The player from Montenegro accidentally deposited 400 APE Coin using the Binance network (BEP-20) instead of the Ethereum network (ERC-20) into their Duelbits account. After contacting support and creating a ticket for recovery, they had not received a response for three days and sought assistance in retrieving their funds. The issue was resolved by our team, confirming that the player’s funds had been successfully retrieved and credited back to their account.
Igrač iz Crne Gore je slučajno deponovao 400 APE Coin-a koristeći Binance mrežu (BEP-20) umesto Ethereum mreže (ERC-20) na svoj Duelbits račun. Nakon što su kontaktirali podršku i kreirali kartu za oporavak, tri dana nisu dobili odgovor i tražili su pomoć da povrate svoja sredstva. Naš tim je rešio problem, potvrdivši da su sredstva igrača uspešno preuzeta i vraćena na njihov račun.
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