Sada sam dobio odgovor od podrške. Detalji se ne otkrivaju, ali sumnjam da je blokada za korišćenje VPN-a za pristup sajtu, pošto je blokiran u Rusiji. Kao rezultat toga, moj račun je nevažeći i moja sredstva su konfiskovana. Naravno, ovo je moj prvi i jedini kazino nalog, a takve akcije kazina nisu tačne. Molim za pomoć u otključavanju mog računa i povlačenju sredstava. Zašto kazino prihvata igrače iz Rusije ako je pristup kazinima u Rusiji zatvoren i može se pristupiti samo preko VPN-a. U ovom slučaju, igrač će izgubiti sve za korišćenje VPN-a. Začarani krug u kojem će patiti samo igrač. Nije pošteno.
Evo odgovora podrške:
Imajte na umu da je naše odeljenje bezbednosti pronašlo dodatne naloge koje ste registrovali u našem sistemu. Svi otkriveni nalozi su blokirani zbog kršenja Uslova i odredbi naše usluge (klauzula 13):
13. Ako igrač pokuša da otvori ili je otvorio više od jednog naloga po veb lokaciji, svi nalozi mogu biti blokirani ili zatvoreni. Dozvoljen je samo jedan nalog za svako domaćinstvo, uređaj, IP adresu, finansijski instrument. Kompanija može da izvrši dodatne bezbednosne provere kako bi otkrila više naloga.
U skladu sa Uslovima i odredbama, svi otkriveni nalozi će biti trajno blokirani, a sredstva zaplenjena.
Nije vam dozvoljeno da otvarate nijedan novi nalog u našem sistemu. Imajte na umu da će svaki otkriveni novi nalog koji ste kreirali u našem sistemu biti zatvoren i sva sredstva će biti izgubljena.
Nažalost, Tim za podršku nema pravo da komentariše ovakve odluke Odeljenja bezbednosti".
I have now received a response from support. Details are not disclosed, but I suspect that the block is for using a VPN to access the site, since it is blocked in Russia. As a result, my account is invalid and my funds are confiscated. Of course, this is my first and only casino account, and such actions by the casino are not true. I am asking for help in unlocking my account and withdrawing funds. Why does a casino accept players from Russia if access to casinos in Russia is closed and can only be accessed through a VPN. In this case, the player will lose everything for using a VPN. A vicious circle where only the player will suffer. It's not fair.
Here is the response from support:
Please be advised that our Security Department has found additional accounts registered by you in our system. All detected accounts were blocked due to the violation of the Terms and Conditions of our service (clause 13):
13. If a Player attempts to open or has opened more than one account per Website, all accounts may be blocked or closed. Only one account for each household, device, IP address, financial instrument is allowed. Company may perform additional security checks in order to detect multiple accounts.
According to the Terms and Conditions, all detected accounts will be permanently blocked and funds forfeited.
You are not allowed to open any new account in our system. Please note that every detected new account created by you in our system is going to be closed and all the funds forfeited.
Unfortunately, the Support team is not entitled to comment on such decisions of the Security Department."
Сейчас я получил ответ от службы поддержки. Детали не раскрываются, но я подозреваю, что блокировка за использование VPN для получения доступа к сайту, так как он заблокирован в России. В итоге мой аккаунт недействителен, а средства конфискованы. Разумеется, это мой первый и единственное аккаунт в казино, а такие действия казино не соответствуют действительности. Я прошу помощи в разблокировке аккаунта и выводе средств. Зачем казино принимает игроков из России, если доступ к казино в России закрыт и получить его можно только через VPN. При этом за использование VPN игрок потеряет все. Замкнутый круг, где пострадает только игрок. Это несправедливо.
Вот ответ службы поддержки:
Please be advised that our Security Department has found additional accounts registered by you in our system. All detected accounts were blocked due to the violation of the Terms and Conditions of our service (clause 13):
13. If a Player attempts to open or has opened more than one account per Website, all accounts may be blocked or closed. Only one account for each household, device, IP address, financial instrument is allowed. Company may perform additional security checks in order to detect multiple accounts.
According to the Terms and Conditions, all detected accounts will be permanently blocked and funds forfeited.
You are not allowed to open any new account in our system. Please note that every detected new account created by you in our system is going to be closed and all the funds forfeited.
Unfortunately, the Support team is not entitled to comment on such decisions of the Security Department.»
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