Draga Sikora,
Hvala vam što ste nam dostavili svoje dokumente.
Nakon pažljivog pregleda informacija i dokaza koje smo mogli da prikupimo, sa žaljenjem vas obaveštavam da niste ispunili neophodne kriterijume da uspešno završite KIC proces.
Uočena su neka neslaganja sa nekim vašim dokumentima, a vi niste prošli poziv za video verifikaciju iz valjanih razloga. Razumem da ovo možda nije ishod kojem ste se nadali, ali nakon pažljivog razmatranja, moramo da podržimo odluku kazina u ovom slučaju.
Svakako ste dobrodošli da se ne slažete sa ovim zaključkom i možete se obratiti organu za licenciranje kazina ako smatrate da je vaš stav opravdan, ali mi nismo u mogućnosti da ponudimo bilo kakvu dodatnu pomoć u vezi sa ovim pitanjem.
Žao nam je što ne možemo biti od veće pomoći u ovom slučaju, ali slobodno nam se obratite ponovo ako naiđete na bilo kakve druge probleme sa ovim ili drugim kazinom. Daćemo sve od sebe da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Casino Guru
Dear Sikora,
Thank you for providing us with your documents.
After a careful review of the information and evidence we could gather, I regret to inform you you did not fulfil the necessary criteria to successfully complete the KYC process.
There were some discrepancies noted with some of your documents, and you have not passed the video verification call for valid reasons. I understand this may not be the outcome you were hoping for, but after careful consideration, we must uphold the casino’s decision in this case.
You are certainly welcome to disagree with this conclusion and can reach out to the casino licensing authority if you feel justified in your position, but we are unable to offer any additional assistance regarding this issue.
We regret that we cannot be of more help in this instance, but please feel free to reach out to us again should you encounter any other issues with this or another casino. We will try our best to assist.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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