Dame i gospodo
Registrovao sam se kod vas u Blazzio kazinu 15. septembra 2023. koristeći ponudu treće strane (60 dolara za minimalni depozit od 50 evra + ulog k3) (korisničko ime: SebaTV) i nakon potvrde registracije putem e-pošte dobio sam 50,51 evra putem plaćenog Litecoin-a u .
Zatim sam započeo 1.000 okretaja sa autoplai u „Sveet Bonanza" slotu sa ulogom od €0,20 i završio autoplai nakon 927 okretaja i preostalog bilansa od €30,15 . Zatim je zatražena isplata od 30,00 evra preko Litecoin-a.
Isplata je izvršena na osnovu toga što mi je račun blokiran zbog kršenja tačke 13.4.1. Opšti uslovi su blokirani, odbijeni.
13.4.1 „imamo razumne osnove da verujemo da ste učestvovali ili da ste povezani sa bilo kojim oblikom zabranjenog zakona (a osnova za naše uverenje uključuje našu upotrebu praksi otkrivanja prevare, obmane i dosluha). Partneri za igre i naše druge usluge provajderi) koji se koriste u industriji igara u relevantnom trenutku); ili"
Odmah sam kontaktirao uživo ćaskanje i pojasnio da to nije tačno i jednostavno pogrešno. Definitivno nisam umešan ni u kakvu lažnu aktivnost i ponudio sam da smo dobrodošli da uradimo KIC da razjasnimo ovu stvar i potvrdimo moj identitet.
Zaposleni Eugene uopšte nije ulazio u to i samo je rekao da je nemoguće ukloniti blok i da imam dokaze o prevarnim aktivnostima.
Međutim, nije mogao da mi navede tačan razlog, samo da je verovatno bilo prevara u sesiji igre.
Nakon što dalji razgovor nije doveo do ničega i insistirao sam da isplatim gubitak, rekao je da ću dobiti još jedan mejl o ovome.
Ovaj imejl je izgledao ovako:
Dragi Pavle,
Vaš nalog je suspendovan u skladu sa odeljkom 13.4.1 naših Uslova i odredbi, u kojem se navodi da zadržavamo pravo da suspendujemo nalog ako imamo razumne osnove da verujemo da je vlasnik naloga učestvovao ili je bio povezan sa bilo kojim oblikom Zabranjena praksa. Ove prakse mogu uključivati, ali nisu ograničene na, prevaru, varanje i dosluh.
Imajte na umu da je naša odluka da suspendujemo vaš nalog zasnovana na temeljnoj istrazi, koja može uključivati korišćenje industrijskih standardnih metoda i praksi za otkrivanje prevara koje koristimo mi, naši partneri u igricama i naši dobavljači.
Ove metode su u skladu sa standardima i protokolima koji se koriste u industriji kockanja i igara na sreću.
Iako u ovom trenutku ne možemo da pružimo konkretne detalje ili dokaze o navodnoj zabranjenoj praksi, budite sigurni da je naša odluka doneta nakon sveobuhvatnog pregleda dostupnih informacija iu skladu sa našom posvećenošću održavanju fer i bezbednog okruženja za igre za sve igrače.
U slučaju da vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć ili imate dodatnih pitanja, kontaktirajte našu korisničku podršku putem ćaskanja uživo ili nam pošaljite e-poštu na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk . Naš tim radi za vas 24/7.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Blazzio tim za podršku
Zvanično je navedeno u ovom mejlu da oni ne mogu da pruže nikakve dokaze , ali postoji sumnja/indikacija da sam postupio na prevaru.
Ovo je i dalje jednostavno netačna i pretpostavka koja takođe opravdava zadržavanje mog novca.
Neprihvatljivo je optuživati igrača za ovako nešto, a ne moći da pruži bilo kakav dokaz , a kamoli da objasni tačan razlog .
Stoga tražim da mi vratite preostali iznos od 30,15 € na sledeću Litecoin adresu :
LTC : MKaUfSgvKc66E4HAJJ4HokVvvVCKki8amc
Ako pristanete na refundaciju, ovaj slučaj bi za mene bio gotov i mi bismo krenuli svojim putem.
Srdačan pozdrav
Paul S*********
Ladies and Gentlemen
I registered with you at Blazzio Casino on September 15th, 2023 using a third-party offer ($60 for a min. €50 deposit + Wager x3) (username: SebaTV) and after confirming the registration by email I received €50.51 via Litecoin paid in .
I then started 1,000 autoplay spins in the "Sweet Bonanza" slot with a stake of €0.20 and ended the autoplay after 927 spins and a remaining balance of €30.15 . A payout of €30.00 was then requested via Litecoin.
The payout was made on the grounds that my account was blocked due to a violation of point 13.4.1. the general terms and conditions are blocked, rejected.
13.4.1 "we have reasonable grounds to believe that you have engaged in or are connected with any form of Prohibited Act (and the basis for our belief includes our use of fraud, deception and collusion detection practices). Gaming Partners and our other service providers) used in the gaming industry at the relevant time); or"
I immediately contacted the live chat and clarified that this was not true and simply wrong. I am definitely not involved in any fraudulent activity and have offered that we are welcome to do a KYC to clarify this matter and verify my identity.
The employee Eugene didn't go into it at all and just said that it was impossible to remove the block and that I had evidence of fraudulent activity.
However, he couldn't give me an exact reason, only that there was probably fraudulent activity in the game session.
After the further conversation led to nothing and I insisted on paying out the loss, he said that I would receive another email about this.
This email looked like this:
Dear Paul,
Your account was suspended in accordance with section 13.4.1 of our Terms and Conditions, which states that we reserve the right to suspend an account if we have reasonable grounds to believe that the account holder has participated in or has been connected with any form of Prohibited practice. These practices may include, but are not limited to, fraud, cheating, and collusion.
Please note that our decision to suspend your account is based on a thorough investigation, which may include the use of industry-standard fraud detection methods and practices employed by us, our gaming partners, and our suppliers.
These methods are in line with the standards and protocols used in the gambling and gaming industry.
While we cannot provide specific details or evidence of the alleged Prohibited Practice at this time, rest assured that our decision was made following a comprehensive review of the available information and in accordance with our commitment to maintaining a fair and secure gaming environment for all players.
In case you need further assistance or have additional questions, please contact our Customer Support by Live Chat or e-mail us at support@blazzio.com . Our team works for you 24/7.
Best regards,
Blazzio Support Team
It is officially stated in this email that they cannot provide any evidence but there is a suspicion/indication that I acted fraudulently.
This is still simply false and an assumption that also justifies the retention of my money.
It is unacceptable to accuse a player of something like this and not be able to provide any evidence , let alone explain the exact reason .
I therefore request that you refund me the remaining balance of €30.15 to the following Litecoin address :
LTC : MKaUfSgvQc66E4HAJJ4HoqWvvVCKky8amc
If you agree to the refund, this case would be over for me and we would go our separate ways.
Best regards
Paul S********
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich habe mich am 15.09.2023 über ein Drittanbieter-Offer ($60 für min. 50 € Einzahlung + Wager x3) bei Ihnen im Blazzio Casino registriert (Username: SebaTV) und nach Bestätigung der Registrierung per E-Mail 50,51 € via Litecoin eingezahlt.
Anschließend habe ich mit 0,20 € Einsatz 1.000 Autoplay-Spins im Slot „Sweet Bonanza" gestartet und nach 927 Spins und einem restlichen Guthaben von 30,15 € das Autoplay beendet. Es wurde dann eine Auszahlung von 30,00 € per Litecoin beantragt.
Die Auszahlung wurde mit der Begründung, dass mein Account wegen Verstoß gegen Punkt 13.4.1. der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gesperrt ist, abgelehnt.
13.4.1 „wir stichhaltige Gründe für die Annahme haben, dass Sie an irgendeiner Form von verbotenen Handlungen teilgenommen haben oder damit in Verbindung stehen (und die Grundlage unserer Annahme schließt die Verwendung von Betrugs-, Täuschungs- und Kollusionserkennungspraktiken durch uns (und durch unsere Spielpartner und unsere anderen Dienstleister) ein, die in der Glücksspielindustrie zum relevanten Zeitpunkt verwendet werden); oder"
Ich habe mich sofort im Livechat gemeldet und klargestellt, da dies nicht stimmt und schlichtweg falsch ist. Ich bin definitiv in keine betrügerische Aktivitäten verwickelt und habe angeboten, dass wir gerne eine KYC machen können, um diese Sache zu klären und um meine Identität zu überprüfen.
Der Mitarbeiter Eugene ging hier keinerlei drauf ein und teilte nur mit, dass ein Aufheben der Sperre unmöglich ist und bei mir Indizien für betrügerisches Handeln vorliegen würden.
Einen genauen Grund konnte er mir allerdings nicht nennen, sondern nur, dass es vermutlich betrügerische Aktivitäten in der Game Session gegeben habe.
Nachdem das weitere Gespräch zu nichts geführt hat und ich auf die Auszahlung des Verlusts bestanden habe, teilte er mit, dass ich noch eine E-Mail bekommen werde diesbezüglich.
Diese E-Mail sah wie folgt aus:
Dear Paul,
Your account was suspended in accordance with section 13.4.1 of our Terms and Conditions, which states that we reserve the right to suspend an account if we have reasonable grounds to believe that the account holder has participated in or has been connected with any form of Prohibited Practice. These practices may include, but are not limited to, fraud, cheating, and collusion.
Please note that our decision to suspend your account is based on a thorough investigation, which may include the use of industry-standard fraud detection methods and practices employed by us, our gaming partners, and our suppliers.
These methods are in line with the standards and protocols used in the gambling and gaming industry.
While we cannot provide specific details or evidence of the alleged Prohibited Practice at this time, rest assured that our decision was made following a comprehensive review of the available information and in accordance with our commitment to maintaining a fair and secure gaming environment for all players.
In case you need further assistance or have additional questions, please contact our Customer Support by Live Chat or e-mail us at support@blazzio.com. Our team works for you 24/7.
Best regards,
Blazzio Support Team
Es wird in dieser E-Mail offiziell gesagt, dass sie keine Beweise vorlegen können aber die Vermutung besteht/es Indizien gibt, dass ich betrügerisch gehandelt habe.
Dies ist nach wie vor schlichtweg falsch und eine Unterstellung mit der auch noch die Einbehaltung meines Geldes gerechtfertigt wird.
Es kann nicht sein, dass man einem Spieler so etwas unterstellt und keinerlei Beweise liefern kann, geschweige denn den genauen Grund mitteilen kann.
Ich fordere Sie daher auf, mir das verbleibende Guthaben von 30,15 € auf die folgende Litecoin Adresse zu erstatten:
LTC: MKaUfSgvQc66E4HAJJ4HoqWvvVCKky8amc
Wenn Sie sich mit der Erstattung einverstanden ergeben, wäre dieser Fall für mich erledigt und wir gehen getrennte Wege.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Paul S********
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