Zdravo! kako si? Pa..
Traženo povlačenje: 05/09
Povlačenje odbijeno: 09/09
Poslednji odgovor na e-mail: 10/09
A onda..
KIC verifikacija je izvršena PRE čak i prvog depozita, tako da to nije trebalo da bude problem (ID slučaja gde je KIC urađen: UU-46652).
Zatraženo je povlačenje, a oni su ga odbili rekavši da je "potrebna verifikacija". Nisu mi odgovorili putem ćaskanja, pa sam poslao mejl. Tražili su od mene „vlasništvo novčanika" i „depozit tk id" (kripto). Poslao sam ono što su tražili i oni jednostavno prestaju da odgovaraju na mejlove.
Kontaktiram ih putem ćaskanja skoro svaki dan i oni mi kažu „Ponovo ću poslati zahtev našim moderatorima. Žao mi je zbog ovoga". i da ću „za 24 sata imati odgovor mejlom". Ovo se nikada ne dešava.
Imam sve lične karte.
(KR-64009) - Vlasništvo novčanika i ID depozita je poslat.
(NE-04504) - Slučaj je otvoren, na e-poštu nije odgovoreno.
(NO-61468) – Kontaktirani putem ćaskanja, „Proslediću vaš zahtev administratorima", ništa od toga.
(TJ-86621) - Kontaktiran putem ćaskanja, "Kao što vidim da je vaš zahtev za ID KR-64009 trenutno na proveri. Molimo sačekajte e-poruku od stručnjaka. ". Onda ništa.
(EB-06537) - Kontaktirani putem ćaskanja, rekli su mi da ću u roku od 24 sata imati odgovor. Ništa.
(OP-03229) - Ponovo me kontaktirao čet, rekao mi je „izvini zbog toga" i da ću imati odgovor. Opet ništa.
(HK-68422) - Kontaktirao ćaskanje. „Ponovo ću poslati zahtev našim moderatorima. Žao mi je zbog ovoga.". I dalje ništa.
I, naravno, ne mogu čak ni da zahtevam drugo povlačenje jer piše „Nažalost, gotovina iz sredstava je odbijena. Molimo kontaktirajte" support@egb.com "
Nadam se da sve pomaže.
Hvala vam!
Hello! How are you? Well..
Withdrawal requested: 05/09
Withdrawal denied: 09/09
Last e-mail answered: 10/09
And then..
KYC verification made BEFORE even first deposit, so that should have not been a problem (case ID where the KYC was done: UU-46652).
Withdrawal requested and they rejected it saying "verification was needed". They didn't answer by chat, so I sent an email. They asked me for "wallet ownership" and "deposit tx id" (crypto). I sent what they requested and they just stop answering the emails.
I contact them by chat almost every day and they tell me that "I will send the request to our moderators again. I'm sorry for this." and that "in 24 hours I will have an answer by email". This is never happening.
I have every ID case.
(KR-64009) - Wallet ownership and deposit tx id sent.
(NE-04504) - Case opened, email not answered.
(NO-61468) - Contacted by chat, "I will pass your request to the Administrators", nothing from that on.
(TJ-86621) - Contacted by chat, "As I can see you request ID KR-64009 is under checking now moment. Please, wait for the email from the specialist. ". Then nothing.
(EB-06537) - Contacted by chat, told me that within 24 hours I would have an answer. Nothing.
(OP-03229) - Contacted by chat again, told me "sorry for that" and that I would have an answer. Nothing again.
(HK-68422) - Contacted by chat. "I will send the request to our moderators again. I'm sorry for this.". Still nothing.
And, of course, I can't even request another withdrawal because it says "Unfortunately cash out of funds has been rejected. Please contact "support@egb.com"
Hope everything helps.
Thank you!
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