Izvinite što ste čekali.
Ne možemo potvrditi ili poreći da je postojala samo jedna opklada ili više od jedne. Nemamo pristup istorijskim podacima platforme jer smo promenili platformu i ne radimo sa starom.
Ali stari sistem je funkcionisao na takav način da ako je zabeležena činjenica prekoračenja maksimalno dozvoljene opklade - stanje je automatski prekinuto nakon provere, a depozit je vraćen na račun.
Ovaj sistem je zastareo, pa u svim našim kockarnicama uvodimo novi pristup - nemogućnost prekoračenja opklade.
U Casoo-u će ovo raditi od 12.12.2023. pošto smo prešli na novu platformu. S druge strane, razvoj je još uvek u toku.
Želeo bih da ponudim nadoknadu od 450 evra na vaš račun, jedini uslov je da morate da uložite Ks1 i da je potreban minimalni depozit pošto smo promenili platformu.
Ako ste zadovoljni rešenjem, možete nam pisati ovde ili direktno u kazino podršku sa linkom na ovu temu.
Žao nam je što nismo mogli da damo odgovor ranije, ali smo očekivali reakciju sa stare platforme. Nažalost, odgovor nije stigao, pa je odlučeno da sopstvenim snagama nadoknadimo ovaj slučaj.
Mi očekujemo da čujemo od vas!
Sorry to keep you waiting.
We can't confirm or deny that there was only one bet or more than one. We don't have access to the historical data of the platform as we changed the platform and don't work with the old one.
But the old system worked in such a way that if the fact of exceeding the maximum allowed bet was recorded - the balance was automatically cut off after checking, and the deposit was returned to the account.
This system is outdated, so in all our casinos, we introduce a new approach - the impossibility of exceeding the bet.
At Casoo, this will work from 12.12.2023 as we have moved to a new platform. On the other, development is still underway.
I would like to offer a compensation of 450 euros to your account, the only condition is that you have to wager X1 and a minimum deposit is required as we have changed platform.
If you are happy with the solution, you can write to us here or directly to casino support with a link to this topic.
We regret that we could not provide a response earlier, but we were expecting a reaction from the old platform. Unfortunately, no response was received, so it was decided to compensate this case by our own efforts.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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