Izgubio sam preko $8000-$12000 na ovoj veb stranici nakon što sam izjavio da imam problem sa kockanjem, tražeći od njih da trajno zatvore moj nalog. Imam evidencije ćaskanja i poslao sam preko 40 e-poruka bez relevantnih odgovora – poslao sam zahteve za zatvaranje i upozorenja o problemima sa kockanjem za oboje i . Sačuvao sam sve svoje imejlove počevši od 2024-09-16, gde sam tražio i preklinjao ih da zatvore moj nalog tokom nedelja. Naravno, pokušao sam da ovo postignem kroz životni chat gde su me uputili na ovu adresu e-pošte.
Ovo je potpuno iskrivljeno i sumnjivo ponašanje. Ne bih izgubio kontrolu da postoje ograničenja za kockanje, ALI ŠTO JE DALEKO VAŽNIJE DA SU ZADRŽALI pravila 'SIGURNOG KOCKANjA' prema kojima ako igrač vapi za pomoć tražeći da zatvori račun i još osjetljivije i teže priznavanje problema kockanja i kako to može da se vrti.
Voleo bih da mi pomognete da povratim ova sredstva. Bolest je posle svega ovoga... moj račun je još uvek otvoren i juče sam izgubio još 1000 dolara. Osećaj od gubitka ovolikog novca pre nekoliko meseci ostavio me je na veoma mračnom mestu.
Molim vas pomozite. Imam sve foto dokaze na svetu.
Na drugom snimku ekrana - Kevin je odgovorio tražeći od mene da dodam ' ' tako da su mogli da odgovore na moj zahtev....... nikada to nisu uradili i poslao sam im bukvalno 40+ e-poruka preklinjajući i očigledno gubeći kontrolu. Tako krivo i odvratno i ovo nikada nije trebalo da se desi.
I lost over $8000-$12000 on this website after stating I have a gambling problem, asking them to permanently close my account. I have chat logs and sent over 40 emails with no relevant replies - sent closure requests and gambling problem warnings to both support@dolfwin.com and customercare@dolfwin.com. I saved all my emails starting from 2024-09-16 where I was asking and begging them to close my account over weeks of time. I of course tried to get this accomplished through life chat where they directed me to these email address.
This is completely crooked and shady behaviour. I wouldn't have lost control if there were gambling limits BUT FAR MORE IMPORTANTLY IF THEY WITHHELD 'SAFE GAMBLING' rules where if a player makes a cry for help asking to close the account and even more sensitive and tough admitting the gambling issue and how it can spiral.
I would like you help me recover these funds. The sick part is after all of this... my account is still open and I lost another $1000 yesterday. The feeling from losing this much money months ago left me in a very very dark place.
Please help I have all the photo proof in the world.
In the second screenshot - Kevin replied asking me to add in 'customercare@dolfwin.com' so they could handle my request....... they never did and i sent them literally 40+ emails begging and clearly losing control. So crooked and gross and this never should have happened.
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