Zdravo, Tyrone02!
Veoma nam je žao zbog nesretnih okolnosti u kojima ste se našli, međutim, bojim se da nećemo moći vratiti dobitak, jer ste prekršili naše T&C:
" Sve bonus ponude su striktno ograničene na jednu po osobi i njenoj porodici, kućnu adresu, adresu e-pošte, IP adresu, broj telefona, broj računa, broj kreditne ili debitne kartice, broj e-novčanika, račun platnog sistema (Neteller, Skrill, itd.), jedan elektronski uređaj (računar, mobilni telefon, tablet itd.).
Dozvoljeno vam je da imate samo jedan (1) nalog. Dozvoljen je samo jedan nalog za svako domaćinstvo, IP, PC. Ako pokušate otvoriti više od jednog računa, svi računi koje pokušate otvoriti mogu biti blokirani ili zatvoreni, a sve opklade mogu biti poništene. Također, gubit ćete sve povrate, depozite, dobitke ili bonuse koje ste stekli ili akumulirali tokom vremena dok je dupli račun bio aktivan, a mi ih možemo vratiti. "
Što se tiče vaših depozita, kao rezultat detaljne istrage, naznačili smo da su poništeni/nisu popunjeni od strane vas. Prema tome, trebali su biti vraćeni na vaš račun. Molimo vas, provjerite, jer nismo u mogućnosti da vas dalje konsultujemo o ovom pitanju.
Što se tiče verifikacije vašeg računa, ona nikada nije verificirana u našem kazinu, jer niste učitali potrebne dokumente (dokaz adrese; to je za metodu depozita koju ste pokušavali koristiti).
U svakom slučaju, naš agent za podršku je zaista pružio djelimično pogrešnu informaciju rekavši vam da bi vaš BTC depozit trebao biti kreditiran u roku od sat vremena. Zbog toga se iskreno izvinjavamo. Već smo sproveli obuku kako bismo izbjegli dezinformisanje u budućnosti.
Hvala vam što ste pokrenuli ovaj slučaj i sretno!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Bruno Casino tim
Hello, Tyrone02!
We are very sorry for the unfortunate circumstances you found yourself in, however, I am afraid, we won’t be able to recover the winnings, as you have violated our T&C:
"All bonus offers are strictly limited to one per person and their family, home address, email address, IP-address, telephone number, account number, credit or debit card number, e-wallet number, payment system account (Neteller, Skrill, etc.), one electronic device (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.).
You are allowed to have only one (1) account. Only one account for each household, IP, PC is allowed. If you attempt to open more than one account, all accounts you try to open may be blocked or closed and any bets may be voided. Also, any returns, deposits, winnings, or bonuses which you have gained or accrued during such time as the duplicate account was active will be forfeited by you and may be reclaimed by us."
As for your deposits, as a result of a thorough investigation, we indicated that they were cancelled/ weren’t completed by you. Therefore, they should have been credited back to your account. Please, check, as we aren’t able to further consult you on this matter.
Regarding the verification of your account, it hasn’t been verified ever in our casino, as you haven’t uploaded the required documents (the proof of address; that is for the deposit method you were trying to use).
In any case, our support agent did indeed provide a partially misleading piece of information by telling you that your BTC deposit should be credited within an hour. For that, we sincerely apologize. We have already conducted training in order to avoid misinforming in the future.
Thank you for bringing this case up and good luck!
Best Regards,
Bruno Casino Team
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