Radim sa onlajn kazinima i pišem o njima više od 6 godina. Sada sam se našao u maloj nevolji sa kazinom CONDOR MALTA LTD koji se zove Casino Sieger, tako da ne Tournaverse koji sam izabrao ovde u njegovom odsustvu.
Nedavno sam igrao u ovom kazinu i napravio depozit da dobijem 100 besplatnih okretaja. Zatim sam nastavio da gubim svoj depozit. Nisam video besplatne okrete na svom profilu pa sam pitao agente podrške o tome. Rekli su mi da „idi i probaj sada" i pojavili su se besplatni okreti.
Tada sam osvojio možda 30 € sa besplatnim okretima. Morao sam da se kladim na njih posle, tako da sam posle svega rečenog i urađenog, na kraju imao više od 828,13 € pod oznakom REAL MONEI. Zatim sam povukao i ubrzo mi je rečeno da je to USPEH.
Tada sam dobio čudan iznos od 277,40 € od Trustli-a. Pitao sam podršku da li je ovaj iznos poslao kazino i oni su odgovorili da. Rekli su da su moji drugi dobici (550,73 €) uklonjeni sa mog računa jer BEZ DEPOZITA BESPLATNI SPINS-ovi imaju ograničen maksimalni dobitak od 50 €.
Ni u jednom trenutku nisam dobio BEZ DEPOZITA BESPLATNE SPINE; Upravo mi je podrška dala svoje prave okrete ručno jer kazino ne radi kako treba. Takođe ne razumem zašto bi mi još platili 277,40 evra. Mislim da su nešto jako zabrljali. Tvrdili su da je ovo novac koji sam osvojio pravim novcem, što je besmislica jer su svi dobici bili od 100 ručno dodatih besplatnih okretaja.
Sećam se da je sajt delovao i dok sam ja igrao. U nekom trenutku mi je pokazalo da je moj bonus saldo bio negativan 1,40 € ili tako nešto, što sam se pitao. Čini se da je sistem kazina nekako zbrkan.
Naravno, žalio bih se i tražio da se situacija zaoštri. Zatim bi za nekoliko dana potvrdili putem e-pošte da su dobici odustali jer su dobici za BEZ DEPOZITA BESPLATNE SPINS-ove ograničeni.
U ovom trenutku, postao sam veoma frustriran i nastavio sam da objašnjavam naširoko da nisam dobio nijedan BESPLATNI SPINS BEZ DEPOZITA sa sajta. Nekoliko dana kasnije ponovo bi potvrdili isto i rekli da je sve urađeno po uslovima sajta.
Osećam da je ovo predatorsko ponašanje. Nikada nisam tražio nikakve BESPLATNE SPINOVE BEZ DEPOZITA (napravio sam depozite za sve njih), ali kazino stalno insistira na tome da jesam—i šalju mi loša i bleda objašnjenja koja se ne odnose na ono što sam im rekao.
Pošto sam godinama radio u ovoj industriji, ovakve stvari shvatam veoma ozbiljno. Za razliku od mene, većina kupaca nema stručnost potrebnu da argumentuje svoje stavove ili vidi kada nešto nije u redu.
500 evra je mnogo novca, a kazino koji moje povlačenje naziva uspešnim i ne kontaktira me lično — a zatim nastavlja da mi plaća manje i raspravlja se o glupostima — jednostavno je neprihvatljivo.
I've been working with and writing about online casinos for over 6 years. I now find myself in a bit of predicament with a CONDOR MALTA LTD casino called Casino Sieger, so not Tournaverse which I picked here in its absence.
I recently played at this casino and made a deposit to get 100 free spins. I then continued to lose my deposit. I did not see the free spins on my profile so I asked support agents about it. They told me to "go and try now" and the free spins had appeared.
I then won maybe €30 with the free spins. I had to wager them afterwards, so after all was said and done, I ended up having more than €828.13 under the REAL MONEY label. I then made a withdrawal and was soon told it was a SUCCESS.
I then received a weird amount of €277.40 from Trustly. I asked support whether this amount had been sent by the casino and they said yes. They said that my other winnings (€550.73) were waived from my account because NO DEPOSIT FREE SPINS had a limited maximum win of €50.
At no point had I gotten any NO DEPOSIT FREE SPINS; I'd just been given my real spins manually by the support due to the casino not working properly. I also don't understand why they would still pay me €277.40. I think they messed something up pretty badly. They claimed this was money I'd won with real money, which is gibberish as all of the winnings were from the 100 manually added free spins.
I do remember the site acting up while I was playing as well. At some point it showed me my bonus balance was negative €1.40 or something, which I wondered about. It seems the casino's system is somehow messed up.
Naturally, I would complain and ask for the situation to be escalated. Then, in a few days, they would confirm by email that the winnings were waived because the winnings for NO DEPOSIT FREE SPINS were limited.
At this point, I was getting very frustrated and I continued to explain in length that I had not gotten any NO DEPOSIT FREE SPINS from the site. A couple of days later they would again confirm the same thing and say that everything was done according to the terms of the website.
I feel this to be predatory behavior. I never claimed any NO DEPOSIT FREE SPINS (I made deposits for all of them), yet the casino keeps insisting that I did—and sending me poor and lackluster explanations that do not address what I told them.
Having worked in this industry for years myself, I take things like this very seriously. Unlike me, most customers do not have the expertise required to argue their points or see when something is not right.
500 euros is a lot of money, and the casino calling my withdrawal a success and not contacting me personally—and then continuing to pay me less and arguing nonsense—is simply unacceptable.
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