Igračica iz Nemačke je zatražila povlačenje pre dve nedelje, ali još uvek nije dobila svoj novac. Žalba je riješena uz pomoć organa za igre.
The player from Germany has requested a withdrawal two weeks ago but hasn’t received her money yet. The complaint was resolved with the help of the gaming authority.
Igračica iz Nemačke je zatražila povlačenje pre dve nedelje, ali još uvek nije dobila svoj novac. Žalba je riješena uz pomoć organa za igre.
Od 6. februara čekam svoju uplatu. U ćaskanju dobivam samo vrlo izbjegavajuće ili nikakve odgovore. To je ispravna tehnika držanja. Na moju e-poštu nije odgovoreno. Nema reakcija od strane financije ili uprave. Casino se ne preporučuje i nalazi se na crnoj listi.
Since February 6th I'm waiting for my payment. I only get very evasive or no answers in the chat. It is a correct holding technique. My emails were not answered. No reaction from the finance department or the management. The casino is not recommended and is on the black list.
Seit dem 06.02. warte ich auf meine Auszahlung. Im Chat bekomme ich nur sehr ausweichende oder keine Antworten. Es ist eine richtige Hinhaltetechnik. Meine Mails wurden nicht beantwortet. Keine Reaktion von der Finanzabteilung oder der Geschäftsführung. Das Casino ist nicht zu empfehlen und gehört auf die schwarze Liste.
Draga Roswitha,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Jako mi je žao kad čujem vaš problem. Možete li mi dati više informacija i detalja u vezi s tim pitanjem? Jeste li prošli postupak verifikacije KYC (Know Your Customer) u prošlosti? Siguran sam da razumijete da ovaj temeljit postupak može trajati nekoliko radnih dana i bez njega nećete moći dobiti nikakva povlačenja. Javite mi da li je provjera vašeg računa u kasinu u prošlosti bila uspješna.
Preporučujem provjeru casino pregleda na našoj web stranici prije nego što ga odaberete u budućnosti. Pogledajte donju vezu za pregled Casollo na našoj web stranici ( https://de.casino.guru/casollo-casino-rezensionen ). Kao što možete vidjeti iz svih informacija u našoj recenziji, Casollo Casino je loš internetski kasino. Ne preporučujemo da se igrate u tome i toplo vam ne savjetujemo da se držite podalje od toga.
Uz to, pogledajte naše preporučene kockarnice za njemačke igrače: https://de.casino.guru/top-online-casinos . Da biste bili sigurni da vidite najprikladnije kockarnice, proverite svoj jezik i postavke države:
Potrudit ću se i nadam se da ću vam uspjeti pomoći što je prije moguće. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Roswitha,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your problem. Could you please provide me with more information and details regarding this matter? Did you complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) verification process in the past? I’m sure you understand that this thorough process might take few working days and without it, you won’t be able to receive any withdrawals. Please let me know if your casino account verification was successful in the past.
I would recommend checking casino review on our website before choosing one in the future. Please see the link below for Casollo review on our website (https://de.casino.guru/casollo-casino-rezensionen). As you can see from all of the information in our review, Casollo Casino is a bad online casino. We don't recommend playing at it and strongly advise you to stay away from it.
Additionally, please check our recommended casinos for German players: https://de.casino.guru/top-online-casinos. To make absolutely sure you see the most suitable casinos, check your language and country preferences:
I will try my best and I hope I will be able to help you as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Pozdrav Petronela, hvala na brzom odgovoru. Sve potrebne dokumente i dokumente imam 6. februara. podneseno. Ovo je potvrđeno u razgovoru, ali odgovor odgovornog odjela do danas nije primljen. U chatu mi se uvijek računaju dugačka vremena obrade i da ću dobiti svoj novac. Uz to, uvijek mi kažu da je sve još u vremenskom okviru, jer ni vikendom nema posla. 72 sata za pregled i 12 sati za povlačenje. Ali, ta su vremena sada premašena.
Hello Petronela, thank you for the quick response. I have all the necessary documents and documents on February 6th. filed. This was confirmed in the chat, but no response has been received from the responsible department to this day. In the chat, I am always calculated long processing times and that I will get my money. In addition, I am always told that everything is still within the time frame, since there is no work on weekends either. 72 hours for review and 12 hours for withdrawal. But these times have now been exceeded.
Hallo Petronela, vielen Dank für die schnelle Reaktion. Ich habe alle erforderlichen Unterlagen und Dokumente schon am 06.02. eingereicht. Im Chat wurde mir das bestetigt, aber von der zuständigen Abteilung kam bis zum heutigen Tag keine Rückmeldung. Im Chat werden mir immer lange Bearbeitungszeiten vorgerechnet und das ich mein Geld bekommen werde. Außerdem wird mir immer erläutert das alles noch im Zeitrahmen sei, da ja auch am Wochenende nicht gearbeitet wird. 72 Stunden zur Überprüfung und 12 Stunden bis zur Auszahlung. Aber diese Zeiten sind jetzt auch überschritten.
Puno hvala Roswitha na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću proslijediti vašu žalbu mom kolegi Petru koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete uskoro riješiti svoj problem na zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Roswitha for providing all the necessary information. I will transfer now your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved in the near time to your satisfaction.
Hvala Peter. Juče sam opet imao kontakt u chatu. Tamo su mi rekli da postoji visok status obrade i da može potrajati neko vreme. To se ne bi isplatilo ove sedmice i trebao bih opet pitati sljedeće sedmice. To mi se nikada nije dogodilo u nijednom kazinu. Nema reakcija na moje e-poruke. To je država.
Hvala na vašem trudu sada.
Thanks Peter. I had contact in the chat again yesterday. There I was told that there is a high processing status and it may still take a while. It would not be paid out this week and I should ask again next week. This has never happened to me in any casino. No reaction to my emails. That is the state.
Thank you for your efforts now.
Danke Peter. Ich hatte gestern nochmal Kontakt im Chat. Dort wurde mir erlkärt das es einen hohen Bearbeitungsstand gibt und es noch dauern kann. Diese Woche würde es auf keinen Fall ausgezahlt und ich sollte nächste Woche nochmal nachfragen. Das ist mir bis jetzt in keinem Casino so passiert. Auf meine Mails keinerlei Reaktion. Das ist der Stand.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen schon jetzt.
Pozdrav Peter, do danas se od kockarnice ne javlja poruka. Nagrada još nije isplaćena. U chatu me i dalje tješi. Mislim da je ovo kockarnica nesolventna. Šta drugo mogu učiniti? Prilično sam zbunjen.
Roswitha glavna sonda
Hello Peter, to this day there is no message from the casino. The prize has not yet been paid out. I'm still being comforted in the chat. I think this casino is insolvent. What else can I do? I'm pretty baffled.
Roswitha main magpie
Hallo Peter, bis zum heutigen Tag gibt es keine Nachricht vom Casino. Der Gewinn ist noch nicht ausgezahlt. Im Chat werde ich weiterhin vertröstet. Ich glaube das dieses Casino zahlungsunfähig ist. Was kann ich noch tun? Ich bin ziemlich ratlos.
Roswitha Haupt-Elster
Zdravo Roswitha,
Posegnuo sam u kazino, poslao sam par e-mailova, ali nikad nisam dobio nikakav odgovor. Danas sam razgovarao s podrškom uživo. Zatražili su sve moje kontakt podatke i obećali da ću ih proslediti odgovornoj osobi. Dajmo im još nekoliko dana da odgovore. To neće biti lako jer casino nema dobru ocjenu na našoj web stranici i nemamo direktan kontakt za upravljanje kazinom. Međutim, to ne znači da problem ne možemo riješiti.
Hi Roswitha,
I reached out to the casino, I sent a couple of emails but never received any reply. Today I chatted with the live support. They asked for all my contact details and promised to pass it on a person in charge. Let's give them a few more days to reply. It won't be easy since the casino hasn't got a good rating on our website and we have no direct contact for the casino's management. However, it doesn't mean we can't get the issue resolved.
Pozdrav Peter, do danas nema rezultata. Još uvijek čekam svoj novac ili odgovor. Trenutno je u chatu zaposleno samo od strane člana tehničkog osoblja koji nikako ne može dati odgovor na isplate. To mi se nikada nije dogodilo u nijednom kazinu.
Hello Peter, to date no result. I'm still waiting for my money or an answer. At the moment the chat is only staffed by a technical staff member who cannot give a response to payouts at all. This has never happened to me in any casino.
Hallo Peter, bis heute kein Ergebnis. Ich warte noch immer auf mein Geld oder eine Antwort. Zur Zeit ist der Chat nur mit einem technischen Mitarbeiter besetzt der überhaupt keine Antwort zu Auszahlungen geben kann. So etwas ist mirnoch in keinem Casino passiert.
Željeli bismo zamoliti Casino Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor ćemo zatvoriti kao "neriješen", što može utjecati na njegovu ocjenu.
We would like to ask the Casollo Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may affect its rating.
Zdravo Roswitha,
Upravo sam razgovarao s predstavnikom kockarnice i on je rekao da ćete dobiti slijedeće sedmice jer su malo zaposleni, ali oni rade na tome. Javite mi čim primite novac.
Hi Roswitha,
I just chatted to a casino representative and he said you will get paid next week because they are a bit understaffed but they work on it. Please let me know as soon as you receive the money.
Pozdrav Peter, hvala na trudu. Kontaktirat ću vas čim budu vijesti. Nadam se da će uspjeti sljedeći tjedan i da konačno dobijem svoj novac.
Hello Peter, thank you for your efforts. I will contact you as soon as there is news. I hope it works out next week and I finally get my money.
Hallo Peter, vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen. Ich werde mich umgehend melden, wenn es Neuigkeiten gibt. Ich hoffe das es nächste Woche klappt und ich endlich mein Geld bekomme.
Pozdrav Peter, danas je 19. marta. a moj novac i dalje nije uplaćen Nisam dobio odgovor ni na jedan svoj email. U chatu sam upućen upravi, jer chat nije odgovoran za probleme sa plaćanjem. To mi se nikada nije dogodilo u nijednom kazinu. Toliko o govornici.
Hello Peter, today is March 19th. and my money is still not paid I have not received an answer to any of my emails. In the chat I am referred to the management, because the chat is not responsible for payment problems. This has never happened to me in any casino. So much for the booth.
Hallo Peter, heute ist der 19.03. und mein Geld ist immer noch nicht ausgezahlt. Auf keine meiner Mails habe ich eine Antwort bekommen. Im Chat werde ich an die Geschäftsleitung verwiesen, denn der Chat ist für Auszahlungsprobleme nicht zuständig. Soetwas ist mir bis jetzt in keinem Casino passiert. Soviel zum Stand.
Zdravo Peter,
Još uvijek nemam svoj novac. Casino neprestano nudi promocije, ali ne isplaćuje se. Morali biste upozoriti sve, jer već postoje mnogi igrači koji čekaju svoj novac. Šta mogu uraditi?
Hi Peter,
I still haven't got my money. The casino is constantly offering promotions, but no payouts are made. You would have to warn everyone, because there are already many players waiting for their money. What can I do?
Hallo Peter,
mein Geld habe ich immer noch nicht bekommen. Das Casino bietet ständig Aktionen an, aber ausgezahlt wird nicht. Man müsste alle warnen, denn es gibt ja nun schon viele Spieler die auf ihr Geld warten. Was kann ich tun?
Zdravo Roswitha,
Pokušao sam ponovo kontaktirati predstavnika kasinoa, ali on je prestao odgovarati. Ne mogu puno učiniti sada bez pomoći kockarnice. . Kao krajnje sredstvo, možete podnijeti žalbu upravi za igre u Curacao (certria@gaminglicences.com). Tamo nije najbolja licenca, ali možda bi mogli pomoći. Javite mi kako su odgovorili (moja adresa e-pošte: peter.m@casino.guru). Jedino što sada mogu učiniti je da žalbu označim kao neriješenu. To će se odraziti na ukupni rejting kazina. Razumijem, ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rješenje za vaše pitanje. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano neriješenim žalbama moglo bi promijeniti pristup kazina. Stvarno bih volio da sam od više pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Roswitha,
I tried to contact the casino rep again, but he stopped responding. There is not much I can do now without the help from the casino. . As a last resort, you could submit a complaint to the Curacao Gaming Authority (certria@gaminglicences.com). It's not the best license out there, but they might be able to help. Please let me know how they responded (my email address: peter.m@casino.guru). The only thing I can do now is to mark the complaint as unresolved. This will affect the overall rating of the casino. I understand, this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease of rating caused by unresolved complaints could change the casino's approach. I really wish I was of more help.
Best regards,
Od igrača smo primili e-poruku da je Curacao Gaming Authority pomogao igraču da dobije njen dobitak.
Hvala vam Roswitha na saradnji i ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate ako ubuduće naiđete na bilo koji problem sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom.
We received an email from the player that the Curacao Gaming Authority helped the player to receive her winnings.
Thank you Roswitha for cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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