Podnosim ovu žalbu u vezi sa Bulletz kazinom zbog ozbiljnog kršenja njihove politike odgovornog kockanja. Pre nekoliko dana sam zatražio jednomesečno isključenje sa platforme, i tokom ovog procesa, jasno sam rekao agentu za podršku da se borim sa problemima kockanja i ne želim da mi bude dozvoljeno da se vratim ranije ni pod kojim okolnostima.
Agent me je uverio da će isključenje biti primenjeno i da neću moći da se kockam dok ne istekne vremensko ograničenje. Međutim, uprkos ovim uveravanjima, uspeo sam da pristupim svom nalogu i ponovo se kockam pre nego što je isteklo vremensko ograničenje. Kao rezultat toga, izgubio sam 3100 dolara.
Verujem da je ovo jasno kršenje obaveza odgovornog kockanja. Bulletz Casino nije uspeo da zaštiti ranjivog igrača nakon što je bio eksplicitno obavešten o situaciji i mojoj potrebi za striktnim tajm-autom.
Tražim potpuni povraćaj 3100 USD izgubljenih tokom ovog perioda i potpunu istragu o tome kako i zašto je moj tajm-aut prerano ukinut. Takođe mi nedostaje depozit od 800 dolara koji nisu refundirali ili kreditirali i stalno izjavljuju da ga istražuju.
Mogu da obezbedim evidenciju ćaskanja ili snimke ekrana mog razgovora sa agentom za podršku ako je potrebno. Osim toga, oni mogu da nam obezbede nešto. Osećam se prevarenim i razočarano jer nisu poštovali ono što su mi rekli. Takođe nisam imao ništa osim problema.
Hvala vam na vašem vremenu i pomoći.
S poštovanjem,
I am submitting this complaint regarding Bulletz Casino due to a serious violation of their responsible gambling policies. A few days ago, I requested a 1-month exclusion from the platform, and during this process, I clearly stated to a support agent that I was struggling with gambling issues and did not want to be allowed to return early under any circumstances.
The agent assured me that the exclusion would be enforced and that I would not be able to gamble until the timeout period expired. However, despite these assurances, I was able to access my account and gamble again before the timeout was over. As a result, I ended up losing $3100.
I believe this is a clear breach of responsible gambling commitments. Bulletz Casino failed to protect a vulnerable player after being explicitly informed of the situation and my need for a strict timeout.
I am requesting a full refund of the $3100 lost during this period and a full investigation into how and why my timeout was lifted prematurely. I am also missing a $800 deposit which they have not refunded or credited and keep stating they are looking into it.
I can provide chat logs or screenshots of my conversation with the support agent if needed. As well as, they can provide some for us. I feel scammed and I feel let down as they did not honour what they stated to me. Also have had nothing but issues.
Thank you for your time and assistance.
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