Dragi Draws.
Služba sigurnosti projekta Dozenspins izvršila je detaljnu provjeru vaše prijave.
Ova prijava nije prešla sigurnosnu provjeru kazina.
U vašoj istoriji plaćanja, u vašem novčaniku skrill je transfer između vas i novčanika drugog igrača yury.stron****san@gmail.com.
Prema pravilima Dozenspins Casino 8.5:
- strogo je zabranjen transfer sredstava između igrača;
Pošto ste prekršili pravila Dozenspins Casino-a, vaš račun za igre je zatvoren bez prava da ga otvorite.
U skladu sa stavkom pravila:
11.6 U slučaju da smo prisiljeni da zatvorimo vaš račun zbog dogovora sa drugim igračem ili grupom igrača / pokušaj prevare kompanije ili drugog igrača / osumnjičeni su za lažne ili druge kriminalne aktivnosti / počinili su grubo kršenje Korisnika Ugovorom, što dovodi do oštećenja kompanije ili treće strane, stanje na vašem računu smatrat će se nevažećim ili se neće vratiti.
Takođe su ova dva igrača igrala iste igre i igre uživo kao i igrači koji su međusobno prebacivali sredstva u novčanik, otuda je i zaključak da su igrači bili u tajnosti.
Prema pravilima, nije vam dopušteno igrati na web stranici Dozenspins Casinoa, kao ni na web lokacijama partnera navedenih u licenci.
Dear Draws.
The security service of the Dozenspins project has carried out a detailed check of your login.
This login did not pass the casino security check.
In your payment history, in your wallet skrill is a transfer between you and another player's wallet yury.stron****san@gmail.com.
According to the rules of Dozenspins Casino 8.5:
- transfer of funds between players is strictly prohibited;
As you have violated the rules of Dozenspins Casino, your game account is closed without the right to open it.
In accordance with the paragraph of the rules:
11.6 In the event that we are forced to close your account due to your collusion with another player or group of players / attempt to defraud the company or another player / are suspected of fraudulent or other criminal activity / have committed a gross breach of the User Agreement, resulting in damage to the company or a third party, your account balance will be considered void or will not be refundable.
Also these two players played the same games and Live games as well as players transferring funds in the wallet with each other, hence the conclusion that the players were in collusion.
According to the rules, you are not allowed to play on the website of Dozenspins Casino, as well as on the websites of partners specified in the license.
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