Zdravo svima.
Dana 30.05.2021, kupac je poslao zahtjev za zatvaranje računa na help@casoo.com.
Naš agent za podršku odgovorio je sljedećim uputama:
"Vaš račun je blokiran.
Casoo timu je zaista žao čuti da želite napustiti našu galaksiju!
Hvala vam na vremenu provedenom kod nas. Ali, nažalost, odjel za podršku ne može postaviti nikakve blokade i / ili ograničenja za period duži od tjedan dana.
Da biste ograničili, izuzeli i / ili blokirali svoj račun na Casoo-u, potrebno je da na security@casoo.com pošaljete e-poštu u kojoj navedete svoje ime, prezime, broj mobilnog telefona, razlog ograničenja / izuzimanja / blokiranja vašeg računa i preferirani vremenski okvir.
Molimo vas pripazite da ne proslijedite ovu ili bilo koju poruku poslanu podršci - e-adresa se može automatski vratiti na podršku i neće doći do Odjela sigurnosti. Napišite novi e-mail sa samo jednim prijemnikom - security@casoo.com.
Ako vaš račun još nije potvrđen, molimo vas da e-mailu dodate ID dokument kako biste ga dodali u dotičnu korisničku datoteku.
Od sada nećete moći pristupiti svom računu. "
Kao što je napisano u našim Odredbama i uslovima pod paragrafom 35.1, trajno zatvaranje računa može se izvršiti samo putem zahtjeva službi za sigurnost.
"35.1 Za one kupce koji žele ograničiti svoje kockanje, pružamo politiku dobrovoljnog samoisključenja koja vam omogućava da zatvorite svoj račun ili ograničite mogućnost postavljanja oklada ili igara na web lokaciji najmanje jedan dan. Račun je samoisključen. Primit ćete poštu s adrese security@casoo.com i ni pod kojim okolnostima nećete moći ponovno aktivirati račun sve dok ne istekne period odabran ovim paragrafom. Nakon slanja zahtjeva za blokiranje vašeg računa na security@casoo.com, molimo vas da povratno primite e-poruku sa potvrdom. Ponekad se e-poruke mogu zaglaviti u neželjenoj pošti, ako niste dobili e-poruku s potvrdom od security@casoo.com, obratite se našem odjelu za podršku. Po isteku period samoisključenja Imat ćete pravo na ponovni početak korištenja Usluga kontaktiranjem security@casoo.com. "
Dana 17.06.2021. kupac je poslao e-mail na security@casoo.com i njegov račun je trajno zatvoren.
Ovo je standardni postupak koji primjenjujemo za sve kupce i vrlo je detaljno opisan u našim Odredbama i uvjetima.
Nadam se da ovo objašnjenje pomaže! Ako su potrebne bilo kakve druge informacije, javite nam.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello, everyone.
On 30.05.2021, the customer sent a request for account closure to help@casoo.com.
Our support agent responded with the following instruction:
"Your account has been blocked.
The Casoo team is really sorry to hear that you want to leave our galaxy!
Thank you for your time with us. But, unfortunately, the support department cannot set any blocks and/or restrictions for a period that is longer than a week.
In order to limit, exclude and/or block your account at Casoo it is required for you to send an email to security@casoo.com stating your name, surname, mobile phone number, the reason for your account limitations/exclusions/block and the preferred time frame.
Please make sure to not forward this or any message sent to support - the email may automatically return to the support and not reach the Security Department. Write a new email with just one receiver - security@casoo.com.
If your account is not yet verified we kindly ask you to add an ID document to the email in order to add it to the user file in question.
From now on you won’t be able to access your account."
As is written in our Terms and Conditions under paragraph 35.1, permanent account closure can be done only through a request to the security department.
"35.1 For those customers who wish to restrict their gambling, we provide a voluntary self-exclusion policy, which enables You to close Your Account or restrict Your ability to place bets or game on the Website for a minimum period of one day. Once Your Account has been self-excluded You will receive mail from security@casoo.com and you won’t be able to reactivate the Account under any circumstances until the expiry of the period chosen under this paragraph. After sending a request to block your account to security@casoo.com, please make sure you get a confirmation email back. Sometimes emails might be stuck in Spam, if you haven’t received a confirmation email from security@casoo.com, please contact our Support Department. At the expiry of the self-exclusion period You will be entitled to re-commence use of the Services by contacting security@casoo.com."
On 17.06.2021. the customer sent an email to security@casoo.com, and his account was permanently closed.
This is a standard procedure that we apply for all customers, and it is described in great detail in our Terms and Conditions.
I hope this explanation helps! If any other information is needed, please let us know.
Best regards
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