Igraču iz Njemačke smanjen je dobitak od bonusa dobrodošlice. Kazino se složio da igraču isplati ostatak dobitka.
Dragi Casino Guru timu,
nažalost imam problem sa kazino Dbosses.
Tamo sam iskoristio bonus dobrodošlice uz depozit od 20€.
Završio sam bonus okladu dobrodošlice sa stanjem od oko 1000 €.
Tada je isplaćeno 200€, jer uslovi i odredbe kažu maksimalnu isplatu 10x od depozita. Prilično loša prevara, ali nema šta da se radi.
Nažalost, Dbosses se pridržava samo odredbi i uslova koji su vam na ruku, jer sam također uspješno uložio 50 besplatnih okretaja iz bonusa dobrodošlice, sa konačnim stanjem od skoro 300 €.
Dbosses odredbe i uslovi navode sljedeće:
2. Posebne promocije
2.1. Besplatni okretaji Za besplatne okrete pripisane depozitom, maksimalni iznos povlačenja dobitka od 100 EUR (ili ekvivalentan iznos u bilo kojoj drugoj valuti). Dobici će biti prebačeni na vaš novčani račun nakon što se završi klađenje 50 puta više od dobitka generiranog iz okretaja.
Dbosses ne želi da mi isplati dobitke od besplatnih okretaja. Kontakt više nije moguć, samo odgovori isti.
Molimo pomozite, dostupne su snimke ekrana.
Hvala vam puno!
Dear Casino Guru Team,
unfortunately I have a problem with the casino Dbosses.
I used the welcome bonus there with a deposit of €20.
I finished the welcome bonus wager with a balance of around €1000.
Then 200€ were paid out, because the terms and conditions say max cashout 10x from the deposit. Pretty bad scam, but nothing to do.
Unfortunately, Dbosses only adheres to the terms and conditions that play into your hands, because I also successfully wagered the 50 free spins from the welcome bonus, with a final balance of almost €300.
The Dbosses terms and conditions state the following:
2. Specific promotions
2.1. Free Spins For free spins credited with a deposit, a maximum winning withdrawal cap of 100 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency). Winnings will be transferred to your cash account after wagering of 50x the winning amount generated from the spins is complete.
Dbosses does not want to pay me the winnings from the free spins. Contact no longer possible, just the same answers.
Please help, screenshots are available.
Thank you very much!
Sehr geehrtes Casino Guru Team,
leider habe ich ein Problem mit dem Casino Dbosses.
Ich habe dort den welcome bonus mit einer Einzahlung in Höhe von 20€ genutzt.
Den Wager des Willkommensbonus habe ich zu Ende gebracht mit einem Guthaben von ca 1000€.
Ausgezahlt wurden dann 200€, da in den AGBs steht, max cashout 10x vom deposit. Ziemlich miese Masche, aber nichts zu machen.
Leider hält Dbosses sich nur an die AGBs die Ihnen in die Karten spielen, denn, ich habe die 50 Freispiele aus dem welcome bonus auch erfolgreich gewagert, mit einem Endstand von knapp 300€.
In den AGBs von Dbosses steht folgendes:
2. Specific promotions
2.1. Free Spins For free spins credited with a deposit, a maximum winning withdrawal cap of 100 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency). Winnings will be transferred to your cash account after wagering of 50x the winning amount generated from the spins is complete.
Dbosses will mir den Gewinn aus den Freispielen nicht auszahlen. Kontakt nicht mehr möglich, nur die gleichen Antworten.
Ich bitte um Hilfe, Screenshots sind vorhanden.
Herzlichen Dank!
Zdravo Gr33ndoc,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Dbosses Casino. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego krenemo naprijed.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete da li je vaš račun već verifikovan i da, od kada tačno? Imajte na umu da kazino ima pravo da ograniči maksimalan dobitak iz svojih bonusa. Na osnovu snimka ekrana koji ste dali, ne čekate ni nedelju dana na uplate, tako da sve što mogu preporučiti je da sačekate jer bi moglo potrajati i do 14 dana nakon završetka verifikacije da novac stigne.
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello Gr33ndoc,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Dbosses Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise if your account is already verified and is yes, since when exactly? Please note that the casino has every right to limit the maximum win from their bonuses. Based on the screenshot you provided you are not waiting even a week for the payments so all I can recommend is to wait as it might take up to 14 days after finishing the verification for the money to arrive.
Looking forward to your answer.
Hi Nick!
Hvala na pomoći!
Moj nalog nije verifikovan i prebačeno mi je 200€ max cashout sa bonusa dobrodošlice, novac je stigao.
Radi se o novcu osvojenom od 50 besplatnih okretaja od bonusa dobrodošlice. Dbosses uopće ne želi isplatiti ovu dobit, čak ni u roku od 14 dana. Mislite da ste mi već isplatili maksimalan iznos od bonusa. Tako je, vidi tačku 2.11 Uvjeta poslovanja:
Sve promocije bonusa na depozit pokrenute sa depozitima jednakim ili manjim od 50 EUR (ili ekvivalent u bilo kojoj drugoj valuti) podliježu maksimalnom dobitku od x 10 iznosa originalnog depozita.
Tako je, sve je u redu. Radi se o tački 2.1. :
Besplatni okretaji Za besplatne okrete pripisane depozitom, maksimalni iznos povlačenja dobitka od 100 EUR (ili ekvivalentan iznos u bilo kojoj drugoj valuti). Dobici će biti prebačeni na vaš novčani račun nakon što se završi klađenje 50 puta više od dobitka generiranog iz okretaja.
Ovaj novac, oko 100€, konačni iznos je bio oko 290€, kazino nikada ne želi da mi isplati, iako uslovi govore umjesto mene, tako da mi treba tvoja pomoć Nick.
Hvala i srdačan pozdrav
Hi Nick!
Thank you for your help!
My account is not verified and I was transferred €200 max cashout from the welcome bonus, the money has arrived.
It's about the money won from the 50 free spins from the welcome bonus. Dbosses does not want to pay out this profit at all, not even within 14 days. You think you have already paid me the maximum amount from bonuses. That's right, see Terms and Conditions point 2.11:
Any deposit match bonus promotions triggered with deposits equal or below 50 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency) will be subject to a max cap win of x 10 the amount of the original deposit .
That's the way it is, everything is fine. It's about point 2.1. :
Free Spins For free spins credited with a deposit, a maximum winning withdrawal cap of 100 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency). Winnings will be transferred to your cash account after wagering of 50x the winning amount generated from the spins is complete.
This money, about 100€, final amount was about 290€, the casino never wants to pay me out, although the terms and conditions speak for me, so I need help from you Nick.
Thank you and best regards
Hi Nick!
Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe!
Mein Konto ist nicht verifiziert und es wurden mir 200 € max cashout aus dem welcome bonus überwiesen, das Geld ist angekommen.
Es geht um das gewonnene Geld aus den 50 Freispielen aus dem welcome bonus. Dbosses will diesen Gewinn gar nicht auszahlen, auch nicht innerhalb von 14 Tagen. Sie meinen Sie hätten mir schon den maximalen Betrag aus Boni ausgezahlt. Das stimmt, siehe AGBs Punkt 2.11:
Any deposit match bonus promotions triggered with deposits equal or below 50 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency) will be subject to a max cap win of x 10 the amount of the original deposit .
Das ist nunmal so, alles in Ordnung. Es geht um den Punkt 2.1. :
Free Spins For free spins credited with a deposit, a maximum winning withdrawal cap of 100 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency). Winnings will be transferred to your cash account after wagering of 50x the winning amount generated from the spins is complete.
Dieses Geld, ca 100€, Endbetrag waren ca 290€, will das Casino niemals an mich auszahlen, obwohl die AGBs für mich sprechen, daher benötige ich Hilfe von dir Nick.
Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße
Jesu li posebno spomenuli da nećete dobiti novac od besplatnih okretaja? Ako da, da li su naveli razlog?
Molimo vas da prosledite svoju komunikaciju sa kazinom na nikolas.b@casino.guru.
Did they specifically mention that you won't get the money from the free spins? If yes, did they provide the reason?
Please forward your communication with the casino to nikolas.b@casino.guru.
Zdravo Nick, da, pitao sam 3 puta i svaki put sam dobio isti odgovor mejlom. Proslijedit ću ovo na nikolas.b@casino.guru.
U to se čak i ne ulazi, piše da VEĆINA dobitaka ne dolazi od bonusa. Najmanje 50 € dolazi od bonusa. Oni se oslanjaju na maksimalnu isplatu od 10x od depozita. Nisam o tome govorio. Radi se o pobjedi od besplatnih okretaja, maksimalni cashout €100. Dbosses ne želi da mi isplati ovaj novac.
Hi Nick, yes I asked 3 times and got the same answer by email each time. I will forward this to nikolas.b@casino.guru.
It doesn't even get into it, it says MOST of the winnings don't come from the bonus. At least €50 comes from the bonus. They rely on the max cashout of 10x from the deposit. That's not what I was talking about. It's about winning from free spins, max cashout €100. Dbosses does not want to pay me this money.
Hi Nick, ja ich habe 3x nachgefragt und jedes mal die gleiche Antwort per Email bekommen. Diese leite ich an nikolas.b@casino.guru weiter.
Es wird gar nicht drauf eingegangen, es wird gesagt die MEISTEN Gewinne stammen nicht aus dem Bonus. 50€ stammen mindestens aus dem Bonus. Sie berufen sich auf den Maxcashout von 10x vom deposit. Darum geht es auch nicht. Es geht um den Gewinn aus Freispielen, max cashout 100€. DIeses Geld will Dbosses mir nicht auszahlen.
Hvala Gr33ndoc na svim informacijama. Sada ću proslediti Vašu žalbu kolegi Tomasu koji će Vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rješavanju.
Thank you Gr33ndoc for all the information. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Tomas who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Zdravo Gr33ndoc,
Od sada ću vam pomagati oko žalbe. Pregledao sam detalje slučaja i dat ću sve od sebe da vam pomognem. Prvo bih zamolio predstavnike Dbosses Casina da se uključe u razgovor kako bi nam pomogli da riješimo problem.
Dbosses Casino,
Možete li objasniti zašto dobici od besplatnih okretaja koji su bili dio bonusa dobrodošlice nisu uvaženi?
Hello Gr33ndoc,
I will assist you with the complaint from now on. I went over the details of the case and will do my best to help you. First, I would like to ask the representatives of Dbosses Casino to join the conversation in order to help us resolve the issue.
Dbosses Casino,
Could you explain why the winnings from free spins that were part of the welcome bonus weren't honored?
Dragi CasinoGuru,
Hvala vam što ste nas pozvali da razjasnimo ovaj slučaj.
Kao odgovor na tvrdnju Gr33ndoc, napominjemo da je većina dobitaka došla od bonusa dobrodošlice i pošto je igrač uplatio samo 20 eura, dobici su prilagođeni maksimalnom gotovini od tog bonusa prema našim Uvjetima i odredbama :
2.11. Bonus novac koji se nudi u standardnom i reload-u, pod čijim uslovima nije drugačije navedeno, nije unovčiv. Nakon što se dovrši 35x depozit + bonus klađenje, moći ćete povući samo stvarni dobitak i novac sa svog stvarnog novca, dok će iznos bonusa biti poništen. Maksimalni iznos gotovine sa svakim traženim bonusom je 5000 EUR (ili ekvivalent u bilo kojoj drugoj valuti) za depozite preko 50 EUR (ili ekvivalent u bilo kojoj drugoj valuti). Sve promocije bonusa na depozit pokrenute sa depozitima jednakim ili manjim od 50 EUR (ili ekvivalentom u bilo kojoj drugoj valuti) podliježu maksimalnom dobitku od x 10 iznosa originalnog depozita.
Gr33ndoc je već primio maksimalan mogući iznos gotovine za ovaj bonus.
Dear CasinoGuru,
Thank you for inviting us to clarify this case.
In response to the claim from Gr33ndoc, we would like to note that since most of the winnings came from the Welcome bonus and since the player only deposited 20 Euros the winnings were adjusted to the maximum cash out of that bonus as per our Terms and Conditions:
2.11. Bonus money offered in standard and reload, in whose terms it is not stated otherwise, is not cashable. After 35x deposit + bonus wagering is completed, you will be able to withdraw only the real winnings and the money from your real-money balance, while the bonus amount will void. The maximum cashable cap with every bonus claimed is 5000 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency) for deposits made over 50 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency). Any deposit match bonus promotions triggered with deposits equal to or below 50 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency) will be subject to a max cap win of x 10 the amount of the original deposit.
Gr33ndoc has already received the maximum cash out possible for this bonus.
Dragi Dbosses timu,
Hvala vam na komentaru!
Ne radi se o tački 2.11 VAŠIH uslova, u redu je, primio sam 10 puta veći iznos depozita, hvala na tome.
Radi se o sledećoj tački VAŠIH uslova:
2. Posebne promocije
2.1. Besplatni okretaji Za besplatne okrete pripisane depozitom, maksimalna pobjednička granica povlačenja od 100 EUR (ili protuvrijednost u bilo kojoj drugoj valuti). Dobici će biti prebačeni na vaš novčani račun nakon što se završi klađenje od 50 puta većeg iznosa dobitka generiranog iz okretaja.
Uspješno sam riskirao i na kraju je na mom gotovinskom računu bilo 98,55 €, tako da sam mogao to isplatiti. Evo snimka ekrana nakon uspješnog klađenja besplatnih okretaja:
Dobici od bonus novca su dostupni za povlačenje kao što možete vidjeti na snimku ekrana, 2 x €400, 1 x €200. 200€ je prebačeno, 800€ poništeno.
Ako imate drugačije mišljenje, koristite svoje zapise ili moju historiju igara da dokažete da to nije slučaj.
hvala vam puno
Dear Dbosses Team,
Thank you for your comment!
It's not about point 2.11 of YOUR terms and conditions, that's all right, I received the 10x the deposit amount, thanks for that.
It is about the following point of YOUR terms and conditions:
2. Specific promotions
2.1. Free Spins For free spins credited with a deposit, a maximum winning withdrawal cap of 100 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency). Winnings will be transferred to your cash account after wagering of 50x the winning amount generated from the spins is complete.
I successfully risked it and in the end there was €98.55 in my cash account, so I could pay it out. Here is the screenshot after successfully wagering the free spins:
The winnings from the bonus money are available for withdrawal as you can see from the screenshot, 2 x €400, 1 x €200. 200€ were transferred, 800€ canceled.
If you have a different opinion, please use your logs or my game history to prove that this is not the case.
thank you very much
Sehr geehrtes Dbosses Team,
vielen Dank für Eure Stellungnahme!
Es geht nicht um Punkt 2.11 EURER AGBs, das ist alles in Ordnung, habe die 10x vom Einzahlungsbetrag erhalten, danke dafür.
Es geht um folgenden Punkt EURER AGBs:
2. Specific promotions
2.1. Free Spins For free spins credited with a deposit, a maximum winning withdrawal cap of 100 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency). Winnings will be transferred to your cash account after wagering of 50x the winning amount generated from the spins is complete.
Ich habe es erfolgreich gewagert und am Ende waren 98,55€ im Cashaccount, also auszahlbar. Anbei der Screenshot nach erfolgreichem wagern der free spins:
Die Gewinne aus dem Bonusgeld stehen auf Auszahlung wie man dem Screenshot entnehmen kann, 2 x 400€, 1 x 200€. 200€ wurden überwiesen, 800€ gestrichen.
Sollten Sie anderer Meinung sein, dann beweisen Sie mir bitte anhand Ihrer Logs, bzw. meiner Spielhistorie, dass es nicht so ist.
Herzlichen Dank
Pozdrav svima,
hvala na objašnjenju za Dbosses Casino i na povratnim informacijama.
Naše mišljenje je to
Nakon podnošenja zahtjeva za povlačenje, ostatak bonusa - besplatni okreti nisu otkazani, kao što je to uobičajena praksa, već je dozvoljeno da se oklade.
Očekivali bismo da će na ovaj način dobitke biti isplaćene u skladu sa vašim uslovima. Smatrali bismo poštenim da Gr33ndoc primi dobitke od besplatnih okretaja do 100€ jer je bilo dozvoljeno ulaganje besplatnih okretaja.
Hello all,
thanks for the explanation to the Dbosses Casino and for the feedback.
Our opinion is that
After the withdrawal request was made, the rest of the bonus - the free spins weren't canceled, like it is common practice to do, but were allowed to be wagered.
We would expect the winnings would be honored according to your terms and conditions this way. We would consider it fair for Gr33ndoc to receive the winnings from the free spins up to 100€ as the free spins were allowed to be wagered.
zdravo Tomas,
Hvala vam na pomoći i razumijevanju.
Ne želim ništa na šta nemam pravo, ali bih voleo da imam ono na šta imam pravo.
Dragi Dbosses tim,
Takođe bih vas ponovo zamolio, vrlo ljubazno, da ponovo istražite moj slučaj i da učinite nešto prijatno kako bih mogao da nastavim da uživam igrajući u vašem kazinu u budućnosti.
Hvala puno!
Hi Tomas,
Thank you for your help and understanding.
I don't want anything that I'm not entitled to, but I would like to have what I'm entitled to.
Dear Dbosses team,
I would also like to ask you again, very politely, to investigate my case again and to make something accommodating so that I can continue to enjoy playing at your casino in the future.
Thanks very much!
Hi Tomas,
vielen Dank für deine Hilfe und dein Verständnis.
Ich möchte nichts, was mir nicht zusteht, aber das was mir zusteht, hätte ich dann doch schon gerne.
Sehr geehrtes Dbosses-Team,
ich möchte Sie auch nochmal höflichst bitten, meinen Fall nochmal zu untersuchen und mir etwas entgegen zu kommen, damit mir das Spielen in Ihrem Casino auch in Zukunft Freude bereitet.
Vielen Dank!
Poštovani Gr33ndoc,
Nakon što je još jednom procijenio situaciju, uprava je odlučila dodati nedostajućih 75 € na vaš saldo tako da će nadoknaditi poništeni saldo sa vaših 100 €. To bi bilo ukupno povlačenje od 300 € (225 € + 75 €).
Također, želimo se izviniti zbog nesporazuma i zabune koju je ovo moglo izazvati.
Stanje na vašem računu će biti ažurirano vrlo brzo.
dbosses team
Dear Gr33ndoc,
After evaluating the situation once again, the management decided to add the missing €75 to your balance so that it will make up for the voided balance from your €100. That would be a total withdrawal of €300 (€225 + €75).
Also, we would like to apologise for the miss-understanding and the confusion this might have caused.
Your account balance will be updated very soon.
dbosses team
Dragi Dbosses tim,
Zaista sam sretan zbog toga, hvala vam puno na saradnji!
Naravno da ću poboljšati svoju ocjenu za Dbosses Casino ovdje u CasinoGuru, to je pošteno.
Nadam se da ću i ubuduće uživati u igri u vašem kazinu.
Srdacan pozdrav
Dear Dbosses team,
I'm really happy about that, thank you very much for your cooperation!
Of course I will upgrade my rating for Dbosses Casino here at CasinoGuru, that's only fair.
I hope to continue enjoying the game at your casino in the future.
Warm greetings
Sehr geehrtes Dbosses-Team,
das freut mich wirklich sehr, herzlichen Dank für Ihr entgegenkommen!
Selbstverständlich werde ich meine Bewertung für das Dbosses Casino hier bei CasinoGuru verbessern, das ist nur fair.
Ich hoffe, dass ich in Zukunft weiterhin Spaß am Spiel in Eurem Casino haben darf.
Liebe Grüße
Pozdrav svima,
Žao mi je što nisam ranije odgovorio. Hvala na saradnji Dbosses casino timu.
Dragi Mattyc,
Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Drago nam je čuti da je vaš problem riješen. Sada ćemo to označiti kao 'riješeno' u našem sistemu. Hvala na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Hello all,
I am sorry for not replying sooner. Thanks for the cooperation to the Dbosses casino team.
Dear Mattyc,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. We are glad to hear that your issue got resolved. We will now mark it as 'resolved' in our system. Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
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Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
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