Ovaj sajt je veoma upitan. Prvo, glavna licenca 854151 za koju tvrdi da je potpuno beskorisna. To nije licenca koja ima bilo kakvu zakonsku težinu i/ili Doctor Spins Casino ne reguliše nijedna vlast za kockanje. Ono što je još zbunjujuće je to što Doctor Spins tvrdi da su ovu dozvolu izdale vlasti u Krizupoliju na Kipru. Na Kipru ne postoji mesto koje se zove Hrisupoli. Međutim, postoji mesto koje se zove Hrisupoli u Grčkoj i očigledno je ovo zasebna suverena nacija.
Borio sam se da povučem sumu novca, iznad minimalnog praga od 85 funti i nešto više od 100 funti, a oni su odbili da plate. Najverovatnije, kao i mnogi drugi igrači za koje sumnjam, povlačenje je navedeno kao status „čeka" i razlog je „zahtev korisnika".
Fotografisali su moj pasoš i KR kod sliku mog lica i nisam siguran da li će to biti iskorišćeno za nezakonita sredstva ili ne. To je zabrinjavajuće.
Neverovatno je kako bilo kom onlajn kazinu može biti potrebno 21 RADNI DAN da se isplati, posebno za sume ispod 150 funti.
Napravio sam strašnu grešku i iako imaju još sedamnaest radnih dana da pošalju moj novac na moj bankovni račun, pretpostavljam da se to NIKAD neće dogoditi.
Definitivno sam mišljenja da je ovo sajt za prevaru i da oni jednostavno kradu novac ljudi, kroz depozite koji se prave.
Još jedna stvar koju vredi pomenuti je da, u skladu sa svojim uslovima i odredbama, oni mogu da promene pomenute 'uslove i odredbe' bez prethodnog obaveštenja vlasnika računa ili dobrog razloga.
Ova kompanija me je ozbiljno naljutila, po dve tačke. Prvo, ono što smatram krađom, a drugo, obmana i predumišljajne ideje koje su koristili da namame ljude u njihov navodni kazino.
To je nešto što me je toliko naljutilo, nastaviću sa ovom 'mafijom' dok ih ne nađem registrovane negde gde će organi za sprovođenje zakona delovati, a takođe ću učiniti sve što je u mojoj moći da se ovaj sajt i svi njegovi sestrinski sajtovi zatvore ( imajte na umu, ima mnogo sestrinskih sajtova, pa proverite).
Ovo je istinita i tačna reprezentacija ove kompanije i pozivam sve da se ne registruju, niti deponuju svoj novac. Naravno, ako mi na kraju bude isplaćeno moje neizmireno stanje, objaviću to ovde, ali neću zadržavati dah.
Još jedna pomisao - recimo da ste osvojili 1500 funti na ovom sajtu, a onda ste čekali isplatu i nikada nije stigla. Jedina stvar koju biste sigurno znali je da će Doctor Spins Casino sedeti tamo i smejati vam se. I za kraj, gde ide taj novac koji 'kradu'. Automobili, šampanjac i kavijar, ili da se finansira neka nelegitimna kampanja?
Osećam se napaćeno, glupo i emb
This site is highly questionable. Firstly, the Master License 854151 that it claims to have is completely useless. It is not a license which holds any legal weight and/or Doctor Spins Casino is not regulated by any gambling authority. What is more puzzling is that Doctor Spins claim that this license was issued by authorities in Chrisoupoli, Cyprus. There is no such place called Chrisoupoli in Cyprus. There is however a place called Chrisoupoli in Greece and obviously this is a separate sovereign nation.
I have struggled to get a sum of money withdrawn, above the minimum threshold of £85 and just over £100 and they have refused to pay. Most probably, like many other players I suspect, the withdrawal is listed as being status identified 'awaiting' and the reason is 'user request'.
They took photographs of my passport and a QR code picture of my face and I am unsure whether these will be used for illegitimate means or not. It is that concerning.
How it can take any online casino 21 WORKING DAYS to pay out, especially for sums under £150 is quite remarkable.
I have made a dreadful mistake here and though they still have a further seventeen working days to send my money to my bank account, I suspect that this will NEVER happen.
I am most definitely of the opinion that this is a scam site and they are quite simply just stealing people's money, through the deposits that are made.
Another point worth mentioning is that, according to their terms and conditions, they can change the said 'terms and conditions' without giving prior notice to the account holder, or good reason.
This company have seriously angered me, on two counts. Firstly, what I consider to be theft and secondly the deception and premeditated ideas they have used to entice people to their alleged casino.
This is something that has angered me that much, I will pursue this 'mob' until I find them registered somewhere where law enforcement will act and I will also do everything within my power to get this site and all of its sister sites closed down (bear in mind, it has many sister sites, so check).
This is a true and accurate representation of this company and I urge everyone to neither register, nor deposit their money. Of course, should I be eventually paid my outstanding balance, I will post it on here, but I will not be holding my breath.
One final thought - say you won £1500 on this site and then was waiting for the pay out and it never came. The only thing you would know for sure, is that Doctor Spins Casino would be sitting there, laughing at you. And one final thing, where is this money they are 'stealing' going to. Flash cars, champagne and caviar, or to fund some illegitimate campaign?
I feel violated, stupid and emb
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