Imam poteškoća sa primanjem mog povlačenja sa Prema njihovim uslovima i odredbama, proces povlačenja treba da traje 3-5 radnih dana. Međutim, ja sam sada 9. radni dan skoro 10. sutra, a moje povlačenje još uvek nije odobreno.
Više puta sam kontaktirao njihovu korisničku podršku da bih se raspitao o problemu i pitao da li su im potrebni dokumenti za verifikaciju da bi ubrzali proces. Svaki put su jednostavno konstatovali da postoji kašnjenje u plaćanju i uveravali me da ne brinem, bez dodatnog objašnjenja ili traženja dodatne dokumentacije.
Nakon što sam istražio recenzije ovog kazina, pronašao sam brojne pritužbe drugih igrača koji tvrde da nikada nisu primili svoje isplate, čak i nakon što su ispunili sve zahteve i čekali nedeljama. Ovo je izazvalo ozbiljnu zabrinutost za mene.
U potpunosti sam spreman da dostavim sve neophodne dokumente za verifikaciju kako bih brzo rešio ovaj problem, ali mi je predstavnik korisničke službe u više navrata rekao da u ovom trenutku nije potrebna verifikacija i da treba da nastavim da čekam dok ne reše kašnjenje.
Ova situacija deluje veoma sumnjivo, posebno s obzirom na negativne kritike i iskustva drugih korisnika. Obraćam se za pomoć u rešavanju ovog problema i obezbeđivanju da dobijem sredstva koja mi dugujem.
Hvala vam na pomoći.
I’m experiencing difficulties receiving my withdrawal from According to their terms and conditions, withdrawals should take 3-5 business days to process. However, I’m now on the 9th business day almost 10th tomorrow, and my withdrawal has still not been approved.
I’ve contacted their customer service multiple times to inquire about the issue and asked if they require any verification documents to expedite the process. Each time, they’ve simply stated that there’s a delay in payment and assured me not to worry, without providing any further explanation or requesting additional documentation.
After researching reviews of this casino, I’ve found numerous complaints from other players who claim they never received their withdrawals, even after complying with all requests and waiting for weeks. This has raised serious concerns for me.
I’m fully prepared to submit any necessary verification documents to resolve this matter quickly, but the customer service representative has repeatedly told me that no verification is needed at this time and that I should continue waiting while they address the delay.
This situation feels highly suspicious, especially given the negative reviews and experiences shared by other users. I’m reaching out for assistance in resolving this issue and ensuring I receive the funds I'm owed.
Thank you for your help.
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