Igraču iz Austrije obustavljen je račun nakon što je ostvario znatnu pobjedu. Pošto od kazina nismo dobili nikakav objašnjeni odgovor, žalbu smo zaključili kao „nerešenu“.
The player from Austria had the account suspended after accumulating a substantial win. Since we haven’t received any explanatory response from the casino, we closed the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Igraču iz Austrije obustavljen je račun nakon što je ostvario znatnu pobjedu. Pošto od kazina nismo dobili nikakav objašnjeni odgovor, žalbu smo zaključili kao „nerešenu“.
Uložio sam depozit od 250 eura, dobio sam bonus kao i uvijek. S ovim novcem zaradio sam do 3500 € nakon ovih pobjeda moj račun je iznenada sačuvan bez razloga i ne daju mi nikakve informacije zašto i možda dobijem odgovor svaka 2 dana, što je uvijek isto i zapravo nema nikakve veze s tim tema ima. Pročitao sam uvjete bonusa i nisam prekršio ništa kao i obično. Imao sam problem sa Casino Bondibetom kad sam uplatio preko 2500 € jer su me neprestano pitali za druge stvari ili sam bio posebno provjeren. Ukupno je trajalo mjesec dana. A sada, nakon ovih pobjeda, moj račun je iznenada blokiran. No novac istječe za 7 dana, a ako račun ne otvorim do tada, gubim ga. Možda mi možete pomoći. hvala ti
I made a deposit of € 250, I got a bonus as always. With this money I made myself up to 3500 € after these wins my account was suddenly saved for no reason and I am not given any information as to why and maybe get an answer every 2 days which is always the same and actually nothing to do with the topic do have. I read through the bonus terms and did not violate anything as usual. I had a problem with the Bondibet Casino when I paid out over € 2500 because they kept asking me for other things or I was specifically verified. It took a month in total. And now, after these wins, my account is suddenly blocked. But the money expires in 7 days and if my account is not reopened by then I lose it. Maybe you can help me. thank you
Ich habe eine Einzahlung von 250€ getätigt darauf habe ich einen Bonus bekommen wie immer. Mit diesem Geld habe ich mich auf 3500€ hochgespielt nach diesen Gewinnen wurde plötzlich ohne Grund mein Konto gespeert und mir wird auch keine Auskunft gegeben warum und bekomme vielleicht jeden 2 Tag eine Antwort die aber immer die selbe ist und eigentlich gar nichts mit dem Thema zu tun haben. Ich habe mir die Bonusbedienungen durchgelesen und gegen nix verstoßen wie sonst auch immer. Ich hatte schon mal ein Problem mit dem Bondibet Casino bei meiner Auszahlung über 2500€ da sie immer wieder andere Sachen von mir verlangten oder ich sonder Verifiziert wurde insgesamt hat es einen Monat gedauert. Und jetzt nach diesen Gewinnen wird plötzlich mein Konto gesperrt. Aber das Geld verfällt ja in 7 Tagen und wenn bis dahin mein Konto nicht wieder geöffnet wird verliere ich es ja. Vielleicht können sie mir weiter helfen. Danke
Poštovani Mrx,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Možete li navesti koji ste tačno bonus aktivirali i igrali? Pošaljite svoje ime ili određenu vezu, želio bih provjeriti promotivne uvjete i odredbe. Pored toga, ako postoji relevantna komunikacija, pošaljite je i vi. Moja adresa e-pošte je petronela.k@casino.guru . Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da rešite ovo pitanje što je pre moguće. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Mrx,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Could you please specify which exact bonus you have activated and played with? Please forward its name or a specific link, I would like to check promotional terms and conditions. Additionally, if there’s any relevant communication, please forward it too. My email address is petronela.k@casino.guru. I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
2.2. Depozitne bonuse
• 2.2.1. Možete uplatiti depozit; nagradit ćemo vas bonusom. Kada uplate depozit za primanje bonusa na depozit, mi ćemo u skladu s tim prilagoditi bonus na vašem računu i možete ga odmah iskoristiti za oklade.
• 2.2.2. Prvo igrate sa sredstvima koja ste položili, a zatim s bonusom novca koji je dodan na vaš račun.
2.2.3. Uslovi klađenja: Za povlačenje morate položiti iznos depozita i odgovarajući bonus iznos 35 puta. Naši bonusi imaju ograničenu ponudu od 7 dana. Igrač mora ispuniti uslove igre prije isteka roka trajanja. Ako do datuma isteka ne možete ispuniti uslove igre, bonus ili kombinacija bonusa i dobitaka bit će uklonjeni kada istekne bonus. Povratni povlačenja ne smatraju se depozitima i neće biti upoređeni sa bonusom. Ako trenutno primate bonuse i ne želite prihvatiti ovaj bonus, morate se obratiti jednom savjetniku za korisničku službu putem ugrađene funkcije za chat u casino-u, PRIJE uplate depozita i zatražiti da mu ukloni bonus sa vašeg računa, koji će potpisati od svih budućih bonusa. Ako dajete oklade dok je bonus na depozit uključen u vaš saldo, ovaj bonus za depozit ne može se poništiti i podložan je zahtjevima oklade zajedno sa pripadajućim depozitom.
2.2.4. Ako trenutno ne primate nikakve bonuse, možete zatražiti ovaj bonus tako što ćete kontaktirati nekog od naših savjetnika za korisničku službu putem funkcije za chat unutar softvera nakon što završite svoj depozit. Tako ćete se prijaviti za sve buduće bonuse.
2.2.5. Putem chat funkcije u kockarnici možete odabrati hoćete li primati bonuse u bilo kojem trenutku; sve što trebate učiniti je kontaktirati jednog od naših savjetnika za korisničku službu.
Ovo su kontrole, kao i uvek, koje se u kazinu igraju više od 2 mjeseca i nisu ih prekršile.
2.2. Deposit bonuses
• 2.2.1. You make a deposit; we will reward you with bonus money. When you make a deposit to receive a deposit bonus, we will adjust the bonus in your account accordingly and you can use it immediately for wagers.
• 2.2.2. You play first with the funds that you have deposited and then with the bonus money that has been added to your account.
2.2.3. Betting requirements: For a withdrawal, you have to wager the deposit amount and the corresponding bonus amount 35 times. Our bonuses have a limited time offer of 7 days. A player must meet the game requirements before the expiration date. If you cannot meet the game requirements by the expiration date, the bonus or a combination of bonus and winnings will be removed when the bonus expires. Reverse withdrawals are not considered deposits and will not be matched against a bonus. If you are currently receiving bonuses and do not want to accept this bonus, you must contact one of the customer service advisors via the casino's built-in chat function BEFORE making a deposit and ask them to remove the bonus from your account, which will sign you out of all future bonuses. If you place bets while a deposit bonus is included in your balance, this deposit bonus cannot be canceled and is subject to wagering requirements along with the associated deposit.
2.2.4. If you are currently not receiving any bonuses, you can request this bonus by contacting one of our customer service advisors via the chat function within the software once you have completed your deposit. This will sign you up for all future bonuses.
2.2.5. Via the chat function in the casino, you can choose whether or not to receive bonuses at any time; all you have to do is contact one of our customer service advisors.
These are the controls, as always, have been playing at the casino for more than 2 months and have not violated them.
2.2. Einzahlungsboni
• 2.2.1. Sie nehmen eine Einzahlung vor; wir belohnen Sie mit Bonusgeld. Wenn Sie eine Einzahlung vornehmen, um einen Einzahlungsbonus zu erhalten, werden wir den Bonus in Ihrem Konto entsprechend anpassen und Sie können diesen umgehend für Einsätze verwenden.
• 2.2.2. Sie spielen zunächst mit den Mitteln, die Sie eingezahlt haben und dann mit dem Bonusgeld, dass Ihrem Konto hinzugefügt wurde.
2.2.3. Wettanforderungen: Für eine Auszahlung, müssen Sie den Einzahlungsbetrag sowie den entsprechenden Bonusbetrag 35-mal umsetzen. Unsere Bonuses haben ein begrenztes Zeitangebot von 7 Tagen. Ein Spieler muss die Spielanforderungen vor dem Ablaufdatum erfüllen. Wenn Sie die Spielanforderungen nicht bis zum Ablaufdatum erfüllen können, wird der Bonus oder eine Kombination aus Bonus- und Gewinnbeträgen entfernt, wenn der Bonus abläuft. Umgekehrte Abhebungen gelten nicht als Einzahlungen und werden nicht mit einem Bonus abgeglichen. Wenn Sie derzeit Boni erhalten und diesen Bonus nicht annehmen möchten, müssen Sie VOR einer Einzahlung einen der Kundendienstberater über die im Casino eingebaute Chat-Funktion kontaktieren und diesen bitten, den Bonus von Ihrem Konto zu entfernen, dadurch werden Sie für alle zukünftigen Boni abgemeldet. Wenn Sie Wetten platzieren, während in Ihrem Guthaben ein Einzahlungsbonus enthalten ist, kann dieser Einzahlungsbonus nicht mehr storniert werden und unterliegt zusammen mit der zugehörigen Einzahlung den Wettanforderungen.
2.2.4. Wenn Sie derzeit keine Boni erhalten, können Sie diesen Bonus anfordern, indem Sie einen unserer Kundendienstberater über die Chat-Funktion innerhalb der Software kontaktieren, sobald Sie Ihre Einzahlung abgeschlossen haben. Dadurch werden Sie für alle zukünftigen Boni angemeldet.
2.2.5. Über die Chat-Funktion im Casino Sie können sich jederzeit für oder gegen den Erhalt von Boni entscheiden, dazu müssen Sie lediglich einen unserer Kundendienstberater kontaktieren.
Das sind die Bedienungen wie immer spiele schon seit mehr als 2 Monaten bei dem Casino und habe nicht dagegen vertstoßen.
Poštovani Mrx,
Žao mi je, ali niste odgovorili na moja prethodna pitanja. Možete li navesti koji ste tačno bonus aktivirali i igrali? Nadalje, pošaljite bilo kakvu dodatnu komunikaciju između vas i kockarnice. Molim vas da shvatite, sve tražene informacije su ključne ako želimo nastaviti sa slučajem. Unaprijed hvala
Dear Mrx,
I’m very sorry but you haven’t answered my previous questions. Could you please specify which exact bonus you have activated and played? Furthermore, please forward any additional communication between you and the casino. Please understand, all requested information is essential if we wish to proceed with the case. Thank you in advance.
A kad pitam kazino zašto mi je račun blokiran, ne dobijam odgovor i šta se događa s novcem.
And when I ask the casino why my account was blocked, I don't get an answer and what happens to the money.
Und Wenn ich das Casino frage warum mein Account gesperrt wurde bekomme ich keine Antwort drauf und auch nicht was mit dem Geld passiert.
Puno hvala Mrx-u za pružanje svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću proslijediti vašu žalbu kolegi Juliji koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćemo u skoroj budućnosti riješiti svoj problem.
Thank you very much Mrx for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Juli who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Dobar dan Mrx,
Pregledao sam vašu žalbu i učinit ću sve od sebe da vam pomognem. Želio bih pozvati BondiBet Casino u ovaj razgovor. Možete li navesti šta se tačno dogodilo sa računom igrača?
Hello Mrx,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite BondiBet Casino into this conversation. Can you specify what exactly happened with player’s account?
Kockarnica me blokirala nakon što sam podigao na 3500 eura. Ali nisam prekršio nijednu smjernicu. Mislim da sam zato što sam toliko pobijedio, blokirali su me.
The casino blocked me after I raised myself to € 3500. But I have not violated any guidelines. I think because I won so much they blocked me.
Das Casino hat mich gesperrt nachdem ich mich auf 3500 € hochgespielt habe. Ich habe aber gegen keine Richtlinien verstoßen. Ich denke weil ich so viel gewonnen habe haben sie mich gesperrt .
Zdravo Daniele,
Imajte na umu da smo tim za podršku našim pridruženim partnerima i da ne pristupamo većini vaših detalja na računu, pa sam morao pitati upravu kockarnice.
Ovo je odgovor koji su mi dali.
"Prema našim točkama 2.6.4. Društvo zadržava pravo da otkaže Korisnikov račun iz bilo kojeg razloga, u bilo koje vrijeme, bez prethodne najave. Budući da je u trenutku zatvaranja stanje na računu još uvijek ograničeno oklade, nažalost nije bio dostupan za povlačenje. Međutim, s obzirom na to da je dotični saldo nastao u bonusu za depozit i depozit, mi smo od tada vratili depozit. "
Nisu nam dostavljeni razlozi te odluke.
Svakako nije činjenica da ste pobjeđivali, već ste pobijedili i platili ste vrlo dobar iznos na čemu bismo vam željeli čestitati.
Vidimo da ste u trenutku zaključavanja vašeg računa imali saldo bonusa u iznosu od 3402,25 eura, ali primijetili smo i da ste još na pola puta od zahtjeva za klađenje.
Nadamo se da ste uspjeli razjasniti svoje sumnje.
Topli pozdravi,
Tim za podršku
Hi Daniel,
Please note that we are the support team for our Affiliates and that we don't access to most of your account details, therefore I had to inquire the casino management.
This is the answer they provided me.
"As per our terms and conditions item 2.6.4, The Company reserves the right to cancel the User’s Account for any reason whatsoever, at any time, without notice. Since at the time of closure the balance on the account was still restricted by a wagering requirement, it was regrettably not available for withdrawal. However, because the balance in question originated in a deposit and deposit bonus, we have since refunded the deposit."
We have not been provided with the reasons for that decision.
Certainly it wasn't the fact that you were winning, you won before and you got paid a very good amount on which we would like to congratulate you.
We see that at the time your account was locked you had a bonus balance of €3402.25, but we also noticed that you were yet halfway through your wagering requirement.
We hope you have been able to clarify your doubts.
Warm regards,
Support Team
Da, ali prilično sam siguran da bih ispunio zahtjev za klađenje i prema tome, imao bih veću isplatu i zato sam bio blokiran iz bilo kojeg razloga. Nešto slično ne mogu razumjeti zašto će mi račun biti blokiran bez mene, a novac od bonusa jednostavno nestaje i vratit će vam samo depozit. Ozbiljna kasina to ne bi učinila. Mogli biste opet otvoriti moj račun s bonus saldom.
Yes, but I'm pretty sure I would have met the wagering requirement and therefore I would have had a higher payout and that's why I was blocked for whatever reason. Something like that I can't understand why my account will be blocked without me made and the bonus money is simply gone and will only refund the deposit. A serious casino wouldn't do that. You could just as well open my account with the bonus balance again.
Ja eben aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher ich hätte die Wettanforderung erfüllt und daher hätte ich auch eine höher Auszahlung gehabt und deswegen wurde ich auch sicher gesperrt aus welchen Grund denn sonst. Sowas kann ich nicht verstehen warum mein Konto dann gesperrt wird ohne das ich was gemacht habe und das Bonusgeld einfach weg ist und mir nur die Einzahlung zurückerstatten wird . Ein seriöses Casino würde sowas nicht machen. Sie könnten ja genauso wieder mein Konto mit dem Bonusguthaben öffnen lassen.
Dragi BondiBet Casino,
Smatramo vašu izjavu nedovoljnim razlogom da se konfisciraju sve zarade igrača i zatvori njegov račun. To ne stvara dobro korisničko iskustvo i igrači se s pravom mogu bojati da će svaki put kad igraju sa bonusom i uspiju, kasino naglo zatvoriti račun da izbjegne plaćanje. Dozvolili ste Mrx-u da igra, polaže i povlači se. Takođe je uspio da prođe kroz vaš postupak provjere bez ikakvih problema. Međutim, kad je osvojio veći iznos, naglo ste zatvorili njegov račun.
Imate li neki drugi razlog da mu oduzmete dobitak? Ne smatramo da je navedeni razlog potpuno relevantan. Naravno, možete zatvoriti njegov račun, ali najprije ste dužni isplatiti njegov dobitak, ako nije bilo drugih kršenja vaših T & C-ova.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear BondiBet Casino,
We consider your statement as an insufficient reason to confiscate all of the player’s winnings and closed his account. It doesn't create a good user experience and players can rightly be afraid that whenever they play with a bonus and they succeed, the casino suddenly closes the account to avoid paying out. You allowed Mrx to play, deposit and withdraw. He also managed to pass through your verification process without any issues. However, when he won a bigger amount, you suddenly closed his account.
Do you have any other reason to confiscate his winnings? We do not consider the provided reason to be fully relevant. Of course, you may close his account, but firstly you are obligated to pay out his winnings, if there weren’t any other breaches of your T&Cs.
Best regards,
Poštovani Mrx
U slučajevima kada kockarnica nije spremna reagirati na naš zahtjev i nemamo pobliži pogled na slučaj s obje strane, ruke su nam vezane. Ako sljedeći tjedan ne odgovore, prigovor će biti neriješen i negativno će utjecati na ocjenu kazina, a ostali igrači mogu pročitati o vašem iskustvu u našoj recenziji.
Dear Mrx,
In cases where the casino is not willing to react on our request and we do not have a closer look on the case from both sides our hands are tied. If they won’t reply withing the next week, the complaint will be unresolved and it will negatively influence the casino's rating and other players can read about your experience in our review.
Zdravo Juli,
Zatražili smo sigurnosni tim za više informacija. Vrlo je malo vjerovatno da će nam ih pružiti.
Izjavili ste "Naravno da možete zatvoriti njegov račun, ali najprije ste dužni isplatiti njegov dobitak", nije bilo dobitaka za plaćanje, stoga je kasino vratio cijeli depozit.
Imati saldo u bonusu nije dobit, a zahtjev za klađenje je također bio viši od salda bonusa, tako da nema razloga da igrač zahtjeva više od povrata depozita.
Nema gubitka na strani igrača, ukupno igrač ima vrlo pozitivan saldo s kasinom.
Ako dobijemo zadovoljavajući odgovor od sigurnosnog tima, ažurirat ću ga ovdje.
Vjerujem da igrač ima pravo na žalbu kada je pretrpio bilo kakav gubitak od akcije u kazinu, to definitivno nije slučaj.
Nadam se da ste razumjeli slučaj.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Tim za podršku
Hi Juli,
We have requested the security team for more information. Is very unlikely they will provide us any.
You stated "Of course, you may close his account, but firstly you are obligated to pay out his winnings,", there was no winnings to pay, therefore the casino refunded the full deposit.
Having a balance in bonus is not winnings, and the wagering requirement was also higher than the bonus balance, so there is no reason for the player to claim more than the refund of the deposit.
There is no lost on the player side, overall the player have a very positive balance with the casino.
If we get satisfying answer from the security team I will update it here.
I do believe that the player has the right to complaint when he have suffer any loss from the casino action, this is definitely not the case.
Hope you understand the case.
Best regards,
Support Team
Na računu sam imao 3500 € sa bonusom i više od 50% bonusa je ispunjeno ili sigurno više od 50%. A kako se kasino plaši da bi moja isplata mogla biti veća, blokirali su me jer u protivnom nema razloga i nikoga ne zovu. Jedini razlog je i bio taj što će moja isplata ako povežem bonus biti jako visoka i nije baš profesionalna.
I had 3500 € in the account with the bonus and more than 50% of the bonus had been fulfilled or certainly more than 50%. And since the casino is afraid that my payout could be higher, they blocked me because otherwise there is no reason and no one is called. The only reason is and was that my payout if I connected the bonus would be very high and it is not very professional.
Ich hatte 3500€ am Konto mit dem Bonus und mehr schon als 50% den Bonus erfüllt bzw. sicher sogar noch mehr als 50%. Und da dann das Casino befürchten hat meine Auszahlung könnte vielleicht dann höher sein haben sie mich gesperrt weil sonst hab es keinen Grund und es wird auch keiner genannt. Der einzige Grund ist und war das meine Auszahlung wenn ich den Bonus angeschlossen hätte eine sehr hohe wäre und das ist nicht sehr professionell.
Dragi BondiBet Casino,
S nepoštene strane kazina nepošteno je blokirati račun igrača aktivnim bonusom bez razloga u slučaju kada je ispunjeno više od 50% bonusa. Imate li neki drugi razlog da mu blokirate račun? Ne smatramo da je navedeni razlog potpuno relevantan. U slučaju da nećete dati nikakve relevantne podatke, primorat ćemo se da zatvorimo ovu žalbu i to će biti neriješeno što može utjecati na ocjenu kazina. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru. Nadam se da razumete.
Dear BondiBet Casino,
It is unfair from the casino's side to block player's account with the active bonus without the reason in case when more than 50% of the bonus was fulfilled. Do you have any other reason to block his account? We do not consider the provided reason to be fully relevant. In case, you will not provide any relevant information, we will be forced to close this complaint us unresolved which may affect casino's rating. Thank you in advance for your reply. I hope you understand.
Molim vas da ponovo otvorite moj račun sa mojim bonus kreditom ili predložite nešto drugo prije nego što sve drugo nije fer prema meni. Apeliram i na njihovu savjest kao mjesto kazina prema igračima.
I ask you to open my account again with my bonus credit or you suggest something else before everything else is not fair to me. I also appeal to their conscience as a casino site towards players.
Ich bitte sie nochmal mir mein Account wieder zu eröffnen mit meinen Bonusguthaben drauf oder sie schlagen mir was anderes vor alles anderes ist nicht fair gegenüber mir. Ich appelliere auch an ihr Gewissen als Casinoseite gegenüber Spielern.
Željeli bismo zamoliti Casino BondiBet da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, zatvorit ćemo prigovor kao "neriješen", što može utjecati na njegovu ocjenu.
We would like to ask the BondiBet Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may affect its rating.
Bok Mrx2000 i Juli,
Izvinjava se zbog kasnog odgovora.
U vezi s ovom pritužbom bio sam u kontaktu s kasinom.
Razumijem vaše stajalište, ali vi svoje argumente temeljite na pretpostavkama.
Juli, izjavili ste da je igrač ispunio više od 50% zahtjeva i da pretpostavljate, to ne možemo potvrditi.
Igrač pretpostavlja da mu je račun zaključan zbog pobede. Igrač je imao dobitke i ranije, a njegov račun nije poništen ili mu je zaplenjena dobit, igrač je u potpunosti plaćen.
Mrx2000 ni na koji način ne šteti, njegov depozit je vraćen.
Na isti način na koji igrači mogu slobodno birati gdje će igrati kazino, mogu birati i kome će pružiti svoju uslugu. Dokazali smo se kao pravi kasino, platili smo kad igrač pobijedi, refundiramo depozit i igrač je imao vrlo dobro iskustvo sa kazinom i ukupno je pobijedio na kockarnici.
Sigurnosni tim nema pristup balansima igrača, zahtjevima klađenja i svim tim financijskim metricama za donošenje svojih odluka. Oni takođe ne otkrivaju svoje obrazloženje za ukidanje računa, tako da nikad nećemo znati.
Međutim, suosjećamo s igračkom frustracijom i razočaranjem, ali nažalost ne možemo ništa učiniti da poništimo odluku koja je donesena.
Mrx2000, želimo vam svu sreću u budućnosti i čestitamo vam na kratkom, ali pozitivnom putovanju s našim kazinom.
Topli pozdravi,
Tim za podršku
Hi Mrx2000 and Juli,
Apologies for the late reply.
I have been in contact with the casino regarding this complaint.
I do understand your point of view but you are basing your arguments in assumptions.
Juli, you stated that player had completed more than 50% of the wagering requirement and that is you assuming, we can't confirm that.
Player is assuming that his account was locked due to be winning. Player had winnings before and his account wasn't cancelled or his winnings confiscated, player got fully paid.
Mrx2000 is in no way in prejudice, his deposit was refunded.
The same way that the players are free to choose where to play the casino is free to choose who to provide their service too. We have proven to be a fair casino, we paid when player won, we refund the deposit and the player had a very good experience with the casino and overall he won on the casino.
The security team doesn't have access to players balances, wagering requirements and all of those financial metrics to make their decisions. They also don't disclosure their reasonings to cancel accounts, so we will never know.
We however sympathise with player frustration and disappointment but unfortunately there is nothing we can do to reverse the decision that was taken.
Mrx2000, we wish you all the best of luck for the future and congratulate you on your short but positive journey with our casino.
Warm regards,
Support Team
To je samo smiješno da, vratio sam predujam, ali s novcem sam bio i do 3500 €, a dolaze s takvim izjavama. Ovo je tužno i ne možete sebe nazvati poštenim kockarnicom. Već sa prvom pobjedom morao sam čekati mjesec dana ili duže na isplatu, a drugom pobjedom sam iznenada blokiran iako sam također morao odraditi posebnu provjeru u trajanju od 10 dana. Onda što je bilo samo odgoditi vrijeme i tada ću se spasiti. Dakle, njene izjave su samo šale.
It's just ridiculous yes I got my down payment back but I was up to 3500 € with the money and they come with such statements. This is sad and you cannot call yourself a fair casino. Already with my first win I had to wait 1 month or longer for the payout and with the second win I am suddenly blocked even though I also had to do the 10 day special verification. Then what was it just to delay the time and then I will be saved. So her statements are just kidding.
Das ist einfach lächerlich ja meine Anzahlung habe ich zurückbekommen aber ich war mit dem Geld auf 3500€ oben und sie kommen mit solche Aussagen. Das ist traurig und sie können sich dann auch nicht als faires Casino bezeichnen. Schon bei meinen ersten Gewinn habe ich 1 Monat oder länger auf die Auszahlung warten müssen und beim zweiten Gewinn werde ich plötzliche gesperrt obwohl ich die 10 tätige sonderverifizierung auch machen musste . Für was war die dann nur um die Zeit rauszuzögern und dann werde ich gespeert. Also ihre Aussagen sind einfach nur in Scherz.
Žao mi je, ali primoran sam zatvoriti ovaj prigovor kao neriješen. Učinio sam sve što je bilo moguće u ovoj situaciji i ne idemo dalje. Casino ne može s nama podijeliti nijednu vrstu dokaza. U ovom slučaju ne možemo dalje istražiti vašu žalbu.
Žao mi je što nisam mogao više da pomognem, ali barem zatvaranje ovog prigovora kao neriješeno negativno će utjecati na ocjenu kazina i ostali igrači mogu pročitati o vašem iskustvu u našoj recenziji. Nadam se da više nećete naići na ovakav problem. Casino može ponovo otvoriti ovu žalbu u bilo kojem trenutku.
Srdačan pozdrav,
I am sorry but I am forced to close this complaint as unresolved. I did everything that was possible in this situation, and we are not moving further. The casino cannot share any type of evidence with us. In this case, we cannot further investigate your complaint.
I am very sorry I couldn't help more, but at least closing this complaint as unresolved will negatively influence the casino's rating and other players can read about your experience in our review. I hope you won't come across a problem like this again. The casino can reopen this complaint anytime.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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