Igračica iz Nemačke doživljava poteškoće sa povlačenjem svojih dobitka. Problem je uspješno riješen.
sada je slučaj da čekam reakciju podrške od 23-06-2020. ništa se ne događa i iznosi najmanje 500 eura. pokrenuo AZ i otkazao malo kasnije ... nakon otkazivanja novca je nestao. Koristio sam bonus prilikom polaganja ... ali davno (poštovao pravila) ... u međuvremenu se moj bonus bar vraća na nekih 80%, što ne može biti, jer se definitivno igralo i od tada imam nikad plaćeno (nisam glup)
sad pišem na livechat svaki dan i pitam kako to izgleda .. tamo sam uvijek upućen na podršku putem e-maila, a zatim odgodio .. bilo bi u procesu .. mislim "ZDRAVO ?!" To je bilo prije 17 dana, a podrška nije ni reagirala (pisao sam ih nekoliko puta) barem jednom "dobili smo kartu. Rad na tome" trebao bi biti tamo. sad se bojim (izgleda da je i to sranje), da su me odbacili dok ne kažem "sunđera!"
now it is the case that i have been waiting for a reaction from the support since 23-06-2020. nothing happens and it is at least 500 euros. had initiated an AZ and canceled a little later ... after the cancellation what the money disappeared. I had used a bonus when depositing ... but had long since (complied with the rules) ... meanwhile my bonus bar is back to a few 80%, which cannot be, because it was definitely played over and since then I have never paid in (I'm not stupid)
now i write to the livechat every day and ask how it looks .. there i am always referred to the support via email and then put off .. it would be in process .. I mean "HELLO ?!" That was 17 days ago and the support did not even react (I wrote them several times) at least once "we received a ticket. Working on it" should be in there. now I'm afraid (looks a lot like shit too) that they put me off until I say "sponge over it!"
nun ist es so, dass ich seit dem 23-06-2020 auf eine reaktion des supports warte. nichts passiert und es geht hier immerhin um 500 euro. hatte eine AZ eingeleitet und etwas später wieder storniert...nach dem Storno was das Geld verschwunden. ich hatte beim Einzahlen einen Bonus benutzt..diesen aber längst (regelkonform) umgespielt...mittlerweile steht meine Bonusbar wieder auf ein paar 80%, was nicht sein kann, denn er war definitiv umgespielt und seither hab ich nimmer eingezahlt (bin ja nicht bescheuert)
nun schreibe ich täglich den livechat an und frage , wie es aussieht.. dort werde ich immer wieder erst an den support via email verwiesen und dann vertröstet .. es wäre in Bearbeitung.. ich meine "HALLO?!" das ist nun 17 Tage her und der Support hat nicht einmal reagiert (hab die mehrfach angeschrieben) wenigstens mal ein "wir haben Ticket erhalten.Arbeiten daran" sollte doch wohl drin sein. nun befürchte ich (sieht ja auch sehr nach Beschiss aus), dass die mich so lange vertrösten, bis ich sage "Schwamm drüber!"
Draga Yvonne,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih mogao u potpunosti razumjeti cijelu situaciju. Možete li da nam kažete koji ste tačno bonus aktivirali i igrali? Da li je aktivni saldo i dalje vidljiv na vašem računu ili je zaplenjen nakon otkazanog podizanja? I na kraju, jeste li uspješno završili provjeru KYC računa u prošlosti?
Ako imate bilo kakvu relevantnu komunikaciju, pošaljite je na moju adresu e-pošte petronela.k@casino.guru . Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da rešite ovo pitanje što je pre moguće. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Yvonne,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise which exact bonus you have activated and played? Is you active balance still visible in your account or it has been confiscated after cancelled withdrawal? Lastly, have you completed KYC account verification successfully in the past?
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to my email address petronela.k@casino.guru. I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Puno hvala Yvonne na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sad ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćemo u skoroj budućnosti riješiti svoj problem na zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Yvonne for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Yvonne,
Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i razumio vašu situaciju. Možete li molim da proslijedite svoju povijest igre na moju adresu e-pošte: peter.m@casino.guru? To bi bilo vrlo korisno.
Hi Yvonne,
I looked at your case and understand your situation. Could you please forward your game history to my email address: peter.m@casino.guru? That would be very helpful.
Znači li tok igre tačan popis transakcija? (ako je moguće sa svakim okretajem i tako dalje?)
brzo ....
Mora da izgleda .. najbolje sa snimkom zaslona, zar ne?
sve na putu u vašem (samo ću vam reći) poštanskom sandučiću
Does the course of the game mean the exact transaction list? (if possible with every single spin and so ??)
is coming
promptly ....
Must look .. best with a screenshot, right?
everything on the way in your (I'll just say you) mailbox
Ist mit Spielverlauf die genaue Transaktionsliste gemeint? (wenn möglich mit jedem einzelnen Spin und so??)
Muss gucken.. per Screenshot am besten, oder?
alles unterwegs in Dein (ich sag mal einfach du) Postfach
Zdravo Yvonne,
Hvala na snimkama ekrana. Nisam tačno pronašao ono što sam tražio, ponekad ima više informacija u istoriji igara, ali nema veze. Kontaktirat ću kasino i vidjeti šta se može učiniti.
Hi Yvonne,
Thank you for the screenshots. I didn't exactly find what I was looking for, sometimes there is more information in the game history, but never mind. I will contact the casino and see what can be done.
Draga Yvonne,
Vaš je račun kod nas zatvoren jer je naš sustav otkrio više računa pomoću iste IP adrese. To predstavlja kršenje naših uvjeta.
Konkretni Termin u pitanju je:
47. Svaki igrač može otvoriti samo jedan račun po osobi, porodici, domaćinstvu, IP adresi i adresi e-pošte. Upotreba više od jednog računa po fizičkom igraču poznata je kao "višestruko računovodstvo" i kao takva strogo je zabranjena.
( https://www.24bettle.com/en/terms )
Potpuno je istražena i odlučeno je da vaš račun trajno ostane zatvoren.
Poslali smo detaljan izveštaj administratoru foruma.
Prema internoj proceduri, kada postoji sumnja na više računa, KYC se traži sa oba računa
Povezani račun zatražio je potvrdu KYC-a 17. aprila 2020. i još jednom 5. juna.
Do današnjeg datuma nismo dobili odgovor s računa što nam nije preostalo drugog izbora nego da zatvorimo oba računa u skladu s našim Uvjetima i odredbama.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Casino Sieger Team
Dear Yvonne,
Your account with us has been closed because our system has detected multiple accounts using the same IP address. This is a violation of our terms and conditions.
The particular Term in question is:
47. Each Player is allowed to open only one Account per person, family, household, IP address and email address. Use of more than one Account per physical Player is known as "multi-accounting" and as such is strictly forbidden.
( https://www.24bettle.com/en/terms )
It has been fully investigated and it has been decided that your account is to remain closed permanently.
We have sent a detailed report to the forum admin.
According to internal procedure, when there is a Multiple accounts suspicion, KYC is requested from both accounts
The connected account was requested a KYC verification on 17th of April 2020 and once again on 5th of June.
By today's date we didn't receive a response from the account which left us with no choice but to close both accounts in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
Best Regards,
Casino Sieger Team
Dakle..Imam račun s pobjednikom .. također sa 24bettle, betzest, big5, rembrandt itd., a ni moj račun u kasinu nije blokiran .. Upravo sam prijavljen. Nisam blokiran ni u jednoj od tih kockarnica i / ili su mi u prošlosti na bilo koji način slali nešto ili napisali u chatu. Da imam nekoliko računa tamo, ne bih ni pokušao ništa zatražiti, jer je jasno da li će postojati problemi sa AZ-om.
U stvari me uopće nisu pitali za ovaj ispit KYC (na koji način bi trebao biti zahtjev?), Mogao sam im poslati tražene dokumente bez ikakvih problema
so..I have an account with the winner .. also with 24bettle, betzest, big5, rembrandt, etc. and my casino account is not blocked either .. I just logged in. I am not blocked at any of these casinos and / or in the past I have been sent something or written in the chat in any way. If I had several accounts there, I wouldn't have even tried to request anything because it is clear that there will or may be problems with AZ.
I was actually not even asked for this KYC exam (which way should the request have been made?) I could have sent them the requested documents without any problems
also..ich habe bei Sieger EINEN Account.. ebenso bei 24bettle, betzest, big5, rembrandt,usw und mein casinoaccount ist auch nicht gesperrt.. ich habe mich gerade eingeloggt. Bei keinem dieser Casinos bin ich gesperrt und/oder habe ich in der Vergangenheit auf irgendeinem Weg etwas diesbezüglich geschickt oder im Chat geschrieben bekommen. Hätte ich mehrere Accounts dort, hätte ich ja auch gar nicht erst versucht, irgendwas einzufordern, weil es klar ist, dass das Probleme bzgl AZ geben wird oder kann.
ich wurde tatsächlich nicht einmal um diese KYC-Prüfung gebeten (auf welchem Weg soll die Bitte darum denn erfolgt sein?) Ich hätte denen nämlich die gewünschten Dokumente ohne Probleme schicken können
Također mislim da je smiješno da mogu smisliti SADA .. Polaganje i igranje je besprijekorno, ali ako želite platiti, dolaze s nečim takvim.
Još uvijek nisam čuo ništa o GARNICHTS-u od podrške. Kleknuo sam više od tri tjedna ... da mi je račun bio blokiran, sigurno bi mi rekla jedna od dama iz chata uživo. Logično da se tada nisam mogao prijaviti, zar ne?
I also think it's funny that they can think of the NOW .. depositing and playing is flawless, but if you want to pay out, they come with something like this.
I still haven't heard anything about GARNICHTS from the support. I've been kneeling for over three weeks ... if my account had been blocked, one of the ladies from the live chat would certainly have told me. Logically I couldn't log in then, could I?
ich finde es auch witzig, dass denen das JETZT einfällt..einzahlen und spielen geht einwandtfrei, aber will man auszahlen,kommen die mit so was ums Eck.
ich habe auch noch immer nichts -GARNICHTS- vomSupport gehört.Seit über drei Wochen beknie ich die...wäre mein Account gesperrt, hätte mir eine der Damen aus dem live-Chat dies doch sicherlich mitgeteilt. Ich könnte mich ja dann logischer Weise auch nicht einloggen,oder?
Također mislim da je smiješno da mogu smisliti SADA .. Polaganje i igranje je besprijekorno, ali ako želite platiti, dolaze s nečim takvim.
Još uvijek nisam čuo ništa o GARNICHTS-u od podrške. Kleknuo sam više od tri tjedna ... da mi je račun bio blokiran, sigurno bi mi rekla jedna od dama iz chata uživo. Logično da se tada nisam mogao prijaviti, zar ne?
I also think it's funny that they can think of the NOW .. depositing and playing is flawless, but if you want to pay out, they come with something like this.
I still haven't heard anything about GARNICHTS from the support. I've been kneeling for over three weeks ... if my account had been blocked, one of the ladies from the live chat would certainly have told me. Logically I couldn't log in then, could I?
ich finde es auch witzig, dass denen das JETZT einfällt..einzahlen und spielen geht einwandtfrei, aber will man auszahlen,kommen die mit so was ums Eck.
ich habe auch noch immer nichts -GARNICHTS- vomSupport gehört.Seit über drei Wochen beknie ich die...wäre mein Account gesperrt, hätte mir eine der Damen aus dem live-Chat dies doch sicherlich mitgeteilt. Ich könnte mich ja dann logischer Weise auch nicht einloggen,oder?
to bi bilo super
PS: Moj račun još uvijek nije zatvoren .. i ako bi ga zatvorili, bolje da odem kod advokata .. Pozdrav od mene! 😉
that would be great
PS: My account is still not tight .. and if the should close I will go best but the advocate .. nice greeting from me 😉!
das wäre schön
PS: Mein Account ist immer noch nicht dicht.. und wenn die den schließen sollten werde ich am besten doch zum Anwalt gehen.. schönen Gruß von mir! 😉
Draga Yvonne,
Naše duboko izvinjenje, ali ovo je bio pogrešan račun i poruka koju smo poslali nije bila namenjena vama.
Uskoro ćemo se javiti s vama uz odgovor.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Sieger Casino
Dear Yvonne,
Our deepest apologies but this was a mistaken account and the message sent by us was not meant for you.
We will be back with you shortly with an answer.
Best Regards,
Sieger Casino
Draga Yvonne,
Naše duboko izvinjenje, ali ovo je bio pogrešan račun i poruka koju smo poslali nije bila namenjena vama.
Uskoro ćemo se javiti s vama uz odgovor.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Sieger Casino
Dear Yvonne,
Our deepest apologies but this was a mistaken account and the message sent by us was not meant for you.
We will be back with you shortly with an answer.
Best Regards,
Sieger Casino
Draga Yvonne,
Naše duboko izvinjenje, ali ovo je bio pogrešan račun i poruka koju smo poslali nije bila namenjena vama.
Uskoro ćemo se javiti s vama uz odgovor.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Sieger Casino
Dear Yvonne,
Our deepest apologies but this was a mistaken account and the message sent by us was not meant for you.
We will be back with you shortly with an answer.
Best Regards,
Sieger Casino
ok..i također sam bila jako iznenađena .. htjela sam pogledati gore .. srećom imala sam pod kontrolom.lol
ok..i was also very surprised .. wanted to look up there .. luckily I had myself under control.lol
ok..ich war auch sehr verwundert.. wollte dort schon aufmucken..glücklicher Weise hatte ich mich im Griff.lol
Samo sam se prijavila i evo i gle ... mojih 500 € je vraćeno .... odmah sam pokrenula plaćanje .. da vidimo da li radi .. unaprijed hvala
I just logged in and lo and behold ... my 500 € are back .... I initiated payment immediately .. let's see if it works .. thank you in advance
ich habe mich gerade eingeloggt und siehe da...meine 500€ sind wieder da.... habe direkt Auszahlung eingeleitet..mal sehen,ob es funzt.. vielen dank schonmal
može se zatvoriti .. gotovo danas! Vjerno geslu: "DOBRO STE BILO!" hvala na trudu .... da imam pri ruci praline .... bile bi za vas 😘
can be closed .. done today! True to the motto: "GOOD THINGS WANT TO HAVE A BIT!" thank you for your efforts .... I'd Pralienen at hand .... they were for you 😘
kann geschlaossen werden..seit heute erledigt! Frei nach dem Motto : "GUT DING WILL WEILE HABEN!" danke für eure Bemühungen....hätt ich Pralienen zur Hand....sie wären für euch 😘
Hvala Yvonne na odgovoru 🙂 . Drago mi je čuti da je vaš problem riješen. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao 'riješenu' u našem sustavu. Hvala vam što koristite Casino Guru centar za rješavanje žalbi. Ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakav problem s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you Yvonne for your reply 🙂. I'm glad to hear that your issue got resolved. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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