Igrao sam u Bizzu poslednjih dan ili tako nešto i imao sam neke dobre konzistentne pobede i takođe neke lepe VIP bonuse. Odlučio sam da ih aktiviram i obavezno prvo pročitam uslove i odredbe. Sve u redu. Uslovi kažu maksimalno 8NZD sa aktivnim bonusom. Igrao sam na to i imao sam veliku pobedu. Večeras sam proverio svoju e-poštu i video da je u jednoj od njihovih mejlova maksimalna opklada 6,5 NZD. Odmah sam pitao podršku, ona je rekla ne, u redu je, dobro ste igrali, trebalo bi da bude oko 5 evra i jednako je oko 8 NZD. Prestala je da odgovara pa sam započeo novo ćaskanje, sledeći agent mi je rekao da su uslovi u bonus imejlu „osim ako nije drugačije navedeno u posebnim uslovima" u uslovima i odredbama.
prvo, ove e-poruke se generišu kada se da bonus – ja ih obično nikada ne čitam jer su kao neželjena pošta, a drugo kada igram u kazinu, ne proveravam svoju e-poštu pre nego što igram bonus, ali sam bio oprezan da pročitam uslove! Sada mi je rečeno da sam tehnički prekršio pravila i da postoji šansa da moj dobitak ostane netaknut, ali takođe ne mogu ništa da mi obećaju.
bilo bi tako obeshrabrujuće da se to dogodi. Zaista sam uživao da plaćam ovde. Sve je bilo brzo i besprekorno do ovog trenutka.
Hi there,
I’ve been playing at Bizzo for the last day or so and have had some good consistent wins and also some nice VIP bonuses. I decided to activate them and made sure to read the terms and conditions first. All good. The terms say $8NZD max with active bonus. I play to that and had a big win. I checked my email tonight and saw that in one of their emails that the max bet is $6.5NZD. I asked support straightaway she said no it’s fine you’ve played it fine it should be around 5 euros and the equals about $8NZD. She stopped responding so I started a new chat, this next agent has told me that the terms in the bonus email is the "unless stated otherwise in special terms" in the terms and conditions.
firstly these emails are generated when the bonus is given -I never read them usually because they’re like spam and secondly when I’m playing at the casino I dont check my email before playing a bonus but I was prudent to read the terms! I’m now being told I’ve technically broken the rules and that there’s chance my winnings could remain untouched but also they can’t promise me anything.
it would be so disheartening for that to happen. I’ve really enjoyed paying here. Everything has been fast and seamless up until this point.
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