Igrač iz Nemačke već nekoliko meseci pokušava zatvoriti račun.
Casino me je prekasno blokirao zbog ovisnosti o kockanju. Osjećao sam se kao da moram napisati 100 e-mailova i podnijeti 2 žalbe dok se nešto ne dogodi. Kao rezultat toga, uprkos mojoj poruci da imam problema sa igrama, bio sam u mogućnosti kockati više novca mesecima. Odgovorno igranje je strana reč za ovog provajdera.
The casino blocked me too late due to my gambling addiction. I felt like I had to write 100 emails and submit 2 complaints until something happened. As a result, despite my message that I had a gaming problem, I was able to gamble away more money for months. Responsible gaming is a foreign word for this provider.
Das Casino hat mich aufgrund meiner Spielsucht zu spät gesperrt. Ich musste gefühlt 100 Emails schreiben und 2 Beschwerden einreichen, bis sich etwas getan hat. Dadurch konnte ich trotz meiner Mitteilung dass ich ein Spielproblem habe, noch weiteres Geld über Monate hinweg verspielen. Responsible Gaming ist ein Fremdwort für diesen Anbieter.
Dragi Semir,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Jako mi je žao kad čujem vaše negativno iskustvo. Provjerio sam odredbe i uvjete i ovo sam pronašao: https://www.casoo.com/en/static-texts/responsible-game
„Molimo pišite na security@casoo.com kako biste se isključili."
Kontaktirat ćemo kazino i zatražiti njihovo stajalište, ali prije nego što to učinimo, molim vas pojasnite jeste li poslali e-poštu na ovu određenu adresu e-pošte. Ako da, koliko dugo ste tražili da se isključite? Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Semir,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your negative experience. I have checked terms and conditions and this is what I found: https://www.casoo.com/en/static-texts/responsible-game
„Please write to security@casoo.com in order to self exclude."
We will contact the casino and ask for their standpoint, but, before we do, please could you clarify if you have sent email to this specific email address. If yes, for how long did you request to be self-excluded? Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Puno hvala Petronela.
Upravo sam provjerio svoje poruke e-pošte i ustanovio da zapravo nisam poslao e-poštu sigurnosti. Od srpnja 2019. poslao sam bezbroj e-mailova na 3 različite Casoo adrese e-pošte, a vaša web stranica kaže da svoj zahtjev treba poslati na Support@casoo.com:
To znači da casino pruža različite informacije.
To me toliko nervira jer jednostavno ne može biti da je pružatelj kockanja toliko opušten po pitanju ovisnosti o kockanju i na svojoj web stranici objavljuje kontradiktorne podatke.
Pored toga, ne može biti da se mjesecima moram nervirati, a moj račun nije jednostavno blokiran. Od početka sam tražio doživotnu zabranu.
U međuvremenu sam blokiran, ali nisam dobio svoj novac natrag.
Thank you very much Petronela.
I have just checked my emails and found that I actually didn't send an email to security. Since July 2019 I have sent countless emails to 3 different Casoo email addresses and your website says that I should send my request to Support@casoo.com:
So that means that the casino provides different information.
That annoys me so much because it simply cannot be that a gambling provider is so casual about the subject of gambling addiction and publishes contradictory information on its website.
In addition, it can not be that I have to be annoyed for months and my account is not simply blocked. I asked for a lifelong ban from the start.
In the meantime I have been blocked but I have not received my money back.
Vielen Dank Petronela.
Ich habe gerade meine Emails überprüft und festgestellt, dass ich tatsächlich keine Email an security geschickt habe. Ich habe seit Juli 2019 unzählige Emails 3 verschiedene Email Adressen von Casoo geschickt und auf Ihrer Internetseite steht dass ich mein Anliegen an Support@casoo.com schicken soll:
Das heißt also, dass das Casino unterschiedliche Informationen zur Verfügung stellt.
Das ärgert mich so sehr, weil das einfach nicht sein kann, dass ein Glücksspielanbieter so lässig mit dem Thema Spielsucht umgeht und widersprüchliche Informationen auf seiner Seite veröffentlicht.
Außerdem kann es doch nicht sein, dass ich mich monatelang ärgern muss und mein Konto nicht einfach gesperrt wird. Ich habe von Anfang an eine lebenslängliche Sperrung gebeten.
Mittlerweile wurde ich gesperrt aber mein Geld habe ich nicht zurückerhalten.
PS: Ovaj kazino definitivno spada na crnu listu. Ne može biti da se moja tema mesecima zanemaruje i imam osećaj kao da moram poslati preko 100 poruka e-pošte da se moj račun deaktivira. Da sam pisao sigurnosti, rekli bi mi da nisam poslao podršku. Kada pišem u podršku, kažu mi da nisu poslani u obezbeđenje. Šta je ovo glupost? To je tvrtka i ako zaposlenik ove kompanije sazna da sam bolestan, onda mora to proslijediti kolegama.
Stoga definitivno slučaj na crnoj listi.
PS: This casino definitely belongs on the blacklist. It cannot be that my topic is ignored for months and I feel like I have to send over 100 emails for my account to be deactivated. If I had written to security I would have been told I hadn't sent support. When I write to support, they tell me they haven't been sent to security. What is this nonsense? It is a company and if an employee of this company learns that I am sick, then he has to pass it on to his colleagues.
Therefore definitely a case for the blacklist.
PS: Dieses Casino gehört defintiv und ohne Zweifel auf die Blacklist. Es kann nicht sein, das mein Thema über Monate hinweg ignoriert wird und ich gefühlt über 100 Emails schicken muss, damit mein Konto deaktiviert wird. Wenn ich an security geschrieben hätte, hätte man mir gesagt ich habe nicht an Support geschickt. Wenn ich an Support schreibe, sagt man mir man hat nicht an security geschickt. Was soll dieser Quatsch? Das ist doch ein Unternehmen und wenn ein Mitarbeiter dieses Unternehmen davon erfährt dass ich krank bist, dann muss er das an seine Kollegen weiterleiten.
Daher defintiv ein Fall für die Blacklist.
Puno hvala Semir za pružanje svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću proslijediti vašu žalbu mom kolegi Mateju koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćemo u skoroj budućnosti riješiti svoj problem.
Thank you very much Semir for providing all the necessary information. I will transfer now your complaint to my colleague Matej who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Semir.
Samoisključivanje treba biti dostupno svim igračima, a posebno igraču koji ima problem sa kockanjem, treba samo-isključiti odmah nakon obavještavanja kockarnice.
Možete li mi dati neke datume kada ste u kasino poslali prvi e-mail o samoisključivanju i na koju adresu e-pošte, ako imate i snimak e-pošte, pošaljite i njega.
Dodajte i poštu u kojoj ste spomenuli svoju ovisnost o kockanju. Naše mišljenje ovdje je da bi vam od trenutka kada ste im rekli za ovisnost o kockanju i zatražili samoosiguranje, kockarnica trebala vratiti sve uplate. (ali neophodno je imati dokaze)
Želimo zamoliti kockarnicu da odgovori na ovu žalbu i objasni zašto je vaše samo-isključenje bilo toliko komplicirano.
Hello Semir.
The self-exclusion should be available to all the players and especially a player who has a gambling problem should be self-excluded immediately after informing the casino.
Could you please give me some dates when did you send the first email about self-exclusion to the casino and on which email address, if you have a screenshot of the email send it too.
Please also add the mail where you mentioned your gambling addiction. Our opinion here is that from the moment you told them about the gambling addiction and asked for self-exclude casino should refund you all the deposits. (but it is essential to have proofs)
We want to ask the casino to respond to this complaint and explain why your self-exclusion was so complicated.
Hallo Matej, vielen Dank za Ihre Nachricht. Više od e-maila ging am 08.07.2019 raus. Mein Konto će se dogoditi u januaru, od februara 2020. godine. Meine letzte Einzahlung konnte ich noch ca. Novembar 2019. godine. Ich habe etliche E-Mails, die Ichnen gerne per E-Mail zusenden kann. Hier ein Ausschnitt aus meinen E-mailovi:
"Aw: Re: Zatvori moj račun zbog kockanja - [YRY-LHHYS-973]
Zdravo, pa pustiš me da igram večeras i pustiš da izgubim još novca. Odvest ću vas pred njemački sud ako mi ne vratite moj novac. KR XXXXXXXXXX
Diese Nachricht nudi moj Android mobilni telefon sa WEB.DE pošte.
Am 08.07.19, 08:42, Jelena schrieb:
Nažalost, odjel za podršku ne može postaviti blokove i / ili isključenja na korisničke račune putem live chat-a ili karata.
Da biste ograničili, isključili ili blokirali račun na Casoo-u, potrebno je da pošaljete e-mail na adresu security@casoo.com u kojem će biti navedeno vaše ime, prezime, broj mobilnog telefona, razlog ograničenja / isključenja / blokiranja računa i blok i željeni vremenski okvir.
Ako vaš račun još nije ovjeren, molimo vas da na e-mail dodate identifikacijski dokument kako biste ga dodali u predmetnu korisničku datoteku.
Casoo - vaš intergalaktički kasino
Aw: Re: Aw: Molim vas pomozite mi oko problema sa kockanjem - [BYE-IMVNC-275]
Hvala na brzom odgovoru. Možete li mi ponuditi povrat depozita iz moje poruke o mom problemu s kockanjem na adresu adrese help@casoo.com? Zaista sam u velikim financijskim problemima. Hvala vam na podršci. KR XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Diese Nachricht nudi moj Android mobilni telefon sa WEB.DE pošte.
Am 09.09.19, 19:03, Thomas schrieb:
Promocije su na vašem računu onemogućene
Hvala na poruci!
S poštovanjem
Casoo - vaš intergalaktički kasino
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Dragi Thomas,
Dozvolite mi da vam još jednom objasnim kako neću zatvoriti svoj slučaj jer osjećam da nešto nije u redu.
U jednom od mojih posljednjih e-maila stavite tim za podršku na CC na svoje e-mailove. Zašto se to ne bi moglo dogoditi kad sam kontaktirao tim za pomoć @?
Dakle, vaša pravila kažu da ako vam jedan kupac kaže da imate problem sa kockanjem, zabranjeno je obavještavati ostale kolege iz vaše kompanije? Ovo je pravilo koje želite da objasnim?
Izvinite, ali želim razgovarati s direktorom vaše kompanije. O tome se mora detaljno raspravljati.
Opet ću eskalirati u ovom slučaju. Tvoji odgovori me ne zadovoljavaju.
Srdačni pozdravi
Diese Nachricht nudi moj Android mobilni telefon sa WEB.DE pošte.
Am 09.09.19, 19:21, Thomas schrieb:
Za sva naša kupca imamo ista pravila.
Ako želite blokirati svoj račun - pridržavajte se pravila.
Imamo odjeljak odgovornog igranja.
Ako imate bilo kakvih drugih pitanja, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati našu korisničku podršku
S poštovanjem
Casoo - vaš intergalaktički kasino
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
eGamings [Helpdesk - # 70043]: Povrat mojih depozita u kasinu „Casoo Online Casino"
07.11.2019 h 03:51 Uhr
helpdesk@egamings.com support@casoo.com
Dragi klijenti,
Hvala što ste nam pisali. Vaš zahtjev je prijavljen i proslijeđen timu za podršku eGamings.
ID vaše karte: # 70043.
Srdačan pozdrav,
eGamings podrška
Molimo vas da ne menjate temu e-pošte, ne šaljite nove zahteve na vrh čeka i ne brišite istoriju prepiski. Inače se vrijeme obrade vašeg zahtjeva može povećati.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ovo su moje karte na eGamings [Helpdesk centru, koje su sve bile zatvorene:
# 89086 - Aw: Re: Chat iz Casoo Online Casino - € 2000 + 200 Besplatno! - [SND-HWBLT-641]
# 89080 - Aw: LiveAgent: transkript vašeg chata [SND-HWBLT-641] (Zatvoreno)
# 84388 - Aw: Re: Molim vas pomozite mi oko kockanja - [BYE-IMVNC-275] (Zatvoreno)
# 70043 - Povrat mojih depozita u kasinu „Casoo Online Casino" (Zatvoreno)
# 67084 - zahtjev za zaštitu prava na podatke u skladu s člankom 15. GDPR (zatvoreno)
# 62771 - Aw: eGamings: Re: Aw: Molim vas pomozite mi oko problema sa kockanjem - [BYE-IMVNC-275] (Zatvoreno)
# 60729 - Aw: Re: Aw: Molim vas pomozite mi oko problema sa kockanjem - [BYE-IMVNC-275] (Zatvoreno)
# 60658 - Aw: Pomozite mi oko problema sa kockanjem (Zatvoreno)
# 60254 - Pomozite mi oko problema sa kockanjem (Zatvoreno)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Hallo Matej, vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Meine erste E-Mail ging am 08.07.2019 raus. Mein Konto wurde erst im Januar oder Februar 2020 gesperrt. Meine letzte Einzahlung konnte ich noch ca. November 2019 tätigen. Ich habe etliche E-Mails, die ich Ihnen gerne per E-Mail zusenden kann. Hier ein Ausschnitt aus meinen E-Mails:
"Aw: Re: Close my account due to gambling problems - [YRY-LHHYS-973]
Hi, so you let me play tonight and let me lose another money. I will bring you to a German court if you do not refund me my money. KR XXXXXXXXXX
Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android Mobiltelefon mit WEB.DE Mail gesendet.
Am 08.07.19, 08:42, Jelena <help@casoo.com> schrieb:
Unfortunately the support department can’t set any blocks and/or exclusions to user accounts via live chat or ticketing.
In order to limit, exclude or block your account at Casoo it is required for you to send an e-mail to security@casoo.com stating your name, surname, mobile phone number, reason for your account limitations/exclusions/block and the preferred time frame.
If you account is not yet verified we kindly ask you to add an ID document to the e-mail in order to add it to the user file in question.
Casoo - Your Intergalactic Casino
Aw: Re: Aw: Please help me with my gambling problem - [BYE-IMVNC-275]
Thanks for your fast reply. May you offer me a refund of my deposits from my message about my gambling problem to email Adress help@casoo.com? I am really in big financial troubles. Thank you for your support. KR XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android Mobiltelefon mit WEB.DE Mail gesendet.
Am 09.09.19, 19:03, Thomas <help@casoo.com> schrieb:
Promotions were disabled on your account
Thank you for your message!
Casoo - Your Intergalactic Casino
Dear Thomas,
Let me try once again explain you that I will not close my case since I feel that there is something wrong.
In one of my last emails, you put the support team on CC on your emails. Why could that not happen when I contacted the help@ team?
So your rules say that if one customer tells you that you have a gambling problem, it is forbidden to inform other colleagues from your company? This is the rule you want me to explain?
Sorry, but I want to speak the managing director of your company. This is something which has to be discussed very in detail.
Again, I will escalate this case. Your answers are not satisfying me.
Kind regards
Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android Mobiltelefon mit WEB.DE Mail gesendet.
Am 09.09.19, 19:21, Thomas <help@casoo.com> schrieb:
We have the same rules for all of our customers.
If you want to block your account - please follow the rules.
We have Responsible Gaming section.
If you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact our customer support
Casoo - Your Intergalactic Casino
eGamings [Helpdesk - #70043]: Refund of my deposits to the casino "Casoo Online Casino"
07.11.2019 um 03:51 Uhr
helpdesk@egamings.com support@casoo.com
Dear client,
Thank you for writing to us. Your request has been logged and forwarded to the eGamings Support Team.
Your ticket ID: #70043.
Best Regards,
eGamings Support
Please don't change the subject of the e-mail, don't send new requests on top of a pending one and don't erase the correspondence history. Otherwise processing time of your request may increase.
These are my tickets at the eGamings [Helpdesk center, which were all closed:
#89086 - Aw: Re: Chat from Casoo Online Casino - €2000 + 200 Freispiele bei Anmeldung! - [SND-HWBLT-641]
#89080 - Aw: LiveAgent: Your chat transcript [SND-HWBLT-641] (Closed)
#84388 - Aw: Re: Please help me with my gambling problem - [BYE-IMVNC-275] (Closed)
#70043 - Refund of my deposits to the casino "Casoo Online Casino" (Closed)
#67084 - data rights request according article 15 GDPR (Closed)
#62771 - Aw: eGamings : Re: Aw: Please help me with my gambling problem - [BYE-IMVNC-275] (Closed)
#60729 - Aw: Re: Aw: Please help me with my gambling problem - [BYE-IMVNC-275] (Closed)
#60658 - Aw: Please help me with my gambling problem (Closed)
#60254 - Please help me with my gambling problem (Closed)
Zdravo Semir.
Nažalost, od Casoo Casino-a još nismo dobili nikakav odgovor. Mi ćemo produžiti tajmer vaše žalbe još jednom na sedam dana i pokušati ponovo da ih kontaktiramo na drugi način kako bismo istražili šta se dogodilo u vašem slučaju i zašto nisu zatvorili vaš račun odmah nakon što spominjete probleme s kockanjem.
Hello Semir.
Unfortunately, we didn't get any respond from Casoo Casino yet. We will extend the timer on your complaint one more time for seven days and try to contact them with different way again to investigate what happened in your case and why they didn't close your account immediately after you mention gambling problems.
Imajte na umu da ovaj kupac stvara pritužbe na svim dostupnim forumima i web lokacijama. Na neke njegove prigovore već smo odgovorili. I dalje stvara nove.
Klijent se ne slaže sa pravilima kasina.
U svakom slučaju, čak i ako klijent ne pročita pravila, podrška će mu uvijek pomoći i objasniti mu kako i što učiniti ispravno, kako klijent ne bi pogriješio i svoje vrijeme provedeno s nama ne bude zamračeno nesporazumima pravila .
Kao iu ovom slučaju, kontaktirajući našu platformu (support@casoo.com) ili naš mail (help@casoo.com), klijent prima jasna uputstva i objašnjenja kao i obično.
Klijent šalje samo dio pravila, a ne šalje ih u cijelosti:
35.1 Za one kupce koji žele ograničiti kockanje, pružamo dobrovoljnu politiku samo-isključenja koja vam omogućava da zatvorite svoj račun ili ograničite svoju mogućnost postavljanja oklada ili igara na web stranici u minimalnom periodu od jednog dana. Jednom kada se Vaš račun isključi, primit ćete poštu s adrese security@casoo.com i nećete biti u mogućnosti ponovno aktivirati račun pod bilo kojim okolnostima do isteka razdoblja odabranog prema ovom stavku. Po isteku razdoblja samo-isključenja, imat ćete pravo na ponovno korištenje Usluga kontaktiranjem security@casoo.com.
35.2 U slučaju da ste zabrinuti zbog svojih praksi kockanja, možda će vam biti korisne brojne smernice:
35.2.1 pokušajte uspostaviti limite za iznose koje želite kladiti ili položiti.
35.2.2 razmislite koliko dugo želite da traje bilo kakva oklada prije početka i budite sigurni da pazite na sat.
35.2.3. Pokušajte ne dopustiti da se kockanje ometa u vaše svakodnevne obaveze.
35.3 Imajte na umu da se kockanje ne preporučuje ako se oporavljate od bilo kojeg oblika ovisnosti ili ako ste pod utjecajem alkohola ili bilo koje druge tvari, uključujući neke lijekove na recept.
35.4 Uvijek biste trebali biti svjesni da je kockanje oblik rekreacije i na njega se ne bi trebalo gledati kao na alternativni izvor prihoda ili kao način naplate duga. Shvatanje da vam se čini problem kockanja prvi je korak ka vraćanju kontrole.
35.5 Imajte na umu da:
35.5.1 Kockanje bi trebalo biti zabavno, a ne treba ga doživljavati kao način zarađivanja
35.5.2 trebali biste izbjegavati potjeru s gubicima
35.5.3 Kockajte samo ono što možete priuštiti da izgubite
35.5.4 Pratite vrijeme i iznos u kojem trošite kockanje
35.6 Ako su vam potrebne bilo kakve informacije u vezi s ovim, obratite se našoj podršci za podršku@casoo.com ili pogledajte odjeljak odgovornog kockanja.
35.7 Operator je posvećen podršci inicijativama odgovornog kockanja. Predlažemo da posjetite www.responsiblegambling.org radi dodatne pomoći ako smatrate da kockanje počinje da vam postaje problem.
Takođe, imamo zaseban odjeljak - „Odgovorno igranje", koji takođe daje jasna pravila kako staviti blokadu na svoj račun.
Iz pravila je jasno da blokove postavlja odjel za sigurnost, a ne podršku. Podrška se tehnički može postaviti samo na nedeljni limit. Za sve ostalo (limit depozita, limit ISP-a, limit igre, blok) trebali biste pisati na security@casoo.com sa svog registriranog e-maila.
Također, možete se obratiti za podršku, recimo da želite staviti blok, podrška će vam odmah postaviti privremeni limit, ali molim vas da se obratite odjelu sigurnosti jer samo oni mogu u potpunosti postaviti limit na računu.
Jednom kada odjel primi poruku e-pošte od vaše registrovane pošte, vaš račun će biti trajno blokiran. Koje više nećete moći deblokirati, čak i ako to zatražite.
Kao što vidimo, nikada nismo primili takve e-poruke od klijenta
Takođe, klijentu je poslata poruka da je blok postavljen na nedelju dana, obavešten je da blok na ceo period može postaviti samo odeljenje bezbednosti, a on treba da mu pošalje poruku iz svog registrovanog mejla.
O tome je više puta obaviješten, ukazujući na pravila. Ali klijent je rekao da je pročitao pravila i da nije pristao da pošalje pismo odeljenju bezbednosti.
Nažalost, ako se klijent ne slaže s pravilima kockarnice, ne možemo ništa učiniti.
Ovaj sustav funkcionira stabilno od samog početka Casooovog rada, a nije bilo problema jer nismo jedini kazino koji traži pismo za blokiranje iz klijentovog e-maila.
Nažalost, nemamo potvrdu u 2 koraka tokom prijave, čim povežemo ovu uslugu, podrška će prosljeđivati zahtjeve za blokiranje direktno u odjel za sigurnost
Dokazi će biti poslani ekipi Casino GURU.
S poštovanjem
Please note that this customer creates complaints on all available forums and sites. We have already responded to some of his complaints. He continues to create new ones.
The client does not agree with the casino rules.
In any case, even if the client does not read the rules, support will always help him and explain how and what to do right, so that the client does not make mistakes and his time spent with us is not clouded by misunderstandings of the rules.
As in this case, by contacting our platform mail (support@casoo.com) or our mail (help@casoo.com), the client receives clear instructions and explanations as usual.
The client sends only part of the rules, and does not send them in full:
35.1 For those customers who wish to restrict their gambling, we provide a voluntary self-exclusion policy, which enables You to close Your Account or restrict Your ability to place bets or games on the Website for a minimum period of one day. Once Your Account has been self-excluded You will receive mail from security@casoo.com and you won’t be able to reactivate the Account under any circumstances until the expiry of the period chosen under this paragraph. At the expiry of the self-exclusion period, You will be entitled to re-commence use of the Services by contacting security@casoo.com.
35.2 In case you are concerned about your gambling practices there are a number of guidelines you may find useful:
35.2.1 try and establish limits for the amounts you want to wager or deposit.
35.2.2 consider how long you wish any wagering session to last before commencing and be sure to keep an eye on the clock.
35.2.3 try not to let gambling interfere with your daily responsibilities.
35.3 Mind that gambling is not advised if you are recovering for any form of dependency or if you are under the influence of alcohol or any other substance including some prescription medication.
35.4 You should always be aware, that gambling is a form of recreation and should not be viewed as an alternative source of income or a way to recoup the debt. Recognizing that you may be developing a gambling problem is the first step to regaining control.
35.5 Please bear in mind, that:
35.5.1 Gambling should be entertaining and not seen as a way of making money
35.5.2 you should avoid chasing losses
35.5.3 Only gamble what you can afford to lose
35.5.4 Keep track of time and the amount you spend gambling
35.6 If You require any information relating to this contact our Support help@casoo.com or view our Responsible Gambling section.
35.7 The Operator is committed to supporting Responsible Gambling initiatives. We suggest to visit www.responsiblegambling.org for further help if you feel that gambling starts to become a problem for you.
Also, we have a separate section - "Responsible Gaming", which also provides clear rules on how to put a block on your account.
The rules make it clear that blocks are set by the security department, not support. Support can technically only be set to a weekly limit. For everything else (deposit limit, ISP limit, game limit, block) you should write to security@casoo.com from your registered email.
Also, you can go to support, say you want to put a block, support will immediately set a temporary limit, but ask you to contact the security department because only they can set the limit on the account in full.
Once the department receives an email from you, with your registered mail, your account will be blocked permanently. Which you will not be able to unblock anymore, even if you ask for it.
As we can see, we have never received such emails from a client
Also, the client was sent a message that the block is set for a week, he was informed that the block on full period can be set only by the security department, and he needs to send a message from his registered email.
He's been informed of this several times, pointing out the rules. But the client said he read the rules and didn't agree to send a letter to the security department.
Unfortunately, if the client doesn't agree with the casino rules, there's nothing we can do.
This system works steadily from the very beginning of Casoo's work, and there were no problems because we are not the only casino that asks for a blocking letter from the client's email.
Unfortunately, we don't have 2-Step Verification during login, as soon as we connect this service, support will forward block requests directly to the security department
The evidence will be emailed to the Casino GURU team.
Takođe ću poslati SVE svoje e-mailove u kazino kao dokaz.
I will also send ALL my EMAIL to the casino as proof.
Ich schicke dem Casino auch ALLE meine E-MAILS als BEWEIS.
Sada sam poslao oko 10 e-mailova u Casino Guru i kako bih izbjegao spam, odričem se preostalih 100 e-mailova koje sam vam poslao.
pronađeni su za igrača (mene) - pa se ne pitate zašto ??????
3. Moja žalba pitalaca
je označen kao "neriješen" - pa se i dalje ne pitate jeste li učinili nešto pogrešno u mom slučaju?
U pitamblerima nisam jedini koji ima ovakve probleme.
Samo poboljšajte svoje usluge i prestanite poslovati sa igračima ovisnim o kockanju !!!!!!
Ja definitivno neću zatvoriti svoj slučaj dok ne preispitate svoje izjave / postupak / greške.
Srdačni pozdravi
I have now sent about 10 Emails to Casino Guru and to avoid spamming, I'm waiving the remaining 100 emails which I have sent to you
were found for the player (me) - so you do not wondering why??????
3. My complaint at askgamblers
is marked as "unresolved" - so you still do not wondering if you have done something wrong in my case?
At askgamblers, I am not the only one who has problems like this.
Just improve your services and stop making business with gambling addicted players!!!!!!
I will definitly not close my case until you overthink your statements/procedure/mistakes.
Kind regards
Zamislite da igrač može blokirati svoj račun samo u postavkama svog profila.
No igrač se ne slaže s tim i traži od agenata Službe za podršku da mu blokiraju račun. Odjel za podršku objašnjava igraču što točno ima kako bi mu blokirao račun, ali odbija da ponovo slijedi pravila. Nažalost, Odjel za podršku ne može pomoći igraču koji ignorira pravila.
Svaka kasina ima svoju proceduru za blokiranje računa igrača. Jasno smo vam objasnili sve, ali odlučili ste zanemariti naša pravila. Naša platforma blokirala je vaš račun kada su primili žalbu od našeg korisnika licence.
Naš licencirani korisnik je nakon istrage odbio vašu žalbu. Već smo vam odgovarali već puno puta i ne želimo odgovoriti na sve iste prigovore koje nastavite s objavljivanjem u različitim izvorima.
Imagine that player can block his account only in his profile settings.
But player disagrees to do that and ask Support Department agents to block his account. Support Department explains the player what exactly he has do in order to block his account, but he refuses to follow the rules again. Unfortunately, Support Department can't help the player that ignores the rules.
Every casino has its own procedure for blocking player's account. We have clearly explained you everything, but you decided to ignore our rules. Our platform blocked your account when they received complaint from our licensee.
Our licensee has rejected your complaint after investigation. We have answered you a lot of times already and we do not seek to respond to all the same complaints that you continue posting on different resources.
Provjerio sam dvije žalbe koje je Semir objavio.
Pritužba na Pogg izgleda napušteno - Casoo Casino prestaje sarađivati.
Žalba AskGablersa označena je kao neriješena samo zato što je Semir potvrdio da je već ovu tužbu predao tijelu za izdavanje dozvole.
Ako Casoo Casino ima službeni odgovor tijela za licenciranje, pošaljite ga ovdje ako možete. U slučaju da su ove informacije privatne, pošaljite ih na matej@casino.guru
I've checked the two complaints what Semir posted.
Pogg complaint looks abandoned - Casoo Casino stops cooperating.
AskGablers complaint was marked as unresolved just because Semir confirmed that he already submit this complaint to the licensing authority.
If Casoo Casino has an official answer from licensing authority, please post it here if you can. In case that this information is private, please send it to matej@casino.guru
Veliko hvala za vaš trud. Dopustite mi da potrošim neke riječi o njihovom takozvanom licenci.
Do danas nisam ni dobio potvrdu o svojoj žalbi, a da ne spominjem konačan odgovor koji nisam dobio ni službeno ni privatno. Svi znamo da vaš korisnik licence nije uporediv sa drugim vlastima, npr. MGA ili UKGC.
Casoo Casino, radije razgovarate na svim platformama sa mnom više od godinu dana, umjesto da me jednim blokom jednostavno blokiraju.
Nadalje, Casoo Casino, trebali biste biti iskreni kada biste CasinoGuru rekli da ste ažurirali sljedeću stranicu:
Je li tako? Imam sliku ekrana stare verzije vaše početne stranice sa "support@casoo.com" kao kontakt e-poštom.
Ako se ne slažete sa tom činjenicom, poslat ću Casinu Guruu staru verziju vaših podataka koji su bili dostupni na vašoj početnoj stranici.
Nažalost, ovo nije pravi način postupanja s osobama ovisnim o kockanju. Ovo je jako slabo ....
Many thanks for your efforts. Let me spend some words on their so called licensee.
Until today, I have not even received confirmation of my complaint, not to mention a final reply which i have not received either officially or privately. We all know that your licensee is not compareable to other authorities e.g. MGA or UKGC.
Casoo Casino, you prefer to discuss on all platforms with me for more than a year instead of simply blocking me with one click.
Furthermore, Casoo Casino, you should be that honest to tell CasinoGuru, that you have updated the following page:
Right? I have a screenshot of the old version of your homepage with "support@casoo.com" as contact email.
If you disagree with that fact, I will send Casino Guru the old version of your information which were available on your homepage.
Sorry, this is not the right way acting with gambling addicted people. This is very poor....
Ovu promjenu smo napravili na zahtjev naše platforme, jer ste napisali žalbu kad god je to moguće.
Uprkos tome, napisano je e-mail našeg glavnog odjela za podršku - support@casoo.com.
Pisanjem kojem ste dobili iste jasne upute (snimke zaslona poslane su timu Casinoguru).
Bez obzira na to koji je e-mail bio određen, dobili ste jasne upute šta treba učiniti i gde poslati e-poštu u roku od nedelju dana (račun je blokiran nedelju dana).
Imajte na umu poseban odlomak u pravilima:
1.4 Izvorni tekst Uvjeta upotrebe je na engleskom jeziku i svako njihovo tumačenje zasnivat će se na izvornom engleskom tekstu. Ako su Uvjeti korištenja ili bilo koji drugi dokumenti ili obavijesti vezani uz njih prevedeni na bilo koji drugi jezik, prevladavat će originalna engleska verzija.
Nisu svi odjeli u vlasništvu kockarnica, mnogi kockarnice koriste usluge platformi, pružaju odjele za podršku, tehničku i sigurnosnu zaštitu.
Što se tiče licence - žalba je odbijena, klijent može dostaviti pismo koje je primio iz licence, jer o ovom pitanju nemamo otvoreni slučaj.
Također, askgambleri na web mjestu čekaju odgovor klijenta u vezi s njegovom žalbom u vezi s licencom.
Očito se ne slažete sa pravilima kockarnice, ali mi vam u tom pitanju ne možemo pomoći. Sve što smo tražili je da pošaljete pismo odeljenju bezbednosti. U tom slučaju, dobit ćete blok računa za bilo koji termin koji navedete. Tamo ste odlučili da nastavite sa igranjem i onda potražite novac. Odjeljenje za sigurnost nikada nije dobilo e-poštu o blokiranju računa.
We have made this change at the request of our platform, as you have written a complaint wherever possible.
In spite of it, there was written an email of our main support department email - support@casoo.com.
By writing to which you received the same clear instructions (screenshots were sent to the Casinoguru team).
No matter what email was specified, you received clear instructions on what to do and where to send the email within a week (the account was blocked for a week).
Please note a separate paragraph in the rules:
1.4 The original text of the Terms of Use are in English and any interpretation of them will be based on the original English text. If the Terms of Use or any documents or notices related to them are translated into any other language, the original English version will prevail.
Not all departments are owned by casinos, many casinos use the services of platforms, they provide support, technical and security departments.
As for the license - the complaint was rejected, the client can provide the letter he received from the license, as we do not have an open case on this issue.
Also, the website askgamblers is waiting for a response from the client about his complaint about the license.
Obviously, you do not agree with the rules of the casino, but we can not help you in this matter. All we asked is that you send a letter to the security department. In that case, you'd be given a block of account for any term you specify. Where you decided to continue playing and then demand money back. The security department never received the email about the account blocking.
1. Prije svega, mislim da je lijepo što ste uskladili svoje podatke na svojoj web stranici zbog moje žalbe. Mislim da ne trebamo razgovarati o tome da ne biste trebali pružiti različite informacije kupcima na vašoj web stranici.
2. Sve vrijeme pišete da samo sigurnost (security@casoo.com) može postaviti samo-isključenja. Moje jednostavno, ali razumno pitanje je: Zašto niste postavili tim bezbednosti na CC tokom svih meseci razgovora jedan s drugim putem e-pošte? Da li vam politika kompanije ili uslovi i odredbe zabranjuju da obavještavate tim za sigurnost? Vjerovatno ne, jer ste u jednoj od svojih posljednjih poruka upravo to i postavili sigurnosnom timu na CC. Ako je sve u vezi s informiranjem sigurnosnog tima, onda je to bilo jednostavno za vas i tada ne biste imali sve te pritužbe. Ali ako je samo stvar opravdanja isplate koju ste primili nakon mog obaveštenja o mom problemu s kockanjem, bojim se da je to malo loše ...
3. Je li cijeli ovaj slučaj samo slijedeći upute ili je riječ o učinkovitoj zaštiti igrača? A koju uputu nisam slijedio? Da nisam napisao e-poštu sigurnosti? Ako na vašoj web stranici piše da bih trebao kontaktirati help@casoo.com, onda ne vidim zašto bi se prema meni trebalo ponašati ovako. Možda imam problema sa kockanjem (što se trenutno terapira), ali nisam glup i zato nisam igrao ovu igru. Da sam slijedio upute o sigurnosti, što bi se dogodilo? Možda bi sigurnost rekla da moram poslati daljnji e-mail XY-u i slijediti daljnja uputstva i tako bi igra nastavila i dalje .....
4. Dobio sam e-poštu od autoriteta curacao lincense sa sljedećim sadržajem:
Dragi Gospodine / Gospođo,
Hvala što ste kontaktirali Curaçao eGaming.
Curaçao eGaming nema vezu s tim web mjestom i samim tim
sve reference na Curaçao eGaming kao jednog od nositelja Master licence
su lažni i obmanjujući.
Kao što je navedeno u podnožju lokacije koje imaju dozvolu Antillephone NV, molimo vas da ih kontaktirate na complaints@gaminglicences.com
Curaçao eGaming
5. Napisali ste sljedeće u svom posljednjem odgovoru "Gdje ste odlučili nastaviti igrati ..." Ako biste zaista razumjeli složenost pitanja poput mojih, ne biste jednostavno tako nešto rekli.
5. AskGamblers je ponovno otvorio moju žalbu na zahtjev u Casoo Casinu. Možda možemo sve naučiti iz ovog broja. Možda u jednoj ili drugoj poruci e-pošte nisam bio ljubazan. Izvinjavam se zbog toga. Ali u tom je pitanju moja tema vrlo opravdana.
1. First of all I think it's nice that you have harmonized your information on your website because of my complaint. I think we do not need to discuss that you should not provide different informations to your customers on your website.
2. You are writing all the time that only security (security@casoo.com) can set up self exclusions. My simple but reasonable question is: Why didn't you put the security team on CC during all the months of discussing with each other via email? Does your company policy or your terms and conditions forbid you to inform the security team? Probably not, because in one of your last messages you did exactly that and set the security team to CC. If its all about informing the security team, then this was an easy thing to do for you and then you would not have all these complaints. But if it's just a matter of justifying the payments you have received after my notification of my gambling problem, I am afraid thats a little poor...
3. Is this whole case just about following instructions or is it about effective player protection? And which instruction did i not follow? That i did not write an e-mail to security? If it says on your website that i should contact help@casoo.com, then I don't see why I should be treated like this. I may have a gambling problem (what is currently being therapied) but I am not stupid and therefore I didn't play this game. If i had followed the instructions on security, what would have happened? Maybe security would have said that I have to send further email to XY and follow further instructions and so the game would have gone on and on.....
4. I have received a email from the curacao lincense authority with the following content:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for contacting Curaçao eGaming.
Curaçao eGaming has no connection with that site and therefore
any references made to Curaçao eGaming as one of the Master License holders
are false and misleading.
As stated in the footer of the site they are licensed by Antillephone N.V., please contact them at complaints@gaminglicences.com
Curaçao eGaming
5. You have wrote the following in your last answer "Where you decided to continue playing..." If you really would understand the complexity of issues like mine, you you wouldn't just say something like that.
5. AskGamblers has reopen my complaint on request on Casoo Casino. Maybe we can learn all from this issue. Maybe i was not friendly in one or the other email. I apologize for that. But in this matter my topic is very justified.
Korisnik je primio jasne i razumljive upute o tome kako postupiti i blokirati svoj račun iz obje adrese e-pošte: support@casoo.com i help@casoo.com
Pokušaj manipulacije pravilima neće pomoći u ovom slučaju.
Nažalost, ako se igrač ne slaže i ne poštuje pravila kasina, ne možemo ništa učiniti.
Prigovor Askgambers je riješen
User has received clear and understandable instructions, how to act and block his account, from both emails: support@casoo.com and help@casoo.com
Attempting to manipulate the rules will not help in this case.
Unfortunately, if the player doesn't agree and comply with the casino rules, there's nothing we can do.
Askgambers complaint is resolved
Malo me iznenadjuju Askgamblersi, jer zvanično govore:
".... Žalbeni tim AskGamblers nema druge mogućnosti osim da zatvori ovaj prigovor kao nerešen ..... Čim AskGamblers Žalbeni tim bude obavešten o konačnoj odluci regulatora o slučaju, u skladu s tim postupamo u skladu i obeležimo ovu žalbu . "
Definitivno ću zamoliti Askgamblere da ponovo otvore moju žalbu jer ste moj slučaj iskoristili za poboljšanje svojih usluga i ažuriranje dostupnih podataka na vašoj web stranici.
Ne razumijem ponašanje casua casino-a i nema smisla skrivati se iza svojih uvjeta. Činjenica je da vas nije briga za igrače ovisne o kockanju.
Čak i ako mi ne vratite novac, barem sam uspio poboljšati vaše usluge za budućnost.
Trebali biste prestati poslovati s osobama ovisnim o kockanju. Ne morate priznati da se ponašate slabo reg. zaštita igrača. Ovo je očigledno.
I am little bit surprised by Askgamblers, since they officially worte:
".... AskGamblers Complaints Team has no other option but to close this complaint as Unresolved.....As soon as AskGamblers Complaints Team is being notified about the regulator's final decision on the case, we will comply and mark this complaint accordingly."
I will definitly ask Askgamblers for reopening of my complaint since you used my case to improve your services and update your available information on your website.
I cannot understand the behaviour of casoo casino and there is no point in hiding behind your terms and conditions. The fact is that you do not care about gambling addicted player.
Even if you don't pay me back I have at least managed to improve your services for future.
You should stop doing businesses with gambling addicted people. You don't have to admit that you are acting weakly reg. player protection. This is obviously.
Semit i Andrei.
Prošle nedelje + testirali smo proces samoisključenja Casino Casino i analizirali sve dokaze koje su obe strane pružile.
U nekim je trenucima bilo teško, ali želim vam predstaviti ono što smo otkrili:
Proces samoisključenja Casino casino-a sada funkcionira u skladu s propisima. Kada Casino traži od igrača da napišu e-poštu sigurnosnim podacima s dodatnim informacijama, postoji razlog. Igrači su bolje zaštićeni ako kasino zna njihov identitet. Chat / podrška odmah blokira račun kada igrač to zatraži. (to je privremeni blok, ali data su izričita uputstva kako se samo-isključiti) Vjerujemo da ako igrač želi, lako se može sam isključiti.
Tokom testa smo spomenuli ovisnost o chatu u nekoliko slučajeva, a čini se da je račun zatvoren i nakon razdoblja od sedam dana. Nemoguće je bilo uvjeriti sigurnosni tim da ponovo otvori račun. Iznenađenje je bilo što je sigurnosni tim potpuno ignorisao naše poruke zbog ponovnog otvaranja računa. (Mislim da igrači trebaju dobiti barem neki generički odgovor, da ponovno otvaranje nije moguće)
Ne mogu reći da li je uspjelo prije gotovo godinu dana kada je Semir pokušao samo-isključiti se. No, iz mnoštva dokaza što nam je pružio kazino, jasno je da su Semiru pružili dovoljno informacija o tome kako da se sam isključi. Došlo je do problema s njemačkom verzijom web stranice na kojoj je objavljena pogrešna adresa e-pošte, ali je podrška informirala Semira što treba učiniti, pa ne možemo reći da je imao netočne podatke.
Casoo Casino bi trebao razmotriti stavljanje ovih uputa (koje su sada ispravne) direktno u T&C. Sada su te informacije udaljene dva klika. To bi trebalo poboljšati. S druge strane, podrška je bila od velike pomoći i privremeno blokirala račun s jasnim uputama kako izvršiti samoisključenje.
Iako je Semir informisao kazino o svojoj ovisnosti, nikada nije slijedio njihove upute. U ovom trenutku, vjerujemo da Semir nema pravo na povrat novca.
Žao mi je Semir, znam da je život ovisnika vrlo težak. Imajte u vidu da kazino ne bi trebao samo-isključiti račune samo na temelju chata. Ako to učini, bilo tko može samo koristiti stranu adresu e-pošte i reći operateru chat-a da je ovisnik i tražiti doživotno samo-isključenje. Provjera identiteta također povećava zaštitu ovisnika. (sprečite ih da stvaraju duplikat računa itd.)
Nadam se da je objašnjenje dovoljno za obje strane.
Semit and Andrei.
Last week+ we have been testing Casoo casino self-exclusion process and analysing all the evidence what both sides provided.
In some points it was hard, but I want to present to you what we discovered:
The self-exclusion process of Casoo casino now works according to regulations. When Casino is asking players to write an email to security with additional information, it has a reason. The players are better protected if the casino knows their identity. The chat/support immediately block account when the player asks for it. (it is a temporary block, but explicit instruction how to self-exclude are provided) We believe that if the player wants, he can easily self-exclude himself.
During the test, we mentioned on chat addiction in several cases, and the account seems to be closed even after seven days period. It was impossible to convince the security team to reopen the account. A surprise was that the security team completely ignored our messages for account reopening. (I think players should get at least some generic answer, that reopens is not possible)
I can't say if it worked almost a year ago when Semir tried to self-exclude. But from lots of evidence what casino provided to us, it is clear that they provided Semir with enough information on how to self-exclude. There was a problem with the German version of the website where was published wrong email address, but support informed Semir what to do, so we can't say he had the incorrect information.
Casoo Casino should consider placing these instructions (which are now correct) directly to their T&C's. Now, this information is two clicks away. This should be improved. On the other hand, support was very helpful and temporary block the account immediately with clear instructions on how to make a self-exclusion.
Even though Semir informed casino about his addiction, he never followed their instructions. In this point, we believe that Semir has no right for refund.
I am sorry Semir, I know that for addicted people life is very hard. Please consider that the casino should not self-exclude accounts just based on chat. If they do so, anybody can just use a foreign email address and tell chat operator that he is addicted and ask for lifetime self-exclusion. Identity verification also increases the protection of addicted people. (prevent them to create duplicate accounts etc.)
I hope that explanation is sufficient for both sides.
Hvala CasinoGuru, detaljno su radili na mom slučaju. Prihvatam vašu odluku.
Slučajno me ne zanima samo povrat novca, već to što kasino ozbiljno uzima ovisnost o kockanju.
Nadam se da bih mogao dati pozitivan doprinos.
Thanks CasinoGuru, they worked my case very thoroughly. I accept your decision.
Incidentally, I am not just interested in a refund, but that the casino takes gambling addiction seriously.
I hope I could make a positive contribution.
Danke CasinoGuru, sie haben meinen Fall sehr gründlich bearbeitet. Ich akzeptiere Ihre Entscheidung.
Im Übrigen geht es mir nicht nur um eine Rückerstattung sondern darum, dass das Casino Spielsucht ernst nimmt.
Ich hoffe ich konnte einen positiven Beitrag dazu leisten.
Odjeljenje sigurnosti temelji se na platformi. Nažalost, ne primaju e-poštu ili ih zanemaruju ako je klijent trajno blokiran. Ako klijent ima dodatnih pitanja o računu, može kontaktirati podršku s pitanjem.
U potpunosti prihvaćamo vaš odgovor.
The security department is based on the platform. Unfortunately, they do not receive emails or ignore them if the client is permanently blocked. If the client has any additional questions about the account, they can contact support with a question.
We fully accept your response.
Pozdrav Semir i Andrei.
Nisam prijavio ovu žalbu pre nego što je završeno sve testiranje.
Semir vaš prigovor nadahnuo nas je za testiranje više kockarnica s različitim licencama i pisanje članka o samo-isključenju.
Andrei, molim te pogledaj na ovaj račun xlancer@seznam.cz, nekako je ovaj ispitivač mogao ponovno aktivirati račun nakon što je napisao sigurnosti i zatražio samoisključenje. Molimo provjerite kako je to bilo moguće i popravite to. Svi ostali testeri bili su blokirani i samoisključeni. (bilo bi lijepo dobiti poruku o tome)
Sad prigovor privodim „odbijenom".
Hello Semir and Andrei.
I didn't close this complaint sooner before all our testing finished.
Semir your complaint inspired us to test more casinos with different licenses and writing an article about self-exclusion.
Andrei, please look on this account xlancer@seznam.cz, somehow this tester was able to reactivate account after he wrote to security and ask for self-exclusion. Please check how it was possible and fix it. All other testers were blocked and self-excluded. (would be nice to get a message about it)
Now I am closing the complaint as "rejected."
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