Pokušao sam da se prijavim na svoj nalog pre neki dan i nije mi dozvolio jer je bio onemogućen. Kontaktirao sam kazino da bih dobio odgovore zašto, ali su mi rekli samo da je zatvoren zbog lažnih aktivnosti. Odigrao sam samo nekoliko utakmica, izvršio sam verifikaciju kako je traženo i uplatili su jedan deo novca. Ponovo su tražili od mene višestruke verifikacije koje sam uradio i kada je moj nalog ponovo verifikovan, pokušao sam da podignem svoj novac, ali su mi onemogućili nalog. Ne znam šta se dešava jer nisam uradio ništa loše.
I tried to log into my account the other day and it wouldn't let me because it was disabled. I contacted the casino to get answers why but they only told me that it was closed due to fraudulent activity. I only played a few games, I did my verification as asked and they paid out one part of the money. They asked me again for multiple verifications which I did and when my account was verified again I tried to withdraw my money but they disabled my account. I don't know what is going on because I did nothing wrong.
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