Hvala obojici na vašim odgovorima i dodatnim informacijama.
Poštovani Thepvner0010 ,
To je nešto što vrlo verovatno ne možete da dokažete, a pre izgleda da ste „muž" koji je koristio identitet svoje žene da se registruje i igra u kazinu.
Možete li, molim vas, da prosledite potvrdu uspešne KIC/verifikacije ili prihvatanja sopstvene lične karte i selfija tokom KIC procesa, kao i informaciju iz kazina da nije potrebno proći proveru životnosti?
Da budem iskren, provera živosti je veoma važan korak u KIC procesu i duboko sumnjam da bi vam kazino dozvolio da je zaobiđete, posebno ako postoji jaka sumnja da vlasnik naloga za igre na sreću i osoba čiji je identitet korišćen prilikom registracije nisu ista osoba. Pored toga, ako ste (na primer) koristili bankovnu karticu za deponovanje, tačno ime treba da bude napisano na kartici, tako da bi to trebalo da bude moguće dokazati pružanjem fotografija obe strane bankovne kartice (obično sa nekim skrivenim/zakrivenim brojevima). Za druge načine plaćanja ili zajedničke račune važi slično - trebalo bi da budete u mogućnosti da to dokažete. Kazino je pominjao metode plaćanja treće strane, dakle ne samo 1 način plaćanja.
Slobodno pošaljite tražene detalje kao snimke ekrana u svom postu ili ih prosledite na moju e-poštu ( branislav.b@casino.guru ).
Ukoliko iz bilo kog razloga ne možete da date traženo i da dokažete svoje tvrdnje, obavestite nas bar o iznosu koji je vraćen, jer na osnovu svih prikupljenih informacija, u suštini ne postoji opravdan razlog koji bi mogao da opravda korišćenje tuđeg identiteta i dokumenata i/ili opravdanje provere životnosti koju je izvršila potpuno druga osoba od vlasnika naloga za igre na sreću.
Dakle, postoje samo 2 opcije kako možemo zatvoriti ovaj slučaj.
- Prihvatićete odluku kazina jer ste ozbiljno prekršili njegove Uslove i odredbe, koje ste prihvatili prilikom registracije, a slučaj će biti zatvoren kao uspešno rešen sa iznosom povraćaja koji ste već primili i potvrdili.
- Ako ne prihvatite odluku kazina i i dalje insistirate na vraćanju konfiskovanog dobitka - osim ako u potpunosti ne dokažete svoje tvrdnje, slučaj će biti zatvoren/odbačen.
Hvala. Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Thank you both for your replies and additional information.
Dear Thepwner0010,
It is something that you very likely cannot prove, and it rather looks like you are 'a husband' who used his wife's identity to register and play at the casino.
Can you please forward the confirmation of a successful KYC/verification or acceptance of your own ID and selfie during the KYC process, and the information from the casino that it is not necessary to pass the liveness check?
To be honest, the liveness check is a very important step in a KYC process, and I strongly doubt the casino would let you bypass it, especially if there is a strong suspicion that the owner of the gaming account and the person whose identity was used upon registration is not the same person. In addition, if you (for example) used a bank card to deposit, the correct name should be written on the card, so it should be possible to prove it by providing photos of both sides of the bank card (usually with some numbers hidden/covered-up). For other payment methods or joint accounts, a similar applies - you should be able to prove it. The casino mentioned third-party payment methods, so not only 1 payment method.
Feel free to send the requested details as screenshots in your post or forward them to my email (branislav.b@casino.guru).
If, for any reason, you cannot provide the requested and prove your claims, please inform us at least about the amount that has been refunded, because based on all the gathered information, there is basically no justified reason that could excuse using someone else's identity and documents and/or excuse liveness check made by a completely different person than the owner of the gaming account.
Therefore, there are only 2 options for how we can close this case.
- You will accept the casino's decision because you seriously breached its Terms and Conditions, which you accepted upon registration, and the case will be closed as successfully resolved with the amount of the refund you have already received and confirmed.
- If you do not accept the casino's decision and still insist on returning the confiscated winnings - unless you fully prove your claims, the case will be closed/rejected.
Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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