Dobici igrača su poništeni i račun zatvoren zbog kršenja uslova bonusa. Žalba je riješena jer je kazino isplatio saldo igrača, međutim njegov račun će ostati zatvoren.
The player's winnings have been voided and account closed for breaching bonus terms. The complaint was resolved as the casino paid out the player's balance, however his account will remain closed.
Dobici igrača su poništeni i račun zatvoren zbog kršenja uslova bonusa. Žalba je riješena jer je kazino isplatio saldo igrača, međutim njegov račun će ostati zatvoren.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Zdravo benzj044,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Dbosses Casino. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego krenemo naprijed.
Kako je moguće da ste uspjeli zatražiti povrat novca ako kazino tvrdi da je za vas ograničen? Takođe samo da sumiramo - Uzeli ste cashback bonus i odigrali ga na 0 i nakon toga ste poništili 2x zahtjev za povlačenje od 2500€?
Vjerujemo da ako je bonus ograničen za igrače, kazino bi trebao osigurati da ga oni ne mogu zatražiti, što nisu učinili u vašem slučaju. Takođe, ako je bonus odigran na 0€, to ionako ne bi trebalo da bude važno jer su vaši dobici generisani sa pravim novcem na osnovu vašeg potraživanja.
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello benzj044,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Dbosses Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
How is it possible that you were able to claim the cashback bonus if the casino claims that it's restricted for you? Also just to sum it up - You claimed the cashback bonus and played it to 0 and after that you reversed the 2x withdrawal request of 2500€?
We believe that if a bonus is restricted for the players, the casino should ensure that they can't claim it which they failed to do in your case. Also if the bonus was played to 0€ it shouldn't matter anyway as your winnings were generated with real money by your claim.
Looking forward to your answer.
Zdravo dragi Nick,
Hvala vam na brzom odgovoru.
To je upravo tako. Bonus treba ograničiti ili ukloniti sa mog računa nakon 24 sata prema tački 7. njihovim uslovima za povrat novca.
Prema uslovima cashback bonusa, cashback iznos (u mom slučaju je bio nešto manje od 1000 evra) se uvek pripisuje na račun ponedeljkom u 00:30 i važi 24 sata. Međutim, ovaj iznos je još uvijek bio na mom računu nakon 24 sata u utorak. Igrao sam se s tim i izgubio sve. Stanje na mom računu je tada bilo nula.
U isto vrijeme, još uvijek sam imao 2 isplate od po 2500 eura koje nisu imale nikakve veze sa cashback bonusom ili bilo kojim bonusom u načinu isplate.
Još uvijek sam imao ove 2 isplate od po 2500 eura iz mojih prethodnih dobitaka, od kojih su mi šefovi platili 20,000 eura po 5000 eura sedmično zbog ograničenja isplate u kazinu.
Tada sam odlučio da otkažem i rizikujem 2 otvorene isplate od po 2500 evra, koje bi mi kazino ionako isplatio nedelju dana kasnije, kao i isplate ranije. Tada sam imao 5.000 eura na računu nakon što sam otkazao otvorene isplate i igrao misteriozni muzej i izgubio bih skoro sve, a onda se posrećio u posljednjem trenutku i došao do nešto više od 10.000 eura. Bio sam zaista sretan i onda sam napravio 4 isplate od po 2500 eura (ukupno 10 000 eura) i onda prestao igrati.
Hello dear Nick,
Thank you for your prompt reply.
That's exactly how it is. The bonus should be restricted or removed from my account after the 24 hours according to point 7. their cashback bonus conditions.
According to the cashback bonus conditions, the cashback amount (in my case it was a little less than 1000 euros) is always credited to the account on Mondays at 00:30 and is valid for 24 hours. However, this amount was still in my account after 24 hours on Tuesday. I played with it and lost everything. My account balance was then zero.
At the same time, I still had the 2 payouts of 2500 euros each that had nothing to do with the cashback bonus or any bonus in the payout mode.
I still had these 2 payouts of 2500 euros each from my previous winnings, of which dbosses paid me 20,000 euros at 5000 euros each per week because of the casino's payout limit.
I then decided to cancel and risk the 2 open payouts of 2500 euros each, which the casino would have paid me the week after anyway, like the payouts before. I then had 5,000 euros in the account after canceling the open payouts and played mystery museum and would have lost almost everything and then got lucky at the last moment and played my way up to a little more than 10,000 euros. I was really happy and then made 4 payouts of 2500 euros each (total 10 000 euros) and then stopped playing.
Hallo lieber Nick,
Danke für die schnelle Antwort.
Genau so ist es der bonus sollte eingeschränkt sein bzw. nach Ablauf der 24 Stunden laut punkt 7. deren cashback bonus Bedingungen von meinem Konto entfernt werden.
Laut cashback Bonus Bedingungen wird der cashback Betrag ( in meinem Fall waren es etwas weniger als 1000 Euro ) immer montags 00 Uhr 30 auf dem Konto gutgeschrieben und ist 24 Stunden gültig. Jedoch war dieser Betrag am Dienstag nach Ablauf der 24 Stunden immer noch auf mein Konto. Ich habe damit gespielt und alles verspielt. Mein Kontostand war dann auf Null.
Zudem Zeitpunkt hatte ich noch die 2 Auszahlungen zu je 2500 Euro offen , die garnichts mit dem cashback bonus oder irgend einen Bonus zu tun haben in Auszahlungsmodus.
Diese 2 Auszahlungen von je 2500 Euro habe ich noch von meinen vorherigen Gewinn gehabt, wovon mir dbosses 20 000 Euro ausgezahlt hat zu je 5000 Euro pro Woche wegen des Auszahlungslimits des casinos.
Ich habe mich dann entschieden die 2 offenen Auszahlungen zu je 2500 Euro, die mir das casino die Woche darauf sowieso ausgezahlt hätte wie die Auszahlungen davor, abzubrechen und zu riskieren. Ich hatte dann 5000 Euro auf dem Konto nach Abbruch der offenen Auszahlungen und habe mystery museum gespielt und hätte auch fast alles verloren und hatte dann im letzten Moment etwas Glück und mich auf etwas mehr als 10 000 Euro hochgespielt. Ich habe mich riesig gefreut und habe dann 4 Auszahlungen gemacht zu je 2500 Euro ( gesamt 10 000 Euro) und hörte dann auf zu spielen.
zdravo Richard,
Nadam se da će to biti brzo urađeno. Cekam vec 3 dana. Ne razumijem zašto sve to tako dugo traje.
Hello Richard,
I hope this will be done quickly. I've been waiting for 3 days now. I don't understand why it's all taking so long.
Hallo Richard,
Ich hoffe dass das schnell erledigt wird. Ich warte jetzt schon seit 3 Tagen. Ich versteh nicht warum das ganze so lange dauert.
Dragi Dbosses Casino,
Ako je igrač poništio svoje povlačenje generirano pravim novcem, to zapravo nikada ne bi trebalo kombinovati sa saldom bonusa koji nije ni trebao biti na njegovom računu u trenutku kada su uplate poništene. Čekaćemo vaš ček pa nas obavijestite o ishodu.
U međuvremenu, zamolio bih benzj044 da nas obavijesti da li će biti ažuriranja u vezi sa slučajem.
Dear Dbosses Casino,
If the player reversed his withdrawal generated by real money, it should never in fact be combined with the bonus balance which was not even supposed to be on his account at the time the payments were reversed. Will be waiting for your check so please let us know the outcome.
In the meanwhile, I would like to ask benzj044 to let us know if there would be any update regarding the case.
Zdravo dragi Nick,
Ne, nažalost još uvijek nema vijesti.
Do sada me niko nije kontaktirao.
Hello dear Nick,
No, unfortunately there is no news yet.
Nobody has contacted me until now.
Hallo lieber Nick,
Nein leider gibt es noch keine Neuigkeiten.
Niemand hat mich bis jetzt kontaktiert.
zdravo Nick,
zdravo Richard,
Danas sam primio e-mail od Dbosses-a da je došlo do nesporazuma i mojih 10000 eura je vraćeno na moj račun i mogu podnijeti zahtjeve za povlačenje, što sam i učinio ranije. Sada samo čekam da novac stigne na moj privatni račun.
Posebno hvala još jednom Nicku, Richardu, Casino Guruu, Dbossesima i svima koji su uključeni.
Nadam se da se ovo neće ponoviti u budućnosti jer je to zaista frustrirajuće i rastura živce i konačno se želite radovati svojim dobicima.
Hvala još jednom u ovom trenutku i sačekaću dok isplate ne budu na mom računu i javiću vam se ovde.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello Nick,
Hello Richard,
I received an email from Dbosses today that there was a misunderstanding and my 10000 euros have been credited back to my account and I can submit the withdrawal requests, which I did earlier. Now I'm just waiting for the money to reach my private account.
Special thanks again to Nick, Richard, Casino Guru, Dbosses and everyone involved.
I hope that this doesn't happen again in the future because it's really frustrating and nerve wracking and you finally want to look forward to your winnings.
Thanks again at this point and I'll wait until the payouts are on my account and get back to you here.
Best Regards
Hallo Nick,
Hallo Richard,
Ich habe heute eine Mail von Dbosses erhalten, dass es sich um einen Missverständnis gehandelt hat und meine 10000 Euro meinem Konto wieder gutgeschrieben worden sind und ich die Auszahlungsanträge stellen kann, was ich vorhin getan habe. Jetzt warte ich noch bis das Geld mein privatkonto erreicht.
Nochmal herzlichen Dank speziell an Nick , Richard, Casino Guru, Dbosses und alle Beteiligten.
Ich hoffe dass sowas in Zukunft nicht Nochmal passiert weil es echt frustrierend und nervzereissend ist und man sich schließlich auf seine Gewinne freuen möchte.
Danke nochmal an dieser Stelle und ich warte ab bis die Auszahlungen auf mein Konto sind und melde mich nochmal hier.
Mit besten Grüßen
Zdravo benzj044,
Hvala vam na sjajnim vestima i što ste nas obaveštavali. Sačekaćemo da se vaše povlačenje obradi pa nas obavestite kada će biti isplaćeno.
Hello benzj044,
Thank you for the great news and for keeping us updated as well. We will wait until your withdrawal is processed so please let us know when it will be paid out.
Zdravo dragi Nick,
Dobio sam samo 2500 od 10000 koliko je kreditirano na moj privatni račun.
Preostalih 7500 su još u plaćanju ili na čekanju.
Obično je sedmično ograničenje 5000. Nadamo se da će preostalih 7500 biti poslano odjednom.
Hello dear Nick,
I have only received 2500 of the 10000 that have been credited to my private account.
The remaining 7500 are still in payment or pending.
Usually the weekly limit is 5000. Hopefully the remaining 7500 will be sent at once.
Hallo lieber Nick,
Ich habe von den 10000 bis jetzt nur 2500 bekommen die auf meinem privatkonto eingegangen sind.
Die restlichen 7500 sind noch in Auszahlung bzw. Offen.
Normalerweise ist das wochenlimit 5000. Hoffentlich werden die restlichen 7500 auf einmal überwiesen.
Zdravo dragi Nick,
Do sada sam dobio 5000, a preostalih 5000 je još u toku. Čim dobijem ovo javiću ovde. Nadam se da će se to desiti danas.
Hello dear Nick,
So far I have received 5000 and the remaining 5000 are still in progress. As soon as I receive this I will report here. I hope that happens today.
Hallo lieber Nick,
Bis jetzt habe ich 5000 erhalten die restlichen 5000 sind noch in Bearbeitung. Sobald ich diese erhalte melde ich mich hier. Ich hoffe dass das heute passiert.
zdravo Nick,
Danas sam dobio zadnjih 2500. A onda sam htio koristiti besplatne okrete koji su još uvijek bili dostupni, ali nisam imao pristup igrama i zatražio podršku i kratko vrijeme kasnije dobio sam ovaj email:
Zdravo Huseine.
Hvala vam što ste kontaktirali DBosses Casino.
Dobili smo odgovor od odjela zaduženog za vaš posljednji zahtjev, nemate pristup igrama jer ste zloupotrijebili bonuse u našem kazinu, kako vas je finansije obavijestilo putem e-pošte, nakon što su svi vaši zahtjevi za povlačenjem obrađeni , vaš račun će biti trajno zatvoren.
Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, ne oklijevajte i kontaktirajte nas bilo kada. Naša usluga je dostupna 24/7.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dbosses Casino podrška.
To je stvarno neshvatljivo i šala ili. Vjerovatno nisam ja kriv što je bonus za povrat novca još uvijek bio na mom računu nakon isteka roka. Šta mogu učiniti ako kazino ne ukloni istekli bonus. Umjesto toga, kažnjavam se jer sam odigrao postojeći bonus na nulu od kojeg nisam dobio ništa i moj račun blokiran kao da sam počinio zločin.. Smatram da je to jako razočaravajuće šefove i oni bi izgubili kupca koji plaća takvog. Jer sam se dovoljno kockao u drugim gammix kockarnicama i ako nešto osvojim za x godina, igranje će mi biti otežano. Znam da ima dovoljno kazina, ali ne treba se tako ponašati prema igraču. Na kraju, kazino je uvek u plusu... pa ne mogu da smislim nista vise... Pitam se da li mogu da nastavim normalno da igram u drugim gammix kockarnicama ili uskoro necu imati pristup i na utakmice tamo... stvarno razočaravajuće.....
Hello Nick,
I got my last 2500 today. And then wanted to use the free spins that were still available, but had no access to the games and asked support and a short time later I got this email:
Hi Hussein.
Thank you for contacting DBosses Casino.
We have received a reply from the department in charge of your last request, you do not have access to the games because you have abused the bonuses in our casino, as the finance department informed you by email, once all your withdrawal requests have been processed, your account will be closed permanently.
If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate and contact us anytime. Our service is available 24/7.
Best regards,
Dbosses Casino Support.
That's really incomprehensible and a joke or. It was probably not my fault that the cashback bonus was still in my account after the deadline. What can I do if the casino fails to remove the expired bonus. Instead I am being penalized for playing the existing bonus to zero which I got nothing from and my account blocked as if I committed a crime.. I find that very disappointing of dbosses and they would lose a paying customer like that. Because I've gambled away enough in the other gammix casinos and if I win something in x years, playing will be made difficult for me. I know there are enough casinos out there but that's not how a player should be treated. In the end, the casino is always in the plus... well, I can't think of anything more... I'm wondering whether I can continue to play normally at the other gammix casinos or will I soon not have access to the games there either... really disappointing.....
Hallo Nick,
Ich habe heute meine letzten 2500 bekommen. Und wollte dann die noch vorhandenen freispiele nutzen aber hatte keinen zugang zu den spielen und habe beim support nachgefragt und kurze zeit darauf bekomme ich diese Email :
Hi, Hussein.
Thank you for contacting DBosses Casino.
We have received a reply from the department in charge of your last request, you do not have access to the games, because you have abused the bonuses in our casino, as the finance department informed you by email, once all your withdrawal requests have been processed, your account will be closed permanently.
If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate and contact us anytime. Our service is available 24/7.
Best regards,
Dbosses Casino Support.
Das ist echt unverständlich und ein Witz oder. Es war wohl nicht meine Schuld dass der cashback bonus noch nach Ablauf der Frist auf meinem Konto war. Was kann ich dafür wenn das casino es versäumt den abgelaufenen bonus zu entfernen. Stattdessen werde ich bestraft weil ich den vorhandenen bonus gespielt habe auf Null wovon ich nix hatte und mein Konto gesperrt als ob ich ein Verbrechen begangen habe.. das finde ich sehr enttäuschend von dbosses und sie würden so einen zahlenden Kunden verlieren. Denn ich habe genug in den anderen gammix casinos verspielt und wenn ich mal in x Jahren was gewinne wird mir das Spielen schwer gemacht. Ich weiß es gibt genug casinos da draußen aber so sollte man als Spieler nicht behandelt werden. Am Ende ist das casino immer im Plus ... naja mir fällt dazu nix mehr ein... ich frag mich ob ich bei den anderen gammix casinos noch normal weiterspielen kann oder werd ich da auch bald kein Zugang zu den Spielen haben... echt enttäuschend .....
Zdravo benzj044,
Na osnovu činjenice da ste primili svoj novac i da vas je kazino već unaprijed obavijestio da će vam račun biti zatvoren nakon toga, vjerovatno bih se klonio kockarnica iz iste grupe. Ipak, još uvijek možete razgovarati sa podrškom za chat uživo ili putem e-pošte prije nego što se ponovo registrujete u istu grupu bez obzira da li ćete moći igrati normalno i sa bonusima ili ne. Ako oni potvrde da možete i budete imali dokaz za to, mislim da će se sa sigurnošću reći da možete tamo igrati.
Kako je početno pitanje riješeno, žalba će biti zatvorena. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti ponovo naiđete na bilo kakvu drugu nevolju, rado ćemo vam pokušati pomoći.
Hello benzj044,
Based on the fact that you have received your money and the casino already informed you in advance that your account will be closed after that, I would probably stay out of the casinos from the same group. You can still however talk to the live chat or e-mail support before registering into the same group again whether you will be able to play normally and with bonuses or not. If they confirm that you can and you will have a proof of that, I think it will be safe to say that you can play there.
As the initial issue has been resolved, the complaint will be now closed. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you will come across any other trouble again in the future, we will gladly try to help you.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.