Zdravo, chipstars mi daje da se bavim povlačenjem, za koje su mi rekli da će biti završeno u roku od 24 sata nakon podnošenja
U ponedeljak ujutru sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje i za razliku od prethodnog zahteva, to se nije desilo u roku od sat vremena kao što je to bio poslednji, već sam čekao i čekao nekoliko sati, misleći da ću se pojaviti, a nije tako, pa sam otišao nazad na chipstars veb lokaciju. Tamo sam pitao korisničku podršku da li treba da ga prebacim na eTransfer, jer je to isti metod na koji sam deponovao i oni su potvrdili da jesam.
Dakle, nekoliko sati nakon što je prvobitni zahtev prebacio na povlačenje putem etransfera i još jednom sačekao nekoliko sati pre nego što se vratio i pitao se koliko bi moglo da potraje za ovo povlačenje jer traje duže nego ranije.
U ovom trenutku Tim za korisničku podršku mi je pokazao da su sva povlačenja završena do 24-časovnog perioda, što će se sigurno videti kada se to odrazi na mom nalogu i završi. Ali to bi se verovatno dogodilo mnogo ranije.
Kada je prošlo 20 sati, vratio sam se na veb stranicu i pitao ga da li nešto nije u redu, jer je rečeno da neće trajati maksimum od 24 sata i da će najverovatnije biti urađeno mnogo ranije.
U ovom trenutku su mi rekli da imaju problem sa svojim procesorom plaćanja i da ne mogu da izdaju e-transfere u narednih 36 sati. Pitao sam da li bi u ovom slučaju, s obzirom na okolnosti, dozvolili prikaz povlačenja LTC-a nije isti metod depozita. Dali su mi zeleno svetlo i rekli da bi bilo dozvoljeno da se povučem kao LTC, tako da nisam otkazao svoje povlačenje, ali su to uradili da bih mogao da ponovo izdam novo za LTC juče ujutru.
Sinoć sam se vratio da ih ispitam da bih se uverio da to prolazi i da neće biti problema i rečeno mi je da postoji problem sa mojim povlačenjem i da će me tim za plaćanje kontaktirati pre isteka ograničenja od 24 sata, a ja i dalje još nisam čuo ništa od tima za plaćanje, a ostalo je još samo nekoliko sati pa sam mislio da će to učiniti preventivno jer ne verujem da će to ispuniti i daju mi preokret koji sam imao uključio je transkript ćaskanja koji sam nedavno vodio sa podrškom i čini se da više ne verujem ovim momcima.
Hello, chipstars is giving me the run around on my withdrawl, which they told me would be completed within 24 hours after submission
On Monday morning I made a request for the withdrawal and unlike a previous request it did not happen within an hour like the last one did instead I was waiting and waiting few hours, thinking that I'm show up and it did not so I went back to chipstars website. There I asked customer service if I needed to switch it to eTransfer, as it's the same method I deposited in and they confirmed that I did.
So a few hours after The initial request by switched it to etransfer withdrawal and once again waited a couple hours before returning and questioning about how long it might take for this withdrawal as it's taking longer than it did previously.
At this time The customer service team showed me that all withdrawals are completed by 24-hour period, that would certainly see it by the time reflecting in my account and completed. But it would likely happen much earlier.
At the 20-hour mark I went back to the website and asked him if there was anything wrong because it had been said it would not take the 24-hour maximum and would most likely be done much earlier.
At this time they told me that they had an issue with their payment processor and they could not issue e-transfers for the next 36 hours. I asked if in this case given the circumstances they would permit an LTC withdrawal display did not being the same method of deposit. They gave me the go-ahead and said it would be permittable for me to withdraw as LTC so I didn't cancel my withdrawal but they did so that I could reissue a new one for LTC yesterday morning.
Last night I went back in question them to ensure that was going through and that there would be no problem and I was told there was an issue with my withdrawal and the payment team would contact me before the 24-hour limit was up and I still have yet to hear anything back from the payment team and there's only a few hours left so I thought it would make this preemptively because I don't believe that they're going to follow through and they're giving me the runaround I've included a transcript of the chat I had most recently with support and it seems that I don't feel I trust these guys anymore.
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