Ova žalba se odnosi na recenziju koju sam takođe nedavno podneo za ovaj kazino.
Pre više od mesec dana napravio sam nalog u ovom kazinu i počeo da igram kao high roller. Posle otprilike 3 nedelje, ovo je bilo
statistika mog naloga:
Depoziti: 500 hiljada
Nagrade (Rakeback, dnevno, nedeljno): 1m
Ulog: 90m
Profit: ~7m
Dok sam svirao, tražili su od mene da izvedem KIC. Učinio sam to preko veze treće strane koju su dali. KIC je bio uspešan, ali su rekli da će njihov tim za usklađenost
takođe pregledati dokumente. Svaki dan, kada sam tražio ažuriranje, davali bi isti generički odgovor „Nema ETA, još nema ažuriranja, itd.". Sada ima
prošlo je 2 nedelje i nije bilo ažuriranja.
U nekom trenutku sam takođe objavio recenziju na trustpilotu, a oni su odgovorili na moju recenziju govoreći ponovo istu stvar.
Nikada nisam prekršio nijedno pravilo, nikada nisam igrao iz ograničenih zemalja, nikada nisam napravio više naloga i nikada nisam prekršio nijedno pravilo pomenuto u TOS-u.
Takođe sam napravio post na forumu na bitcointalk-u, gde sam objavio snimke ekrana i reprize mojih najvećih pobeda:
Nažalost, dugme za dokument napada na ovom obrascu ne radi za mene.
Hvala što ste ovo istražili,
Srdačan pozdrav,
This complaint is related to the review I have also recently submitted for this casino.
More than a month ago I created an account on this casino and started playing as a high roller. After around 3 weeks, these were
the statistics of my account:
Deposits: 500k
Rewards (Rakeback, daily, weekly): 1m
Wager: 90m
Profit: ~7m
As I was playing, they asked me to perform KYC. I did so through a 3rd party link that they had provided. The KYC was successful but they said their compliance team will
also review the documents. Every day, when I asked for an update, they would provide the same generic response of "No ETA, no update yet, etc.". It has now
been 2 weeks and there has been no update.
At some point I had also posted a review on trustpilot, and they replied to my review saying again the same thing.
I never broke any rules, never played from restricted countries, never created multiple accounts and never broke any rule mentioned in TOS.
I have also made a forum post on bitcointalk, where I posted screenshots and replays of my biggest wins:
Unfortunately the attack document button on this form is not working for me.
Thanks for looking into this,
Kind regards,
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