Registrovao sam se na njihovom sajtu 5. decembra. U početku je sve bilo u redu. Napravio sam depozite i isplate.
Krajem decembra osvojio sam 1200 usd. Kada sam pokušao da se povučem, dobio sam grešku. Traže od mene da uradim kic. Prošao sam verifikaciju u roku od 20 minuta na posebnom sajtu gde sam morao da dam pasoš i pokažem lice kameri.
Kada sam ponovo pokušao da podignem svoja sredstva, došlo je do greške sa napomenom da kontaktiram podršku. U podršci za ćaskanje uživo mi je rečeno da se moj nalog proverava i da će to potrajati do 15 radnih dana. Sačekao sam ovih 15 dana i nastavio da igram. Moj bilans je bio 2200 usdt.
Pre 2 dana, kada sam pokušao da se prijavim na svoj nalog, otkrio sam da je moj nalog blokiran. Podrška kazina je rekla da sam ja prekršio pravila, i generalno nisam ja igrao (9.2 Dogovor i prevara. ima pravo da onemogući naloge korisnika i da im konfiskuje stanje na računu).
Ja sam šokiran. To je neverovatno. Ne slažem se sa takvom odlukom. Nisam varao, nisam uradio ništa protivzakonito. Nisam koristio nikakve bonuse. Nisam koristio VPN. Mogu dati bilo koja dokumenta. Spreman sam da kontaktiram bilo koji izvor komunikacije da bih dokazao svoju nevinost.
Nadam se da je greška. Pomozite mi da rešim ovaj problem
I registered on their site on the 5th of December. At first everything was fine. I made deposits and withdrawals.
At the end of December I won 1200 usd. When I tried to withdraw I got error. They ask me to do kyc. I passed the verification within 20 minutes on a special site where I had to provide a passport and show my face to the camera.
When I tried to withdraw my funds again there was an error with a note to contact the support. In the live chat support I got told that my account are being checked and it will take up to 15 business days. I waited these 15 days and continued to play. My balance was 2200 usdt.
2 days ago, when I tried to log into my account, I found that my account was blocked. The support of the casino said that I broke the rules, and in general it was not me who played (9.2 Collusion and fraud. has the right to disable users' accounts and confiscate their account balances).
I am shocked. It is unbelievable. I don't agree with such decision. I didn't cheat, didn't do anything illegal. I haven't used any bonuses. Didn't use VPN. I can provide any documents. I am ready to contact any source of communication to prove my innocence.
I hope it was a mistake. Help me to solve this problem
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