Želio bih se još jednom izviniti jer razumijem da je ovo nanijelo puno neugodnosti kupcu.
Mogu potvrditi da je zaista došlo do prekida rada mrežnog prolaza za plaćanje zbog kojeg nam je žao, zato sam predložio klijentu da koristi bankovnu karticu jer ovaj način nesmetano djeluje i na depozite i na isplate svih naših kupaca iz Grčke. Nažalost, kupac nije želio dodati ovaj način plaćanja.
Takođe, još jednom sam provjerio da za dotični račun nisu postavljena posebna ograničenja, kupac je mogao podizati različite iznose, osim u intervalima kada smo se suočavali sa tehničkim problemima.
Vidim da je kupac povukao gotovo sve svoje dobitke od dana prigovora i nastavlja se igrati s nama do danas. Uvijek postoji opcija da zatražite blokadu igara ako neko želi zamrznuti sredstva na računu.
Budući da je kupac odlučio ostati s nama, toplo bih preporučio upotrebu bankovne kartice prema depozitima i podizanju novca, jer je naši grčki kupci jako koriste. U svakom slučaju, ako nastavi koristiti kripto, primijenili smo neke promjene pa se nadam da će to spriječiti da se ponove.
Iskrene isprike i ljubazni pozdravi,
Casinoin Team
I would like to apologize once again because I understand that this caused a lot of inconvenience to the customer.
I can confirm that there indeed were outages with the payment gateway we are sorry about, that's why I suggested the customer using a bank card since this method works smoothly for both deposits and withdrawals for all of our customers from Greece. Unfortunately, the customer didn't want to add this payment method.
Also, I have checked once again that there were not particular limits set for the account in question, the customer were able to withdraw different amounts except for intervals when we were facing technical issues.
I see that the customer has withdrawn almost all of his winnings from the day of complaint and keeps playing with us till today. There is always an option to request gaming sections block if anyone wants to freeze funds on the account.
Since the customer has decided to stay with us, I would highly recommend using the bank card as per deposits and withdrawals since it's a wildly used by our Greek customers. Anyways, If he continues using crypto, there were some changes that we have implemented so I hope that those will prevent this from happening again.
Sincere apologies and kind regards,
Casinoin Team
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