Da, u mojoj istoriji izgleda da sam igrao igre koje su imale greške
Psi su rekli da nema evidencije da sam davao uputnice u to vreme i datum.
Poslao sam sliku 1 od njih gde se pojavljuju datum i vreme i nisu mi dali odgovor.
Žao mi je što ne možete pisati na engleskom jer nije baš dobro.
Samo Gugl to može da prevede.
-Prva stvar je bila da igra nije dodala zaradu u igri pod nazivom "Thron of Camlot"
Rekli su da će tražiti snimak predstava pa mi je to dalo više samopouzdanja, ali sam onda ponovo tražio da saznam kako ide i rekli su mi da snimak ne postoji, da je ta informacija pogrešna.
Rekao sam mu da vidi moju istoriju jer se igra pojavljuje, ali nije pomoglo.
- zatražiti povlačenje novca
-Onda su mi rekli da su mi dali neke besplatne okrete za probleme i naterali me da čekam nekoliko dana u svemu ovome.
-Imao sam problema jer mi igra "Solar kueen Megavais" ponovo nije isplatila nagradu
-Ono što slike govore odnosi se na ono što pominjem:
Prvo mi kaže da imam aktivan bonus i da zbog toga ne mogu da podignem novac.
onda mu kažem da sam ranije izvršio povlačenje (stranice vam ne dozvoljavaju da podignete novac ako ne završite ukupan iznos bonusa, oni su generalno 500.000) i nisam imao problema
a onda mi agent kaže da sam u pravu, da je moje povlačenje u toku, ali ako želim još jedno povlačenje moram da završim drugi bonus, za sada je sve u redu.
zatim nekoliko dana (kao što rekoh, nikad ne ispune datume i prekorače ih, izgleda namerno da ne bi morali da isplaćuju profit ili dok ne isteknu bonusi, ne znam)
Kaže mi da ne mogu da izvršim povlačenje jer nemam dovoljan iznos pošto su mi oduzeli novac.
Kazino nije odgovoran za greške u igri.
ne isplaćuje nagradu.
ne pušta povlačenje novca
ne ispunjava datume plaćanja ili odgovore
Yes, in my history it appears that I played the games that had errors
Dogs said there was no record that I made money orders at that time and date.
I sent an image of 1 of them where the date and time appears and they did not give me an answer.
I'm sorry you can't write in English because it's not very good.
Only google could translate it.
-The first thing was that the game did not add the earnings in the game called "Throne of camelot"
They said that they would request a video of the plays so it gave me more confidence but then I asked again to find out how it was going and they told me that the video did not exist, that this information was wrong.
I told him to see my history because the game appears but it didn't help.
- request the withdrawal of money
-Then they said that they gave me some free spins for the problems and they made me wait several days within all this.
-I had problems because the game "Solar queen Megaways" did not pay me the prize again
-What the images say is referring to what I mention:
First it tells me that I have an active bonus and that's why I can't withdraw the money.
then I tell him that I did the withdrawal before (the pages do not let you withdraw money if you do not complete the total amount of the bonus, they are 500,000 in general) and I had no problem
and then the agent tells me that I am right, that my withdrawal is in process but if I want to make ANOTHER withdrawal I must finish the other bonus, so far everything is fine.
then a few days (as I said, they never meet dates and they exceed it, it seems on purpose so as not to have to pay the profits or until the bonuses expire, I don't know)
It tells me that I cannot make the withdrawal because I do not have the sufficient amount since they had deducted the money from me.
The casino is not responsible for game errors.
does not pay prize.
does not release money withdrawals
does not meet payment dates or answers
si, en mi historial aparece que jugue los juegos que tenian errores
perros dijeron que no habia registro de que hice giros en esa hora y fecha.
envide una imagen de 1 de ellos donde aparece fecha y hora y no me dieron respuesta.
Lamento no podes escribir en ingles ya que no es muy bueno.
podria traducirlo el google solamente.
-Lo primero fue que el juego no me agrego las ganancias en el juego llamado " Throne of camelot"
dijeron que solicitarian un video de las jugadas por lo que me dio mas confianza pero luego volvi a preguntar para saber como iba y me dijeron que no existia el video , que esa informacion estaba equivocada.
le dije que viera mi historial porque aparece el juego pero no sirvio de nada.
-solicite el retiro de dinero
-luego dijeron que me dieron unos giros gratis por los problemas y me hicieron esperar varios dias dentro de todo esto.
-Tuve problemas porque nuevamente no me pago el premio el juego " Solar queen Megaways"
-lo que dicen las imagenes es referente a esto que menciono:
primero me dice que tengo un bono activo y que por eso no puedo retirar el dinero.
luego le digo que el retiro lo hice antes ( las paginas no te deja realizar el retiro de dinero si tu no completas el monto total del bono, son 500.000 por lo general) y no tuve problema
y luego el agente me dice que tengo razon , que mi retiro esta en proceso pero si quiero realizar OTRO retiro debo terminar el otro bono, hasta ahi todo bien.
luego a los dias ( como dije nunca cumplen fechas y se exceden parece a proposito para no tener que pagar las ganancia o hasta que los bonos caduquen, no lo se )
me dice que no puedo hacer el retiro porque no tengo el monto suficiente ya que me habian descontado el dinero.
El casino no se hace cargo de los errores de los juegos.
no hace el pago de premio.
no libera los retiros de dinero
no cumple fechas de pago o respuestas
Automatski prevedeno:![](https://static.casino.guru/res/202502141249/images/svg/translated-by-google.svg)