Ja sam igrač iz Rusije i prvi put sam igrao u BItstarz kazinu.
Bitstarz je loš kazino, mislim da su prevaranti. Video sam mnogo reklama i pokušao da igram na njima, takođe sam bio iznenađen dobrim ocenama na forumima.
Volim da igram u kockarnicama, igram u 3-4 kazina kao što su Stake, bets.io i par drugih.
Prvi put kada sam pokušao da igram na Bitstarz-u, napravio sam depozit od 50 USDT sa OKKS razmene, dobio sam bonus dobrodošlice od 100%. Igrao sam slotove i osvojio sam preko 2000 USDT. Onda sam kasnije počeo da gubim i izgubio sam balans na 1850 USDT.
Odlučio sam da napravim povlačenje, kazino me je pitao za fotografiju za pasoš, adresu. Uploadovao sam informacije. Zatim su mi tražili selfije sa pasošem i datumom. Dokumente sam poslao na isti način. Onda su posle nekoliko sati tražili fotografiju sa kućnim brojem na ulici. I ja sam uradio isto. Nekoliko puta ih je pitao koliko će ceo proces trajati? Rekli su da ne znaju, ali uskoro. Sačekaj to. Nakon nekoliko sati otvorio sam svoju poštu i video poruku o oduzimanju sredstava i zatvaranju naloga da koristim nekoliko naloga, zamolili su me da pišem u onlajn ćaskanje. Napisao sam onlajn ćaskanje veoma iznenađeno rekavši da nemam nijedan nalog na njihovoj platformi. Nedavno sam saznao za njih. Jednostavno ne postoji drugi nalog na njihovoj platformi. Tražio sam informacije i oni su odbili. Rekao sam im da su prevaranti i rekao da ću podneti žalbu. Ne preporučujem igranje u ovom kazinu.
Rekli su mi da izvršim povlačenje u iznosu od mog depozita od 50 dolara i podignem sredstva, nakon čega će zatvoriti račun. Sva ostala sredstva su zaplenjena.
I am a player from Russia and it was my first time playing at BItstarz casino.
Bitstarz is a bad casino, I think they are scammers. I saw a lot of adverts and tried to play at them, also I was surprised by the good rating on the forums.
I like to play in casinos, I play in 3-4 casinos such as Stake, bets.io and a couple of others.
The first time I tried playing at Bitstarz, I made a deposit of 50 USDT from OKX exchange, got a welcome bonus of 100%. I played slots and I won over 2000 USDT. Then later on I started losing and I lost my balance to 1850 USDT.
I decided to make a withdrawal, the casino asked me for my passport photo, address. I uploaded the information. Next they asked me for selfies with my passport and date. I sent the documents the same way. Then after a few hours they asked for a photo with the house number on the street. I did the same. Asked them several times how long will the whole process take? They said they didn't know, but soon. Wait for it. After a few hours I opened my mail and saw a message about confiscation of funds and closing my account that I use several accounts, I was asked to write to the online chat. I wrote to the online chat very surprised saying that I don't have any accounts on their platform. I learnt about them recently. There is simply no other account on their platform. I asked for information and they refused. I told them that they were scammers and said I would file a complaint. I do not recommend playing at this casino.
They told me to make a withdrawal in the amount of my $50 deposit and withdraw the funds, after that they will close the account. All other funds were confiscated.
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