Igraču iz Austrije automatski je dodan neželjeni bonus na račun. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer nije bila opravdana.
Zdravo momci!
Stvarno sam frustrirana. Takođe ne znam je li moja nit ovdje ispravna. Sada na moj problem:
Registrirao sam se u Boocasino prije nekoliko mjeseci i (nažalost) uplatio nekoliko tisuća ukupno.
Moram reći da sam registrovan u nekim mrežnim kazinima, da sam puno igrao i da po defaultu nemam bonus ponuda za ninm. Niti bonusi za depozite niti bilo šta slično. Sada sam prvi put htio podići 400 € u dotičnom kazinu. Provjera je trajala otprilike tjedan dana. Jučer sam vidio da na mom računu igrača iznenada imam 30 € i da je moja isplata odbijena (sa spomenutih 400 €). Tada sam poslao e-mail i danas dobio odgovor koji me je ludo uzbudio .. Morate reći da mi novac jako treba ...
U pošti je pisalo: Moja isplata je odbijena jer sam 14. prihvatila novčani bonus od 5 € i ne smijete premašiti maksimalni profit od 100 €.
Dakle - nestalo 400 € ??? Tada sam provjerio svoju istoriju. 12. januara položeno 200 €, a 13. (na koji sam navodno prihvatio bonus) ponovo 200 €. Ne znam sada šta bih trebao / mogla. Ne može biti da mi daju bonus od 5 € samo da ne bih morao unovčiti?!? Kao što je već spomenuto, NIKAD nisam koristio bonus ponudu ... Možda mi neko može dati savjet :( Hvala već
Hi guys!
I'm really frustrated. Also do not know whether my thread is correct here. Now to my problem:
I signed up at Boocasino a few months ago and (unfortunately) deposited a few thousand in total.
I have to say that I am registered at some online casinos, have played a lot and have no bonus offers to ninm by default. Neither deposit bonuses nor anything like that. Now I wanted to make a withdrawal of € 400 at the casino in question for the first time. Verification took about a week. I saw yesterday that I suddenly had € 30 in my player account and that my payout was rejected (with the said € 400). Then I sent an email and received an answer today that excited me insanely .. You have to say I need the money badly ...
The mail said: My payout was rejected because I supposedly accepted a cash bonus of € 5 on the 14th, and you must not exceed the € 100 maximum profit.
So- 400 € gone ??? Then I checked my history. On January 12th € 200 deposited and on the 13th (on which I supposedly accepted the bonus) again € 200. I don't know now what I should / can do. It can't be that I'm being given a € 5 bonus just so I don't have to cash out?!? As already mentioned, I NEVER used a bonus offer ... Maybe someone can give me a tip :( Thanks already
Hei Leute!
Bin grad mega gefrustet. Weiß auch nicht ob mein Thread hier richtig ist. Nun zu meinem Problem:
Habe mich vor einigen Monatan bei Boocasino angemeldet und paar Tausend (leider) eingezahlt insgesamt.
Muss dazu sagen, dass ich bei einigen Online Casinos angemeldet bin, viel gespielt hab und von Haus aus keine Bonusangebote an ninm. Weder Einzahlungsboni oder irgendwas dergleichen. Nun wollte ich bei dem besagten Casino zum ersten Mal eine Auszahlung tätigen von 400€. Verifizierung hat ca. ne Woche gedauert. Habe dann gestern gesehen, dass ich plötzlich 30€ auf meinem Spielerkonto hatte und dass bei meiner Auszahlung rejected dabei stand (bei den besagten 400€) Habe dann eine Mail geschickt und heute eine Antwort bekommen, die mich irrsinnnig aufgeregt hat.. Man muss dazu sagen, dass ich das Geld dringend benötige...
In der Mail stand: Meine Auszahlung wurde abgelehnt, da ich am 14. angeblich einen Cash Bonus angenommen habe von 5€, und da dürfe man die 100€ Gewinnmaximalsumme nicht überschreiten.
Also- 400€ weg??? Habe dann in meinem Verlauf nachgesehen. Am 12.1. 200€ eingezahlt und am 13 (an dem ich angeblich den Bonus angenommen habe) wieder 200€. Weiß jetzt nicht was ich machen soll/kann. Das kann doch nicht sein, dass man mir einen 5€ Bonus unterjubelt nur um nicht auszahlen zu müssen?!? Wie bereits erwähnt benutzte ich wirklich NIE ein Bonusangebot... Vlt kann mir ja jemand einen Tipp geben :( Danke schon mal
Dragi Chasiti,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg negativnog iskustva. Možete li nas posavjetovati da li ste pokušali komunicirati s kasinom mogućnost odbijanja bilo koje promotivne ponude prije početka igranja? Jeste li u prošlosti iskoristili ili dobili bilo kakvu promotivnu ponudu iz ovog kasina? Možete li proslijediti svoju historiju bonusa na petronela.k@casino.guru ?
Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru. Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Chasiti,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your negative experience. Could you please advise if you have tried to communicate with casino the option of opting out from any promotional offers prior to starting playing? Have you redeemed or obtained any promotional offers from this casino in the past? Could you please forward your bonus history to petronela.k@casino.guru?
Thank you in advance for your reply. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dodatni komentari igrača:
Ovim vam šaljem snimke zaslona koje ste tražili. Nisam mogao prikazati historiju bonusa, samo ovaj pregled bodova. Ali čak i ovdje možete vidjeti da nikada nisam otkupio nijedan bod, jer zaista nikada ne koristim bonus ponude. Niti depozitima, niti bilo gdje drugdje, samo kako bi se izbjeglo da se tako nešto dogodi. Takođe nisam komunicirao s kasinom o bonus ponudama ili bilo čemu drugom. Samo sam kazino napisao o povlačenju. Kao što je već spomenuto, pretpostavljam da sam iskoristio 5 € gotovinskog bonusa. Niti sam to prihvatio niti potvrdio, niti bilo šta drugo. Jedini problem je što ako puno igrate i imate puno novca na računu igrača, da dodatnih 5 eura (ako mi dodate 5 eura bez mog znanja) jednostavno ne privlači pažnju. Samo nađi obraz. Položio sam hiljade eura, podizanje od 400 € trebalo bi da mi bude prvo podizanje u ovom kasinu. Sada nemam novca i osjećam se prevareno. Zapravo sam mislio da je to ipak ozbiljan kasino. Zaista se nadam da mi možete pomoći.
Tijekom guglanja vidio sam da za nove kupce postoji 5 € bonusa u gotovini kada se registriraju. Kao što vidite u mojoj historiji plaćanja, bio sam sa mnom već neko vrijeme i pet eura bit će kod mene 14. januara. je objavljeno na račun igrača. (bez mog znanja, a nažalost i bez moje želje)
Pa, ni ja se ne želim žaliti, ali to me jako opterećuje i ne mogu zamisliti da bi to bilo tako legalno ...: / 400 € ili 370 € jednostavno je nestalo niotkuda. "
Additional comments from the player:
I am herewith sending you the screenshots that you have asked for. I could not display the bonus history, only this point overview. But even here you can see that I have never redeemed any points because I really never take advantage of bonus offers. Neither with deposits, nor anywhere else, just to avoid something like this happening. I also didn't communicate with the casino about bonus offers or anything else. Only wrote to the casino about the withdrawal. As already mentioned, I am assumed to have used a € 5 cash bonus. I have neither accepted nor confirmed this, nor anything else. The only problem is that if you play a lot and have a lot of money in the player account, that € 5 more (if you add that € 5 up to me without my knowledge) simply doesn't attract attention. Just find it a cheek. I deposited thousands of euros, the € 400 withdrawal should be my first ever withdrawal at this casino. I don't have the money now and I feel cheated. Actually thought that it is a serious casino after all. I really hope you can help me.
I saw while googling that there is a € 5 cash bonus for new customers when they register. As you can see in my payment history, I've been with me for a while and the € 5 will be with me on January 14th. has been posted to the player's account. (without my knowledge and unfortunately also without my wanting to)
Well, I don't want to complain either, but it burdens me a lot and I can't imagine that it would be so legal ...: / The € 400 or € 370 just disappeared into nowhere. "
Additional comments from the player:
Hiermit schicke ich Ihnen die Screenshots nach denen Sie gfragt haben. Bonusverlauf konnte ich mir nicht anzeigen lassen, nur diese Punkteübersicht. Aber auch hier sieht man, dass ich nie irgendwelche Punkte eingelöst habe, da ich wirklich nie zu Bonusangebote greife. Weder bei Einzahlungen, noch sonst wo, eben um es zu vermeiden, dass so etwas passiert. Habe auch nicht mit dem Casino kommuniziert wegen Bonusangebote oder sonstigem. Habe nur mit dem Casino wegen der Auszahlung geschrieben. Wie bereits erwähnt, wird mir unterstellt einen 5€ Cash Bonus benutzt zu habe. Diesen hab ich weder angenommen noch bestätigt noch sonst irgendwas. Das Problem ist nur, dass wenn man sehr viel spielt und viel Geld am Spielerkonto hat, dass 5€ mehr (wenn sie mir diese 5€ ohne meines Wissens raufbuchen) einfach nicht auffallen. Finde es einfach eine Frechheit. Habe tausende von Euro eingezahlt, die 400€ Auszahlung sollte meine erste je getätigte Auszahlung in diesem Casino werden. Mir fehlt das Geld nun und ich fühle mich betrogen. Dachte eigentlich, dass es sich doch um ein seriöses Casino handelt. Ich hoffe wirklich sehr, dass Sie mir helfen können.
Habe beim googeln gesehen, dass es einen 5€ Cash Bonus gibt für Neukunden bei der Anmeldung. Wie Sie in meinem Einzahlungsverlauf sehen, bin ich schon länger dabei und die 5€ sind mir am 14.1. aufs Spielerkonto gebucht worden. (ohne meines Wissens und leider auch ohne dass ich es so wollte)
Naja ich will auch nicht rumjammern, aber es belastet mich schon sehr und ich kann mir auch nicht vorstellen, dass das so legal wäre...:/ Die 400€ bzw 370€ sind einfach ins Nichts verschwunden. "
Puno vam hvala, Chasiti, što ste pružili sve potrebne informacije putem e-pošte. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Chasiti, for providing all the necessary information via email. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Chasiti,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i razumijem situaciju. Kontaktirat ću kasino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Želio bih pozvati Boo Casino na razgovor kako bih sudjelovao u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Chasiti,
I looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Boo Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Chasiti, upravo sam primijetio e-poštu u vašem sandučiću s naslovom: "Sie haben soeben gratis Echtgeld erhalten!" Možete li ga otvoriti, napraviti snimku zaslona i poslati na moju e-adresu: peter.m@casino.guru?
Chasiti, I just noticed an email in your email box with a title: "Sie haben soeben gratis Echtgeld erhalten!" Could you please open it, take a screenshot and send it to my email address: peter.m@casino.guru?
Dobar dan,
Zahvaljujemo na strpljenju dok smo pregledavali žalbu.
Imajte na umu da dobici traženi za povlačenje potječu iz igre nakon što su dana 13.01.2021 dobili promotivni besplatni novčani bonus od 5,00 €.
Željeli bismo naglasiti da je igraču putem e-pošte pružena veza do relevantnih uvjeta i odredbi za bonus u kojoj se savjetuje da je besplatni novac doznačen na račun. To je tako da igrač može pregledati uvjete prije nego što počnu igrati.
Uvjete i odredbe besplatnog gotovinskog bonusa možete pogledati na sljedećem linku: https://www.boocasino.com/en/tnc/free-cash-bonus
Kao što je navedeno u odredbama i uslovima besplatnog gotovine:
Maksimalno dozvoljeni iznos za podizanje ovog bonusa je 100 €. Svaki dodatni saldo bit će poništen kada obradimo vaš zahtjev za povlačenje.
Primjenjuju se opći uvjeti.
Takođe bismo željeli naglasiti da je besplatni novčani bonus dodijeljen na račun u 13:53 GMT 13. januara 21, kada je raspoloživo stanje na računu iznosilo 0,03 EUR. Sljedeći depozit od 100 EUR dat je u 17:00 GMT tog dana, a zatim je igrač nastavio igrati s ukupnim saldom od 105.03 EUR.
Zbog uvjeta za maksimalni dobitak za primljeni besplatni novčani bonus, otkazali smo originalni zahtjev za povlačenje i odobrili novi zahtjev za povlačenjem za maksimalno dozvoljeni iznos od 100,00 €. Međutim, potonju je igrač otkazao 18/01/2021 i igrana sredstva su izgubljena.
Na osnovu svega navedenog, smatramo da je naša odluka ispravna i u skladu s odredbama i uvjetima naše web stranice.
Imajte na umu da ako je bonus primljen, a igrač ne želi koristiti / igrati se s njim, naša podrška to može jednostavno ukloniti na zahtjev, pod uvjetom da nakon unosa bonusa nisu položene nikakve oklade. Pored toga, igrač ima mogućnost da 'odbije' bonuse ukoliko želi da ih ne prima.
Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, slobodno nam se obratite.
Good day,
Thank you for your patience while we reviewed the complaint.
Please note that the winnings requested for withdrawal originate from the game play after receiving a promotional free cash bonus of €5.00 on 13/01/2021.
We would like to point out that a link to the relevant bonus terms and conditions was provided to the player via email advising that the free cash was credited to the account. This is so that the player is able to review the terms before they begin to play.
You can refer to the Free Cash Bonus Terms and Conditions at the following link: https://www.boocasino.com/en/tnc/free-cash-bonus
As outlined in the Free Cash Terms and Conditions:
The maximum allowed withdrawal amount for this bonus is €100. Any additional balance will be voided when we process your withdrawal request.
The General Terms and Conditions apply.
We would also like to point out that the free cash bonus was credited to the account at 15:53 GMT on 13/01/21 when the available balance in the account was 0.03 EUR. The subsequent deposit of 100 EUR was made at 17:00 GMT that day and then the player proceeded to play with a total balance of 105.03 EUR.
Due to the maximum winnings condition for the free cash bonus that was received, we cancelled the original withdrawal request and approved a new withdrawal request for the maximum allowed amount of €100.00. However, the latter was cancelled by the player on 18/01/2021 and the funds played until lost.
Based on all the above, we find our decision to be correct and in line with the terms and conditions of our site.
Please bear in mind that if a bonus is received and the player does not want to use/play with it, this can simply be removed by our support upon request, provided that no bets have been placed after the bonus was credited. In addition to that, the player does have the option to 'Opt Out' of bonuses should they wish to not receive them.
If you require any further assistance, feel free to contact us back.
Bonus je dodan BEZ mog odobrenja! E-pošta koja završi u mojoj mapi za koju sumnjam da je neželjena pošta nije mi pomogla. Uz to, 30 € je vraćeno na račun igrača! Prokockao sam ih. Preostalih 370 € nije NIŠTA nestalo nakon pokušaja plaćanja, kao da nikada nije postojalo! Nećete primijetiti 5 € ako položite stotine eura na nekoliko dana! Ukupno hiljade! Nikada u nijednom kazinu nisam dobio bonus bez moje potvrde, a ni to ne bih želio, jer se ne igram s bonusima !! BEZ STRAHA bi se moglo nešto dogoditi (puno ste čitali o tome). Ozbiljno je i nešto drugo! Odnijet ću ga svom advokatu jer neću dopustiti da ovo sjedi na meni. Kako god okrenete, rezervirali ste 5 € gotovine na moj račun bez moje volje i time obezvrijedili sav moj preostali novac!
The bonus was added WITHOUT my approval! An email that ends up in my suspected spam folder did not help me. In addition, € 30 was transferred back to the player's account! I gambled them away. The remaining € 370 disappeared into NOTHING after the payment attempt, as if it had never existed! You don't notice € 5 if you deposit hundreds of euros for several days! Thousands in total! I have never received a bonus in any casino without my confirmation and would not want it either, as I do not play with bonuses !! OUT OF FEAR something could happen (you read a lot about it). Serious is something else too! I will take it to my lawyer as I will not let this sit on me. However you turn it around, you have booked 5 € cash into my account without my will and thus devalued all of my remaining money!
Der Bonus wurde OHNE meine Genehmigung hinzugefügt! Eine E-Mail die in meinen Spamverdachtordner landet hat mir nicht geholfen. Zudem wurden 30€ zurücküberwiesen aufs Spielerkonto! Diese habe ich verspielt. Die 370€ Rest sind aber nach dem Auszahlungsversuch ins NICHTS verschwunden, als hätte es sie nie gegeben! 5€ fallen nicht auf, wenn man mehrere Tage hunderte von Euors einzahlt! Tausende insgesamt! Ich habe in keinem Casino je einen Bonus ohne meine Bestätigung erhalten und würde diesen auch nicht wollen, da ich nje mit Bonusen spiele!! AUS ANGST sowas könnte passieren (man liest ja auch sehr viel darüber). Seriös ist auch was anderes!!! Ich werde damit zu meinem Anwalt gehen, da ich dies nicht auf mir sitzen lassen. Wie auch immer ihr es dreht und wendet, ihr habt mir ohne meines Willens 5€ Cash auf mein Konto raufgebucht und damit mein ganzes restliches Geld entwertet!
Položeno 100 € - 5 € ste rezervirali i to je poništilo moj depozit plus dobit!
Žao mi je samo zbog toga što sam ovom kazinu dao hiljade eura! Apsolutni obraz!
100 € deposited - 5 € booked up by you and that canceled my deposit plus profit!
I regret nothing more than giving this casino thousands of Euros! An absolute cheek!
100€ eingezahlt- 5€ von euch raufgebucht und das hat meine Einzahlung plus Gewinn entwertet!
Ich bereue nichts mehr als diesem Casino tausende von Euros GESCHENKT zu haben! Eine absolute Frechheit!
Pozdrav svima, hvala na odgovorima.
Dragi tim Casina Bo,
Možete li, molim vas, poslati historiju igara igrača i dnevnik dnevnika (koji jasno pokazuje i potvrđuje ono što ste gore naveli) na moju e-adresu (peter.m@casino.guru)?
Hi all, thanks for your replies.
Dear Bo Casino team,
Could you please send the player's game history and bonus log (clearly showing and confirming what you stated above) to my email address (peter.m@casino.guru)?
Zdravo svima,
Hvala timu Boo Casina na datoj datoteci.
Dragi Chasiti,
Primio sam dokument iz kasina koji sugerira da ste zaista dobili bonus od 5 € kada je stanje na vašem računu bilo 0,03 €. Tada ste položili depozit od 100 € i igrali se sa mješovitim sredstvima i stoga ste imali pravo samo na povlačenje od 100 € (maksimalno isplate iz bonusa). Ako je to slučaj, bojim se da vam ne možemo pomoći. Ako bi vam kazino dao bonus na kraju vašeg dobitnog niza i ovo iskoristio kao izgovor da vam ne isplati dobitak, to bi bilo neprihvatljivo. Međutim, ova situacija je drugačija i moramo biti pošteni. Nažalost, žalba će biti odbijena. Ako se ne slažete s našom odlukom, preporučujem vam da kontaktirate Malta Gaming Authority i podnesete im žalbu. Volio bih da vam mogu više pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hi all,
Thank you Boo Casino team for the file provided.
Dear Chasiti,
I received a document from the casino suggesting that you actually received the €5 bonus when your account balance was €0,03. Then you made a deposit of €100 and played with mixed funds and therefore you were only eligible for a withdrawal of €100 (maximum cashout from the bonus). If this is the case, I'm afraid, We can't help you. If the casino gave you the bonus at the end of your winning streak and used this as an excuse not to pay you the winnings, that would be unacceptable. However, this situation is different and we have to be fair. Unfortunately, the complaint will be rejected. If you disagree with our decision, I recommend you to contact the Malta Gaming Authority and submit a complaint to them. I wish I could help you more.
Best regards
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.