Igrač iz Njemačke je doživio tehnički problem dok je igrao određenu slot mašinu. Žalbu smo odbili jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
The player from Germany has experienced a technical problem while playing a specific slot machine. We rejected the complaint because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
Igrač iz Njemačke je doživio tehnički problem dok je igrao određenu slot mašinu. Žalbu smo odbili jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
Igrao sam Merkur Blazing Star slot mašinu u dachbet kazinu nakon nekoliko rundi sa okretanjem i osvojio €800 onda odjednom ništa nije radilo, onda se pojavila prva poruka o grešci. Odmah sam napisao Life Chat-u i oni su to proslijedili i te večeri su stupili u kontakt sa mnom putem e-maila od podrške. Htjeli su neke informacije na koje sam odgovorio, ali nisu mogli tačno dokazati profit od 800 eura. Nažalost, nisam snimio screenshot sve do jutra oko 8 sati, to je bilo naprijed-nazad putem e-pošte sa podrškom. Pošto sam još imao novca na računu, igrao sam ponovo istu mašinu ujutru nekoliko rundi sa dobicima između 5 i 20 evra pa mi se vratio nešto veći iznos od 225 evra i ponovo se pojavio isti problem ali ovaj put sam napravio snimke ekrana od toga. Odmah sam ga poslao e-poštom za podršku. Ali uzalud nisam dobio odgovor OK onda sam igrao još rundi nakon što sam se ponovo ulogovao mali dobici su uplaćeni i odjednom sam opet prerano osvojio veći iznos od 500 eura jer se po treći put ponovilo nisam uknjižio profit Napravio sam i screenshotove i opet uzalud poslao podršci putem e-pošte jer do sada nema odgovora
Ovo se dogodilo 3 puta u roku od nekoliko sati za veće iznose novca
Čudno mi je da su mi odmah odgovorili kada nisam imao screenshot
I nakon toga, kada sam uspio dokazati druga dva dobitka snimcima ekrana, začudo niko iz kazina mi nije odgovorio niti me kontaktirao na bilo koji način
Moraju biti u mogućnosti da vide tok igre, zar ne?
Merkur slot mašina Blazing Star .....
Zarada 800 €
Zarada 225 €
Zarada 500 €
Gdje je nestao moj dobitak, pitam se i zašto više niko u casino dachbetu ne odgovara na moje e-mailove
I played the Merkur Blazing Star slot machine in the dachbet Casino after a few rounds with a spin and won € 800 then suddenly nothing worked, then the first error message came up. I immediately wrote to the Life Chat and they passed it on and they got in touch with me by e-mail that night from support. They wanted some information that I answered but could not exactly prove the 800 Euro profit I unfortunately had not taken a screenshot until the morning around 8 o'clock it was back and forth via email with the support. Since I still had money in my account, I played the same machine again in the morning a few rounds with wins between 5 and 20 euros then came back a slightly larger amount 225 euros and the same problem came up again but this time I took screenshots of it. I emailed it straight away to support. But in vain did not get an answer OK then I played more rounds after I logged in again small winnings were credited and suddenly I had won a larger amount of 500 euros again too early because for the third time it happened again I have not credited profit I also took screenshots of it and sent it to the support via email again in vain because no answer so far
This happened 3 times within a few hours for higher amounts of money
I find it strange that when I didn't have a screenshot, they answered me immediately
And after that, when I was able to prove the other two winnings with screenshots, strangely no one from the casino gave me an answer or contacted me in any way
They have to be able to see the course of the game, right?
Merkur slot machine Blazing Star .....
Profit € 800
Profit 225 €
Profit € 500
Where did my winnings go, I ask myself and why does nobody at the casino dachbet respond to my e-mails anymore
Ich habe im dachbet Casino den Merkur Automaten Blazing Star gespielt nach ein paar Runden mit einer Drehung 800 € gewonnen dann plötzlich ging nichts mehr dann kam die erste Fehlermeldung Seite nicht gefunden ich habe dann in meinem Spielerkonto geschaut aber die 800 € waren nicht da. Ich habe sofort den Life Chat angeschrieben er hat es weiter gegeben und man hat sich in der Nacht vom Support noch mit mir in Verbindung gesetzt per E-Mail. Die wollten einige Angaben die ich beantwortete könnte aber nicht genau nachweisen vom 800 Euro Gewinn ich hatte dummerweise kein Screenshot gemacht bis am morgen gegen 8 Uhr war es hin und her per Email mit den Support. Da ich noch Geld auf Konto hatte habe ich am morgen den selben Automaten noch Mal gespielt paar Runden mit gewinne zwischen 5 und 20 Euro dann kam wieder etwas größer Betrag 225 Euro und es kam wieder das selbe Problem aber diesmal hatte ich davon Screenshots gemacht. Ich habe es sofort per E-Mail an den Support gesendet. Aber vergebens keine Antwort bekommen OK dann spielte ich weitere runden nach dem ich mich neu eingeloggt habe kleine Gewinn Beträge wurden gutgeschrieben und plötzlich hatte ich erneut einen größeren Betrag von 500 Euro gewonnen zu früh gefreut denn zum dritten Mal passierte es Gewinn wieder nicht gutgeschrieben ich habe auch davon Screenshots gemacht und per Email an den Support gesendet wieder vergebens denn bis jetzt keine Antwort
3 x bei höheren Geldbeträgen innerhalb paar Stunden ist das passiert
Merkwürdig finde ich das man als ich keinen Screenshot hatte mir sofort geantwortet hat
Und danach als ich die anderen beiden Gewinne per Screenshots nachweisen konnte mir merkwürdiger Weise niemand von Casino mehr Antwort gibt oder sich irgendwie mit mir in Verbindung setzt
Die müssen doch den Spielverlauf einsehen können oder ?
Merkur Spielautomat Blazing Star .....
Gewinn 800€
Gewinn 225€
Gewinn 500€
Wo ist mein Gewinn abgelieben frag ich mich da und warum antwortet vom Casino dachbet niemand mehr auf meine E-Mail s
Draga Nicole Tatjana,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Možete li proslediti bilo kakvu relevantnu komunikaciju zajedno sa istorijom vaše igre u Excel formatu na petronela.k@casino.guru ? Molimo obavijestite tačno vrijeme incidenta.
U međuvremenu, preporučio bih da provjerite naš članak koji objašnjava "Kako se programiraju automati za igre na sreću" https://casino.guru/how-slot-machines-work-math#how-are-slot-machines-programmed i možda će pomoći kako bi razumjeli kako serveri komuniciraju s igračima i koji problemi se mogu pojaviti na putu.
Imajte na umu da bez ikakvih pratećih dokaza ne možemo nastaviti dalje sa ovim slučajem jer bi bilo gotovo nemoguće suočiti se s kazinom. U međuvremenu, toplo bih preporučio izbjegavanje određenih slot mašina dok se problem ne riješi.
Jedva čekamo čuti od vas. Unaprijed zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Nicole Tatjana,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Could you please forward any relevant communication along with your game history in Excel format to petronela.k@casino.guru? Please advise the exact time of the incident.
Meanwhile, I'd recommend checking our article explaining "How slot machines are programmed" https://casino.guru/how-slot-machines-work-math#how-are-slot-machines-programmed and maybe it’ll help to understand how servers communicate with players and what issues might occur on the way.
Please understand, that without any supporting evidence we can’t proceed further with this case as it would be close to impossible to confront the casino. Meanwhile, I would strongly recommend avoiding specific slot machines until the issue is fixed.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Best regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Hvala puno, Nicole Tatjana, na odgovoru. Možete li proslijediti svoju historiju igara u Excel formatu na petronela.k@casino.guru ?
Thank you very much, Nicole Tatjana, for your reply. Could you please forward your game history in Excel format to petronela.k@casino.guru?
Želio bih znati koliko ste obrađivali i provjerili poruku o grešci. Pošto sada imate fotografije i screenshotove dobitaka, možete vidjeti da je bilo dobitaka i da ja imam pravo na preostale iznose. Zahvaljujem vam na trudu i rado bih uskoro primio pozitivne vijesti
Mfg Nicole K ***
I would like to know how far you have processed and checked the error message. Since you now have photos and screenshots of the winnings, you can see that there were winnings and that I am entitled to the outstanding amounts. I thank you for your effort and would be happy to receive positive news soon
Mfg Nicole K ***
Ich wüsste sehr gerne wie weit ihre Bearbeitung und Überprüfung der Fehlermeldung ist. Da sie ja jetzt Fotos Screenshots von den gewinnen haben sehen sie ja das es die gewinne gegeben hat und mir die offenen Beträge zustehen ich bedanke mich für ihre Mühe und würde mich über baldige positive Nachricht freuen
Mfg Nicole K***
Draga Nicole Tatjana,
Siguran sam da razumijete da ne radim za Dachbet Casino, ali kao jedan od nezavisnih zaposlenika i profesionalaca Casino.Guru-a pokušavam vam pomoći da primite svoje dobitke i prikupite što više informacija prije nego što se suočite s kazinom .
Možete li proslediti svoju istoriju igara u Excel formatu na petronela.k@casino.guru ? Hvala vam puno unapred.
Dear Nicole Tatjana,
I’m sure you understand that I don’t work for Dachbet Casino, but as one of the Casino.Guru independent employees and professionals I’m trying to help you to receive your winnings and collect as much information as possible before confronting the casino.
Could you please forward your game history in Excel format to petronela.k@casino.guru? Thank you very much in advance.
Više ne vjerujem u uspjeh da mi kazino DACHBET isplaćuje dobitke. Imam snimke ekrana na kojima se jasno vidi da je bilo pobjeda jer ne razumijem zašto Dachbetu treba toliko vremena da to provjeri.
Ja ću čekati i vidjeti i samo se nadam da će Casino DACHBET donijeti pozitivnu odluku
I no longer believe in success that the casino DACHBET pays me the winnings. I have screenshots where you can clearly see that there were wins because I don't understand why Dachbet takes so long to check it.
I'll wait and see and just hope that Casino DACHBET will make a positive decision
Ich glaube schon nicht mehr an Erfolg das das Casino DACHBET mir den Gewinn auszahlt. Ich habe Screenshots wo doch eindeutig zu sehen ist das es die gewinne gab da verstehe ich nicht warum Dachbet so lange braucht um es zu überprüfen.
Ich warte Mal ab und hoffe einfach auf eine positive Entscheidung vom Casino DACHBET
Niki31, možeš li mi savjetovati da li možeš preuzeti svoju historiju igara i proslijediti je u Excel formatu na petronela.k@casino.guru ? Hvala vam puno unapred.
Niki31, could you please advise if you can download your game history and forward it in Excel format to petronela.k@casino.guru? Thank you very much in advance.
Hvala puno, Niki31, na e-poruci. Međutim, nisam mogao otvoriti priloženi fajl. Možete li proslijediti svoju historiju igara u Excel formatu?
Thank you very much, Niki31, for your email. However, I couldn't open the attached file. Could you please forward your game history in Excel format?
Dragi Niki31,
Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne dostavite tražene informacije u zadatom roku, odbiti Vaš prigovor.
Dear Niki31,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Nažalost, ovaj slučaj odbijamo jer igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Stoga nismo u mogućnosti nastaviti s daljom istragom niti predložiti moguća rješenja.
Igrač može ponovo otvoriti ovu žalbu bilo kada.
Unfortunately, we’re rejecting this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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