Igrač iz Njemačke uplatio je depozit, ali tada mu je račun zatvoren zbog višestrukih optužbi za račun. Završili smo s odbacivanjem žalbe jer ona nije bila opravdana.
The player from Germany made a deposit, but then his account was closed due to multiple account accusations. We ended up rejecting the complaint because it was not justified.
Igrač iz Njemačke uplatio je depozit, ali tada mu je račun zatvoren zbog višestrukih optužbi za račun. Završili smo s odbacivanjem žalbe jer ona nije bila opravdana.
Nakon mog pologa, račun u Cosmo Casinu je zatvoren. Čak i nakon otprilike dvije sedmice kontakta, kazino se nije potrudio na rasvjetljavanju situacije. Optužujem kockarnice za sistematsku prevaru.
After my deposit, the account at Cosmo Casino was closed. Even after about two weeks of contact, the casino made no efforts to clarify the situation. I accuse the casinos of systematic fraud.
Nach meiner Einzahlung wurde das Konto im Cosmo Casino geschlossen. Auch nach einer ca. zweiwöchigen Kontaktaufnahme ließ das Casino keine Bemühungen erkennen, die Situation zu klären. Ich bezichtige das Casinos des systematischen Betruges.
Dragi Andreas,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Želim znati je li ovo bio vaš prvi depozit i je li vraćen na vaš bankovni račun.
Možete li mi poslati bilo koju relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kockarnice? Moja adresa e-pošte je kristina.s@casino.guru (ili je možete objaviti ovdje).
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći da ovo pitanje riješite što je prije moguće. Radujemo se što ćemo vam se javiti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Andreas,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I would like to know if this was your first deposit and if it was returned to your bank account.
Also, could you please send me any relevant communication between you and the casino? My email address is kristina.s@casino.guru (or you can post it here).
I hope, we will be help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Navodno u Cosmo Casinu imam dva računa, što nije slučaj. Nekoliko sam puta pisao u kazinu tokom otprilike 2 tjedna putem chata i e-maila, nakon čega sam nekoliko puta dobio odgovor koristeći identične tekstualne module da će se "upravljanje rizikom" pobrinuti za razjašnjenje stvari u kratkom roku. Do danas nije objašnjeno. Nisam dobio ništa zauzvrat za svoj dokazni depozit, što je za mene prevarantski čin. Nema problema sa pologom u bilo kojem mrežnom kazinu, ali još više ako vi kao kupac imate pravo na naknadu koju Cosmo Casino očito ne odbija samo u mom slučaju. Kako kazino može steći „savršenu reputaciju" je izvan mene.
Supposedly I have two accounts at Cosmo Casino, which is not the case. I wrote to the casino several times over a period of about 2 weeks via chat and email, whereupon I received the answer several times using identical text modules that the "risk management" would take care of clarifying the matter shortly. To date, no clarification has been made. I did not receive anything in return for my demonstrable deposit, which is a fraudulent act for me. There are no problems with a deposit in any online casino, but all the more so if you, as a customer, are entitled to a consideration that the Cosmo Casino obviously does not only refuse in my case. How the casino can get a "perfect reputation" is beyond me.
Angeblich verfüge ich im Cosmo Casino über zwei Konten, was nicht zutrifft. Ich habe das Casino in einem Zeitraum von circa 2 Wochen mehrfach im Chat und per Email angeschrieben, worauf ich mehrfach mittels identischen Textbausteinen die Antwort erhielt, dass sich das "Risikomangement" in Kürze um eine Klärung der Angelegenheit kümmert. Bis heute ist keine Klärung erfolgt. Für meine nachweisliche Einzahlung habe ich keine Gegenleistung erhalten, was für mich eine betrügerische Handlung darstellt. In keinem einzigen Online Casino tauchen Probleme bei einer Einzahlung auf, dafür aber umso häufiger, wenn man als Kunde dafür eine Gegenleistung beanspruchen darf, die das Cosmo Casino offensichtlich nicht nur in meinem Fall verweigert. Wie dem Casino eine "Perfekte Reputation" zuteil werden kann, ist mir schleierhaft.
Hvala Andreas na odgovoru. Sad ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćemo u skoroj budućnosti riješiti svoj problem.
Thank you very much Andreas for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Željeli bismo zamoliti Casmo Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor će postati "neriješen" što može negativno utjecati na njegovu ocjenu.
We would like to ask the Cosmo Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Bok casino guru
Igrač je podrškom savjetovan da će trebati kontaktirati menadžment rizika u vezi s duplikatnim računima.
Igrač je 15. svibnja našem odjelu za upravljanje rizikom poslao sljedeći e-mail:
Kada namjeravaš odgovoriti na odvratna kopile i moja
Da podignem novac ???
Naše upravljanje rizikom odgovorilo je 19. maja sledećom e-poštom:
Zdravo *******,
Ne razumijemo vašu e-poštu,.
Jasno navedite svoj upit.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Upravljanje rizikom
Casino nagrade
Zdravo *******,
Ne razumijemo vašu e-poštu.
Molimo jasno navedite svoj zahtev.
S poštovanjem,
Upravljanje rizikom
Igrač nikada nije odgovorio na e-poštu, umjesto toga ponovno je kontaktirao podršku, još 103 puta u sljedećih 15 minuta, sa sljedećim sadržajem:
Sada razumem zašto ne mogu dobiti svoj novac. Vaše brojne
negativne kritike na internetu govore sve o vašoj trgovini prijevarama,
da bi trebalo da izgore. Vrijednost Mafia MGA licence
postaje vam jasno !! Trebalo bi vas zaklati kao svinje !!
Igrač može kontaktirati odjel za upravljanje rizikom i zatražiti detalje svih računa koje su otvorili u Casmo Casinu i oni će mu biti poslani. Članovima tima koji govore njemački govorio sam glavu gore kako bi mogli odgovoriti na sve daljnje poruke e-pošte. Međutim, ako igrač koristi takav jezik, može očekivati da neće dobiti odgovor.
Ako igrač nije zadovoljan s ovim rješenjem, može kontaktirati ecogra.
Casino Rep
Hi casino guru
The player has been advised by support that he will need to contact risk management regarding the duplicate accounts.
The player sent the following email to our risk management department on 15th May:
When do you intend to answer obnoxious bastards and mine
To withdraw money ???
Our risk management replied on 19th May with the following email:
Hello *******,
We do not understand your email ,.
Please clearly state your query.
Kind regards,
Risk management
Casino rewards
Hi *******,
We do not understand your email.
Please state your request clearly.
Sincerely yours,
Risk management
The player never replied to the email, instead contacted support again a further 103 times within the next 15 minutes with the following content:
Now I understand why I can't get my money. Your numerous
negative reviews on the internet say everything about your fraud shop,
that you should burn down. The value of a Mafia MGA license
becomes clear to you !! You should be slaughtered like pigs !!
The player can contact the risk management department and request the details of all accounts they have opened at Cosmo Casino and they will be sent to him. I have given the German speaking members of the team a heads up so they can reply to any further emails. However if the player uses such language they may expect not to receive a reply.
If the player is not happy with this solution they may contact ecogra.
Casino Rep
Hi Casino Guru
The player has been advised by support that he will need to contact risk management regarding the duplicate accounts.
The player sent the following email to our risk management department on 15th May:
Wann gedenken Sie widerwärtigen Dreckschweine mir zu antworten und mein
Geld auszuzahlen???
Our risk management replied on 19th May with the following email:
Hello *******,
We do not understand your email,.
Please clearly state your query.
Kind Regards,
Risk Management
Casino Rewards
Hallo *******,
Wir verstehen Ihre E-Mail nicht.
Bitte geben Sie Ihre Anfrage klar an.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
The player never replied to the email, instead contacted support again a further 103 times within the next 15 minutes with the following content:
Jetzt verstehe ich warum ich nicht an mein Geld komme. Eure zahlreichen
negativen Bewertungen im Internet sagen alles über euren Betrugsladen,
den man abbrennen sollte. Welchen Wert eine Lizenz der Mafia-MGA hat
wird an euch deutlich!! Man sollte euch abschlachten wie Schweine!!
The player can contact the risk management department and request the details of all accounts they have opened at Cosmo Casino and they will be sent to him. I have given the German speaking members of the team a heads up so they can reply to any further emails. However if the player uses such language they may expect not to receive a reply.
If the player is not happy with this solution they may contact ecogra.
Casino Rep
Dosta mi je toga prljavog posla i njegovih upitnih kritika, koje će kockarnice sigurno u skladu s tim nagraditi. Očekujem da odmah zatvorite slučaj i želim vam uvijek punu kasu zbog sustavnih gubitaka igrača.
Budući da svaka kasina tvrdi da igrama ne manipuliraju, preporučujem im ove video zapise.
Na početku prvog videa pazite na krupje u blackjacku, a kasnije na "lady" ili "treću ruku" na blackjacku. Dama je anatomsko čudo! Nema manipulacije ?!
U drugom videu je opisan takozvani "slučajni generator" (RNG), koji sve određuje, ali sigurno nije slučajnost!
Ako želim slijediti igru na sreću, onda samo u lokalnom kazinu koji svakodnevno nadgleda nadzorni organ i porezni ured i koji bi bio odmah zatvoren ako bi se njime manipuliralo kao u bilo kojem internetskom kazinu koji ne bi uskoro bio sa vašim sajmom igrati bi bilo više!
I've had enough of this dirty business and its questionable reviews, which the casinos will certainly reward accordingly. I expect you to close the case immediately and I wish you always a full cash register from the systematic losses of the players.
Since every casino claims that the games are not manipulated, I recommend these videos to them.
In the beginning of the first video, watch out for the croupier at blackjack and later on the "lady" or "third hand" at blackjack. The lady is an anatomical wonder! No manipulation ?!
In the second video the so-called "random generator" (RNG) is described, which determines everything, but certainly not a coincidence!
If I want to pursue a game of chance, then only in a local casino that is monitored daily by the supervisory authority and the tax office and would be closed immediately if it were manipulated like in any online casino that would not soon be with your fair play there would be more!
Ich habe genug von diesem schmutzigen Gewerbe und ihren fragwürdigen Bewertungen, die seitens der Casinos sicher entsprechend honoriert werden. Ich erwarte, dass Sie den Fall sofort schließen und wünsche ihnen eine stets volle Kasse aus den systematischen Verlusten der Spieler.
Da jedes Casino von sich behauptet, dass die Spiele nicht manipulieret sind, empfehle ich ihnen diese Videos.
Man achte gleich im Anfang des ersten Video auf den Croupier beim Black Jack und im weiteren Verlauf auf die "Dame" bzw. "dritte Hand" beim Black Jack. Die Dame ist ein anatomisches Wunder! Keine Manipulation?!
Im zweiten Video wird der sogenannte "Zufallsgenerator" (RNG) beschrieben, der bestimmt alles, aber sicher kein Zufall ist!
Wenn ich einem Glücksspiel nachgehen möchte, dann nur noch in einem örtlichen Casino, dass täglich von der Aufsichtsbehörde und dem Finanzamt überwacht wird und sofort geschlossen würde, wenn darin so manipuliert würde, wie in jedem Online Casino, die es bei eimem Fairplay in Kürze nicht mehr gäbe!
Zdravo Andreas,
Ako ste napisali takvu poruku timu za upravljanje rizikom u kasinu, nije ni čudo što niste dobili odgovor koji ste očekivali. Preporučujem da se obratite upravljanju rizikom i pravilno zatražite objašnjenje. Ovo možete poslati meni nakon toga (peter.m@casino.guru).
Hi Andreas,
If you wrote such a message to the casino's risk management team, there is no wonder you didn't receive a reply you were expecting. I recommend you contact the risk management and properly ask for an explanation. You can forward this to me after (peter.m@casino.guru).
Svaka sekunda za ove manipulativne i utaje poreza je gubljenje vremena!
Pošto se također ne upuštate u manipulacije jasno prepoznatljive u spotovima, nisam iznenađen kako nastaju njihove ocjene! Online kazino bet365 nalazi se na popisu njihovih ocjena sa „savršenom reputacijom": kockarnica je zatvorena. Svakako zato što je tako „savršen"! Kakva glupost!
Every second for these manipulative and tax evaders is a waste of time!
Since you also do not go into the manipulations clearly recognizable in the videos, I am not surprised how their ratings come about! The online casino bet365 appears in the list of their ratings with a "perfect reputation": the casino is closed. Certainly because it is so "perfect"! What stupidity!
Jede Sekunde für diese manipulierenden und steuerhinterziehenden Betrüger ist eine Zeitverschwendung!
Da auch Sie nicht auf die in den Videos eindeutig zu erkennden Manipulationen eingehen, WUNDERT es mich nicht, wie ihre Bewertungen zustande kommen! In der Liste ihrer Bewertungen taucht das Online Casino bet365 mit einer "Perfekten Reputation" auf: Das Casino ist geschlossen. Bestimmt deswegen, weil es so "perfekt" ist! Was für eine Verdummung!
Andreas, čini se da se više fokusiraš na to da govoriš loše o kockarnici nego na rešavanje problema. Ako ne surađujete, bojim se, morat ću odbiti vašu žalbu. Ako se odlučite obratiti timu za upravljanje rizikom i proslijediti odgovore, obavijestite me e-poštom. Volio bih da bih mogao biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Andreas, it seems like you are concentrating your focus more on speaking ill of the casino than solving the issue. If you don't cooperate, I'm afraid, I will have to reject your complaint. If you decide to contact the risk management team and forward the replies, let me know by email. I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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