Igrač iz Njemačke je igrao ograničenu igru. Kazino je na kraju isplatio igraču maksimalan dobitak od bonusa i problem je riješen.
Pozdrav prvo 🙂 Uplatio sam Casino Dbosses sa bonus ponudom, uplatio 20 € i dobio 100 €, uspješno sam implementirao i zatražio isplatu od 1300 €. Vjerovatno sam prekršio uslove bonusa jer sam igrao igru koja je bila u bonusu nije prihvaćena. Ponovo sam pročitao pravila i pogrešno ih shvatio. Šta mogu učiniti da i dalje dobijem svoj dobitak? Samo smatram da je nepravedno da mi kazino ne odgovara malo.
Hello first 🙂 I paid into the Casino Dbosses with a bonus offer, pay in 20 € and get 100 €, I successfully implemented it and requested the payout of 1300 €. I probably violated the bonus conditions because I played a game that was in the bonus is not accepted. I read the rules again and misunderstood them. What can I do to still get my winnings? I just find it unfair that the casino doesn't accommodate me a bit.
Hallo erstmal🙂Habe in das Casino Dbosses eingezahlt mit Bonus Angebot zahle 20€ ein und erhalte 100€,habe es erfolgreich umgesetzt und habe die Auszahlung von 1300€ beantragt.Habe wohl gegen die Bonus Bedingungen Verstoßen weil ich ein Spiel gespielt habe was im Bonus nicht akzeptiert wird.Habe mir die Regeln nochmals durchgelesen und für mich falsch verstanden.Was kann ich machen um meinen Gewinn doch noch zu bekommen?Ich finde es einfach unfair das mir das Casino nicht ein Stückweit entgegen kommt.
Dragi Dane,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Prije nego što krenemo naprijed - da li sam dobro shvatio da vas kazino još uvijek nije obavijestio da ste prekršili Uvjete i odredbe o bonusima i da samo pretpostavljate da bi u bliskoj budućnosti moglo biti problema s ovim?
Unaprijed vam hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Dane,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Before we move forward - do I understand correctly that you haven't been informed by the casino that you breached the Bonus T&Cs yet and that you just assume that there might be some issue with this in the near future?
Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Draga Kristina, hvala ti na pomoći. Nakon što sam se prijavio za isplatu od 1300€, otprilike 3 dana kasnije primio sam e-mail da sam prekršio uslove bonusa i dobici stoga neće biti isplaćeni Igraj novac zašto igre koje ne smiješ igrati u bonus zaključan?. S poštovanjem M***
Dear Kristina, thank you for your help. After I applied for the payout of €1300, I received an email about 3 days later that I had violated the bonus conditions and the winnings will therefore not be paid out Play money why aren't the games you are not allowed to play in the bonus locked?. Sincerely M***
Liebe Kristina danke für Ihre Hilfe.Nachedem ich die Auszahlung von 1300€ beantragt habe bekam ich ca.nach 3Tagen eine Email das ich gegen die Bonus Bedingungen verstoßen habe und der Gewinn deshalb nicht ausgezahlt wird.Ich konnte aber die ganze Zeit vorher noch mit dem Geld spielen warum sind die Spiele die man im Bonus nicht spielen darf nicht gesperrt?.Mit freundlichen Grüßen M***
Evo snimka ekrana bonus uslova na Dbosses. Zaokružio sam ono što mislim jer piše slot igre 100%, svi ostali 0%. Mislio sam da se to odnosi samo na igre iz knjige ra. Iznad piše slot igre 100% više slot igara: Imam li još šanse da dobijem da dobijem?
Here is a screenshot of the bonus conditions at Dbosses. I circled what I mean because it says slot games 100%, all others 0%. I thought that only applies to games from book of ra. Above it says slot games 100% more slot games: Do I still have a chance of winning to get?Feel completely ripped off by the Casino Dbosses.
Hier ein Screenshot den Bonus Bedingungen bei Dbosses.Habe eingekreist was ich meine da steht slot games zu 100% alle anderen 0%.Habe gedacht das trifft nur auf die Spiele ab book of ra zu.Oben steht ja slot games zu 100% weiter Slot Games: Habe ich eine Chance meinen Gewinn trotzdem zu bekommen?Fühle mich voll auf den Arm genommen von dem Casino Dbosses.
Hvala puno na pojašnjenju, danemijatoviću . Možete li mi proslijediti svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na kristina.s@casino.guru ? Hvala unapred.
Thank you very much for your clarification, danemijatovic. Could you please forward me all the relevant communication between you and the casino to kristina.s@casino.guru? Thank you in advance.
Hvala puno danemijatovic na odgovoru. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( peter.m@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much danemijatovic for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
zdravo danemijatovicu,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam Dbosses Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi danemijatovic,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Dbosses Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Željeli bismo zamoliti Dbosses Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, žalba će postati 'neriješena' što može negativno uticati na njegov rejting.
We would like to ask Dbosses Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo svima,
Imajte na umu da, iako mi je zaista žao što čujem za igračevo iskustvo, imamo iskačući prozor s obavještenjem koji je vidljiv na igrama koje imaju ograničenje dok igrate s bonus novcem.
Sada sam testirao takvu funkciju i jasno vidim da obavještenje radi kako se očekuje na Who Wants to be a milioner , što je ograničena igra o kojoj je riječ.
Prilažem snimke ekrana za vaše informacije sa mobilnog i desktopa.
Hello everyone,
Please note that, while I am truly sorry to hear about the player's experience, we have a notification popup that is visible on games that have a restriction while playing with bonus money.
I have now tested such a feature and I can clearly see that the notification is working as expected on Who Wants to be a millionaire which is the restricted game in question.
I am attaching screen shots for your information from mobile and desktop.
Zdravo Richard iz Dbossosa, možda ti radi i to je očigledno, ali meni se ovaj pop-up nije pojavio, inače ne bih igrao Ko želi da bude milioner. Zašto bih? Možda je u pitanju softverska greška. u kasinu mi to nije pokazano ili nisam imao pojma!Definitivno znam da mi to nije bilo ocigledno😕 Zato ponovo trazim fer resenje koje je zadovoljavajuce za obe strane Uostalom, oni sigurno ne želim izgubiti dobrog kupca i želio bih ostati kupac!
pozdrav M********
Hello Richard from Dbossos, it may be working for you and it is obvious, but this pop-up did not appear for me, otherwise I would not have played Who Wants to be a Millionaires. Why should I? Maybe it was a software error in the casino It wasn't shown to me or I had no idea! I definitely know that it wasn't obvious to me😕 I therefore ask again for a fair solution that is satisfactory for both sides After all, they certainly don't want to lose a good customer and I would like to remain a customer!
Greetings M********
Hallo Richard von Dbossos,mag sein das es bei ihnen funktioniert und ersichtlich ist,aber bei mir ist dieser besagte Pop up nicht erschienen sonst hätte ich Who Wants to be a Millionäre nicht gespielt.Warum auch?Vielleicht war es ein Software Fehler im Casino das es mir nicht angezeigt wurde oder keine Ahnung!Ich weiss devinitiv das es bei mir nicht ersichtlich war😕Ich bitte deshalb nochmals um eine faire Lösung die Zufrieden stellend für beide Seiten ist Schließlich möchten sie bestimmt keinen guten Kunden verlieren und ich würde gerne Kunde bleiben!
Grüße M********
Zdravo M********,
Kao gest dobre volje. Uskoro ćemo dodati €200 na vaš balans, što je maksimalni iznos dobitka po vašem depozitu od €20 za preuzimanje bonusa.
Za sljedeći put, molimo vas da provjerite da li ste upoznati sa uslovima bonusa 🙂
Zelim vam ugodan vikend i vidimo se uskoro na dbosses.
Hello M********,
As a gesture of good will. We will soon be adding €200 to your balance, which is the maximum winnings amount as per your deposit of €20 to claim the bonus.
For next time please, make sure that you are aware of the bonus terms and conditions 🙂
Wish you a great weekend and see you soon on dbosses.
Zdravo Richarde, lijepo je što želiš da me upoznaš sa 200€, ali ja uplaćujem 20€ uz bonus i igram sa 100€, iako mi je kreditirano samo 60€ i mogao sam igrati samo sa 80€😕 Ponuda od Dobio sam e-mail sa priloženim screenshot-om I kao što je već spomenuto, spomenuti pop-up nažalost mi je došao nije prikazano da mi nije dozvoljeno da igram igru u bonusu. Ne želim da budem bezobrazan, ali u odnosu na moj profit (isplata 1300€) goodwill od 200€ mi se čini malo pa vas molim da razmislite ponovo!
pozdrav M*********
Hello Richard, it's nice that you want to meet me with €200, but I deposit €20 with the bonus and play with €100, although I was only credited with €60 and could only play with €80😕 Offer by I received an email with a screenshot attached. And as already mentioned, the said pop-up unfortunately came to me not shown that I am not allowed to play the game in the bonus. I don't want to be rude, but in relation to my profit (payout 1300€), the 200€ goodwill seems a bit small to me. So I ask you to think about it again!
greetings M********
Hallo Richard,schön das sie mir mit 200€ entgegen kommen wollen,aber ich habe mit dem Bonus zahle 20€ ein und spiele mit 100€ gespielt wobei ich da schon nur 60€ gutgeschrieben bekommen habe und nur mit 80€ spielen konnte😕Angebot per Email bekommen Screenshot im Anhang.Und wie ja schon bereits erwähnt wurde mir der besagte Pop up leider nicht angezeigt das ich das Spiel nicht spielen darf im Bonus. Ich möchte nicht unhöflich sein, aber im Verhältnis zu meinem Gewinn ( Auszahlung 1300€ ) erscheinen mir die 200€ Kulanz ein bisschen wenig.Ich bitte sie deshalb nochmals darüber nachzudenken!
Gruß M********
Imajte na umu da je 200 € maksimalna gotovina dozvoljena vrijednošću vašeg depozita prema našim uslovima i odredbama bonusa, stoga vam se pripisuje maksimalna gotovina dostupna iz vašeg bonusa.
Nažalost, ne mogu ništa učiniti više od ovoga.
Please note that the €200 is the maximum cash out allowed by your deposit value as per our bonus terms and conditions, therefore, you are being credited with the maximum cash out available from your bonus.
Unfortunately there is nothing much I can do more than this.
Zdravo Richard, hvala na brzom odgovoru. Gdje mogu pročitati maksimalno dozvoljeno povlačenje vrijednosti mog depozita prema uslovima bonusa i kada će mi kreditirati 200€?
pozdrav M*********
Hi Richard, thanks for the quick reply. Where can I read the maximum allowed withdrawal of my deposit value according to the bonus terms? And when will they credit me with the €200?
greetings M********
Hallo Richard, Dankeschön für die schnelle Antwort. Wo kann ich die maximal zulässige Auszahlung meines Einzahlungswerts gemäß der Bonusbedingungen nachlesen?Und wann werden sie mir die 200€ gutschreiben?
Gruß M********
Zdravo Richard, kada će iznos od 200€ biti doznačen na moj kasino račun?Ako se to dogodi, slučaj bi bio riješen i zatvoren za mene!
pozdrav M*********
Hello Richard, when will the amount of €200 be credited to my casino account? If this happened, the case would be solved and closed for me!
greetings M********
Hallo Richard,wann wird mir der Betrag von 200€ auf mein Casino Konto gutgeschrieben?Wenn dieses geschehen ist wäre der fall für mich gelöst und abgeschlossen!
Gruß M********
To bi se trebalo dogoditi vrlo brzo.
180 € će biti dodato na vaš račun jer je 20 € već dodato na vaš račun kao povrat vašeg depozita ranije.
It should happen very soon.
€180 will be added to your account since €20 was already added to your account as a refund of your deposit earlier.
Ok, čekam da se novac uplati kada se to dogodi, slučaj ću uspješno zatvoriti.
Ok I'm waiting for the money to be credited once that happens I will have the case closed successfully.
Okay ich warte darauf bis das Geld gutgeschrieben wurde sobald dies passiert ist werde ich den Fall erfolgreich schließen lassen.
Pozdrav dragi Casino Guru timu, želio bih da zatvorim svoju žalbu kao riješenu. Našao sam uspješno rješenje sa kazinom. Hvala vam na podršci!
pozdrav M*********
Hello dear Casino Guru team, I would like to close my complaint as solved. I found a successful solution with the casino. Thank you for your support!
greetings M********
Hallo liebes Casino Guru Team,möchte meine Beschwerde gerne als gelöst schließen lassen.Habe mit dem Casino eine erfolgreiche Lösung gefunden.Dankeschön für Ihre Unterstützung!
Gruß M********
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
zdravo danemijatovicu,
Drago mi je čuti da je vaš problem riješen. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao 'riješenu' u našem sistemu. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Hi danemijatovic,
I'm glad to hear that your issue got resolved. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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