juče sam konačno primio svoje povlačenje i izuzetno sam zahvalan kazinoguruu na pomoći. Bez podnošenja žalbe na njihovoj platformi, verujem da je kašnjenje moglo da se povuče mesecima.
Želim da ostavim mali savet igračima koji koriste Dafabet kazino ili njihovu platformu za sportsko klađenje: budite oprezni kada pravite depozite. Bolje je deponovati male iznose jer ako deponujete veliki iznos, oni će sigurno zadržati vaš depozit i izložiti vas nepotrebnom stresu, čak i ako je vaš račun u potpunosti verifikovan. Oni imaju tendenciju da odlažu povlačenja na duže periode. Čak i kada je vaš nalog verifikovan, oni često zahtevaju dodatne dokumente, uključujući selfije koji drže identifikacione dokumente, više ličnih dokumenata i nekoliko dokaza o adresi, za velika povlačenja. Ipak, ne postoji garancija da će povlačenje biti obrađeno bez odlaganja. Nakon što više puta pošalju ove dokumente, oni i dalje odgovaraju istim e-porukama za kopiranje i zalepljivanje tvrdeći da ih nisu primili. Podneo sam svoje dokumente bezbroj puta, samo da bih satima kasnije dobio odgovore u kojima je stajalo: „Još su nam potrebni vaši dokumenti", uprkos tome što sam ih već poslao.
Da nisam podneo žalbu kazinoguru-u, sumnjam da bih do sada dobio svoje povlačenje, a moglo je da potraje i duže - možda mesecima. Zaista cenim pomoć kazinogurua. Moj savet drugima: izbegavajte Dafabet ako ne želite da se nosite sa nepotrebnim stresom tokom povlačenja.
yesterday, I finally received my withdrawal, and I am extremely grateful to casinoguru for their help. Without filing a complaint on their platform, I believe the delay could have dragged on for months.
I want to leave a bit of advice for players using Dafabet Casino or their sports betting platform: be cautious when making deposits. It’s better deposit small amounts because if you deposit a large Amount, they Will surely hold your deposit and subject you to unnecessary stress, even if your account is fully verified. They tend to delay withdrawals for extended periods. Even when your account is verified, they often request additional documents, including selfies holding identification, multiple ID documents, and several proofs of address, for large withdrawals And still, there is no guarantee that the withdrawal will be processed without delay. After sending these documents multiple times, they still respond with the same copy-paste emails claiming they haven’t received them. I submitted my documents countless times, only to receive responses hours later stating, "We still need your documents," despite having already sent them.
If I hadn't filed a complaint with casinoguru, I doubt I would have received my withdrawal by now, and it could have taken even longer—possibly months. I truly appreciate casinoguru’ assistance. My advice to others: avoid Dafabet if you don’t want to deal with unnecessary stress during withdrawals.
Thank you.
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