće.
Cilj nam je obraditi korisničke zahtjeve za povlačenje u roku od nekoliko sati. Imajte na umu da isplate mogu kasniti vikendom.
Vjerujemo da će nakon završetka procesa verifikacije Vaši dobici biti odobreni i poslani Vam :)
Čestitamo na osvojenim nagradama!

Cijenimo vaše povratne informacije i dajemo sve od sebe da našim igračima pružimo podršku i zabavu koju traže.
Podstičemo vas da kontaktirate našu prijateljsku podršku putem e-pošte ( ili chata uživo. Možemo vas uvjeriti da ćemo vam rado pomoći.

Sa najboljim željama,
Bitdreams tim
• pre 2 godina
Rick is helpful , but the friday free spins sucks. i won 300 dollars and they cut my winnings to 75, cause their system says after I won and spoke to one of the representative that my maximum allowed winnings is 75 dollars, which is so unfair and unusual. i have lots of accounts online and if I won on the free games, whatever I won, i won, it just that i can not withdraw it right away because the bonus points still active, but from 300 to 75 , thats unfair and unusual, i will never play this website again and yes, ill copy paste this review and post it multiple times.. thanks and goo d riddance.
Bitdreams Casino
Dear eddusanjuan,
Thank you for your honest review, your feedback is important to us by which we can only improve.
We are sorry to hear that your experience with our casino so far was not as you expected.
Your priceless feedback regarding the Friday offer will be forwarded to the appropriate department in order to improve your gaming journey. Unfortunately, at the moment, winnings from the free spins offer are with max win applied.
A max Win on a Bonus or Free Spins means that once you have completed your wagering requirements on the Bonus or Free Spin winnings, the max amount that will be converted to Cash is capped at the Max Win.
Once you completed the wagering requirements, all bonus balance above the max win was removed and you got the max win amount credited in cash.

We advise that before opting in for the particular offer you will check detailed terms and conditions if there is information about limited winnings.
We do value your feedback and we are doing our best to provide the support and entertainment our players are looking for.
We kindly ask you to contact our friendly support via email ( or live chat. We can assure you that we will assist you with pleasure.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 2 godina
Prijavio se, uplatio i nakon nekoliko sati igre dobio 1,500 x multi. Deponovano 40€ i isplaćeno ukupno 700€. Provjera je uspjela u roku od 10 minuta. Od slotova postoji sve što možete poželjeti. Dizajn i rukovanje 9/10. Definitivno je imao veliku sreću, ali je 100% moguće izvući nešto od toga za razliku od ostalih kasina.
  • Puno slotova
  • Brza verifikacija
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Glebli,
We would like to thank you very much for your feedback and hope you are doing well!

It is really great to hear that you are happy with our products and services. This is very important to us.
We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment and your feedback is valued.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 2 godina
absoultly shocking takes nearly12 hours to tell me i am still in a que for a withdrawal i have never known anything liek it when it comes to BTC casinos BTC withdrawl is instant.?? with any other website i use and these are just beyond a joke now?
  • NONE there really bad
  • NONE there really bad
  • NONE there really bad
  • NONE there really bad
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Jordocro,
Thank you for your honest review, your feedback is important to us by which we can only improve.
We are sorry to hear that your experience with our casino so far was not as you expected.

We do apologise for the long processing time with the withdrawal of your winnings. We are always doing our best to proceed with users' withdrawals as fast as possible. Please note that withdrawals over certain amounts may require longer processing times, and international financial regulations may require us to request proof of identification.

We recommend that you will send us an email and we will check internally how we can speed up this process for you.
Our friendly and knowledgeable support is always ready to help and provide you with information about the status of your transaction.

We do value your feedback and we are doing our best to provide the support and entertainment our players are looking for.
We kindly ask you to contact our friendly support via email ( or live chat. We can assure you that we will assist you with pleasure.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 2 godina
Odigrali dva depozita od 100€ svaki sa bonusom dobrodošlice. Nikada nisam izgubio 200€ tako brzo, ni u jednom online kazinu kao u Bitdreamsu, to je apsolutni obraz. Nemate šanse za pobjedu, možete samo kliknuti na svoj kredit i to sa svakim slot! A najbolja stvar je, naravno, podrška za chat nije dostupna, kakvo čudo. Svima savjetujem da ne koriste ovaj kazino, radije izađite sa porodicom sa novcem, od toga ćete dobiti mnogo više. To je bila lekcija i za mene
  • nema ničega
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Aviel75,
Thank you for your honest review, your feedback is important to us by which we can only improve.
We are sorry to hear that your experience with our casino so far was not as you expected.

Firstly, we would like to apologise that you did not have a chance to contact our friendly customer support on live chat. Due to the large numbers of chats that we have daily, there might be small delays in connecting with real support, but you can always send us your queries via e-mail.

We are really sorry to read that you haven't won anything lately.
With gambling there are always two possible outcomes: Either you are lucky or you're not.
We are really sorry to hear that you have been rather unlucky recently. You should never play just for the money but rather for entertainment purposes.

If you would like to share with us more feedback we kindly ask you to contact our friendly support via email ( or live chat. We can assure you that we will assist you with pleasure.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 3 godina
The casino offers a wide variety of games which I usually look for. I like the design of the website is user-friendly and inspired. Big up for the crypto deposit options! I will definitely come back to play more. 100% recommend!
  • user friendly design
  • big variety of games
  • multi currency casino
  • various payment methods accepted
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Ester_Svensson,
We would like to thank you very much for your feedback and hope you are doing well!

It is really great to hear that you are happy with our products and services. This is very important to us.
We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment and your feedback is valued.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 3 godina
Found this casino when I was looking for casinos accepting cryptocurrencies. The space themed design of the casino is brilliant. I liked it a lot. There are a lot of different providers I've never heard of before, so it was fun to try something new. They surely need to improve the live chat. Pretty slow to connect with a chat support agent.
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Ashton7,

Thank you for taking the time to leave a sincere review!

It is really great to hear that you are happy with our products and services. This is very important to us.
We would like to apologise that you have had a negative experience to contact our friendly customer support on live chat. Due to the large numbers of chats that we have daily, there might be small delays in connecting with real support, but you can always send us your queries via e-mail.
We value your opinion by which we can only orient ourselves and keep improving.
We stand for providing cutting-edge customer support with a dedicated team of agents so are enthused to assist you in any regard.

If you would like to share with us more feedback we kindly ask you to contact our friendly support via email ( or live chat. We can assure you that we will assist you with pleasure.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 3 godina
Fantastic casino for Bitcoin depositors :)
The best online Casino with great slots machines that just feels like you are at a physical casino. Their help chat function is very responsive and the officials make sure they deal with your query. They have by far the fastest payment system when you withdraw. Overall I give this Casino 10/10 ..there is nothing to fault them
Bitdreams Casino
Dear shakal24,
We would like to thank you for your positive feedback. It is great to hear that you are happy with our products and services - it is very important to us! 😍

We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment.

If you would like to share with us more feedback we kindly ask you to contact our friendly support via email ( or live chat. We can assure you that we will assist you with pleasure.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 3 godina
Very good casino! Bitdreams is my new favorite casino, I found here many games and payment options, and nice design.

Definitely recommend it!
  • Lots of games
  • Payments methods and fast withdrawals
  • Customer support really fast
  • Nice design
Bitdreams Casino
Dear ElizabethRichardson,

We would like to thank you for your positive feedback. It is great to hear that you are happy with our products and services - it is very important to us! 😍

We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment.

If you would like to share with us more feedback we kindly ask you to contact our friendly support via email ( or live chat. We can assure you that we will assist you with pleasure.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 3 godina
Good and clear bonus structure, casino search functions works well and i can find all my favorite games at Bitdreams.
Important that i can deposit with my card or bank, and deposits are instant. Withdrawal process is easy and transfer was processed within short period of time.
i play here occasionally, and never had any issues with games, Live chat or payments.
  • Design is attractive
  • Payment Methods availability
  • Casino game selection
  • easy site navigation
  • bonus structure
  • none, i dont have any
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Theissen,

We would like to thank you for your positive feedback. It is great to hear that you are happy with our products and services - it is very important to us! 😍

We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment.

If you would like to share with us more feedback we kindly ask you to contact our friendly support via email ( or live chat. We can assure you that we will assist you with pleasure.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 3 godina
Superb! I have been playing here for the past couple of months. I especially enjoyed the huge variety of games they have.
  • huge selection of casino games
  • large choice of payment methods
  • great customer service
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Aliampat,

We would like to thank you very much for your feedback and hope you are doing well!
Such feedback nourishes our day.😍
It is really great to hear that you are happy with our products and services.

The satisfaction of our customers is extremely important to us.
Our goal is your entertainment and your feedback is valued :)

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 3 godina
Great Casino Experience! Really enjoyed playing here and following the galactic journey
  • Fast pay-outs
  • Loads of games
  • Accept Crypto
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Ablefte,

We would like to thank you for your positive feedback. It is great to hear that you are happy with our products and services - it is very important to us! 😍

We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, among others, with bonus offers and gameplay satisfaction. Our goal is your entertainment.

If you would like to share with us more feedback we kindly ask you to contact our friendly support via email ( or live chat. We can assure you that we will assist you with pleasure.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
• pre 3 godina
Apsolutno loš kazino! Vodite lažne strategije uz bonus dobrodošlice! Znači da odmah dobijate svojih 100 posto bonusa i besplatni okreti se dijele za 5 dana po 20 komada, sada dolazi hak da ne smijete izbrisati bonus sa 100 posto čak i ako ste već izgubili novac! Sa novcem od besplatnih okretaja koje dobijate dnevno, onda morate kreirati opkladu od 100 posto plus opkladu od besplatnih okretaja Apsolutno nemoguće!!!!!!! Mogu samo upozoriti sve ovdje da polože samo jedan cent! Dizajn je također apsolutna katastrofa, način rada preko cijelog ekrana nije moguć na mobilnom!
  • Ništa pozitivno
  • Loš dizajn
  • Lažne ponude mamaca
  • Loša podrška sa mega dugim vremenima čekanja
  • Nikada ne igrajte tamo ako ovo pročitate samo ćete imati problema
Bitdreams Casino
Dear Angi1990,
We appreciate that you took the time to provide us with your feedback.
We are sorry to hear that your experience with our casino so far was not as you expected.

We do value our customers' feedback and we are doing our best to provide the support and entertainment our players are looking for.
We would like to inform you that we are a licensed provider and that all of our welcome bonus offer terms and conditions are transparently published to the users. By opting in for the offer user should read the terms and conditions of the promotion before is taking part in it.
Always player is deciding if will play with a bonus or without.
Furthermore, it is not possible to guarantee a profit in the casino.
All games of chance involve a risk, which the customer is of course aware of.

Your priceless tips about the bonus wagering requirements and service mobile version design will be forwarded to the appropriate department in order to improve your gaming journey.
Our goal is your entertainment and your feedback is valued :)

If you would like to share with us more feedback we kindly ask you to contact our friendly support via email ( or live chat. We can assure you that we will assist you with pleasure.

We would like to take this opportunity and we wish you the best of luck with your future journey with us.

Kind Regards,
Bitdreams Team
Objašnjenje Indexa Sigurnosti

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