Igrač se bori da potvrdi dok kazino stalno traži nove dokumente. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije mogao da pruži traženi video dokaz i nije bilo nikakvog razvoja u više od 2 meseca.
The player struggles to verify as the casino is keep requesting new documents. The complaint was rejected because the player was not able to provide the requested video evidence and there has not been any development in over 2 months.
Igrač se bori da potvrdi dok kazino stalno traži nove dokumente. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije mogao da pruži traženi video dokaz i nije bilo nikakvog razvoja u više od 2 meseca.
Registrovao sam se u ovom kazinu jer je imao dobre ocene, deponovan i igrao na slotovima. Osvojio sam 2000 EUR i založio. To je bilo pre 2 meseca... Od tada prolazim kroz agoniju sa verifikacijom naloga. Poslao sam brojne dokumente i sve što su tražili. Mnogo fotografija moje lične karte, dokaz adrese, dokaz o depozitu i dokaz o načinu plaćanja i izvode iz banke u nekoliko navrata. Posle toga su me tražili selfi.. pa selfi sa novinama gde sam morao da napišem neke stvari u novine. Nakon što su proverili sva ova dokumenta i selfije tražili su poziv i selfi u ulici u kojoj živim. I to sam obezbedio. Morao sam da pružim snimke ekrana sa google mapa i vezu do trake gde je snimljen taj selfi. Sada su zatražili još jedan selfi u istoj ulici. (posle svakog zahteva za dokument su izjavili da će odmah nastaviti sa povlačenjem, ali to nikada ne čine, samo traže još i više slika). Zabrinut sam da je ovo previše i da se samo igraju sa mojim vremenom kao i sa dobicima koje moraju da mi isplate... Mislim da mi treba pomoć oko ovoga ili mi nikada neću vratiti svoj dobitak. Daću vam neke snimke ekrana iz imejlova koje smo razmenili... Nažalost, ne mogu da vam snimim ekran „Moj dokument" na svom Bitstarz nalogu jer su ga onemogućili nakon sve verifikacije.
I registered at this casino because it had good ratings, deposited and played on slots. I won 2000 EUR and wagered it. That was 2 months ago... Since then, I have been going through agony with account verification. I have sent numerous documents and everything they asked for. Many photos of my identity card, proof of address, proof of deposit and proof of method of payment and bank statements on several occasions. After that, they asked me for a selfie.. and then a selfie with the newspaper where I had to write some things on newspaper. After they verified all these documents and selfies they asked for a call and a selfie on a street where I live on. I provided that also. I had to provide screenshots from google maps and link to a bar where that selfie was taken. Now they've requested another selfie on the same street. (after every document request they stated that they will proceed with withdraw immediately, but they never do, they just ask for more and more pictures). I am worried this is too much and that they are just playing with my time as well as the winnings they have to pay me... I think I need help with this or I will never get my winnings back to me. I will provide some screenshots from emails we exchanged... Unfortunately I cannot screenshot you "My document" page on my Bitstarz account because they disabled it after all the verification.
Zdravo LaterECT,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa BitStarz kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja pre nego što krenemo dalje.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete od kada je tačno proces verifikacije u toku? Koji dokumenti su već sigurno odobreni? Kada ste poslednji put razgovarali sa kazinom i o čemu se radilo?
Da li ste im već prosledili fotografiju sa vidljivim uličnim znakom?
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello LaterECT,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with BitStarz Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise since when exactly is the verification process ongoing? Which documents have been already approved for sure? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?
Did you already forward them the photo with the visible street sign?
Looking forward to your answer.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ako ste im poslali selfi pre samo nekoliko dana, obavezno sačekajte bar još nekoliko dana da završite verifikaciju. Ako do kraja ove nedelje ne bude bilo kakvog ažuriranja, svakako ćemo intervenisati.
If you did send them the selfie only a few days ago, be sure to wait at least a few more days to finalize the verification. If there wouldn't be any update until the end of this week, we will definitely intervene.
Ponovo sam ih kontaktirao i odgovor je bio isti, neće verifikovati moj nalog dok ne pošaljem još jedan selfi. Posle svih dokumenata koje sam pomenuo u prethodnom mejlu koji sam poslao, neću im slati ništa drugo. ( lična karta napred i pozadi, dokaz adrese, dokaz o depozitu i dokaz o načinu plaćanja i izvode iz banke više puta tokom ova dva meseca, selfi sa ličnom kartom, selfi sa novinama, selfi na ulici).
Na nesreću po igrače, kazina mogu da zloupotrebe „pitajte slike i dokumente u svrhu verifikacije", mislim da bi nadležni za licencu za kockanje trebalo da jasno stave do znanja šta mogu da traže. Mora da postoji red, gde je traženje više selfija jednostavno zlostavljanje. (kao što je to slučaj)
Mogli bi to da rade zauvek, jednostavno odugovlačeći moju verifikaciju tako da ne mogu da povučem svoja sredstva.
Srdačan pozdrav,
I contacted them again and the response was the same, they won't verify my account until I send another selfie. After all the documents I mentioned in the previous email I sent, I'm not going to send them anything else. ( ID front and back, proof of address, proof of deposit and proof of method of payment and bank statements multiple times during these two months, selfie with my ID, selfie with newspaper, selfie on the street).
Unfortunate for players, casinos can abuse "ask pictures and documents for verification purpose", I think gambling licence authorities should make it clear what they can ask. There must be a line, where asking for more selfies is simply an abuse. (as this is the case)
They could do this forever, simply stalling my verification so I am unable to withdraw my funds.
Kind regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim, na zahtev igrača.
Hvala LaterECT za sve date informacije. Sada ću proslediti vašu žalbu kolegi Mihalu (KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk) koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Thank you LaterECT for all the provided information. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Michal (michal.k@casino.guru) who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Zdravo LaterECT
Ja sam Mihal i preuzeo sam ovu žalbu. Pregledao sam ovaj slučaj i želeo bih da vam skrenem pažnju na činjenicu da je KIC kao i AML veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino vodi računa da novac bude poslat pravom vlasniku. Kako nemaju luksuz da fizički vide sve igrače i provere njihove identifikacione i dokumente, to je jedini način na koji kockarske ustanove mogu da završe procedure verifikacije. Nijedan od pošteno licenciranih kazina ne uzima olako KIC ili AML.
Razumem da KIC proces ponekad može biti frustrirajući, ali kazina takođe moraju da poštuju pravila i propise, tako da, iako mogu da saosećam sa vama da ceo proces može da se obavi lakše ili brže, to je standardna procedura koju kazina imaju pravo na.
Uz ovo rečeno, kontaktiraću kazino da rasvetlim ovu stvar.
Želeli bismo da pozovemo BitStarz kazino da se pridruži razgovoru.
Poštovani BitStarz kazino,
Šta drugo, ako igrač treba da obezbedi bilo kakve dokumente ili dokaz da bi uspešno završio proces verifikacije? Ako su svi potrebni dokumenti dostavljeni kada će se proces uspešno završiti?
Hello LaterECT
I'm Michal and I have taken over this complaint. I have reviewed this case and I would like to put to your attention the fact that KYC as well as AML is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the fair licensed casinos takes KYC or AML lightly.
I understand that the KYC process can be sometimes frustrating, but the casinos need to follow rules and regulations as well, so although I can empathize with you that the whole process can be done more userfriendly or quicker, it is a standard procedure that the casinos are entitled to.
With this being said, I will contact the casino to shed more light on this matter.
We would like to invite BitStarz Casino to join the conversation.
Dear BitStarz Casino,
What other, if any documents or proof needs to be provided by the player to successfully finish the verification process? If all the required documents have been provided when will the process successfully finish?
Zdravo Mihal i Roko,
Verujem da smo zatražili ulični selfi iz ulice u kojoj živi sa vidljivim nazivom ulice, koji tek treba da bude dostavljen.
Vidim da ste postavili sliku iznad gde ste negde napolju, ali nije u Irskoj gde tvrdite da ste stanovnik, zar ne?
Hi Michal and Roko,
I believe we've requested a street selfie from the street he lives on with the street name visible, which is yet to be submitted.
I see that you posted a picture above where you're outside somewhere, but it's not in Ireland where you claim to be a resident, right?
zdravo Olle,
Tražili ste moju fotografiju u blizini uličnog znaka u mojoj ulici ili blizu lokacije koja se može identifikovati (npr. prodavnice ili autobuske stanice), i ja sam tu fotografiju dao. Da li biste mogli da proverite naše mejlove i primetite nekoliko mejlova o mestu gde sam se fotografisao, linkove na google mapama i linkove o baru iza mene na toj slici? Daću link i slike sa google mapa da dokažem da je ovo u Irskoj blizu mesta gde živim. Moja adresa je Apartman 8, Main St, Carrigaline Middle, Carrigaline, tako da kazino Guru takođe može da proveri da li su slike iz Irske, 20 metara od mesta gde živim.
Srdačan pozdrav,
https://vvv.google.com/maps/@51.8128387,-8.3925038,3a,75i,276.27h,86.05t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sIIoeA_rHHfjl0lK7B7VIkFjl0lK7B7VIkA! googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DIIoeA_rHHfjl0lK7B7VIkA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26v%3D203%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26h%3D100%26th%3D100%26thie%26av808%26th720mb
Hello Olle,
You requested a photo of me near a street sign on my street or near an identifiable location (e.g. a shop or bus station), and I provided that photo. Could you check our e-mails and notice several e-mails about the place where I photographed myself, google maps links and links about the bar behind me on that picture? I will provide a link and pictures from google maps to prove this is in Ireland near the place I live. My address is Apartment 8, Main St, Carrigaline Middle, Carrigaline, so casino Guru can check too that pictures are from Ireland, 20 meters from place I live.
Kind regards,
Zdravo Olle,
Voleo bih da mogu, ali moj nalog je blokiran... zbog čega smo razgovarali putem e-pošte i poslao sam sve ove informacije mejlom. Rado ću ga otpremiti ako mi date pristup mom nalogu.
Hvala vam
Hi Olle,
I wish I could, but my account is blocked... which is why we were talking by email and I sent all this information in an email. I'm more than happy to upload it if you give me access to my account.
Thank you
Zdravo LaterECT
Možete li, molim vas, proslediti sve dokaze koje ste dali BitStarz kazinu na moju e-poštu KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk , kao i sve dokumente koji su zajedno ležali na stolu ili krevetu?
Možete li da napravite kratak video gde možemo jasno da vidimo sve dokumente na stolu, a zatim kako izlazite iz svog stana napolje da bismo mogli da vidimo okolinu i jasno vidimo vašu kućnu adresu u Irskoj?
Ovo će biti veoma cenjeno.
Hello LaterECT
Can you please forward all the evidence you have provided to BitStarz Casino to my email michal.k@casino.guru as well as all the documents laying on a table or bed together?
Can you make a short video where we can clearly see all the documents on the table and then how you walk out of your apartment outside so we can see the surroundings and clearly visible your home address in Ireland?
This will be much appreciated.
12. avgusta sam učitao prednju i poleđinu svog ličnog dokumenta i dokaz o adresi. Istog dana, postavio sam snimak ekrana sa Neteller-a sa vidljivom transakcijom na Bitstarz.
13. avgusta su tražili stranicu na kojoj su moje ime i poštanska adresa vidljivi na Neteller-u.
18. tražili su fotografije mojih kreditnih kartica.
Neko vreme sam čekao da mi se proveri kartica, a onda su tražili selfi sa novinama sa današnjim datumom, ličnom kartom i potpisom. Postavio sam nekoliko slika 12. septembra.
Očigledno, to nije bilo dovoljno jer su tražili izvod iz banke koji sam postavio vrlo brzo, 13. septembra. Uploadovao sam izvod sa Revolut kartice jer sam je koristio za uplatu...ali su ga odbili jer „ne mogu prihvati Revolut bankovne izvode" i zamolio me da otpremim alternativni bankovni izvod.
Nakon toga, morao sam da preuzmem dokaz da je kartica koju sam koristio moja, to je bio dokument za potvrdu PDF kartice.
14. septembra su zatražili dokaz o depozitu koji sam napravio sa svojom karticom i nakon što je postavljen na sajt, blokirali su moj nalog tako da ne mogu da mu pristupim. Onda, kada sam primetio da mi je nalog blokiran, o čemu mi niko nije rekao, morao sam da započnem razgovor sa njima putem mejla.
Bitstarz je 22. septembra zatražio selfi na ulici u blizini prepoznatljive lokacije (tj. prodavnice ili autobuske stanice) putem e-pošte. Nakon slanja, razmenjivali smo mejlove u vezi sa mojom lokacijom do 13. oktobra kada su tražili još jedan selfi.
Dakle, nakon svega toga, tražili ste snimak kako snimam krevet sa dokumentima, stan i kako izlazim na ulicu?
Ukratko, 6 puta su tražili dodatne dokumente, slike, selfije (moglo se to u jednom dahu), a posle 2 i po meseca odugovlačenja izgubio sam toliko vremena i živaca, pa neću više biti tvoj majmun. Ne očekujte više dokumenata od mene!
Guru, molim vas da ovu objavu učinite javnom jer želim da svi vide kako Bitstarz tretira svoje klijente.
On August 12, I uploaded the front and back of my identity document and proof of address. On the same day, I uploaded a screenshot from Neteller with the visible transaction to Bitstarz.
On August 13th, they asked for a page where my name and postal address are visible on Neteller.
On the 18th, they asked for photos of my credit cards.
I had been waiting for a while for my card to be checked, and then they asked for a selfie with the newspaper with today's date, my ID and my signature. I uploaded several pictures on September 12th.
Apparently, that wasn't enough because they requested a bank statement that I uploaded very soon, on September 13. I uploaded a statement from my Revolut card because I used it for making a deposit...but they declined it because "they cannot accept Revolut bank statements" and asked me to upload the alternative bank statement.
After that, I had to download proof that a card I used was mine, it was a PDF card confirmation document.
On September 14th, they requested proof of deposit that I made with my card and after it was uploaded on site, they blocked my account so I can't access it. Then, when I noticed that my account was blocked, which nobody told me about, I had to start a conversation with them by e-mail.
On September 22nd, Bitstarz requested a selfie on the street near an identifiable location (i.e. shop or bus station) via e-mail. After sending it, we exchanged emails regarding my location until October 13 when they requested another selfie.
So after all that, you asked for a video of me filming my bed with documents, my apartment, and me walking out to the street?
In short, they asked 6 times for extra documents, pictures, selfies (you could do this in one go), and after 2 and half months of stalling I lost so much time and nerves, so I will not be your monkey anymore. Don't expect any more documents from me!
Guru, please make this post public as I want everyone to see how Bitstarz treat its customers.
Dragi LaterECT / Roko
U potpunosti razumem vašu frustraciju, ali KIC kao i AML su veoma važan i suštinski proces, koji može potrajati duže da se završi. Nijedan od pošteno licenciranih kazina ne uzima olako KIC ili AML. Kao deo ovog procesa, kazina imaju pravo da zahtevaju različite dokumente ili dokaze od igrača, kao i video verifikacioni poziv ako je potrebno. To je industrijski standard.
Nažalost, pošto je pružanje svih dokaza isključivo odgovornost igrača, ne možemo mnogo da uradimo sa naše strane.
Mogu vam samo ljubazno savetovati da sarađujete sa kazinom, u suprotnom, bez izvršene provere verifikacije, nećemo moći da nastavimo sa vašom žalbom.
Šta bi voleo da radiš? Ako još nešto možemo da učinimo da pomognemo, obavestite nas.
Dear LaterECT / Roko
I fully understand your frustration, but the KYC as well as AML is a very important and essential process, that can take a longer time to finish. None of the fair licensed casinos takes KYC or AML lightly. As a part of this process, the casinos are entitled to request various documents or evidence from the player as well as a video verification call if needed. It is an industry standard.
Sadly, as providing all the evidence is solely the responsibility of the player, there is not much we can do from our side.
I can only kindly advise you to cooperate with the casino, otherwise, without the completed verification check we won't be able to move with your complaint further.
What would you like to do? If there is anything else we can do to help, please let us know.
Dragi Mihal, vi momci imate veliku moć, za početak smanjite Bitstarz rejtinge ili im recite da ćete to učiniti ako ne plate.
Poslao sam vam sve lude fotografije koje su tražili i ovaj slučaj je jednostavno odugovlačenje, u suštini sam ljut na dobavljače licenci, oni dozvoljavaju ovakvo ponašanje. Trebalo bi da kažu kazinima šta treba da traže od igrača (zloupotrebljavaju KIC da odugovlače isplate na neodređeno vreme, jer se osećam kao polovljeni majmun i 100% sam siguran da ako sam poslao još nešto, oni će samo tražiti nešto novo. (i ja imam dokaze za to, mogu da vidim mnogo sličnih slučajeva kao što je moj)
Ispod je nekoliko referenci koje sam našao na vašoj veb stranici:
Dear Michal, you guys have a big power, for start decrease Bitstarz ratings or let them know you will do it if they do not pay.
I sent you all the crazy photos they requested and this case is a simple stalling, basically I am angry on licence providers, they are allowing this behavior. They should tell casinos what they need to ask from players ( they are abusing KYC to stall payments indefinitely , because I feel like a used monkey and I am 100% sure if I sent anything else they will just ask for something new. ( and I have evidence for that, I can see lots of similar cases like mine )
Below are a few references I found on your website:
Dragi LaterECT / Roko
Kao što sam već spomenuo, u potpunosti razumem vašu frustraciju, ali KIC kao i AML su veoma važan i suštinski proces, koji može potrajati duže da se završi. Nijedan od pošteno licenciranih kazina ne uzima olako KIC ili AML. Kao deo ovog procesa, kazina imaju pravo da zahtevaju različite dokumente ili dokaze od igrača, kao i video verifikacioni poziv ako je potrebno. To je industrijski standard.
Svaka pritužba je malo drugačija i iako postoje neke sličnosti sa vašom pritužbom, žalbe koje ste pomenuli su drugačije rešene jer su postojali različiti dokazi.
Koliko sam shvatio kada sam komunicirao sa predstavnikom kazina o vašem slučaju. Ako dostavite kratak video zapis, koji smo tražili od vas, ovo će biti dovoljan dokaz za završetak KIC provere. Mogu da saosećam sa vama da se ceo proces može učiniti jednostavnijim za korisnika, ali kazina moraju da poštuju određene propise.
Moram da se ponovim, pružanje svih dokaza je isključivo odgovornost igrača. Dakle, na vama je da sarađujete, ali vas molimo da razumete, bez vaše dalje saradnje nećemo moći dalje sa vašom žalbom.
Dear LaterECT / Roko
As I already mention I fully understand your frustration, but the KYC as well as AML is a very important and essential process, that can take a longer time to finish. None of the fair licensed casinos takes KYC or AML lightly. As a part of this process, the casinos are entitled to request various documents or evidence from the player as well as a video verification call if needed. It is an industry standard.
Every complaint is a bit different and although there are some similarities with your complaint the complaints you mentioned both have been ruled differently as there was different evidence.
From what I understood when I communicated with the casino representative about your case If you provide the short video, we have been asking you for, this will be sufficient evidence to finish the KYC check. I can empathize with you that the whole process can be done more user-friendly, but the casinos need to follow certain regulations.
I have to repeat myself, providing all the evidence is solely the responsibility of the player. So it is up to you to cooperate, but please understand, without your further cooperation we won't be able to move with your complaint further.
Dear LaterECT,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Hvala na odgovoru. Dostaviću vam traženi video i nadam se da će ovo biti dovoljan dokaz da završite KIC proveru nakon svih dokumenata i fotografija koje sam poslao.
Thank you for your response. I will provide you with the requested video and hopefully this will be enough evidence to complete the KYC check after all the documents and photos I sent.
Dragi LaterECT / Roko
Samo da razjasnimo, molim vas da napravite kratak video snimak gde možemo jasno da vidimo sve dokumente na stolu, a zatim kako izlazite iz svog stana napolje da bismo mogli da vidimo okolinu i jasno vidljivu vašu kućnu adresu (naziv ulice) u Irskoj. Uverite se da su svi potrebni dokumenti jasno vidljivi i prepoznatljivi.
Hvala vam
Dear LaterECT / Roko
Just to clarify, please make a short video where we can clearly see all the documents on the table and then how you walk out of your apartment outside so we can see the surroundings and clearly visible your home address (Street name) in Ireland. Please make sure that all the needed documents are clearly visible and recognizable.
Thank you
Dear LaterECT,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Trenutno se selim u novi stan. Tako da ću snimiti ovaj video u svom novom stanu. Možete li mi reći koje dokumente da uključim u svoj video?
I'm actually relocating to the new apartment at the moment. So I'm going to shoot this video in my new apartment. Could you please tell me what documents to include in my video?
Dragi LaterECT / Roko
Vaša žalba je bila otvorena skoro 2 meseca, što je previše bez daljeg razvoja. Većinu vremena se čekalo da dostavite traženi kratki video za koji bi u teoriji trebalo samo nekoliko minuta za snimanje. Kao što je ranije pomenuto, ovaj video za verifikaciju sa kombinacijom potrebnih dokumenata bio bi dovoljan za završetak procesa verifikacije, ali do danas niste bili u mogućnosti da ga pružite.
Činjenica da se selite na novu adresu je irelevantna u ovom slučaju, jer je od vas zatraženo da dostavite dokaz o vašem prebivalištu koji mora da odgovara podacima koje ste dali prilikom registracije u kazinu.
Pokušavali smo da vam pomognemo, ali pošto niste bili u mogućnosti da date kratak video za verifikaciju, ne možemo mnogo da uradimo da bismo dalje pomerili vašu žalbu.
Nažalost, zbog gore navedenih razloga, primorani smo da odbijemo vašu žalbu.
Ako uspete da snimite kratak video za verifikaciju, možete mi ga poslati na moju e-poštu KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk i razmotrićemo mogućnost ponovnog otvaranja vaše žalbe, ali u ovom trenutku smo primorani da odbijemo vašu žalbu.
Dear LaterECT / Roko
We had your complaint open for nearly 2 months, which is way too much without any further development. Most of the time was waiting for you to provide the requested short video which in theory would take only a few minutes to shoot. As mentioned before, this verification video with the combination of the required documents would be sufficient to complete the verification process, but until this day, you were not able to provide it.
The fact that you are moving to a new address is irrelevant in this case, as you were requested to provide proof of your residence that has to match the information you provided when registering in the casino.
We were trying to help you, but as you were not able to provide the short verification video, there is not much we can do to move your complaint further.
Sadly, because of the above-mentioned reasons, we are forced to Reject your complaint.
If you manage to shoot the short verification video you can send it to me at my email michal.k@casino.guru and we will consider reopening your complaint, but at the moment, we are being forced to Reject your complaint.
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