Zdravo Mirka, nadam se da si dobro.
Biću srećan da malo osvetlim situaciju.
Dragi trivoznostj.
Nažalost, sredstva su morala biti uklonjena zbog više naloga koji se koriste za preuzimanje ponude dobrodošlice, a to je kršenje naših uslova i odredbi: 3.5, 3.6 i 10.6.
Sledeći nalozi su povezani istim uređajem: „slovkijsjv" i „trivoznostjf7" i
naše odeljenje za prevare je stoga zaplenilo dobitak, ali je vaš početni depozit vraćen.
Nadam se da je ovo odgovor na vaše pitanje.
Ako imate još pitanja, slobodno kontaktirajte našu podršku.
ugodan dan.
Hello Mirka, hope you are doing well.
I'll be happy to shed some light on the situation.
Dear trivoznostj.
Unfortunately, the funds had to be removed due to multiple accounts used for to claim the welcome offer, and that is a breach to our Terms and Conditions: 3.5, 3.6 and 10.6.
The following accounts are linked by the same device: "slovkijsjv" and "trivoznostjf7" and
our fraud department has therefore confiscated the winnings, but your initial deposit has been returned.
I hope this answers your question.
If you have any other queries, feel free to contact our support.
Have a nice day.
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