Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je povlačenje prije 2 sedmice, ali još uvijek nije primio dobitak. Na kraju smo prigovor zaključili kao 'neriješen', jer kasino nije odgovorio.
The player from Germany requested a withdrawal 2 weeks ago, but he still hasn’t received his winnings. We ended up closing the complaint as ‘unresolved’ because the casino failed to reply.
Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je povlačenje prije 2 sedmice, ali još uvijek nije primio dobitak. Na kraju smo prigovor zaključili kao 'neriješen', jer kasino nije odgovorio.
Imao sam dvije male isplate u Casollu, prije nekoliko mjeseci. Sad sam mislio da će s ovom malom uplatom raditi bez daljnjeg odlaganja, jer je već isplaćena i više ne može biti zasluga KYC-a. Sad čekam tačno 2 tjedna, ništa se ne miče, nigdje ne dobivam odgovor, ni e-poštom ni dovoljno u chatu. U chatu je gotovo uvijek Aleksandro, koji je navodno odgovoran samo za tehnologiju ?! Pitam se što bi to trebalo biti, on se u osnovi poziva na adresu e-pošte info@casollo.com, koristio sam ovu e-poštu nekoliko puta, bez odgovora. ; Ne dobivate čak ni potvrdu o uplati, kao što je to uobičajeno i to rade svaki kazino! Inače, s prvom malom uplatom trebalo je gotovo 6 tjedana! U to vrijeme pronašao sam i licencu iz Curacue, danas je više ne mogu naći, jer smatram da se s tim mahinacijama mora odmah prekinuti! Još uvijek tražim mogućnost zatvorenog nadzornog tijela da ovaj kazino napokon ponekad primijeti da nepoštenje nema pravo na postojanje! Ko će pomoći. Takva se kazina moraju zatvoriti i nikada više nemaju priliku da se otvore. Oni posebno varaju penzionere, to je velika stvar! Mogu samo savjetovati, baš kao što je to već učinjeno ovdje, uzmite Casino Casino, apsolutno !!!
I had two small payouts at the Casollo, a few months ago. Now I thought with this small payment it would work without further ado, because it has already been paid out and can no longer be due to the KYC. Now I've been waiting for exactly 2 weeks, nothing is moving, I don't get an answer anywhere, neither by email nor sufficiently in the chat. In the chat there is almost always Aleksandro, who is supposedly only responsible for the technology ?! Wonder what that should be, he basically refers to the email address info@casollo.com, I've used this email several times, no answer. ; You don't even get a payment confirmation, as is usual and every casino does it! By the way, with the first small payment, it took almost 6 weeks! At that time I had also found a license from Curacua, today I can't find it anymore, because I am of the opinion that these machinations must be stopped immediately! I am still looking for the possibility of a closed supervisory authority to make this casino finally sometimes notice that dishonesty has no right to exist! Who will help. Such casinos have to close and never have the opportunity to reopen. They cheat retirees in particular, that's a big deal! I can only advise, just as it is already done here, take the hands of Casollo Casino, absolutely !!!
Ich hatte im Casollo schon mal 2 kleine Auszahlungen, paar Monate her. Nun dachte ich bei dieser kleinen Auszahlung würde es ohne weiteres gehen, weil ja schon ausgezahlt wurde und am KYC nicht mehr liegen kann. Nun warte ich schon genau 2 Wochen, Nichts rührt sich, Ich bekomme nirgends eine Antwort, weder per Mail noch ausreichend im Chat. Im Chat ist fast immer von Aleksandro drin, der angeblich nur für die Technik zuständig ist?! Frage mich, was das sein soll, Er verweist grundsätzlich auf die Mailadresse info@casollo.com habe mehrfach diese Mail benutzt, keine Antwort. ;Man bekommt noch nicht mal eine Auszahlungsbestätigung, wie es üblich ist und jedes Casino es macht !Im übrigem bei der ersten kleinen Auszahlung hat das auch gedauert, fast 6 Wochen !! Damals hatte ich auch noch eine Lizenz von Curacua gefunden, heute finde ich die nicht mehr, weil ich bin der Meinung, daß man diese Machenschaften unterbinden muß, unzwar sofort!!Ich suche noch die Möglichkeit eine A geschlossen werdenufsichtsbehörde einzuschalten, damit dieses Casino endlich mal merkt, daß es mit Unredlichkeit kein Recht hat, zu existieren! Wer hilft dabei. Solche Casinos müssen geschlossen werden und nie wieder die Möglichkeit haben, nochmals zu öffnen. Die betrügen besonders Rentner, das ist ein starkes Stück! Ich kann nur raten, genauso, wie es hier bereits gemacht wird, nehmt die Hände von Casollo Casino, unbedingt!!!
Dragi Alf,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg negativnog iskustva. Da li dobro razumijem da ste i ranije uspješno povlačili novac? Možete li navesti da li je vaš račun potvrđen ili ne?
Kakav je status vašeg trenutnog povlačenja, molimo vas - da li je na čekanju ili obrađeno?
Da li biste bili ljubazni i proslijedili bilo kakvu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kasina na kristina.s@casino.guru ?
Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Alf,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your negative experience. Do I understand correctly that you’ve made successful withdrawals before? Could you please indicate whether your account has been verified or not?
What is the status of your current withdrawal, please – is it pending or processed?
Would you be so kind and forward any relevant communication between you and the casino to kristina.s@casino.guru?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Pozdrav Christina, da, upravo sam ponovo provjerio, da, ustvari imao sam ukupno 4 male isplate na Casollo, zadnja isplata je bila 22. maja 2020. sa 200,00 dolara. prije toga 270,00, 200,00 i 100,00. Imao sam sreću da razgovaram sa ženom, a ne s Aleksandrom (jer je on navodno odgovoran samo za tehnologiju) i ona ju je uvijek prosljeđivala odjelu za finansije, tako da su na kraju isplate došle. Ali svima im je trebalo nevjerovatno dugo - čak 6 tjedana! To je jedini razlog zašto sam ponovo igrao.
Kazino čak ne misli da je potrebno potvrditi zahtjev za povlačenje, svaki drugi kazino to čini! Razgovor obično nema smisla, gotovo je uvijek na redu Aleksandro, koji je navodno odgovoran samo za tehnologiju. U to vrijeme vidio sam i znak za navodnu dozvolu iz Curacue, nikad više nisam vidio ovo, očito ni ovaj kazino nema dozvolu. Mans igra u ovom kasinu, bez obzira kada, u osnovi sa bonusom od 200 i 250%. Čini mi se da pripadam igračima zbog odabira igara i ustrajnosti, koji tada zapravo imaju sreću da nešto osvoje. Kolega cAlexandra mi je savjetovao da nikada ne povlačim više od 400,00 jer bi bilo poteškoća s plaćanjem.
Ali sada do statusa: Jučer sam povukao uplatu, iz sigurnosnih razloga povukao sam još 10,00 sa svog standardnog računa svojom kreditnom karticom i osvojio još 100,00. Tada sam podnio zahtjev za isplatu još 300,00! Tada sam odmah istovremeno poslao kreditnu karticu naprijed i natrag Casollu, tako da to ne znači da nije moguća provjera. Kao i uvijek, nisam dobio potvrdu zahtjeva za povlačenje. Nikada više neću koristiti ovaj kasino, previše je nesiguran i sumnjiv za mene! Hvala na vašem trudu. Obavijestit ću vas o srednjem rezultatu! mfg AF
Hello Christina, yes I just checked again, yes I actually had a total of 4 small payouts at Casollo, the last payout was May 22nd, 2020 with 200.00 dollars. before that 270.00, 200.00 and 100.00. I was lucky enough to chat with a woman, not with Aleksandro (because he is supposedly only responsible for the technology) and she always passed it on to the finance department, so that ultimately the payouts came. But all of them took an incredibly long time - even 6 weeks! That's the only reason I played again.
The casino doesn't even think it's necessary to confirm a withdrawal request, every other casino does! Chatting usually doesn't make sense, it's almost always Aleksandro's turn, who is supposedly only responsible for the technology. At that time I had also seen a sign for an alleged license from Curacua, I never saw this again, apparently this casino has no license either. Mans plays in this casino, no matter when, basically with a 200 and 250% bonus. I seem to belong to the players because of my choice of games and perseverance, who then actually have the luck to win something. The colleague of cAlexandro advised me never to withdraw more than 400.00 because there would be difficulties with the payment.
But now to the status: I withdrew the payment yesterday, for security reasons I withdrew another 10.00 from my standard account with my credit card and won another 100.00. Then I applied for another 300.00 to be paid out! I then immediately sent the credit card front and back to Casollo at the same time, so that it doesn't mean that no verification is possible. As always, I did not receive a confirmation of the withdrawal request. I will never use this casino again, it is too unsafe and dubious for me! Thanks for your effort. I will inform you of the intermediate result! mfg AF
Hallo Christina, ja ich habe eben nochmals nach gesehen, ja ich hatte bei Casollo tatsächlich schon sogar insgesamt 4 kleine Auszahlungen, letzte Auszahlung war der 22.05.20 mit 200,00 Dollar. davor 270,00, 200,00 und 100,00. Ich hatte dabei das Glück mit einer Frau zu chatten, nicht mit Aleksandro ( weil der ist angeblich nur für die Technik zuständig ) und diese leitete das auch immer weiter an die Finanzabteilung,sodass letztlich die Auszahlungen kamen. Aber alle hatten unglaublich lange gedauert eine sogar 6 Wochen! Nur deshalb habe ich auch wieder mal gespielt.
Das Casino hält es noch nicht mal für nötig, einen Auszahlungsantrag zu bestätigen, jedes andere Casino macht das! Zu chatten hat meist keinen Sinn, es ist fast grundsätzlich Aleksandro dran, der angeblich nur für die Technik zuständig ist. Ich hatte damals auch ein Zeichen gesehen für eine angebliche Lizenz aus Curacua, dies habe ich nit´rgends mehr gesehen, anscheinend hat dieses Casino auch keine Lizenz. Mans spielt in diesem Casino , egal wann, grundsätzlich mit 200 und 250 % Bonus Ich gehöre anscheined durch meine Spielewahlcund Ausdauer zucden Spielern,cdie dann tatsächlich mal das Glückchaben etwas zu gewinnen. Die KollegincvoncAlexandro riet mir auch nie über 400,00 auszahlen zu lassen, weil es dann Schwierigkeiten bei der Auszahlung gäbe.
Nun aber zum Stand: Ich habe gestern die Auszahlung zurück gezogen, habe aus Sicherheitsgründen mit meiner Kreditkarte von meinem Standardkonto nochmals 10,00 eingeahlt und nochmals 100,00 gewonnen. Dann habe ich erneut 300,00 beantragt auszuzahlen! Habe dann parallel sofort noch die Kreditkarte Vor und Rückseite an Casollo gesendet, damit es nicht heisst, keine Verifikation möglich. Eine Auszahlungsantragsbestätigung habe ich natürlich, wie immer wieder nicht erhalten. Ich werde nie wieder dieses Casino nutzen, das ist mir zu unsicher und zu unseriös! Danke für ihre Mühe. den Zwischenstand teile ich Ihnen mit! mfg A. F.
Alf, hvala ti puno na odgovoru. Može potrajati neko vrijeme da se obradi povlačenje (i posebno sada, u sezoni praznika). Dajmo mu još nekoliko dana, a ako ne bude razvoja, mi ćemo intervenirati. Obavještavajte nas i obavijestite nas ako postoji nešto novo.
Alf, thank you very much for your reply. It can take some time to process the withdrawal (and especially now, during the holiday season). Let's give it a few more days, and if there is no development, we will intervene. Please keep us informed, and let us know if there is anything new.
Ok, mislim da je to dobro. Tako da ću još uvijek čekati, pogotovo jer uskoro dolazi i nova aplikacija. Ali još uvijek nema pisanog odgovora iz Casino Casina, uprkos ponovljenim motivacionim pismima. Jednostavno nema odgovora (za svaki drugi kazino potrebno je potvrditi zahtjev za povlačenjem, u Casollo nikad, u ovom kasinu nema reakcije!)
Takođe sam se kao preporuku obratio Casollocasinu sa donjim amblemom Gamble, rekli su mi da nema veze s ovim kasinom, pa se i Gamble ovdje oglašava bez dozvole. Gamble želi odmah krenuti u akciju.
Moja pretpostavka je vrlo opravdana, vjerovatno ne postoji licenca za Casollo Casino!
Pa ću pričekati i javit ću vam se!
Pozdrav AF
Ok, I think that's good. So I will still wait, especially since there is also a new application coming soon. But there is still no written response from Casollo Casino, despite repeated cover letters. There is simply no answer (for every other casino, it is a matter of course to confirm the withdrawal request, at Casollo never, there is no reaction at this casino!)
I have also turned to Casollocasino with the Gamble emblem below as a recommendation, they have told me that there is no connection to this casino, so Gamble is also advertised here without a permit. Gamble wants to take action now.
My assumption is very justified, there is probably no license for Casollo Casino!
So I'll wait and get back to you!
Greetings AF
Ok, finde ich gut. Ich werde also noch warten, zumal es ja nun auch einen Neuantrag gleich kommt. Es gibt aber nach wie vor, trotz immer wieder Anschreiben, keinerlei schriftliche Reaktion vom Casollo Casino. Es wird einfach nicht geantwortet( Für jedes andere Casino ist das eine Selbverständlichkeit den Auszahlungsantrag zu bestätigen, bei Casollo nie, es kommt bei diesem Casino nichts-leine Reaktion!)
ich ahbe mich auch mit dem Embleme Gamble unten stehend bei Casollocasino als Empfehlung angegeben gewendet, die haben mir miutgeteilt, daß es keinerlei Verbindung zu diesem Casino gibt,, also wird hier auch mit Gamble geworben, ohne daß dazu eine Genehmigung vorliegt. Gamble will jetzt Massnahmen ergreifen .
Meine Annahme ist wohl sehr berechtigt, es gibt wahrscheinlich keine Lizenz für Casollo Casino!
Ich warte also noch ab und melde mich wieder!
Gruß A.F.
Dodatni komentari od Alfa:
"Moj zahtjev za plaćanje je kod Casolla više od 4 tjedna. Nema čak ni potvrde da bih volio da mi se novac isplati. Nema odgovora na e-poštu. Umjesto toga, svakodnevne reklamne e-poruke kojima ćete dobiti bonus od 200 do 250% nekoliko puta dnevno, to nekoliko puta dnevno! Chat, uglavnom Aleksandro, navodno ne može pomoći, navodno je odgovoran samo za tehnologiju.
Pečat licence Curacua više nema, već samo adresa navodne licence, nema broja licence, samo navodne preporuke Gamlea, Ask-a itd., Ali više nema licence! Pretpostavljam da kasino više nije odobren!
Kad je pečat još bio tamo prije otprilike pola godine, također sam vrlo dugo primao 34 kline isplate, sada izgleda loše, kasino za prihvat nema licencu! Bio bih sretan kad bih dobio pomoć i apsolutno savjetovao da ne pokušavam ponovo u Casollo Casinu. Ruke dolje od Casollo Casina "
Additional comments from Alf:
"My payment request has been with Casollo for more than 4 weeks. There is not even a confirmation that I would like to have the money paid out. No response to emails. Instead, daily advertising emails that you get a 200 to 250% bonus several times a day, that Several times a day! The chat, mostly an Aleksandro, supposedly can't help, it's supposedly only responsible for the technology.
The seal of Curacua License is no longer there, just the address for the alleged license, no license number, only alleged recommendations by Gamle, Ask etc, but no longer a license! I guess the casino is no longer approved!
When the seal was still there about half a year ago, I also received 34 kline payouts for a very long time, now it looks bad, acceptance casino has no license! I would be happy to get help and absolutely advise against trying again at Casollo Casino. Hands off Casollo Casino "
Additional comments from Alf:
"Mein Auszahlungsnatrag liegt nun schon bei Casollo seit mehr als 4 Wochen .Es kommt noch nicht mal eine Abrufbestätigung, daß ich das Geld ausgezahlt haben möchte. Keine Antwort auf Mails. Dafür tägliche Werbemail daß man täglich mehrfach 200 bis 250 % Bonus bekommt, das täglich mehrfach! Der Chat, meist ein Aleksandro, kann angeblich nicht helfen, er ist angeblich nur für die Technik zuständig.
Das Siegel von Curacua Lizenz ist nicht mehr da, sondern nur noch die Anschrift für die angebliche Lizenz, keine Lizenznummer, sondern nur angebliche Empfehlungen durch Gamle, Ask etc, aber keine Lizenz mehr! Ich nehme an, das Casino ist nicht mehr genehmigt!
Als das Siegel vor ca. 1/2 Jahr noch da war, habe ich auch wnen auch sehr lange andauernd 34 kline Auszahlungen bekommen, jetzt sieht es wohl schlecht aus, Annahme Casino hat keine Lizenz! Würde mich freuen, Hilfe zu erhalten und rate absolut jedem davon ab nur noch einmal im Casollo Casino zu versuchen. Hände weg von Casollo Casino"
Hvala puno Alfu na dosadašnjoj saradnji. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete uskoro vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Alf for your cooperation so far. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Zdravo Alf,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i razumijem situaciju. Kontaktirat ću kasino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Moram vas upozoriti da kazino obično ne reagira na žalbe objavljene na našoj web stranici. Pozvao bih Casollo Casino na razgovor kako bih sudjelovao u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Alf,
I looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I have to warn you though that the casino usually doesn't react to complaints published on our website. I would like to invite Casollo Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Hvala vam puno za sada, samo upozorite, jer Casollo možda neće reagirati, ne morate, jer nažalost, izgleda da ovaj casino više ne reagira. Možda samo chat, ali postoji 100% Aleksandro koji tada kaže "Ja sam odgovoran samo za tehnologiju"
Volio bih da mi stvarno možeš pomoći!
Thank you very much for now, just warn, because Casollo may not react, you don't need to, because unfortunately, it looks like this casino doesn't react any more. Maybe only the chat, but there is 100% an Aleksandro who then says "I'm only responsible for the technology"
I wish you could actually help me!
Vieen Dank erst mal, nur warnen, weil Casollo eventuell nicht reagiert, bräuchten Sie nicht, denn leider ,wie es aussieht reagiert diese Casino bei keinem mehr. Nur der Chat eventuell, aber da ist 100 % ig ein Aleksandro dran, der dannsagt " ich bin nur für die Technik zuständig "
Ich wünschte Sie könnemir tatsächlich helfen !
Željeli bismo zamoliti Casino Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kasino ne reagira u zadanom roku, prigovor će postati 'neriješen' što može negativno utjecati na njegovu ocjenu.
We would like to ask Casollo Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo Peter, vrlo dobronamjerno, samo mislim da to nema smisla. Ovaj Casino Casino baš kao i 4Dreams, 1A Casino, Jokerino, Crown više nemaju licencu iz Curacue, u svim kasinima postoje igrači koji moraju dobiti novac. Više ne mogu pristupiti ni chatu, jer mi je dva dana bio blokiran. Ipak, sačekat ću ovdje, ali istovremeno ću pokušati pisati svim softverskim operaterima za ova kazina i pokušati zaustaviti njihovo opsluživanje takvih kazina. Više varanja nije moguće! Zato što se Casollo oglašava s prvim stupnjem obraza s 250% dnevnog bonusa, koji je zapravo dostupan nekoliko puta dnevno! Ovo je prijevara prvog stepena i ne razumijem da ne možete učiniti ništa protiv ovog kasina? Sa svoje strane, učinit ću sve što mogu da napokon ovaj kasino nestane s Interneta i potražit ću pravnu pomoć. Sve ovdje spomenute kockarnice prevaranti su prvog stupnja, ista se igra sa ostalim ovdje spomenutim, jer ista uprava, nema odgovora na e-poštu, nije odgovoran chat, nema potvrde zahtjeva za plaćanjem. nema licence! Više varanja nije moguće
Treba organizovati masovnu parnicu. i obavijestite internetsku policiju! Hvala na trudu!
Hi Peter, very well meant, just I think that makes no sense, This Casollo Casino just like 4Dreams, 1A Casino, Jokerino, Crown all no longer have a license from Curacua, there are players in all casinos who have to get money. I can no longer access the chat either because it was blocked for me for two days. Still, I'll wait here, but at the same time I'll try to write to all the software operators for these casinos and try to stop them serving such casinos. More cheating is not possible! Because Casollo advertises with a first degree of cheek with 250 daily % Bonus, which is actually available several times a day! This is first degree fraud and I can't understand that you can't do anything against this casino? For my part, I will do everything I can to finally make this casino disappear from the Internet and I will get legal help. All the casinos mentioned here are fraudsters of the first degree, the same game is played with the others mentioned here, because the same management, no reply to emails, chat not responsible, no payment request confirmation. no license! More cheating is not possible
One should organize a mass lawsuit. and inform the internet police! Thank you for the effort!
Hi Peter, sehr gut gemeint, nur ich denke , das hat keinen Sinn, Dieses Casollo Casino genau wie 4Dreams,1A Casino, Jokerino,Crown haben alle keine Lizenz mehr von Curacua, es sind in allen Casinos Spieler, die Geld zu bekommen haben. Auch den Chat erreiche ich nicht mehr, weil der ist eigens für mich gesperrt worden, seit 2 Tagen. Dennoch, warte ich hier noch ab, aber parallel dazu werde ich auch versuchen alle Softwarebetreiber für diese Casinos an zu schreiben und versuchen, daß diese solche Casinos nicht mehr bedienen.Mehr Betrug geht nicht!denn Casollo wirbt mit einer Frechheit ersten Grades täglich mit 250 % Bonus, welcher tatsächlich dazu auch noch täglich mehrfach zur Verfügung steht! Das ist Betrug ersten Grades und ich kann nicht verstehen, daß man gegen diese Casino nicht machen kann? Ich für meinen Teil werde alles unternehmen, dieses Casino endlich aus dem Internet verschwinden zu lassen und werde mir dazu rechtliche Hilfe holen. Alle hier genannten Casinos, das sind Betrüger ersten Grades, auch bei den anderen hier genannten ist das gleiche Spiel,weil gleiches Mangement, keine Antwort auf Mails, Chat nicht zuständig, keine Auszahlungantragsbestätigung. keine Lizenz! Mehr Betrug geht nicht
Man sollte eine Massenklage organisieren. und die Internetpolizei informieren! Danke für die Mühe!
Zdravo Alf,
U pravu ste što kazina imaju vrlo lošu ocjenu. Zbog toga nudimo ovu uslugu da pomogne igračima da odluče gdje će igrati, a gdje ne. Uvijek preporučujem igračima da odvoje trenutak i pročitaju pregled odabranog kasina prije nego što se registriraju i polože novac. Pustit ćemo da tajmer završi i, u slučaju da kazino ne odgovori, označit ćemo slučaj "neriješenim". U ovoj situaciji to je praktično jedino što možemo učiniti.
Hi Alf,
You are right that the casinos have a very bad rating. That is why we offer this service to help players to decide where to play and where not to play. I always recommend players to take a moment and read the review of the chosen casino before they register and deposit money. We'll let the timer finish and, in case that the casino doesn't reply, we'll mark the case "unresolved". In this situation, it's practically the only thing we can do.
Nažalost, to je sve što možete učiniti da biste zatražili od kasina da odgovori. To je dobronamjerno, samo što praktično ne pomaže nikome ko je nažalost pao na takvog Kaisnosa. Sad su i mene blokirali u chatu !!! Tako da ni sam ne mogu doći do razgovora, gospodine Aleksandro, koji svjesno sudjeluje u svim prevarama. Pitam se ozbiljno, sigurno ne može biti da kazina smiju postojati bez licence i bez isplate dobiti? Sigurno mora postojati način da se ovo blokira? Niko nema hrabrosti udružiti snage i možda pokrenuti skupnu tužbu protiv takvih kazina. Sada znam nekoliko njih koji nemaju licencu, ali se oglašavaju s nevjerovatnim dnevnim bonusima! Zar nema pravnika koji su se specijalizirali za ovakve stvari i koji zapravo čekaju da im se dozvoli da vode takve slučajeve? Tragaju za prevarantima svuda drugdje, itd. Zašto ne sumnjive kockarnice?
Dakle, sačekat ću dane ovdje, a onda ću i kunem se, pokušati sve što je moguće (već sam puno toga našao) da razbijem ovaj sumnjivi kasino, započet ću s Casollom! Varaju siromašne ljude i penzionere, u mojim su očima pravi gadovi!
Unfortunately, that's all you can do to ask the casino to respond. That is well-intentioned, only that practically does not help anyone who has unfortunately fallen for such Caisnos. They have now blocked me in the chat too !!! So I can't even reach the chat myself, Mr. Aleksandro, who knowingly takes part in all the fraud. I ask myself in all seriousness, surely it cannot be that casinos are allowed to exist without a license and without paying out a profit? Surely there has to be a way to have this blocked? Nobody has the courage to join forces and possibly to bring a class action against such casinos. I now know several of them who do not have a license but advertise with unbelievable daily bonuses! Aren't there any lawyers who specialize in this kind of thing and are actually waiting to be allowed to take such cases? They are looking for fraudsters everywhere else, etc. Why not dubious casinos?
So I'll wait the days here, and then, and I swear, I will try everything that is possible (I've already found a lot) to break this dubious casino, I'll start with Casollo! Cheating poor people and pensioners, they are real bastards in my eyes!
Das ist leider alles , was Sie tun können, das Casino zu bitten zu antworten. Das ist gutgemeint, nur das hilft quasi niemanden, der leider auf solche Caisnos rein gefallen ist. Man hat mich nun auch im Chat gesperrt!!! Also erreiche ich selbst noch nicht mal den Chat, den Herrn Aleksandro, der wissentlich den ganzen Betrug mit macht. Ich frage mich allen Ernstes, das kann doch nicht angehen, daß Casinos ohne Lizenz, und ohne einen Gewinn auzuzahlen, existieren dürfen? Da muß es doch eine Möglichkeit geben, diese sperren zu lassen ? Hat denn keine den Mut, sich zusammen zu schliessen, und möglichweise eine Sammelklage gegen soclhe Casinos zu machen. Ich kenne mittlerweile mehrere davon, die keine Lizenz haben , aber mit unglaubwürdigen täglichen Bonis werben! Gibt es denn keine Anwälte , die auf sowas spezialisiert sind udn eigentlich darauf schon warten, solche Fälle vornehmen zu dürfen ? Die suchen doch sonst überall Betrüger etc. Warum nicht unseriöse Casinos?
Also ich warte hier noch die Tage ab, und werde dananch und das schwöre ich, alles versuchen, was nur möglich sit ( habe da schon einiges gefunden ) diese unseriösen Casino kaputt zu machen, Anfangen werde ich mit Casollo! Arme Leute und Rentner betrügen, das sind in meinen Augen richtige Dreckschweine!
Zdravo Alf,
Budući da ne upravljamo kazinima, ne možemo ih prisiliti da igraju igrače ili ih zatvoriti. To je razlog zašto objavljujemo recenzije na kojima svaki igrač može čitati o dobrom i lošem o svakom kazinu. Kazino nije reagirao na žalbu, pa će postati "neriješen" i spremljen na našoj web stranici kako bi ga itko mogao pročitati. Bojim se, to je sve što mogu učiniti za vas u ovom slučaju. Mogu vam samo preporučiti da pročitate pregled kazina prije nego što se registrirate i položite novac kako biste izbjegli ovu vrstu problema. Volio bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Alf,
Since we don't operate the casinos, we can't force them to play the players or close them either. That is the reason why we publish the reviews where every player can read about the good and the bad about each casino. The casino didn't react to the complaint, so it will become "unresolved" and saved on our website for anyone to read. I'm afraid, that's all I can do for you in this case. I can only recommend you to read a casino's review before you register and deposit your money to avoid this kind of trouble. I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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