9. jula u ranim jutarnjim satima napravio sam depozit od deset dolara koji je trebalo da dođe sa bonusom od 30 besplatnih okretaja u igri Lions Gems. Kada sam otišao da igram igru, pojavila se kao prazna stranica i nije se više učitavala. PA, naravno, otišao sam da ćaskam za podršku i rekli su mi uobičajeno što sam već uradio.
Odjavite se, obrišite keš pregledača i ponovo pokrenite računar. Nakon toga, igra se i dalje nije igrala i potvrdili su da je 30 okretaja dodato na moj nalog. Onda su rekli da će morati da se uključe u tehnologiju oko ovog problema.
Tako sam završio sa igranjem svojih deset dolara i onda otišao na promociju za vikend. Što je bio depozit od najmanje deset dolara i dobio sam 60 besplatnih okretaja na Imperial Fruits 5 linijama i nakon depozita otišao sam da igram svoje besplatne okrete i dobio sam potpuno istu stvar. Takođe sam pokušao da uđem u Imperial Fruits 100 Lines i drugu Imperial Fruit Game koju imaju i svi su jednostavno došli do iste prazne stranice i nisu hteli da završe učitavanje.
Dakle, još jednom sam otišao u ćaskanje i rekao im problem. Ovo je sada bio treći put u ćaskanju zbog relativno istog problema, sada samo 2 puta. Osoblje je bilo sjajno i od pomoći koliko je moglo, a ja sam pokušao iste stvari, odjavio se, očistio keš, ponovo pokrenuo računar i takođe isprobao Microsoft edge pretraživač, ali sam ipak dobio istu stvar.
Sada, četvrti put u ćaskanju, sledeća dama sa kojom sam razgovarao bila je veoma ljubazna i rekla je da je dodala nekoliko besplatnih okretaja na drugu igru za mene za sada i da će postaviti još jedan zahtev za ćaskanje. Takođe mi je rekao da tehnologija radi na prvom problemu u to vreme i da će mi poslati e-poštu čim se reši. Ušao sam u igru Hot Coins Hold and Vin u koju mi je Sher stavila 25 besplatnih okretaja i evo opet, dobio sam istu praznu stranicu.
Dakle, onda sam strpljivo čekao nekoliko sati i kada nisam dobio e-poštu, poslao sam im još jedan mejl i vratio se u ćaskanje da pitam šta se dešava jer sam mislio da sam do sada trebao nešto da čujem. Ova gospođa mi je tada rekla da ih kontaktiram kasnije i zamolim ih da dodaju besplatne okrete jer trenutno imaju tehnički problem sa svim besplatnim okretima.
Dakle, sledećeg popodneva, koje je bilo sada 9. podne, ponovo sam ušao u ćaskanje i objasnio problem drugom predstavniku, a ova žena (EVE) je bila veoma gruba prema meni i rekla mi je da su okreti na mom nalogu i da su spremni za igru nakon nekoliko poruke napred i nazad. Rečeno joj je da sam to shvatio i da sam već napravio snimak ekrana i nalepio šta su dve igre uradile kada sam ušao u njih da pokažem da ne mogu da ih igram. Ponovo je kratko rekla da su besplatni okreti dodani na vaš nalog i dostupni su za mene. Onda još jedna poruka OK Onda postoji li još nešto sa čime mogu da vam pomognem i još jednom sam objasnio da sam znao da su tu, ali nisam mogao da ih pustim i bio sam malo uznemiren u ovo vreme i rekao "zar niste slušali?" .
Bez odgovora pa sam zatvorio ćaskanje i primetio da je bila prilično gruba prema meni u maloj anketi koju obično dobijete na kraju ćaskanja da ocenim iskustvo koje sam ocenio jednom zvezdicom zbog njenog stava.
Zatim sam poslao treći e-mail za podršku i rekao im da se nisam javio i da verujem da je problem trebalo da bude rešen do tada i da zaslužujem da imam nešto za ono što sam platio. Predložio sam da mi daju spinove u različitim igrama i rekao da su ponekad određene igre ograničene u BC i možda je to bio slučaj. Ili, mogu mi ga dati u virtuelnim fondovima da igram u bilo kojoj igrici.
U e-poruci koju sam konačno dobio od njih je pisalo da su mogli da vide da sam zatražio besplatne okrete i da sam ih igrao tako da je slučaj sada zatvoren.
Napisao sam im nazad i rekao kako sam mogao da ih igram kada se igre ne igraju i da sam im to dokazao u poslednjem mejlu sa svih šest snimaka ekrana igre koji se ne otvaraju. Rekao sam im da su mi, drugim rečima, ukrali novac jer nisu poštovali svoje unapređenje i da su bili nepošteni.
Priložio sam sve e-poruke i snimke ekrana iz ovog incidenta i cenio bih svaku pomoć koju mi možete pružiti da rešim ovaj problem. Voleo bih da mi se besplatni okreti na drugim igrama ili mojih dvadeset dolara vrate i onda ću zauvek završiti sa Boo Casino-om.
U drugoj e-poruci ćete takođe videti prilog sa svim snimcima ekrana koje sam poslao putem ćaskanja na zahtev.
Hvala vam
On July the 9th in the early am I made a deposit of ten dollars which was supposed to come with a bonus of 30 free spins on the Lions Gems Game. When i went to play the game it just came up as a blank page and would not load any further. SO, of course I went to chat for support and they told me the usual which I had already done.
Log out, clear my browser cache and restart my computer. After doing that the game still would not play and they confirmed the 30 spins were added to my account. So then they said they would have to put into tech about this problem.
So I finished playing my ten dollars and then went for the weekend promotion. Which was deposit minimum ten dollars and get 60 free spins on Imperial Fruits 5 lines and after the deposit I went in to play my free spins and I got exactly the same thing. I also tried to go into Imperial Fruits 100 Lines and the other Imperial Fruit Game they have and all of them juist came up with the same blank page and would not finish loading.
So, once again I went into chat and told them the problem. This was now the third time in chat over relatively the same issue, only 2x now. The staff was great and as helpful as they could be and I tried the same things , logout , clear cache, restart computer and also tried the Microsoft edge browser but still got the same thing.
Now the fourth time in chat the next lady I spoke with was very kind and said she added some free spins on a different game for me for the time being and would put in another request to chat. He also told me that tech was working on the first issue at that time and they would email me as soon as it was resolved. I went into the Hot Coins Hold and Win Game that sher had put 25 free spins in for me and there we go again, I got the same blank page.
So, then I waited patiently for a few hours and when I received no email I sent them another email and I went back into chat to ask what was happening because I thought that I should have heard something back by now. This lady then told me to please contact them later and ask them to add the free spins because they were currently having a tehnical issue with all free spins.
So the next afternoon which was now the 9th midday I went into Chat again and explained the issue to another rep and this woman,(EVE) was very rude to me and told me the spins were in my account and ready to play after a few messages back and forth. It told her I realized that and I had already screenshot and pasted what the two games did when I went into them to show that I could not play them. She curtly said again the free spins have been added to your account and are available for me to play. Then one more message OK Then is there anything else I can help you with and I once again explained that I knew they were there but I could not play them and was a little upset by this time and said "have you not been listening?".
No reply so I shut the chat and noted that she had been quite rude to me in the little survey you usually receive at the end of a chat to rate the experience which I rated one star because of her attitude.
I then put in a third email to support and told them that I had not heard back and I believed the issue should have been resolved by then and that I deserved to have something for what I paid for. I suggested they give me the spins in different games and said sometimes certain games are restricted in BC and maybe that was the case. Or, they could give it to me in virtual funds to play on any games.
The email that I finally received back from them said that they could see that I had clamed my free spins and that I had played them so the case was now closed.
I wrote them back and said how could I have played them when the games would not play and that I had proven that to them in the last email with all six screenshots of the game not opening. I told them that in other words they stole my money because they did not honor their promotions and that they were dishonest.
I have attachedc all the emails and the screenshots from this incident and would appreciate whatever help you can give me to resolve this issue. I would like the free spins on other games or my twenty dollars returned to me and then I will be done with Boo Casino for good.
In the second email you will also see the attachment sof all the screenshots that I had sent through chat when requested I do so.
Thank you
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