Da, prošao sam KIC verifikaciju! ...
I takođe sam prihvatio bonus u kojem sam osvojio 3,000 dolara UKUPNO! ... Ali, pretpostavljam da sada imaju pravilo da ljudi mogu da isplate samo 1.000 dolara odjednom! ... pa kada sam pokušao da podignem 1.000 dolara, oni su automatski samo krenuli i ispraznili moj black lotus kazino račun potpuno suh i u suštini dobili su mi ostalih 2.000 dolara koje sam osvojio!!!... pa, kad sam dobio!!! zvao Black Lotus Casino i po tom pitanju.... rekli su mi da čim sam napravio to povlačenje 1.000 dolara iz bonusa, da sve što je ostalo na mom računu, njihov automatski dozvoljeno da ga uzme! Smh... Soo, upravo sam im ostavio tu situaciju i rekao F%*@$ To!!! Lol... samo dok mi pošalju mojih 1000$ nego!! ... i,.. I dalje NIŠTA grrr.
Yes I did pass the KYC Verification! ...
And, I also did accept a bonus in which I won 3,000 dollars TOTAL! ... But, I guess they have a rule now where people can only cash out $1,000 at a time! ... so when I tried to withdrawal a $1,000, they automatically just went ahead and drained my black lotus casino account completely dry & basically got me for the other 2,000 dollars that I had won!!!... soo, when I had called black lotus casino about that issue as well.... they told me that as soon as I made that withdrawal of $1,000 dollars frombonus, that whatever is left in my account, their automatically allowed to take it! Smh... Soo, I just left that situation with them and said F%*@$ It!!! Lol... just as long as they send me my $1,000 than!! ... and the,.. Still NOTHING grrr.
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