Igrač nije primio nikakav novac za svoje dobitne opklade. Igrao je na drugoj URL adresi pa odbijamo ovaj slučaj.
Nakon igranja u nekim slotovima, shvatio sam da u nekima, kada su mi dali nagradu, nisu uračunati, šaljem im screenshotove greške a oni odgovaraju da ova igra nije iz njihovog kazina, šaljem im screenshot sa web adresu a oni odgovaraju da ih nije prevario sa njihove stranice, ja im kazem da kada otvore slot web stranica pripada provajderu, ali oni stalno govore da to nije njihov problem kada otvaraju sve slotove sa tog kazino Upućujem vas na web stranicu provajdera, oni su prevaranti, dokazano, nije u pitanju novac, već davanje do znanja jer ne računate dobitke i ne pojavljuju se na vašem računu, meni se desilo sa nekoliko slotova, probao sam još jedan i ako nije, radio je dobro.
Uđem u slot i pojavi se istorija, pogledam opštu istoriju i izgleda da nisam igrao, sve jako čudno
After playing in some slots, I realized that in some, when they gave me a prize, they were not counted, I send them screenshots of the error and they answer that this game is not from their casino, I send them a screenshot with the web address and they answer that it is not from their page that cheated them, I tell them that when they open a slot the website belongs to the provider, but they keep saying that it is not their problem, when opening all the slots from that casino I direct you to the provider's website, they are scammers, it is proven, It's not about the money, it's about making it known because you don't count the winnings and they don't appear in your balance, it's happened to me with several slots, I tried another one and if it wasn't, it worked fine.
I get into the slot and the history appears, I look at the general history and it appears that I have not played, all very strange
Tras jugar en algunas slot, me percato que en algunas al darme premio no los contabilizaba , les mando capturas de pantalla del error y me contestan que ese juego no es de su casino, les mando captura con la dirección web y me contestan que no es de su página que les engaño, les indico que al abrir una slot la web es del proveedor, pero siguen diciendo que no es su problema, al abrir todas las slot desde ese casino te dirije a la del proveedor, son unos estafadores está comprobado, no es por el dinero es por tanto y ponerlo en conocimiento porque no te cuentas las ganancias y no figuran en tu balance, me ha pasado con varios slots, salía probaba otra y si falta funcionaba bien.
Me meto en la slot y me figura el historial, miro el historial general y aparece como que no he jugado, todo muy extraño
zdravo Agustine,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Casino Intense. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego krenemo naprijed.
Koju ste igru tačno igrali? Da li je novac oduzet sa vašeg stanja kada ste se kladili? Možete li pristupiti svojoj historiji klađenja unutar kazina? Možete li nam također proslijediti te snimke ekrana na nikolas.b@casino.guru?
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello Agustin,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Casino Intense. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
What game were you playing exactly? Was the money deducted from you balance when you were placing bets? Are you able to access your betting history within the casino? Could you please also forward us those screenshots to nikolas.b@casino.guru?
Looking forward to your answer.
Igrao sam igricu Monkey Journey, davala mi je bonuse, igrao sam, osvojio sam 19,52 i nisam ih dodao na saldo, ali ako sam nastavio da snižavam igre, to jest davala je nagrade ali se ne računa njih, pa u još dva-tri slota, šaljem ti snimke na naznačenu poštu.
Odgovor kuce je da te snimke nisu sa njihove stranice i optuzili su me da varam, kada mi kradu u lice
I was playing the game Monkey Journey, it gave me bonuses, I played, I won 19.52 and I didn't add them to my balance, but if I kept discounting the plays, that is, it gave out prizes but didn't count them, so in two or three more slots, I'll send you the captures to the indicated mail.
The response of the house is that those captures are not from their page and they accused me of cheating, when they are stealing from me in my face
Estaba jugando al juego Monkey Journey me dio bonus jugué gane 19,52 y no me los apunto en mi saldo, pero si seguía descontando las jugadas, o sea que daba premios pero no los contabilizaba, así en dos o tres slots más, te mando las capturas al correo señalado.
La respuesta de la casa es que esas capturas no son de su página y me acusaban de hacer trampas, cuando me están robando en mi cara
Hvala Agustin na informacijama i snimcima ekrana. Vašu žalbu ću sada proslijediti kolegi Vilijamu koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rješavanju.
Thank you Agustin for the information and the screenshots. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
zdravo Agustine,
Pogledao sam Vašu žalbu i dat ću sve od sebe da Vam pomognem. Želio bih da pozovem Casino Intense u ovaj razgovor. Kazino, možete li nam objasniti opisani problem?
Hello Agustin,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Casino Intense into this conversation. Casino, can you please explain to us the described problem?
Veoma nam je žao što ste iskusili ovu neugodnost.
Provjerili smo razgovor koji ste vodili sa timom za podršku. Poslali ste im snimke ekrana svojih rezultata na "Monkey Journey" na kojima jasno možemo vidjeti da ste ga igrali na web stranici provajdera igara, a ne u našem kazinu. Takođe, da bismo ovo razjasnili, provjeravamo vašu historiju igara i čini se da nikada niste igrali "Monkey Journey" u našem kazinu.
Ne kažemo da lažete ili varate, mislimo da je to bio nesporazum. I pošto vam je ova situacija bila nezgodna, pa čak i da je došlo do nesporazuma i zabune sa vaše strane, naša podrška vam je 15. aprila ponudila 20€ kao kompenzaciju.
Hvala vam na razumijevanju.
We are very sorry to hear that you experienced this inconvenience.
We checked the conversation you had with the support team. You sent them screenshots of your results on "Monkey Journey" on which we can clearly see that you played it on the game provider's website and not on our casino. Also, to clarify this, we check your game history, and it appears that you never played "Monkey Journey" on our casino.
We're not saying you're lying or cheating, we think that it was a misunderstanding. And because this situation was inconvenient for you, and even there was a misunderstanding and confusion on your part, our support offered you 20€ on April 15th to compensate for it.
Thank you for your understanding.
Nastavljaš da lažeš kao da si me uvijek vrijeđao, rekao si mi da sam varalica i imam snimke ekrana da ako sam igrao iz tvog kazina, a ti i dalje to poričeš, jasno je da ste prevaranti, dat ću to u ruke pravda okačiću razgovore gde i kažeš da igram samo slot opklade od 0,005 i 0,10, kad sam ti dao dokaz istorije većih opklada, ti si lažov i prevarant kazino, na vidiku ovo i nije za novac je zato što ste lopovi sa svim pismima i pokazao sam vam i sve ću objaviti ovde, istoriju i snimke ekrana.
Kažete da nisam igrao Monkey Journey sa vaše stranice već sa strane dobavljača, kao što se igra u svim slotovima, takođe nemate pojma ali ima primer prevaranti
Poslaću razgovore u kojima mi kažeš da varam ali i dalje to negiram, još jedan primer tvog tvrdog lica. Inače, rekao sam ti da vratiš novac na moj račun i dao si mi kazino bonus koji sam morao da odigram oko 1600 eura da se oporavim, idem po tvojoj politici
You keep lying like you always insulted me, you told me I was a cheater and I have screenshots that if I played from your casino and still you keep denying it, it is clear that you are scammers, I will put it in the hands of justice I will hang the conversations where you also say that I only play slots bets of 0.005 and 0.10, when I have given you proof of the history of higher bets, you are liars and a scammer casino, in sight this and it is not for the money it is because you are thieves with all the letters and I have shown it to you and I will post it all here, history and screenshots.
You say that I have not played Monkey Journey from your page but from the supplier's page, as in all slots it is played, that you also have no idea but there is an example of scammers
I will send the conversations where you tell me that I cheat but continue to deny it, another example of your hard face. By the way, I told you to refund the money to my account and you gave me a casino bonus that I had to play about 1600 euros to recover, I'm going with your policy
Seguis mintiendo como siempre me insultasteis me dijisteis que era un tramposo y tengo capturas de que si jugué desde vuestro casino y aun así lo seguís negando esta claro que sois unos estafadores, lo pondré en manos de la justicio voy a colgar las conversaciones donde también decís que solo jugue apuestas de slots de 0.005 y 0.10, cuando os he entregado pruebas del historial de apuestas mas elevadas, soys unos mentirosos y un casino estafador, a la vista esta y no es por el dinero es porque soys unos ladrones con todas las letras y os lo he demostrado y lo colgare todo aquí, historial y pantallazos.
Decis que no he jugado al Monkey Journey desde vuestra pagina sino desde la del proveedor como en todas las slots se juega , que ademas no teneis ni idea pero hay va un ejemplo estafadores
Enviare las conversaciones donde me decís que hago trampas pero seguir negándolo otro ejemplito de vuestra cara dura. Por cierto os dije que me reintegraseeis el dinero a la cuenta y me disteis un bono de casino que tenia que jugar unos 1600 euros para recuperar, me parto con vuestra politica
Dragi Agustine,
sa ovog snimka ekrana, očigledno je da niste igrali igru "Monkey's Journey" na web stranici kazina. Zamolio bih vas za dokaz da ste igrali ovu igru u kazinu. Tajmer ću postaviti na 7 dana, ako ne pružite dokaze moram odbiti ovu žalbu kao neopravdanu.
Hvala na razumijevanju.
Dear Agustin,
from this screenshot, it's obvious that you didn't play the game "Monkey's Journey" on the Casino's website. I'd like to ask you for evidence that you've played this game in the Casino. I'll set the timer to 7 days, if you'll not provide evidence I must reject this complaint as unjustified.
Thanks for understanding.
Šaljem vam screenshot historije igre sa intenzivnim ekranom, ali vam kažem da igrate u bilo kojem slot-u na intenzivnom i upućujem vas na stranicu provajdera ako ne provjerite čini se da je neistinito, nije zbog novca Ja to ni ne zelim,zato ne vara vise ljudi,upadaj u bilo koju igricu iz intense i u toj istoj vidices kako te uputim na isti link koji se pojavljuje u snimanju
Evo imam dokaze istorije igre sa intenzivne stranice i kažem vam, nije me briga za novac, već da vidite s kim ljudi imaju posla, šaljem vam i screenshotove drugih intenzivnih igara koje vas upućuju na drugi provajder, provjeri, šaljem ti na e-mail koji me ne pušta ovdje
nikolas.b@casino.guru evo šaljem vam
I send you a screenshot of the game history with the intense screen, but I tell you that you play in any slot in intense and I direct you to the provider's page if you don't check it seems untrue, it's not because of the money I don't even want it, it's why do not scam more people, get into any game from intense and in that same one you will see how I direct you to the same link that appears in the capture
Here I have the proofs of the history of the game from the intense page and I tell you, I don't care about the money, it's to see who people deal with, I also send you screenshots of other intense games that direct you to another provider, check it, I send it to you to the e-mail that won't let me here
nikolas.b@casino.guru here I send it to you
Te mando captura del historial del juego con la pantalla de intense, pero te digo tu juegas en cualquier slot en intense y te dirije a la página del proveedor si no comprobarlo parece mentira, ya no es por el dinero que ni lo quiero es por qué no estafen a más gente, meteros en cualquier juego desde intense i en ese mismo ya verás como te dirije al mismo link que aparece en la captura
Aquí tengo las pruebas del historial del juego desde la página de intense y te digo me importa nada el dinero es para ver con quién trata la gente, te mando también capturas de otros juegos de intense que te dirije a otro proveedor comprobarlo, te lo mando al e-mail que aquí no me deja
nikolas.b@casino.guru aquí te lo mando
Dragi Agustine,
Pokušao sam da igram igru i nije me preusmjerilo na drugu web stranicu.
Nikolas više nije dio ove žalbe, pošaljite je na moj e-mail: viliam.v@casino.guru
Dear Agustin,
I've tried to play the game and it didn't redirect me to another website.
Nikolas is no longer part of this complaint, please, send it to my email: viliam.v@casino.guru
Spremni Poslao sam vam historiju igara gdje se čini da sam sa intense casino stranice i dva snimka ekrana igara sa te stranice tako da možete vidjeti kada otvarate slot da vas šalje na stranicu distributera kao i obično, ali vi možete provjeriti otvaranjem iz tog kazina bilo koji slot, to je urađeno na mobilnom telefonu
Ready I have sent you the history of the games where it appears that I am from the intense casino page and two screenshots of games from that page so that you can see when opening a slot it sends you to the distributor's page as usual, but you can check it by opening from that casino any slot, this was done on the mobile phone
Listo te he enviado el historial del juegos donde figura que estoy desde la página de casino intense y dos pantallazos de juegos desde esa página para que veas al abrir una slot te manda a la página del distribuidor como es normal, pero lo puedes comprobar abriendo desde ese casino cualquier slot , esto se realizó en el teléfono movil
Dragi Agustine,
snimci ekrana koje ste mi poslali govore da ste koristili drugu URL adresu: casinointense-max.com/es/ .
Probao sam da igram igru "majmunsko putovanje" i igrao sam na ovoj adresi: casinointense.com/es/ .
Nažalost, na osnovu ovog Casino objašnjenja i mog iskustva, ne mogu vam pomoći u ovom trenutku i prisiljen sam odbiti vašu žalbu.
Ako niste zadovoljni mojim zaključkom, možete kontaktirati licencu za kockanje Curacao. Pošaljite mi e-mail ako vam treba moja pomoć da ih kontaktirate.
Izvini, nisam mogao da ti pomognem, ali ruke su mi vezane i dokazi ne idu u tvoju korist.
Dear Agustin,
the screenshots that you've sent to me say you've used a different URL address: casinointense-max.com/es/.
I tried to play the game "monkey's journey" and I played at this address: casinointense.com/es/.
Unfortunately, based on this Casino explanation and my experience I can't help you at this point and I'm forced to reject your complaint.
If you are not satisfied with my conclusion you can contact Curacao gambling license. Send me an email if you need my help with contacting them.
Sorry, I wasn't able to help you but my hands are tied and the evidence doesn't work in your favor.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.