Želeo bih da obavestim i CelsiusCasino i CasinoGuru o gore navedenim informacijama.
Vidim da ste spomenuli da je vaš dobavljač e-pošte Google/Gmail.
Dao sam svoju pomoć da pogledam CelsusCasino.com domen i proverim podešavanja vašeg domena/dns-a i pošte, da proverim da li možda postoji neka pogrešna konfiguracija na vašem kraju, što bi mogao biti razlog, i takođe pratiti poslatu e-poštu na našoj mail server, da vidite gde je isporučen. Šaljem i primam mnogo e-poruka dnevno bez problema, pa vas molimo da pregledate dokaze u nastavku.
Možete li da potvrdite da je Google/Gmail vaš dobavljač e-pošte? Ako je to slučaj, pregledajte u nastavku dokaze o pogrešnoj konfiguraciji na vašem domenu, što dovodi do toga da se e-poruke poslate sa drugih domena/servera osim Gmail-a ne isporučuju na Gmail servere već na DigitalOcean server zbog pogrešne konfiguracije u vašem DNS/MKS- rekord.
Moja pomoć je pronašla dole navedene dokaze i dokaze u vezi sa celsiuscasino.com DNS/MKS-zapisom koji ukazuje na dva različita provajdera pošte (DigitalOcean i Google), obavešten sam da obično nijedna kompanija nema MKS-zapise koji upućuju na dva različita provajdera pošte, jer tada neke poruke e-pošte stižu jednom dobavljaču e-pošte, a druge e-poruke drugom dobavljaču e-pošte, stoga uvek mora postojati samo jedan dobavljač e-pošte u MKS-zapisi.
MKS-zapis sa najnižim Pref (preference) će uvek biti prvo mesto za isporuku e-pošte, a ako je taj server van mreže/ne odgovara, onda će zauzeti sledeće u redu Preference. Zbog toga Gugl ima 1, 5 i 10 preferencije sa različitim serverima, kako bi se izborio ako neki padnu.
Evo snimaka ekrana sa dve nezavisne DNS usluge traženja kao dokaza:
Ako pogledate svoju konfiguraciju e-pošte na domenu celsiuscasino.com, vaši MKS zapisi u DNS-u dokazuje da server/ime hosta sa najnižim Pref (preference) 0 bodova na IP: u vlasništvu DigitalOcean, LLC. I onda imate MKS-zapise ispod koji ukazuju na različite Google servere sa Pref (preference) 1,5,10.
Gledajući iz tehničke perspektive, vaš domen je konfigurisan, tako da će e-poruke biti poslate na mail.celsiuscasino.com (IP:, a ne na vašeg Google dobavljača e-pošte Osim ako se e-pošta ne šalje od istog dobavljača e-pošte, na primer je jedno slanje od da , neće gledati na MKS-Records, jer će biti rutirano direktno na iste servere u Google-u. Dakle, ako vam pošaljem e-poštu sa Gmail-a, ona se čuva na Google-ovim serverima i stoga nije usmerena na MKS zapise. Ovo objašnjava zašto primate e-poruke sa Gmail/Google adresa, ali imate poteškoća sa primanjem od drugih spoljnih e-poruka. Ovo je jasna pogrešna konfiguracija, pošto bi trebalo da imate samo jednog dobavljača e-pošte u vašim MKS-zapisima.
Moja IT-pomoć je napravila trag e-pošte koje sam vam poslao od mog dobavljača e-pošte i imam ovu potvrdu da su e-poruke uspešno poslate sa našeg servera e-pošte i da su isporučene na preko servera mail.celsiuscasino.com.
Ako verujete da moj domen e-pošte nije bezbedan, informisao me je moja IT pomoć, da bi trebalo da budete u mogućnosti da pratite e-poštu na svom kraju, direktno sa vašeg servera mail.celsiuscasino.com ( Osim ako vaš provajder e-pošte nije Gmail za šta verujem da jeste, pa samim tim zbog pogrešne konfiguracije vašeg domena, e-pošta koju sam poslao je uspešno dostavljena na mail.celsiuscasino.com a ne na vaš Gmail server e-pošte, što je pogrešna konfiguracija u vašem kraj.
Ako to nije slučaj, a tačno je, taj celsiuscasino.com ima dva različita servera e-pošte (što nema smisla, jer kako pratiti mejlove ako imate dva prijemna sandučeta kod dva različita email provajdera), ali ako je to U tom slučaju ne bi trebalo da imate problema sa praćenjem e-pošte direktno na vašem serveru mail.celsiuscasino.com.
Ne može se kriviti krajnji korisnik što ne dobijate e-poštu od njih, ako je razlog to što je vaš domen/DNS možda pogrešno konfigurisan? Gledajući ovo podešavanje, e-poruke poslate na vaš domen se ne isporučuju na vaš Gmail, ali se isporučuju na vaš DigitalOcean server, osim ako se e-poruka ne šalje od drugog Gmail korisnika. Dakle, možete da uklonite mail.celsiuscasino.com iz svog MKS-zapisa, a zatim će sve e-poruke poslate na CelsiusCasino.com bez obzira sa kog domena i e-mail-provajdera biti ispravno isporučene na vaše Gmail/Google servere pošte.
Molimo vas da se konsultujete sa vašim odeljenjem za informacione tehnologije, za koje sam siguran da će potvrditi da je greška na vašem kraju i odgovorite u skladu sa gore navedenim dokazima.
Mislim da je u svim interesima da vi kao međunarodni kazino možete da primate mejlove sa svih domena.. a ne samo od korisnika Gmail-a.
CasinoGuru / Tomas - Da li imate IT-gui/tehničku osobu u CasinoGuru-u da biste mogli da pročitate ovu e-poštu i dokaze? Siguran sam da će i oni to potvrditi, da je u pitanju pogrešna konfiguracija iz konfiguracije domena CelsiusCasino.com, tako da je greška na njihovom kraju.
I would like to inform both CelsiusCasino and CasinoGuru about above information.
I see you mentioned that your email-provider is Google/Gmail.
I had my it-assistance take a look at CelsusCasino.com domain and check your domain/dns and mail setup, to check if maybe there is any misconfiguration in your end, which could be the reason, and also trace the sent email on our mailserver, to see where it has been delivered. I send and receive many emails daily without issues, so please review below evidence.
Can you confirm that Google/Gmail is your email provider? If that is the case, please review below evidence of misconfiguration on your domain, which results that emails sent to you from other domains/servers than Gmail is not delivered to Gmail servers but to a DigitalOcean server because of misconfiguration in your DNS/MX-record.
My it-assistance found the below evidence and proof regarding celsiuscasino.com DNS/MX-record which points at two different mailproviders (DigitalOcean and Google), i am being informed the usually no company has MX-records pointing at two different mail providers, because then some emails arrive at one email provider and other emails at another email provider, therefore there must always only be one email provider in the MX-records.
The MX-record with lowest Pref (preference) will always be the first place to deliver the email, and if that server is offline/not responding, then it will take the next in the Preference line. That is why Google has a 1, 5 and 10 preference with different servers, to handle if some goes down.
Here is screenshots from two indepentant DNS lookup services as evidence:
If you look at your email-configuration on celsiuscasino.com domain, your MX-records in the DNS, proves that the server/hostname with lowest Pref (preference) 0 points at IP: owned by DigitalOcean, LLC. And then you have MX-records below pointing at different Google servers with Pref (preference) 1,5,10.
So looking from a technical perspective, your domain is configured, so emails will be sent to mail.celsiuscasino.com (IP: and not to your Google email provider Unless if an email is sent from the same email-provider forexample is one send from myemail@gmail.com to support@celsiuscasino.com, it will Not look at the MX-Records, because it will be routed directly in the same servers at Google. So if i send email from Gmail to you, it it kept in Googles servers, and therefore not routed to the MX-records. This explaints why you receive emails from Gmail/Google adresses, but you have difficulties receiving from other external emails. This is a clear misconfiguration, since you should only have one email provider in your MX-records.
My it-assistance made a mail-trace of the emails i sent to you, from my email-provider, and i have this confirmation that the emails has been sent successfully sent from our email-server, and it has been delivered to support@celsiuscasino.com through the server mail.celsiuscasino.com.
If you believe that my email domain is unsecure, i was informed by my it-assistance, that you should be able to trace the email in your end, directly from your server mail.celsiuscasino.com ( ). Unless your email provider is Gmail which i may believe that it is, and therefore due to misconfiguration of your domain, the email i sent was delievered successfully to mail.celsiuscasino.com and not to your Gmail email server, which is a misconfiguration in your end.
If that is not the case, and it is correct, that celsiuscasino.com has two different email servers (which makes no sense, because how to keep track on emails if you have two inboxes at two different email providers), but if that is the case, you should have no problems with tracing the emails directly on your server mail.celsiuscasino.com.
It cannot be blamed on the end-user that you do not receive emails from them, if the reason is that your domain/DNS might be misconfigured? Looking at this setup, emails sent to your domain is not delivered to your Gmail but it is delivered to your DigitalOcean server, unless the email is sent from another Gmail customer. So you can remove the mail.celsiuscasino.com from your MX-record, then all emails sent to CelsiusCasino.com no matter from which domain and email-provider will delivered correctly to your Gmail/Google mail servers.
Please consult with your it-department, which i am sure they will confirm that the error is in your end, and please respond accordingly to the above evidence.
I think it is in all interests, that you as an international casino, can receive emails from all domains.. and not only from Gmail users.
CasinoGuru / Tomas - Do you have an it-guy/technical person at CasinoGuru that you can have read this email and evidence? I am sure they will confirm this too, that it is a misconfiguration from CelsiusCasino.com domain configuration, so the fault is in their end.
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