Dragi mintlat,
Samo vas obaveštavam da sam nedavno primio ažuriranje iz kazina.
Trenutno se slučaj rešava interno na strani kazina i oni bi trebalo da budu u mogućnosti da nam dostave relevantne detalje u razumnom roku. Odgovoriće ovde čim dobiju rezultat.
Zbog toga sada produžavam tajmer za još 7 dana kako bih kazinu dao dodatno vreme da reaguje.
Hvala vam na strpljenju i razumevanju.
Dragi ComeOn! Kazino tim ,
Molim vas, pogledajte moju prvu objavu usmerenu ka kazinu i dostavite nam tražene informacije.
Međutim, ako se ne dostavi nikakav odgovor ili relevantne informacije dok trenutni tajmer ne istekne, bojim se da ćemo biti primorani da smatramo da je žalba nerešena.
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Dear myntlat,
Just letting you know I received the update from the casino recently.
Currently, the case is being handled internally on the casino's side, and they should be able to provide us with relevant details in a reasonable time. They will reply here as soon as they receive the outcome.
Therefore, I am now extending the timer by another 7 days to give the casino some extra time to react.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Dear ComeOn! Casino Team,
Please, look at my first post directed to the casino and provide us with the requested information.
However, if no response or relevant information is provided until the current timer expires, I am afraid we will be forced to think about complaint closure as unresolved.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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