Dragi kazino guru,
Cenimo vaše napore u posredovanju u ovom slučaju i želimo da ponovimo naš stav u vezi sa zabrinutošću korisnika.
Kao što je ranije navedeno, odluka o trajnom zatvaranju naloga klijenta doneta je nakon detaljnog internog pregleda i ostaje konačna zbog bezbednosnih razloga. Moramo da naglasimo da ne zakazujemo pozive za bezbednosne provere, jer bi to ugrozilo naše interne procedure. Naše odeljenje obezbeđenja je više puta pokušavalo da stupi u kontakt sa kupcem, ujutru i uveče, i signal je bio prisutan pri svakom pokušaju.
Pored toga, želeli bismo da istaknemo ključnu tačku u našim Uslovima i odredbama, koju je kupac pročitao i sa kojim se složio:
4. Nalog igrača
4.2. Od vas se traži da stalno ažurirate svoje podatke o registraciji. Ako promenite svoju adresu, e-mail, broj telefona ili bilo koji drugi kontakt ili lične podatke, kontaktirajte da biste ažurirali informacije o Vašem nalogu. Ime koje dajete Operateru prilikom registracije mora biti identično onom navedenom na vašoj identifikaciji koju je izdao državni organ.
Klijent je izričito potvrdio da je njihov registrovani broj telefona bio neaktivan nekoliko meseci i da nisu ažurirali svoje podatke u skladu sa našim Uslovima i odredbama. Ovo potvrđuje da odgovornost za održavanje tačnih informacija o nalogu leži na igraču, a svaki propust da to uradi ne garantuje izuzetak od naših utvrđenih bezbednosnih procedura.
Štaviše, možemo ponovo da potvrdimo da je poslednji depozit klijenta vraćen. Ako im budu potrebni dodatni detalji, dobrodošli su da kontaktiraju naš tim za podršku, a mi ćemo im dati ARN broj, koji mogu da koriste za verifikaciju transakcije u svojoj banci.
Cenimo vaše razumevanje i saradnju po ovom pitanju. Napominjemo da je ova odluka konačna i kao takva smatraćemo da je ovo pitanje rešeno.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Kazino Mega
Dear Casino Guru,
We appreciate your continued efforts in mediating this case and would like to reiterate our position regarding the customer's concerns.
As previously stated, the decision to permanently close the customer's account was made following a thorough internal review and remains final due to security concerns. We must emphasize that we do not schedule calls for security verifications, as doing so would compromise our internal procedures. Our Security Department made multiple attempts to contact the customer, both in the morning and evening, and a signal was present during each attempt.
Additionally, we would like to highlight a key point in our Terms & Conditions, which the customer has read and agreed to:
4. Players’ Account
4.2. You are required to keep Your registration details up to date at all times. If You change Your address, e-mail, phone number, or any other contact or personal information, please contact support@casinomega.com in order to update Your Account information. The name that You provide to the Operator at registration must be identical to that listed on Your government-issued identification.
The customer has explicitly acknowledged that their registered phone number had been inactive for several months and that they had not updated their details as required by our T&Cs. This confirms that the responsibility to maintain accurate account information rests with the player, and any failure to do so does not warrant an exception to our established security procedures.
Furthermore, we can reconfirm that the customer’s last deposit has been refunded. If they require further details, they are welcome to contact our support team, and we will provide the ARN number, which they can use to verify the transaction with their bank.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation on this matter. Please note that this decision is final and as such we will consider this matter to be resolved.
Best regards,
Casino Mega
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