Ova žalba se odnosi na promotivni imejl koji sam dobio. Iako stvarna vrednost promocije nije velika, važan je princip iza nje. Ako postoji neslaganje u promociji, onda treba da to isprave ili da mi objasne zašto ne radi. Ovo je drugi put da nisu ispoštovali svoju promotivnu ponudu. Nakon što je pustio da prvi klizi, to se ponovilo. Osim toga, nisam imao baš pozitivno iskustvo sa predstavnikom. Za razliku od pokušaja da mi pomogne, on se fokusirao na promotivne ponude koje sam tražio. Promocija je rezultat mojih depozita, koje on ne prepoznaje.
Drake Casino mi je poslao dnevnu promociju okretanja 23.10.23. Postoji ograničenje od pet uzastopnih dana u kojima mogu zatražiti dnevne okrete, a zatim ću morati da uplatim depozit. Sami okreti imaju ukupno 5 okretaja i izbor od 3 igre. Danas je dan broj 5 i nakon preuzimanja bonusa, dobio sam odgovor da je bonus dodat na moj nalog. U stvarnoj igri, izgleda da nije pripisano, ali se pojavljuje u mojoj istoriji transakcija. Kontaktirao sam korisničku podršku putem ćaskanja, ali on nije mogao da mi pomogne. Uprkos mojim naporima da mu objasnim da se bonus pojavljuje u mojoj istoriji transakcija kao da sam ga koristio, on je jednostavno ignorisao moja objašnjenja.
This complaint relates to a promotional email I received. While the actual value of the promotion is not much, it is the principle behind it that is important. If there is a discrepancy in the promotion, then they should correct it or explain to me why it is not working. This is the second time they have failed to honor their promotional offer. After letting the first one slide, it occurred again. In addition, I did not have a very positive experience with the representative. As opposed to trying to assist me, he focused on the promotional offers I had claimed. The promotion is the result of the deposits I have made, which he fails to recognize.
Drake Casino sent me a daily spins promo on 10/23/23. There is a limit of five consecutive days in which I can claim the Daily Spins, then I will be required to make a deposit. The spins themselves have a total of 5 spins and a choice of 3 games. Today is day number 5 and upon claiming the bonus, I received a reply stating that the bonus has been added to my account. In the actual game, it does not appear to have been credited, but appears in my transaction history. I contacted customer service via chat, but he was not able to assist me. Despite my efforts to explain to him that the bonus appears on my transaction history as if I had used it, he simply ignored my explanations.
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