Bonus igrača nije dobro pripisan pošto je dobio bonus bez depozita umesto bonusa na depozit.
Opet, imam ovaj problem, isti kao u nedavnoj žalbi (koju sam očigledno dobio).
Pre nekoliko dana napravio sam 4-6 depozita zaredom, dok sam uz svaki od njih tražio ovaj 100% bonus; sve je bilo u redu.
Sledećeg dana, hteo sam to da ponovim.
Da bih sprečio nesporazum, obično tražim podršku pre nego što uplatim, ako još uvek ispunjavam uslove za određeni bonus – pitam VEOMA konkretno za bonus, njegovu vrstu, limite, vrstu opklade, itd. On mi je potvrdio da ispunjavam uslove i da ću DOBITI BONUS ili automatski, ili ga sam dodaje ručno - nije moguć.
Nakon što sam se uverio da će bonus biti dodat kasnije, deponovao sam i podrška mi je rekla da ne može da doda bonus (zbog tehničkih problema), rečeno mi je da dođem kasnije.
Kasnije? Hteo sam da igram, sada! Pošto je ovo bila isključivo greška kazina, zašto bih ja snosio posledice?
Pitao sam momka za podršku, da li mogu da odigram depozit i kasnije ručno dobijem bonuse od njih, pod istim uslovima . PODRŠKA SE I SA OVOM SLOŽILA I GA SIGURALA DA ĆU TO DOBITI.
Bonus nije dolazio, depozit je potrošen, pa sam napravio još nekoliko depozita (ukupno ~600€ nakon toga) i zamolio podršku da napomene relevantnom timu, da želim da ove kasnije bonuse za depozit ne dobijem u jednom velikom iznos bonusa , ali u delovima na osnovu delova depozita .
Kasnije – opet nisam dobio e-poštu – otišao sam i zamolio drugu podršku da proveri napredak mog upita. Ovde sam sreo podršku Anu, koja je u početku bila posebno dezorijentisana i beskorisna.
//zapravo, većina podrške ovde se smatra da se SVI BONUS klade samo pravim novcem. Oni ponekad bukvalno nemaju pojma o čemu pričaju.. bar se trudim da ih malo edukujem//
Kasnije je bar pokušala da pomogne. Dodala je bonus - ali pogrešan. onaj "bez depozita". Zamolio je da to popravi, samo izgovori i da ponovo treba da eskalira relevantnom timu.
Kasnije sam dobio imejl da je popravljeno - proverim i novi bonus je i dalje isti bonus "bez depozita".
U ovom trenutku, osećao sam se prilično smešno i saznao šta se dešava.
Rečeno mi je da je resorno odeljenje jednostavno odlučilo da mi doda ovu, a njihova odluka je "konačna".
Pa šta je poenta?
Šta ja želim?
**standardni depozitni bonus:
****"posebni" bonus bez depozita (očigledna zamka za sve koji ne čitaju T&C):
(u suštini, morate da deponujete i potrošite iznos novca jednak zahtevu za klađenje, na primer za bonus od 50€ sa 35k opkladom morate DEPOZITI I POTROŠITI 1750€ . Smešno, zar ne?)
Again, I have this problem, same like in a recent complaint (which have I obviously won).
Few days ago, I made like 4-6 deposits in a row, while I claimed this 100% bonus with each of those; everything was fine.
Next day, I wanted to repeat that.
To prevent misunderstanding, I usually ask support before I deposit, if I am still eligible for a particular bonus - I ask VERY specifically about the bonus, its type, limits, wagering type, etc. He confirmed me my eligibility and that I will GET THE BONUS either automatically, or he adds it himself manually - no fail possible.
After assured that bonus will be added later, I deposited and support told me that he cannot add he bonus (due to tech issues), I have been told to come later.
Later? I wanted to play, now! As this was solely the casino's fault, why should I carry consequences?
I asked the support guy, if I can play the deposit and get the bonuses later manually by them anyway, with the same conditions. THE SUPPORT AGREED WITH THIS AS WELL AND ENSURED ME I'LL RECEIVE IT.
Bonus was not coming, deposit spent, so I made few other deposits (in total of ~600€ after that) and asked the support to let a note for the relevant team, that I want to get these later deposit bonuses not in one big bonus amount, but in parts based on the deposits parts instead.
Later - again no email received - I went and asked another support to check the progress of my query. Here I met support Anna, which was particularly disoriented and unhelpful at first.
//actually, most of the support here are thought that ALL BONUSES are wagered only by real money. They sometimes literally have no clue what they are talking about.. at least I try to educate them a bit//
Later she at least tried to help. She added bonus - but the wrong one. the "no deposit" one. Asked her to fix it, only excuses and that she needs to escalate to relevant team, again.
Later got email that it's fixed - I check and the new bonus is still the same "no deposit" bonus.
At this point, I felt pretty much riddiculous and finding out what is happening.
Got said, that the relevant department simply decided to add me this one instead, and their decision is "final".
So what is the point?
What I want?
**standard deposit bonus:
****"special" no deposit bonus (obvious trap for all who reads not T&C):
(basically, you have to deposit and spend the amount of money equal to wagering requirement, like for bonus 50€ with 35x wager you have to DEPOSIT AND SPEND 1750€. Riddiculous, isn't it?)
Zdravo foofoobarken,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa ClubRiches kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja pre nego što krenemo dalje.
Možete li molim vas da kažete kada ste tražili bonus na depozit? Koliko dugo nakon toga vam je kazino poslao e-poštu da je sada rešeno? Da li ste igrali sa deponovanim iznosom ili bonusom bez depozita koji je obezbedio kazino ili je vaš balans još uvek od vašeg depozita?
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello foofoobarken,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with ClubRiches Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise when did you request for the deposit bonus? How long after that did the casino e-mailed you that it is now resolved? Did you played with the deposited amount or the no deposit bonus provided by the casino or your balance is still since your deposit?
Looking forward to your answer.
zdravo Nik,
hvala vam na poruci i vašim pitanjima - molimo pronađite odgovore ispod.
Kada ste tražili bonus na depozit?
Pošto sam već imao loša iskustva sa stavom ovog kazina da ispuni svoja obećanja i stane mu leđa, koraci za preuzimanje svakog bonusa koje pratim su sledeći:
Na ovaj način je moguće izbeći 99% nesporazuma i neprihvatljivih bonusa. Pošto sam ovde dobio samo pozitivne odgovore od podrške, otišao sam na deponovanje – međutim, ni takvi koraci nisu dovoljni u slučaju da su radnici kazina samo seljaci, slobodni da pričaju bilo šta, a kasnije samo menjaju stav, ili jednostavno lažu iz početak.
Pozadina: Ovaj bonus od 100% je odavno dostupan za moj nalog, trajno, bez vremenskog ograničenja i kao što sam dokazao na snimcima ekrana, takođe sam ga dobijao mnogo puta ranije.
Koliko dugo nakon toga vam je kazino poslao e-poštu da je sada rešeno?
Kazino mi je poslao e-poštu samo jednom u vezi s tim i već sam vam poslao snimak ekrana ove e-pošte. Bilo je to u trenutku kada mi je Ana prvi put dodala pogrešan bonus, a zatim je tvrdila da eskalira problem, a onda mi je kasnije poslala ovo imejlom:
„...napravili smo bonus kod da bismo ovaj put zatražili vaš bonus od 64 evra. Bonus možete iskoristiti tako što ćete uneti bonus kod SPECIALFORIOU na vašoj kontrolnoj tabli. Imajte na umu da ovaj kod traje samo danas i da je kvalifikovan samo 1 put. Izvinjavamo se zbog neprijatnosti i hvala vam na strpljenju..."
Neko bi rekao da će bonus biti drugačijeg tipa (onog ispravnog) posle ovoga, zar ne? Međutim - prvo, kod uopšte nije bilo moguće potraživanje 😀 i drugo, nakon što sam tražio da ga zatražim ručno, čini se da je isti pogrešan tip kao i ranije. Smatram da je ovo ili velika komunikaciona crna rupa, ili jednostavno ismevanje i šale kupaca.
Da li ste igrali sa deponovanim iznosom ili bonusom bez depozita koji je obezbedio kazino ili je vaš balans još uvek od vašeg depozita?
Ne, oboje su nestali - deponovani iznos je potrošen igrajući; iznos bonusa koji sam sam otkazao.
Na sreću, nije bitno šta im se dogodilo 🙂 U nastavku opisujem detalje.
Zašto sam odigrao deponovani iznos?
Pošto sam uradio upravo ono što sam opisao u svom odgovoru na vaše prvo pitanje iznad, verujem da je bilo zasluženo moći da igrate odmah nakon depozita, bez potrebe da čekate dok kazino ne reši svoje probleme (koje sam ranije ispitivao i uverili su da rešenje je trenutno i jednostavno; ispostavilo se da nije).
Stoga, nakon što sam deponovao i saznao da ne dobijam bonus odmah, tražio sam da bar mogu da igram sa depozitom, a da mi se bonus dodeli kasnije, ručno (kazina često kažu „tehnički nije moguće" ili slično; 99% kazina koji tvrde da ovo samo laže - definitivno JE moguće. Možda samo ne od službenika sa najmanjim nivoom pristupa sistemu. 🙂 čak mi je OVAJ kazino dodao nekoliko prilagođenih kompenzacija nakon izgubljene žalbe, bez ikakvih problema)
Na moje pitanje da li mogu da igram sa depozitom pre dodavanja bonusa, jedina stvar na koju me je podsetila podrška je da se iznos opklada koje napravim pre dodavanja bonusa neće računati u klađenje na bonus.
Ako je to jedini minus.. Složio bih se sa tim.
Zašto sam otkazao bonus?
Posle svih problema i komplikacija i opadajućeg stava iz kazina, razgovarao sam sa jednim od predstavnika podrške. On je navodno bio u kontaktu sa bonus timom; tokom našeg ćaskanja, bonus tim je pokazao nultu volju i nije čak ni pokušao da pronađe rešenje koje bi odgovaralo nama obojici ili bilo kako da promeni svoj stav, zadržavajući svoju apsolutističku odluku. Takođe, zaposleni me je tokom ovog ćaskanja pitao da li "ne mogu samo da odigram bonus" i možda se pojavi tačan bonus nakon što se ovaj izgubi.
Dakle, otkazao sam trenutni bonus jer nema smisla imati bonus koji 1) može da vas ponovo doda, bilo kada; 2) od čega ne možete dobiti ništa; i 3) da, na osnovu podrške, možda i "sakrije" bonus koji zaista želite.
Hvala vam unapred na pomoći po ovom pitanju.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello Nick,
thank you for your message and your questions - please find the answers below.
When did you request for the deposit bonus?
As I already had bad experiences with this casino's attitude to fulfill his promises and stand its back, the steps for claiming each bonus I follow are these:
This way it's possible to avoid 99% misunderstandings and ineligible bonuses. As I got only positive answers from support here, I went for depositing - however, even such steps are not enough in case that the casino workers are just peasants, free to talk anything, and later just changing their stances, or simply lying from the beginning.
Background: This 100% bonus has been available for my account long time ago, permanently, without time limitation and as I have proven in the screenshots, I have also been receiving it many times before.
How long after that did the casino e-mailed you that it is now resolved?
Casino emailed me only once in this regard and I have already sent you the screenshot of this email. It was in the moment, when Anna first added me the wrong bonus, then claimed to escalate the issue and then later she emailed me this:
"...we created a bonus code to claim your 64 euros bonus this time. You can redeem the bonus by entering the bonus code SPECIALFORYOU on your dashboard page. Please note that this code last only today and is only eligible for 1 time. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience..."
One would say that the bonus will be of a different type (the correct one) after this, wouldn't he? However - first, the code was unable to be claimed at all 😀 and second, after I asked to be claimed manually, it appears to be just the same wrong type like before. I consider this either large communication black hole, or simply making fun and jokes of the customers.
Did you played with the deposited amount or the no deposit bonus provided by the casino or your balance is still since your deposit?
No, both are gone - the deposited amount has been spent playing; bonus amount I cancelled myself.
Fortunately, it does not actually matter what happened to them 🙂 I describe the details below.
Why have I played the deposited amount?
As I did exactly what I described in my answer to your first question above, I believe it was deserved to be able to play right after the deposit, not needing to wait until the casino resolves its issues (which I questioned before and they assured that the solution is instant and simple; it just turned out not to be).
Therefore, after I deposited and found out that I am not getting the bonus right away, I requested to be able at LEAST to play with deposit, and to get the bonus credited later, manually (casinos often say "is not technically possible" or alike; 99% of casinos claiming this are just lying - it definitely IS possible. Maybe just not from a clerk with least access level to the system. 🙂 even THIS casino added me several custom compensations after lost complaint, just without any problem)
On my question if I can play with the deposit before the bonus is added, the only thing support reminded me of was that the amount of bets I make before the bonus addition won't be count into the bonus wagering.
If that is the only of the cons.. I would be OK with that.
Why have I cancelled the bonus?
After all the problems and complications and declining attitude from the casino I had chat with one of the support representatives. He has been in touch allegedly with the bonus team; during our chat the bonus team showed zero will and did not even showed a try to find any solution fitting us both or anyhow to change its stance, keeping its absolutist decision. Also, the employee during this chat asked me if "i cannot just play the bonus out" and maybe the correct bonus appears after this one is lost.
So, I cancelled the current bonus as there is no point of having a bonus that 1) anyone can add you again, anytime; 2) you cannot win anything from; and 3) that, based on the support, maybe also "hides" the bonus you actually want.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.
Best regards
Zdravo foofoobarken i hvala na opisu situacije. Nažalost, sve dok ste igrali novac od depozita koji je trebalo da bude povezan sa bonusom, ne možemo mnogo da uradimo. Kazino će gotovo sigurno zatražiti novi depozit od vas da biste dobili bilo kakav bonus, a pošto više nemate stanje na kome bonus nije uplaćen, oni to mogu učiniti.
Hello foofoobarken and thank you for the description of the situation. Unfortunately, as long as you have played away the deposit money which was ment to be related to the bonus, there isn't much we are able to do. The casino will almost for sure request a new deposit from you in order to receive any bonus and as you have no longer the balance where the bonus was not credited, they can do it.
zdravo Nik,
Hvala vam za vašu poruku.
Želeo bih samo da ponovo opišem korake; Verujem da će posle toga biti mnogo jasnije:
Jednostavno, pošto sam imao odobrenje predstavnika podrške, smatram da je moj zahtev opravdan i validan 🙂
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello Nick,
Thank you for your message.
I would like just to describe the steps again; I believe that to be much more clear after that:
Simply, as I had support representative's approval, I believe my request to be rightful and valid 🙂
Best regards
Zdravo foofoobarken,
Da li imate snimak ekrana ili sačuvano ćaskanje tog razgovora gde je kazino to obećao?
Takođe, budite sigurni da ako se to desi u budućnosti, nemojte odbaciti svoj depozit bez obzira šta kaže kazino. Mnogi kazina mogu obećati takve bonuse, ali sve dok se ne pripisuju odmah nakon depozita, uglavnom postoje samo problemi sa tim.
Hello foofoobarken,
Do you have a screenshot or saved chat of that conversation where the casino promised it?
Also please be sure that if this happens in the future, do not play away your deposit no matter what the casino says. Many casinos may promise such bonuses but as long as they are not credited instantly after the deposit, there are mostly only troubles with that.
Molim vas, nema potrebe da objavljujete ovu poruku, hvala. Nije namenjeno da bude javno, već radije za nas dvoje.
Da, sačuvao sam pomenuti razgovor.
Ako kazino zahteva od mene da ga obezbedim (ne verujem u to, pošto su oni sami dobili sve dnevnike ćaskanja), poslaću istoriju ćaskanja u kojoj sam direktno tražio podršku za igranje sredstava pre nego što se bonus dodeli, dok je njegov jedina zabrinutost je bila da se te opklade neće računati u opkladu .
Dok oni izričito ne zatraže da im se ovo pruži, molim vas, dajte mi delimično onoliko poverenja koliko vam sada dajem i verujte mi na reč.
Razlog je taj što osećam da je vaš narativ bitno drugačiji nego što sam navikao da dobijem od Mateja /šefa za žalbe/. Da budem iskren, u poređenju sa njegovim nepristrasnim stavom, ovde osećam da se trudite da što više gurate odgovornost i krivicu na mene. Osećam da to nije tačno. Molim vas, samo budite sigurni da pročitate detaljan opis problema, a ne samo da preletite preko njega 🙂 Znam da je dugo, ali je kristalno jasno da krivica i odgovornost kazina nisu ni malo manji od 100%.
Ne može biti pravi način da me tražite da NE uradim nešto što mi je kazino odobrio („bez obzira šta kazino kaže"). Kazino kontroliše bukvalno 100% svog sistema i novca. Oni mogu (možda ne podrška uživo, ali neko drugi definitivno) dodati bilo koju vrstu bonusa ili pravog novca na bilo koji račun. Oni nemaju ograničenja, to je njihov svet. Ne razumem, zašto bih bio oprezan kada kazino tvrdi da mogu slobodno da uradim nešto.
Pod takvim okolnostima, kako bih uopšte mogao da im verujem dovoljno da tamo ulože novac? Kada nisam mogao da verujem da neće promeniti svoju reč samo na osnovu stvarnog vremena ili raspoloženja? 🙂
Molim vas, pažljivo razmotrite činjenicu, da sam ja njihov klijent, ja im plaćam novac, a na ovoj poziciji, ako kazino nešto obeća, on je bez ikakvog preispitivanja obavezan da to ispuni barem u 100% - da ne spominjem slučajeve kada je depozit (ili nedeponovanje) ZAVISI od onoga što obećavaju. To je obaveza koju nikada ne treba dovoditi u pitanje.
Please, no need to publish this message, thank you. Its not intended to be public but rather for us two.
Yes, I have the mentioned conversation saved.
If the casino requires me to provide it (I don't believe that, as they got all chat logs themselves), I will send out the chat history where i directly requested the support to play the funds before the bonus is credited, while his only concern was about that those bets won't count into wager.
Until they explicitly request this to be provided, please, provide me with partially as much trust as I give you here now and take my word accordingly.
The reason is that I feel that your narrative is significantly different than I am used to received from Matej /head of the complaints/. To be honest, comparing to his unbiased attitude, here I feel that you keep trying to push as much as possible of the responsibility and fault to me. I feel that is not correct. Please, just make sure you read the detailed problem description, not just fly over it 🙂 I know it's long, but it's crystal clear that the casino's fault and responsibility is not even a tiny bit less than full 100%.
It cannot be the right way to ask me to NOT do something that I got approved by the casino ("no matter what the casino says"). The casino controls literally 100% of their system and the money. They can (maybe not the live support, but someone else definitely) add any kind of bonus or real money to any account. They have no limitations, it's their world. I don't understand, why I should be careful when casino claims I can freely do something.
Under such circumstances, how could I even believe them enough to deposit money there? When I couldn't believe that they won't change their word just based on actual weather or mood? 🙂
Please, consider carefully the fact, that I am their client, I pay them money, and in this position, if the casino promises something, it is without a tiny questioning obliged to fulfill that at least in 100% - not to mention the cases when the deposit (or not depositing) is DEPENDENT on what they promise. It's an obligation that should never be questioned.
Molimo prosledite razgovor na .
Takođe imajte na umu da u ranoj fazi žalbe pokušavamo da dobijemo što više informacija, a ponekad čak i da pokušamo da je rešimo bez pomoći kazina.
Radujemo se vašoj e-pošti.
Please forward the conversation to
Also please understand that in the early state of the complaint we are trying to get as much information as possible and sometimes even try to resolve it without the casino's help.
Looking forward to your e-mail.
Hvala ti foofoobarken. Vašu žalbu ću sada proslediti kolegi Mateju ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Thank you foofoobarken. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Matej ( who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Zdravo foofoobarken.
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše nevolje.
Zaista razumem kako se osećaš. Vaše namere su bile dobre, ali problem je što vam podrška, u većini slučajeva, može dati bonus kada uplatite novac ili pre nego što počnete da igrate sa novcem. Naravno, kasnije je i to moguće, ali obično nemaju dozvolu u sistemu da to urade, a za kazino je komplikovanije, ali nije nemoguće.
Vaša tačka koja najviše obećava, u ovom slučaju, jeste da ste vi njihov lojalan kupac koji je već položio mnogo novca i želi samo ono što je obećano. Ako se ovo obećanje ne ispuni, možete početi da igrate u drugom kazinu, a oni vas izgube kao kupca.
Želeo bih da pozovem predstavnika kazina u ovaj slučaj. Proverite komentare foofoobarkena i pokušajte da pronađete rešenje za njega.
Mogu da potvrdim da mu je agent za podršku rekao da igra sa novcem i da će dobiti bonus kasnije.
Hello foofoobarken.
I am sorry to hear about your troubles.
Indeed I understand how you feel. Your intentions were good, but the problem is that the support, in most cases, can give you a bonus when you deposit or before you start to play with the money. Sure later, this is also possible, but usually, they don't have permission in the system to do that, and it is more complicated for the casino but not impossible.
Your most promising point, in this case, is that you are their loyal customer who has already deposited lots of money and only wants what was promised. If this promise is not fulfilled, you can start playing in another casino, and they lose you as a customer.
I would like to invite the casino representative into this case. Please check foofoobarken's comments and try to find a solution for him.
I can confirm that the support agent told him to play with the money and that he would receive the bonus later.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Dobar dan Foofoobarken,
Žao mi je što ponovo čujem za vaše iskustvo sa nama ovde u Clubriches-u.
Znam da ste ranije postavili sličan upit i smatram da bih u ovoj fazi samo želeo da objasnim malo detaljnije o bonusu na depozit. Kada deponujete i kvalifikujete se za određeni bonus na depozit, morate da dodate bonus i počnete da igrate odmah. Ako odlučite da izgubite depozit pre nego što se pretplatite na bonus, više ne možemo da dodamo taj određeni bonus i stoga taj bonus na depozit više ne važi. Što se tiče bonusa bez depozita, ovo je ručni bonus koji se može dodati nakon što se depozit odigra. Vidim da vam je od avgusta naš tim za podršku dodao više ručnih bonusa na vaš nalog.
Imajući ovo na umu, nastavili ste da igrate naš kazino i cenjeni ste igrač i stoga ću kao gest dobre volje zamoliti da vam se doda još jedan bonus na nalog, tako da sledeći put kada uplatite i igrate to će biti Vama na raspolaganju.
U nastavku sam naveo uslove i odredbe koje naši igrači moraju da poštuju kada koriste ovu posebnu vrstu bonusa i bio bih vam zahvalan ako biste mogli da ga pogledate pre nego što položite depozit.
Osim ako nije navedeno u uslovima promocije, svaki bonus je ograničen na 1 po domaćinstvu, IP-u, telefonu pretraživača i/ili e-pošti.
Postoji uslov za klađenje 30k na sve bonuse na depozit. Ceo iznos (iznos bonusa i depozit) mora biti uložen 30 puta. Ako uplatite €20* i dobijete €20* bonusa, moraćete da uložite ukupan iznos (€40*) 30 puta (€1200*).
Ulozi napravljeni i od bonusa i od stvarnog novca će doprineti ispunjavanju zahteva.
Ako uslov za klađenje nije ispunjen u roku od 30 dana, bonus će isteći i svi dobici bonusa dobijeni kao rezultat korišćenja bonus sredstava će biti izgubljeni.
Maksimalna opklada na bonuse na depozit je EUR5/CAD5/USD5/INR500/RUB500/BRL25/AUD10/NZD10/NOK50
Maksimalni dobitak od bonusa je 100 puta veći od kreditiranog iznosa
Ako izvršite povlačenje pre nego što ispunite uslove za klađenje, izgubićete svoj bonus dobitak i iznos bonusa. Možete povući svoj depozit i bilo koji dobitak sa svog depozita u bilo kom trenutku, ali ćete izgubiti svaki bonus i bonus dobitke.
Zadržavamo pravo da upravljamo načinom na koji se bonusi koriste pre nego što ih unovčite, stoga se sve opklade neće uračunati u uslove klađenja za vaš bonus. Doprinos vašem bonus ulaganju varira između igara kao što je prikazano u nastavku.
Pošto ne želim da izgubite na bonusima nakon što ste deponovali, imao bih na umu gore navedeno što sam vam potvrdio kako se ova situacija ne bi dalje dešavala, kao što znam da se ranije dešavala. Uzimajući sve ovo u obzir, naš tim za podršku je nastavio da vam pruža ručne bonuse kad god im se obratite, ali ću vam dati povratne informacije da ste postavili pitanje na ovoj platformi.
Izvinjavam se zbog eventualnih neprijatnosti, ali ako imate dodatnih pitanja, javite mi.
Molimo vas da me obavestite kada ste deponovali i ja ću se pobrinuti da bonus bude dodat na vaš račun u narednih 24-48 sati.
Hvala vam
Good afternoon Foofoobarken,
I am sorry to hear of your experience with us here at Clubriches again.
I know previously you have raised a similar query and I feel at this stage I would just like to explain in a bit more detail about the deposit bonus. Once you deposit and qualify for a particular deposit bonus, you need to add the bonus and start playing there and then. If you decide to lose the deposit before you subscribe for the bonus, we can no longer add that particular bonus and therefore that deposit bonus is no longer valid. In regards to the no deposit bonus this is the manual bonus that can be added after the deposit is played. I can see that since August you have had multiple manual bonuses added to your account by our support team.
With this in mind, you have continued to play our casino and are a valued player and therefore as a gesture of goodwill to yourself I will ask for another bonus to be added to your account, so the next time you deposit and play it would be available to you.
I have provided below the terms and conditions that our players must follow when using this particular kind of bonus and would appreciate if you could take a glance at it before you deposit.
Unless specified in promotion terms and conditions each bonus is limited to 1 per household, IP, browser phone and/or email.
There is a 30x wagering requirement on all deposit bonuses. The whole amount (bonus amount and deposit) must be wagered 30 times. If you deposit €20* and get €20* in bonus, you will have to wager the total amount (€40*) 30 times (€1200*).
Stakes made from both bonus and real money will contribute towards the requirements.
If the wagering requirement has not been completed within 30 days, the bonus will expire and any bonus winnings received as a result of using Bonus funds will be lost.
Max bet on deposit bonuses is EUR5/CAD5/USD5/INR500/RUB500/BRL25/AUD10/NZD10/NOK50
Max winnings from bonuses is 100X the amount credited
If you make a withdrawal before meeting the wagering requirements, then you will forfeit your bonus winnings accrued and bonus amount. You can withdraw your deposit and any winnings from your deposit at any time, but you will forfeit any bonus and bonus winnings.
We reserve the right to manage how bonuses are used before you may cash them in, therefore not all bets will count towards the wagering requirements for your bonus. The contribution towards your bonus wagering varies between games as shown below.
As I do not want you to lose out on bonuses once you have deposited, I would keep in mind the above I have confirmed to you so this situation does not continue to happen, as I know it has previously. Taking all this into account, our support team have continued to provide manual bonuses to you whenever you have reached out to them, but I will provide feedback that you have raised a query on this platform.
I apologise for any inconvenience caused, but should you have any further questions please let me know.
Please can you let me know when you have deposited and I will make sure the bonus is added to your account in the next 24-48 hours.
Thank you
Draga Natalie,
iskreno - ili niste pročitali sve u ovoj temi i time pokazali nepoštovanje prema stranama koje su ovde uključene,
ili selektivno ignorišete važne delove ovog slučaja – ili se jednostavno šalite sa svojim klijentima. Kada podrška prihvati da nešto uradi na neki način, onda otkrije problem i kasnije jednostavno odbijete da ispunite ovo obećanje, uprkos tome što to nije skoro nemoguće uraditi (to je zapravo jednostavno ostvarivo kao što ste mogli da pokažete u prethodnoj žalbi, gde jednostavno dodao mi je 700 eur bonus novca - magija?) Ne mogu da govorim o tome drugačije nego o bahatosti i neukom ponašanju.
Međutim - ako ste toliko drski da mi ponudite, nakon 10 mojih depozita bez obećanog bonusa, da mi ponudite da ponovo DEPOZITAM i dobijem neki bonus na taj novi depozit - možda i ovaj put ispravan? - 100% sam siguran da ne možete biti ozbiljni u ovom trenutku.
Samo zbog vaše reputacije, čvrsto verujem da je vaš nedavni odgovor bio samo nesreća i da ste zapravo izašli sa stvarnom izjavom vrednom kazina koji želi da se ne smatra lažovima i prevarantima 😉
I samo da ostanemo zasnovani na činjenicama - ovo je vaša izjava iz vaše nedavne poruke:
„Ako odlučite da izgubite depozit pre nego što se pretplatite na bonus, više ne možemo da dodamo taj određeni bonus i stoga taj bonus na depozit više ne važi."
Ovo je LAŽ na prvom mestu, jer MOŽETE da dodate bonus . Vi to ne radite redovno i možda vam to nije dozvoljeno u određenim slučajevima, ali sam dobio upravo ovakav bonus nekoliko puta pa znam da MOŽETE. Molim vas, pokušajte da budete tačni.
S druge strane – i to je najvažnije – apsolutno je nebitno šta je zvanično pravilo, čim me podrška uveri da je nešto moguće . U tom slučaju – a to zna čak i mališan – svaki ozbiljan subjekt na ovom svetu koji podržava nekoga ko je nešto obećao, sigurno bi se složio sa tim.
A ako ne, onda kazino prihvata da ne drži svoju reč ozbiljno i ne brine o gledištu korisnika i ukupnom iskustvu, takođe. Pustite da vam ovo padne na pamet ili pitajte nekoga u višem rukovodstvu za njegovo mišljenje.
Hvala vam
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Natalie,
honestly - you either did not read everything in this thread and thus show disrespect to the parties involved here,
or you are selectively ignoring important parts of this case - or you are simply making jokes of your customers. When support accepts to do something in some way, then finds out an issue and later you simply refuse to fulfill this promise, despite it is not nearly impossible to do (it is actually simply achievable as you could demonstrate in previous complaint, where you simply added me 700 eur of bonus money - magic?) I cannot speak about it else than arrogance and ignorant behaviour.
However - if you are that impudent to offer me, after 10 of my deposits still missing the promised bonus, to offer me to DEPOSIT again and get some bonus to that new deposit - maybe this time also the correct one? - I am 100% sure you cannot be serious at this point.
Just for your reputation I strongly believe that your recent answer was just a mishappen and you actually come out with real statement worth a casino that wants not to be considered liars and fraudsters 😉
And just to stay fact-based - this is your statement from your recent message:
"If you decide to lose the deposit before you subscribe for the bonus, we can no longer add that particular bonus and therefore that deposit bonus is no longer valid."
This is a LIE in the first place, because you CAN add the bonus. You are not doing that regularly and maybe not allowed to do that in certain cases, but I received exactly this kind of bonus few times so I know you CAN. Please, try to be exact.
On the other side - and this is the most important - it is absolutely irrelevant, what the official rule is, as soon as the support assures me something is possible. In that case - and even a toddler knows this - every serious entity in this world backing someone who promised something, would certainly agree with that.
And if not, then casino accepts not keeping its word seriously and does not care about the customer's point of view and overall experience, as well. Please let this sink into your mind, or ask someone in higher management about his opinion.
Thank you
Best regards
Draga Natalie,
Foofoobarken je pitao agenta za podršku pre nego što je napravio depozit o dostupnosti bonusa, što je agent potvrdio. Zatim je napravio depozit, ali zbog tehničkog problema na strani kazina, nije bilo moguće dati mu bonus. Zato je Foofoobarken pitao podršku da li može da igra sa pravim novcem i kasnije dobije bonus. Agent za podršku je to potvrdio, pa je Foofoobarken počeo da se igra sa svojim stanjem stvarnog novca. Međutim, nikada nisam dobio bonus koji je agent za podršku već obećao.
Dear Natalie,
Foofoobarken asked the support agent before making a deposit about the availability of the bonus, which an agent confirmed. Then he made a deposit, but because of a technical issue on the casino side, it was impossible to give him his bonus. So Foofoobarken asked the support if he could play with real money and get a bonus later. The support agent confirmed this, so Foofoobarken started playing with his real money balance. However, never got the bonus which support agent already promised.
Dobar dan Foofoobarken,
Hvala vam na odgovoru. Mogu da potvrdim da smo pročitali sve iz ove teme i izvinjavam se ako se tako osećate.
Možemo da vas uverimo da ne ignorišemo nijedan deo ovog slučaja, i da istražujemo ovo za vas od kada nam je dostavljen. Matej nam je pružio dokaze iz razgovora od 16.09.22. u 23:04 u vezi sa depozitom od 64 evra koji sledi nakon što tražite da se doda bonus. Ovo tada nije dodato. Stoga ćemo se obavezati da ovo nadoknadimo i dobićete sledeće: bonus bez depozita od 64 evra koji je praćen standardnim zahtevima za klađenje, kao što bi bio na snazi sa vašim depozitom u to vreme.
Što se tiče vaših komentara na vašu prethodnu žalbu gde smo na vaš račun dodali 700 EUR, to je urađeno za vas nakon velike istrage i zbog situacije u vreme bonusa koje je koristio naš tim za podršku, obezbedili smo taj kredit. Od tada ste kontaktirali naš tim za podršku nakon što ste iskoristili svoj deponovani novac tražeći da se doda još jedan bonus, a naš tim vam je to s vremena na vreme ispunio.
U vezi sa sledećom izjavom: „Ako odlučite da izgubite depozit pre nego što se pretplatite na bonus, mi više ne možemo da dodamo taj određeni bonus i stoga taj bonus na depozit više ne važi."
Ovo ne dajem lažne informacije, u određenim izuzecima možemo ručno da dodamo bonus, ali to ne bi trebalo da se radi svaki put u ovakvoj situaciji, jer ste pomenuli da ste ovu vrstu bonusa primili nekoliko puta, što realno ne bi trebalo da bude tako.
Žao mi je što smatrate da vam nismo pružili najbolju korisničku uslugu. Naravno, želimo vam dobrodošlicu u bilo koje vreme kao igrač, ali smo vam jasno objasnili naše uslove i odredbe i ovom prilikom nećemo vratiti 600 EUR na vaš račun, već ćemo primeniti bonus za koji je rečeno da ćete dobiti od našeg tima za podršku.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, javite mi.
Good afternoon Foofoobarken,
Thank you for your reply. I can confirm we have read everything from this thread and apologise if you feel that way.
We can assure you that we are not ignoring any part of this case, and have been investigating this for you since it was raised to us. We were provided evidence by Matej from a conversation dated 16/09/22 at 23:04 regarding a €64 deposit which follows you then asking for a bonus to be added. This was not added at the time. We will therefore oblige to make up for this and you will receive the following: a no deposit bonus of €64 that is accompanied with standard wagering requirements, as would have been in place with your deposit at the time.
In regards to your comments about your previous complaint where we added 700 EUR to your account, this was done for you after great investigation and because of the situation at the time of the bonuses that were used by our support team, we provided that credit. Since then you have contacted our support team after using your deposited money asking for another bonus to be added and time after time our team have fulfilled that to you.
In regards to the following statement: "If you decide to lose the deposit before you subscribe for the bonus, we can no longer add that particular bonus and therefore that deposit bonus is no longer valid."
This is not me providing false information, in certain exceptions we are able to add a bonus manually but this should not be done time after time in this kind of situation, as you have mentioned you have received this type of bonus a few times now which realistically should not be the case.
I am sorry that you feel we have not provided the best customer service to you. We of course welcome you back any time as a player but we have clearly explained our terms and conditions to you and on this occasion we will not be providing a refund of 600 EUR to your account, but will apply the bonus you were told you would get by our support team.
If you have any further questions, please let me know.
64 vs 600 nije najbolja ponuda.
Smatrao bih poštenim da se sretnemo negde na sredini, podelimo krivicu i krivicu 50:50 i obezbedim mi bonus od 250-350 €,
Još uvek su male šanse da ga pretvorim, a umesto da izađemo iz ovog slučaja kao scrooges, oboje bismo otišli zadovoljni.
(Ako ne, nemam drugog oružja u mojim rukama, ali ja - a mislim i drugi - i dalje ću ovo smatrati lažnim, nerazjašnjenim i na granici prevare)
Srdačan pozdrav
64 vs 600 is not the best deal.
I would consider fair to meet somewhere in the middle, split the blame and guilt 50:50, and provide me bonus of 250-350 €,
Still tiny chances that i convert it while instead of going out this case as scrooges, we would both leave this satisfied.
(If not, there are no other weapons in my hands, but I - and others as well I think - will still consider this lying, unresolved, and at the border of fraud)
Best regards
Takođe, samo detalj - da budem iskren 🙂 Očekivao sam da mi je ovaj bonus već kreditiran, i da neću biti primoran da prođem preko vaših predstavnika za podršku, 4 od 5 što bi moglo biti lepo, ali mi uvek dodajte netačan bonus, čak i nakon što me uverite , da oni tačno znaju na šta mislim. Ili to moram tražiti na neki još egzotičniji način? .)
Also, just a detail - to be honest 🙂 I expected to have this bonus already credited, and thus not be forced to get through your supp representatives, 4 of 5 which may be nice but always add me the incorrect bonus, even after ensuring me, that they know exactly what I mean. Or do I must ask for it in some even more exotic way? .)
Zdravo foofoobarken.
Ako sam dobro razumeo, tada ste uplatili 64 evra.
Ne vidim zašto bi vam kazino dao bonus od €300/€600. Imam informaciju iz kazina da ste već zatražili bonus od €64, koji bi trebalo da dobijete tog puta. Verujem da je to ono što biste dobili u to vreme i ono što ste očekivali, jesam li u pravu? Ako je sve ovo u redu, verujem da to znači da je sve ovo što se desilo popravljeno i možemo da zatvorimo slučaj.
Hello foofoobarken.
If I understand it correctly, you made a €64 deposit at that time.
I don't see why the casino should give you a €300/€600 bonus. I have information from the casino that you already claimed a €64 bonus, which you should get that time. I believe this is what you would get at that time and what you were expecting, am I right? If all this is right, I believe that it means that all that happened was fixed, and we can close the case.
Dobro jutro Foofoobarken,
Hvala vam na odgovoru.
Danas sam dobio potvrdu od našeg tima da je bonus primenjen na vaš nalog.
Pročitao sam vaš odgovor i kao što je već pomenuto u mojoj drugoj poruci, nismo u mogućnosti da vam vratimo bilo kakav iznos novca, ali smo rešili vaš problem sa bonusom.
Želim da vam se zahvalim na vremenu koje ste mi odgovorili i dozvolili mi da istražim ovaj slučaj, ali ako imate dodatnih pitanja, javite mi.
Hvala vam
Good morning Foofoobarken,
Thank you for your reply.
I have had confirmation from our team today that the bonus has been applied to your account.
I have read through your reply and as mentioned previously in my other message we are not in a position to refund any amount of money back to you, but we have resolved your bonus issue.
I want to thank you for your time in replying to me and allowing me to investigate this case, but if you do have any further questions, please let me know.
Thank you
Poštovani partneri u sporu,
hvala vam na porukama.
Matej, sada bih želeo da se pozabavim vašim pitanjem – razumem da ovaj slučaj i moj stil objašnjenja mogu biti neodoljivi i nemoguće ih je pratiti ili posebno zapamtiti, pa pokušavam da to sada sumiram ovde da bude jasno.
Mogao sam da koristim 100% bonus na depozit bez ograničenja, takođe sam to uradio mnogo puta. Podrška mi je potvrdila buduće primanje bonusa za izvršene depozite. Po mom mišljenju, to znači da će ne samo prvi depozit od 64€, već i naredni depoziti biti usklađeni sa ovim bonusom (svi napravljeni dovoljno blizu da se smatraju jednom gomilom), pošto neuspeh da dodam bonuse na depozit nije moj stranu, a ponuda još važi, pa se skraćujem.
Broj 600 € je otprilike zbir mojih depozita koji sam dao taj dan ili dva (nisam siguran da li se prvih 64 € računa u ovu sumu ili ne).
Svi ovi bonusi su tada stavljeni u red nakon bonusa na prvi depozit na čekanju od 64€, a ja sam smatrao da se svi zbrajaju i dodaju kasnije. (da budem iskren, definitivno bih deponovao i igrao mnogo manje, da sam mislio da će biti problema ili da će moje pravo da dobijem bonus ikada biti prigovoreno)
Međutim. Znam da će moje "pravo" da ovo dobijem mnogo verovatnije biti predmet ispitivanja i odbijanja, mnogo verovatnije nego prvih 64 evra. Zbog toga nudim da to rešim na ovaj način, sa moje tačke gledišta na vrlo pošten način - kazino bi mogao da mi kreditira polovinu diskutovanog iznosa depozita kao bonus.
Ovako bih bio zadovoljan i kazino ne gubi bukvalno ništa, čuva obraz i predstavlja se kao da mu je stalo..
I, radi završetka - da, danas sam dobio bonus od 64€, cenim to i doprinos Casino.Gurua! Međutim – i dalje osećam da ima još nešto da se uskladi u vezi sa ovim pitanjem, kao što sam malopre opisao.
Po mom mišljenju i pod ovim okolnostima, lako bi se moglo očekivati da će čak i puna 100% deponovana suma biti kreditirana - na ovaj način pokušavam da iskažem malo poštovanja prema kazinu, čineći ga nerazumnim i za kazino.
Dear dispute partners,
thank you for your messages.
Matej, I would like to address your query now - I understand that this case and my explanation style can be overwhelming and impossible to follow or to remember in particular, so I try to summarize it here now to be clear.
I could use 100% deposit bonus without limits, also did that many times. The support confirmed me the future receival of the bonus for the deposits made. In my opinion, that means not only the first deposit of 64€, but also the subsequent deposits will be aligned with this bonus (all made close enough to be considered one bunch), as the failure to add the deposit bonuses is not on my side, and the offer is still valid, so I am being shortened.
The number 600€ is roughly the sum of my deposits made that day or two (not sure, if the first 64€ is count within this sum, or not).
All of these bonuses were then "queued" after the first waiting deposit bonus of 64€, and I considered them all to be summed and added later as well. (to be honest, I would definitely have deposited and played much less, if I thought there will be any problem or that my right to get the bonus will be ever objected)
However. I know, my "right" to receive this will be much more likely to be subject to questioning and denying, much more likely than the first 64€ amount. Because of that I offer to solve it this way, from my point of view very fair way - the casino could credit me half of the discussed amount of deposits as the bonus.
This way I would be satisfied and the casino loses literally nothing, keeps its face and presents itself like it does actually care..
And, for the sake of completion - yes, today I received the 64€ bonus, I appreciate that and Casino.Guru's contribution! However - still I feel that there is a bit more to align regarding this matter, as I described just now.
In my opinion and under these circumstances, one could easily expect even the full 100% deposited amount to be credited - I am trying to show some respect to the casino this way, making it a no-brainer for the casino as well.
Zdravo foofoobarken.
Ako imate isti razgovor koji ste mi poslali za svaki vaš depozit (gde vam je podrška obećala da ćete dobiti bonus), onda bi, naravno, trebalo da ih dobijete. Međutim, ako niste pitali, bojim se da je na kazinu da li će odlučiti da vam da bonuse ili ne.
Hello foofoobarken.
If you have the same conversation as you sent me for each of your deposits (where support promised you that you would get the bonus), then, of course, you should get them. However, if you didn't ask, then I am afraid that it is up to the casino if they decide to give you the bonuses or not.
Da odgovorim na vaše pitanje - nažalost, ne, nemam takav razgovor ni za svaki sledeći depozit.
U svakom slučaju, pretpostavljam da su moja očekivanja opravdana, s obzirom na ove dve činjenice – od podrške mi je odobreno da će moj budući depozit/i biti dodati bonus kasnije, i činjenicu da iznos ovih bonusa nije ograničen za mene na vreme. Na osnovu toga, svoje očekivanje bih smatrao odgovarajućim – kao i taj ili sličan kompromis, koji sam ponudio.
Međutim, da, u pravu ste - na kraju dana, odluka je obično na kazinu.
To answer your question - unfortunately, no, I have not such conversation also per each subsequent deposit.
Anyway, I would assume that my expectation is legit, given these two facts - I got approved from support that my future deposit/s will be added bonus later, and the fact that the amount of these bonuses has been not limited for me at the time. Based on those, I would consider my expectation appropriate - as well as that or similar compromise, which I offered.
However, yes, you're right - at the end of the day, the decision is usually up to the casino.
Dragi foofoobarken.
Verujem da je sve raščišćeno i možemo da zatvorimo slučaj. Da li se slažeš?
Samo BTV: u većini kazina nije uobičajeno da dobijete bonus nakon što počnete da igrate sa depozitom, tako da budite veoma pažljivi i uvek pitajte da li to možete da uradite.
Dear foofoobarken.
I believe that all was cleared, and we can close the case. Do you agree?
Just BTW: in most casinos, it is not common to get a bonus after you start playing with the deposit, so please be very careful about it and always ask if you can do that.
Hvala na savetu Matej. Znam da to nije uobičajeno, ali pošto sam igrao u više od 100 kazina, znam da je u određenim situacijama poput ove, s obzirom da je kazino renomiran, sve - bukvalno sve - moguće. Zato to pitam. To je neka vrsta delimične kompenzacije za problem na njihovoj strani (zašto bih ja, kao kupac, snosio posledice kvarova na njihovoj strani? uvek je kupac - "izvinite što bonus nije dostupan sada, vratite se kasnije". . "izvinite, moramo kontaktirati relevantno odeljenje, bićete objavljeni sa rezultatom" - ali uvek NAKON uplate depozita ! Smatram da je to nepravedno i nemarno ponašanje, ako se ne trude da ove situacije učine manje neprijatnim za kupca i oni NE RADE nula napora - osim ako ih ne gurnete u neke).
U svakom slučaju – nakon vaše prethodne poruke, iskreno, očekivao bih da će kazino imati želju da reaguje i možda čak pokaže svoj stav orijentisan na klijente, pripisavši mi bonus barem delimično od onoga što sam tamo deponovao bez ikakvog bonusa – iako ima pravo na prima ga.
Razumete - ja, zajedno sa svojim mogućnostima kockanja, definitivno ne zavisim od toga da li mi to dodaju ili ne. Samo bih želeo da budem fer i da im dam šansu da ova žalba ne naškodi njihovoj repuraciji, kao i mom odnosu sa njima.
Hvala vam na pomoći i saradnji u bilo kom ishodu. Cenim to, možda više nego što biste očekivali.
Srdačan pozdrav
Thank you for the advice Matej. I know it's not common, but as I have played at 100+ casinos, I know that in certain situations like this one, given the casino is reputable, everything - literally everything - is possible. That is why I ask that. It is kind of partially compensation for the issue on their side (why would I, as the customer, carry the consequences of the glitches on their side? its always the customer - "sorry the bonus is not available now, come back later".. "sorry, we must contact relevant dept, you will be announced with the result" - but always AFTER the deposit is made! I believe that is unfair and careless behavior, if they do zero effort to make these situations less uncomfortable for the customer. and they DO zero effort - unless you push them into some).
Anyway - after your previous message, honestly, I would expect that the casino will have an urge to react and maybe even show their customer-oriented attitude, crediting me in bonus at least partially of what i deposited there without any bonus - although entitled to receive it.
You understand - I, together with my gambling possibilities, definitely not depend on if they add it to me or not. I just would like to be fair and give them chance that this complaint will be of no damage on their repuration, together with my relationship with them.
Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in any outcome. I appreciate that, maybe more than you'd expect.
Best regards
Dragi foofoobarken.
Razumem tvoja osećanja. Međutim, kazino donosi odluku o tome da li daje bonus ili ne. U vašem slučaju su odlučili da vam ne daju bonus u slučajevima kada nije obećan.
Koliko sam razumeo, napravili ste depozit i želeli ste bonus; međutim, možete tražiti od kazina da vam vrati depozit ako niste dobili bonus.
Razumem da je u mnogim kockarnicama moguće uraditi mnoge stvari. Međutim, nije uvek sve moguće. (kao u ovom slučaju)
Pošto je priroda žalbe rešena, zatvaram ovu žalbu kao rešenu pre nego što započnemo dugu diskusiju o tome kako bi to moglo biti. Prihvatite da niste tražili podršku u vezi sa bonusima za sledeće depozite i nije obaveza kazina da vam uvek daje bonus.
Dear foofoobarken.
I understand your feelings. However, the casino is the decision maker about if it gives the bonus or not. In your case, they decided not to give you the bonus in the cases where it was not promised.
I understand that you made deposits and wanted the bonus; however, you could ask the casino to refund the deposit if you did not get a bonus.
I understand that in many casinos, it is possible to do many things. However, not everything is always possible. (as in this case)
Because the nature of the complaint is solved, I am closing this complaint as resolved before we start a long discussion about how it could be. Please accept that you didn't ask support about the bonuses for the next deposits, and it is not an obligation for the casino always to give you the bonus.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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