Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 13/08/2024
Slučaj je zatvoren
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Igrač je prestao odgovarati
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pre 6 meseci
The player from Chile could not withdraw funds after converting bonus money to real money. Despite submitting the required verification documents, the withdrawal had not been approved. The Complaints Team reached out for clarification and requested additional information regarding the player's gaming history and account status. However, the player did not respond to these inquiries, which led to the rejection of the complaint.
Igrač iz Čilea nije mogao da povuče sredstva nakon konverzije bonus novca u pravi novac. Uprkos podnošenju potrebnih dokumenata za verifikaciju, povlačenje nije odobreno. Tim za žalbe je zatražio pojašnjenje i zatražio dodatne informacije u vezi sa igračevom istorijom igara i statusom naloga. Međutim, igrač nije odgovorio na ove upite, što je dovelo do odbijanja žalbe.
Dobio sam bonus od 7000 CLP i udvostručio stanje, pa su ga pretvorili u pravi novac. Nakon toga sam morao da pošaljem neke detalje, kao što su sliku lične karte, fotografije naloga, izvod i dokument za potvrdu adrese. Prošli su dani, a ja još uvek ne mogu da podignem svoja sredstva niti su mi odobrili povlačenje. Ne odgovaraju na e-poruke, a virtuelni asistent me upućuje na ljudskog agenta, ali nikad ne mogu da razgovaram sa njim. Probao sam sve, ali uopšte nisu odgovorili. Uvek postoji pomoćnik, a ja ne znam šta da radim. Kada pokušam da povučem, odbiju oba naloga koja sam pokušao da dobijem, ali samo kaže da ne mogu da ga povučem.
I received a bonus of 7000 CLP and doubled the balance, so they converted it to real money. After that, I had to send in some details, like a picture of my ID card, photos of my account, a statement, and a document to verify my address. It’s been days now, and I still can’t withdraw my funds nor have they approved the withdrawal. They don’t reply to emails, and the virtual assistant directs me to a human agent, but I never get to speak with one. I’ve tried everything, but they haven’t responded at all. There’s always an assistant, and I don’t know what to do. When I try to withdraw, they reject both accounts I tried to get approved, but it just says I can’t withdraw it.
me dieron un bono de 7000 clp y duplique el saldo asi q me lo cambiaron a dinero real , despues de eso tube que enviar datos como imagen de mi carnet, fotos de mi cta ,una cartola y un papel que verificara mi domicilio ya han pasado dias no me dejan retirar ni tampoco me han aprobado el retiro , no me responden correos y la asistente virtual me deriba a un agente humano pero jamas hable con uno , intente de todo y no me han contestado nada jamas ahy una asistente y no se que hacer y trato de retirar y me rechazan las 2 cuentas que trate de que me aprueben pero solo me sale que no puedo retirarlo
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem sa povlačenjem.
Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih bolje razumeo situaciju.
Možete li da nam kažete da li je vaš nalog u potpunosti verifikovan?
Da li ste bili obavešteni zašto ne možete da podignete svoj dobitak? Da li je u pitanju interni problem sa sistemom kazina ili je povezan samo sa vašim nalogom?
Da li vam je dostupna opcija povlačenja? Da li su vam dostupne informacije kada pokušavate da zatražite povlačenje?
Možete li da podelite svoje pokušaje interakcije sa podrškom za kazino? Šalji e-poštu ili transkripte ćaskanja na moju e-poštu na , ili postavite snimke ekrana ovde
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear amandab,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your withdrawal problem.
Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can better understand the situation.
Could you please advise if your account has been fully verified?
Have you been advised why you can’t withdraw your winnings? Is it an internal casino system issue, or it’s related to your account only?
Is the withdrawal option available to you? Is there any information available to you when trying to request a withdrawal?
Could you please share your attempts at interaction with the casino support? Send emails or chat transcripts to my email at, or post screenshots here
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Nisu mi dozvolili da podignem 100.000 clp jer su prema njima morali ponovo da verifikuju moj nalog i trebalo je da bude spreman, dobio sam e-mail da pošto ne mogu da izvrše povlačenje na moj nalog zbog nedostatka verifikacije, bi bio poništen i 100.000 clp Bili bi vraćeni na moj kazino račun, nešto što se nikada nije dogodilo u trenutku kada sam povukao prvi put. Imao sam oko 300.000, podigao samo 100. Ostalo mi je oko 200.000, nastavio sam da igram i gubio sam ali mi je ostalo oko 130.000, pošto sam dobio poruku da će mi vratiti novac na kazino račun, insistirao sam na svakom dan kada su hteli da mi vrate 100.000 clp, a danas su mi odgovorili da sam ih po njima potrošio i nisam shvatio, a onda mi je drugi savetnik rekao da su popustili bonus, da je novac izgubljen , nikad nije ni stiglo niti će stići, jer ako sam imao stanje na kazino računu, nisu ga diskontirali odatle, ne šalju obaveštenja, ne obaveštavaju vas da će vam popustiti, ne odgovaraju na mejlove ili savetnike i bacaju loptu jedni na druge i lažu jer su kontradiktorni i juče sam povukao još 100.000 hiljada pezosa i po njima će biti obrađeno ali sumnjam da će doći do mene jer tražim povlačenje sa ID i ne stoji na spisku pa su me prevarili..0 koordinacija, lažu i ništa ti ne stiže na nalog. Ne igram sa dovoljno novca, znam šta trošim ili ne, samo mi je trebao taj novac i bila je sreća, ali su mi ukrali novac jer kada je savetnik obrađivao moju uplatu nikada nisam rekao, mogao sam video da je urađeno ali mi nikad nije rekao i da je tako trebalo je da to vide pre povlačenja, a ne kada sam tražio novac koji nije stigao, možda su ostavili novac za sebe, ne igrajte boo kazino, oni su lopovi.
They did not let me withdraw 100,000 clp because according to them they had to verify my account again and it was supposed to be ready, I received an email saying that since they could not make the withdrawal to my account due to lack of verification, it would be canceled and the 100,000 clp They would be returned to my casino account, something that never happened at the time I withdrew the first time. I had around 300,000, I only withdrew 100. I had around 200,000 left, I continued playing and I was losing but I was left with around 130,000, since I got the message that they would return the money to my casino account, I insisted every day that they were going to refund me the 100,000 clp, and today they responded to me that according to them, I spent it and I didn't realize it, and then another advisor told me that They discounted a bonus, that money was lost, it never arrived nor will it arrive, because if I had a balance in the casino account, they did not discount it from there, they do not send notifications, they do not notify you that they will discount you, they do not answer the emails or advisors and They throw the ball at each other and lie because they contradict each other and yesterday I withdrew 100,000 thousand pesos more and according to them it will be processed but I doubt it will reach me because I am looking for the withdrawal with the ID and it does not appear on the list, so they scammed me..0 coordination, they lie and nothing reaches your account. I don't play with enough money, I know what I spend or not, I just needed that money and it was a stroke of luck but they stole my money because when the advisor was processing my payment I never He said, I could have seen it done but he never told me and if that was the case they should have seen it done before withdrawal, not when I claimed the money that didn't arrive, maybe they left the money for themselves, don't play boo casino, they are thieves.
no me dejaron retirar 100.000 clp por que según ellos tenían que verificar mi cuenta de nuevo y se suponía que ya estaba lista , me llego un correo diciendo que como no podían hacer el retiro a mi cuenta por falta de verificación se cancelaria y los 100000 clp serian vueltos a mi cuenta de casino , cosa que nunca sucedió en el momento que retire la primera vez tenia alrededor de 300000 solo retire 100. me quedaron alrededor de 200000 , segui jugando y fui perdiendo pero quede como con 130.000 , desde que me llego el mensaje de q me devolverian el dinero a mi cuenta de casino yo insisti todos los dias cuando ivan a reembolsarme los 100000 clp, y hoy me respondieron que segun ellos que yo me los gaste y no me di cuenta y despues otra asesora me dijo q me descontaron x un bono esa plata osea se perdió jamás me llego ni llegara , por que si tenia saldo dentro de la cuenta de casino no descontaron de ahy , no envian notificaciones ,no te avisan que te descontaran , no contestan los correos ni asesores y se tiran la pelota unos con otros y mienten por q se contradicen y ayer retire 100000 mil pesos mas y según ellas será procesado pero lo dudo que me llegue por que busco el retiro con el id y no sale en la lista ósea me estafaron ..0 coordinación , mienten y no te llega nada a la cuenta yo no juego con bastante dinero se lo que gasto o no justo nesesitaba esa plata y fue un golpe de suerte pero me robaron la plata x que cuando el asesor me estaba procesando el pago jamas me dijo , podria averlo hecho pero jamas me lo dijo y si era asi deberian averlo hecho antes de retiro no cuando yo reclame el dinero q no me llego ,quizas se dejan la plata para ellos , no juegen a boo casino son ladrones .
Da li ste ponovo predali tražena dokumenta kazinu? Sa kakvim rezultatom?
Da li ste od kazina zatražili svoju kompletnu istoriju igara? Trebalo bi da prikaže svaku opkladu sa vašim trenutnim stanjem i razjasni šta se desilo sa stanjem na računu vašeg igrača.
Da li vas je kazino obavestio o konfiskovanju bilo kakvog stanja?
Have you submitted the requested documents again to the casino? With what result?
Have you requested your complete gaming history from the casino? It should show every bet with your current balance and clarify what happened with the balance on your player's account.
Has the casino informed you about any balance being confiscated?
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear amandab,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Nažalost, igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Shodno tome, nismo u mogućnosti da dalje istražujemo i nemamo drugog izbora nego da odbijemo ovu žalbu.
Igrač može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Unfortunately, the player has not responded to our messages and questions. Consequently, we are unable to investigate further and have no choice but to reject this complaint.
The player can reopen this complaint at any time.
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