Šalju me posle ovoga: Zašto bi uzeli sav dobitak, a ne samo navodni dobitak iz zabranjene igre?
Iznos novca koji sam dobio bio je 20 evra. Paradoks u celoj ovoj situaciji je da su neke igre kojima je bilo zabranjeno da se igraju uz bonus ili pokazivale nulti bilans ili su blokirale igru. Ovde još jednom da napomenem da Sugar Rush 1000, gde sam pobedio, nije bila jedna od zabranjenih igara.
Nisu mi poslali razgovor u ćaskanju na moj mejl, ali su rekli sledeće: „Ne znamo za ovaj bonus, pa ne možemo da vam pomognemo. Ako kliknete na link koji sam vam poslao iznad, uverićete se da 200% BONUS je zaista dostupan.
They send me after this: Why would they take all the winnings and not just the supposed winnings from the prohibited game?
The amount of money I was let with was 20 euros. The paradox in this whole situation is that some games that were prohibited from being played with the bonus either showed a zero balance or blocked the game. Here, I should mention again that Sugar Rush 1000, where I won, was not one of the prohibited games.
They did not send me the chat conversation to my email, but they said the following: "We are not aware of this bonus, so we cannot help you. If you click on the link I sent you above, you will see for yourself that the 200% BONUS is indeed available.
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