Kazino pokušava krađu 5k u evrima. Oni su očigledno prevara i ovo će biti beskorisno, ali ja to radim tako da Casinoguru počne da upozorava igrače.
Kontaktirao sam ih telegramom pošto su moja povlačenja odbijana bez objašnjenja. Tvrdili su da ne primaju igrače iz mog regiona, Irske, i zbog toga su mi blokirali nalog. Ovo se dogodilo u roku od 5 minuta nakon što sam pogodio 5k na ruletu.
Verifikovan sam KIC (odobreli su sve moje dokumente), njihovi uslovi takođe ne navode Irsku kao ograničenu. Kada sam na to ukazao nekome po imenu 'Alfie' u telegramu, on je rekao da to nije važno i da pod njihovom licencom od CGB-a ne mogu da prime irske igrače. Odgovorio sam rekavši da to nigde nije detaljno navedeno na njihovoj licenci (koju trenutno nemaju). Alfie me je tada blokirao u telegramu.
Ne mogu da pristupim nalogu i oni su ignorisali svaki pokušaj angažovanja.
Preporučujem da Casinoguru dođe do njih putem telegrama, pridruži se njihovoj grupi i zatim pogleda administratore. Alfi je taj koji me je angažovao, a onda me blokirao. Tada ćete sami videti šta rade igračima.
The casino is attempting the theft of 5k in EUROS. They are clearly a scam site and this is going to be fruitless, but am doing it so Casinoguru start warning players.
I contacted them on telegram as my withdrawals were getting rejected with no explanation. They claimed they did not accept players from my region, Ireland, and therefore blocked my account. This happened within 5 minutes of me hitting 5k on roulette.
I was KYC verified (they approved all my documents), their terms also do not list ireland as resitricted. When I pointed this out to someone called 'Alfie' on telegram he said that didn't matter and under their license from CGB they couldn't accept irish players. I replied stating this wasn't detailed anywhere on their license (which they don't currently have). Alfie then blocked me from telegram.
I cannot access the account and they have ignored every attempt at engagement.
I recommend Casinoguru reach out to them via telegram, join their group and then look at admins. Alfie is the one who engaged and then blocked me. You will then see for yourself what they are doing to players.
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