Igrač iz Japana se žali na neizvesno pitanje u vezi sa turnirom. Nakon detaljnijeg ispitivanja, na kraju smo odbili ovu žalbu kao neopravdanu.
The player from Japan complains about an uncertain issue related to a tournament. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
Igrač iz Japana se žali na neizvesno pitanje u vezi sa turnirom. Nakon detaljnijeg ispitivanja, na kraju smo odbili ovu žalbu kao neopravdanu.
Što se tiče turnira koje održava Energi Casino,
Postoji greška u kojoj postoji razlika od oko 1 minuta između stvarnog vremena završetka i prikazanog preostalog vremena.
Zbog toga se gubi 150 EUR i 150 EUR besplatnih okretaja.
Dokazi postoje i dostavljeni su kazinu, ali kazino ne priznaje problem.
Zahtevam ispitivanje kvara i nadoknadu nastalog gubitka.
Na turniru koji je održao Energi Casino, došlo je do problema u kojem je došlo do neslaganja od približno jednog minuta između stvarnog vremena završetka i vremena preostalog na ekranu.
To je rezultiralo gubitkom od 150 EUR i 150 besplatnih okretaja od 1 EUR.
Dokaz postoji i dostavljen je kazinu, ali kazino odbija da prizna grešku.
Zahtevamo da kazino istraži grešku i da nam nadoknadi gubitak prouzrokovan greškom.
Regarding tournaments held by Energy Casino,
There is a bug that there is a difference of about 1 minute between the actual end time and the displayed remaining time.
150 EUR and 150 EUR free spins are lost because of it.
Evidence exists and has been submitted to the casino, but the casino does not acknowledge the problem.
I demand investigation of the defect and compensation for the resulting loss.
In a tournament held by Energy Casino, there was a problem in which there was a discrepancy of approximately one minute between the actual end time and the time remaining on the display.
This has resulted in a loss of 150 EUR and 150 free spins of 1 EUR.
Proof exists and has been submitted to the casino, but the casino refuses to acknowledge the glitch.
We demand that the casino investigate the glitch and compensate us for the loss caused by the glitch.
In a tournament held by Energy Casino, there was a problem in which there was a discrepancy of approximately one minute between the actual end time and the time remaining on the display.
This has resulted in a loss of 150 EUR and 150 free spins of 1 EUR.
Proof exists and has been submitted to the casino, but the casino refuses to acknowledge the glitch.
We demand that the casino investigate the glitch and compensate us for the loss caused by the glitch.
Dragi andandjonnik,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i prosledili relevantni snimak ekrana:
Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Nažalost, nisam u mogućnosti da vam pomognem u vezi sa ovim slučajem na osnovu trenutnog opisa događaja i definitivno će mi trebati više informacija. Možete li, molim vas, detaljnije? Vidim da će turnir isteći za 2 dana i 21 sat. Šta predstavlja sporni iznos, molim?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite svoj problem što je pre moguće. Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear andandjonnyx,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and forwarding the relevant screenshot:
I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Unfortunately, I’m not able to assist you with this case based on the current description of events and I will need definitely more information. Could you please elaborate? I can see that the tournament will expire in 2 days and 21 hours. What the disputed amount represents, please?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve your problem as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Greška u celom sistemu je to što je preostalo vreme prikazano u kazinu jedan minut duže od stvarnog vremena završetka.
Snimak ekrana će ga reprodukovati.
Turnir u ovom kazinu se završava u 16:59 po japanskom vremenu.
Dakle, kada je preostali minut manji od 1 minuta, trebalo bi da bude 58 minuta, a zapravo je 59 minuta.
Dakle, iako kazino kaže da je preostao 1 minut, turnir je već završen i vaša igra se ne odražava u sistemu.
Pokušao sam sa ovim problemom pod različitim uslovima kao što su odjavljivanje i brisanje keša, ali uvek je bilo kašnjenja od 1 minuta.
Zato što sam verovao u preostalo vreme na strani kazina i igrao,
Igra napravljena u poslednjem minutu se ne odražava,
Kao rezultat toga, rang turnira je pao.
Visina štete prouzrokovane ovim je iznos koji je sporan.
Postoji greška u celom sistemu gde je preostalo vreme prikazano u kazinu jedan minut duže od stvarnog vremena završetka.
Snimak ekrana je reprodukcija ovoga.
Turniri koji se održavaju u ovom kazinu završavaju se u 16:59 po japanskom vremenu.
Dakle, kada je preostalo manje od jednog minuta, stvarno vreme bi trebalo da bude 58 minuta, a zapravo je 59 minuta.
Prema tome, čak i ako kazino pokaže još jedan minut, turnir je već završen i vaša igra se ne odražava u sistemu.
Pokušao sam sa ovim problemom pod različitim uslovima, kao što su odjavljivanje, brisanje keša itd., ali uvek postoji neslaganje od 1 minuta.
Verovao sam u preostalo vreme na strani kazina da igram.
Igrao sam u poslednjem minutu i to se nije odrazilo.
Zbog toga sam izgubio poziciju na turniru.
Sporni iznos je iznos štete prouzrokovane ovim.
A system-wide glitch is that the time remaining displayed in the casino is one minute longer than the actual end time.
The screenshot will reproduce it.
The tournament at this casino ends at 16:59 Japan time.
Therefore, when the remaining minute is less than 1 minute, it should be 58 minutes, but it is actually 59 minutes.
So even though the casino says 1 minute left, the tournament is already over and your play is not reflected in the system.
I tried this problem under various conditions such as logging out and deleting the cache, but there was always a 1 minute lag.
Because I trusted the remaining time on the casino side and played,
The play made in the last minute is not reflected,
As a result, the ranking of the tournament went down.
The amount of damage caused by this is the amount in dispute.
There is a system-wide glitch where the remaining time shown in the casino is one minute longer than the actual end time.
The screenshot is a reproduction of this.
Tournaments held at this casino end at 16:59 Japan time.
Therefore, when there is less than one minute remaining, the actual time should be 58 minutes, but it is actually 59 minutes.
Therefore, even if the casino shows one minute remaining, the tournament has already ended and your play is not reflected in the system.
I have tried this problem under various conditions, such as logging out, deleting the cache, etc., but there is always a 1 minute discrepancy.
I trusted the time remaining on the casino side to play.
I played in the last minute and it was not reflected.
This caused me to lose my tournament position.
The amount in dispute is the amount of damage caused by this.
There is a system-wide glitch where the remaining time shown in the casino is one minute longer than the actual end time.
The screenshot is a reproduction of this.
Tournaments held at this casino end at 16:59 Japan time.
Therefore, when there is less than one minute remaining, the actual time should be 58 minutes, but it is actually 59 minutes.
Therefore, even if the casino shows one minute remaining, the tournament has already ended and your play is not reflected in the system.
I have tried this problem under various conditions, such as logging out, deleting the cache, etc., but there is always a 1 minute discrepancy.
I trusted the time remaining on the casino side to play.
I played in the last minute and it was not reflected.
This caused me to lose my tournament position.
The amount in dispute is the amount of damage caused by this.
Kada sam upravo ponovo proverio,
Kazino ne postavlja preostalo vreme koje prikazuje kazino,
Čini se da je podešeno prema vremenu ovog računara.
(Unapredak vremena na računaru za 1 sat smanjio je preostalo vreme za 1 sat.)
Ako je tako, čini se tačnim da se vreme prikaza razlikuje u zavisnosti od osobe, umesto da se isključi za jedan minut.
Možete li proveriti u kazinu da li je ova specifikacija prikladna?
Upravo sam ovo ponovo proverio.
Kazino ne podešava preostalo vreme na ekranu kazina, već se podešava prema vremenu na našem računaru.
(Ako unapredim vreme na računaru za jedan sat, preostalo vreme se smanjuje za jedan sat.)
Ako je to slučaj, ne radi se o tome da je vreme isključeno za jedan minut, već da se prikazano vreme razlikuje od osobe do osobe.
Možete li proveriti u kazinu da li je ovo tačna specifikacija?
When I just checked again,
The remaining time displayed by the casino is not set by the casino,
It seems that it is set according to the time of this computer.
(Advancing the computer time by 1 hour reduced the remaining time by 1 hour.)
If so, it seems correct that the display time is different depending on the person, rather than being off by one minute.
Could you please check with the casino if this specification is suitable?
I just verified this again myself.
The casino does not set the time remaining on the casino screen, but rather it is set according to the time on our computer.
(If I advance the time on my computer by one hour, the remaining time decreases by one hour.)
If this is the case, it is not that the time is off by one minute, but that the time displayed varies from person to person.
Can you please check with the casino to see if this is the correct specification?
I just verified this again myself.
The casino does not set the time remaining on the casino screen, but rather it is set according to the time on our computer.
(If I advance the time on my computer by one hour, the remaining time decreases by one hour.)
If this is the case, it is not that the time is off by one minute, but that the time displayed varies from person to person.
Can you please check with the casino to see if this is the correct specification?
Dragi andandjonnik,
Još uvek ne razumem gde još vidite drugačije preostalo vreme za turnir. Jedan je prikazan unutar vašeg kazino naloga. Možete li, molim vas, pojasniti gde ste se videli drugi put? Da li ste pokušali da direktno komunicirate sa kazinom o ovom problemu?
Dear andandjonnyx,
I still do not understand where else you see a different remaining time for the tournament. One is displayed inside your casino account. Could you please clarify where you see the other time? Have you tried communicating this issue with the casino directly?
Obavestio sam kazino i kažu da je to normalno.
Kazino u svom posedu ima sat koji određuje kada će se turnir završiti.
Preostalo vreme se zasniva na satu svakog igrača.
Zbog toga ne prikazuje tačno preostalo vreme.
I have informed the casino and they say it is normal.
The casino has a clock in their possession that determines when the tournament will end.
The remaining time is based on each player's clock.
This is why it does not show the correct time remaining.
Hvala, andandjonnik, na odgovoru. Da li sam dobro razumeo da je vaš problem u međuvremenu uspešno rešen? Da li imam vašu dozvolu da zatvorim ovu žalbu kao rešenu ili postoji još nešto čime bismo mogli da pokušamo da vam pomognemo? Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Thank you, andandjonnyx, for your reply. Do I understand correctly that your problem has been resolved successfully in the meantime? Do I have your permission to close this complaint as resolved or is there anything else we could try to help you with? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kontaktirao sam kazino i kazino insistira da je to normalno.
Međutim, bez obzira koliko puta proverim, ovaj problem se ponavlja.
Možete li kontaktirati kazino na osnovu dokaza koje smo pružili?
I contacted the casino and the casino insists it is normal.
However, no matter how many times I check, this problem keeps recurring.
Can you please contact the casino based on the evidence we have provided?
Žao mi je, ali ste ranije sugerisali da je razlika između prikazanog vremena unutar vašeg kazino naloga i računara. Na koje tačno dokaze mislite, molim vas?
I'm sorry but you suggested earlier that the difference is between the displayed time inside your casino account and the computer. What evidence exactly do you mean, please?
Dokaz da različiti igrači prikazuju različite količine preostalog vremena.
Dokaz da se preostalo vreme izračunava na osnovu sata igrača, a ne sata kazina
Čini se da kazino ne razume sam sistem preostalog vremena.
Kazino prvo treba naterati da razume ovo pitanje.
Evidence that different players display different amounts of time remaining.
Evidence that the remaining time is calculated based on the player's clock rather than the casino's clock
The casino does not seem to understand the remaining time system itself.
The casino needs to be made to understand this issue first.
Izvinjavam se, ali ste već kontaktirali kazino i oni su vas savetovali kako se računa vreme, je li tako? Nije li turnir već gotov? Nisam siguran koje bi drugo objašnjenje mogli dobiti od kazina ako i njih kontaktiramo.
I do apologize but you contacted the casino already and they advised you how the time is counted, is that right? Isn't the tournament over already? I'm not sure what other explanation we could get from the casino if we contact them too.
Kazino samo insistira da je sistem u redu.
Kazino nije pružio nikakav dokaz o tome, a razgovor se ne nastavlja.
Kazino treba da objasni dokaz da ne postoji razlika između sata kazina i sata igrača.
Ako to ne mogu da urade, imamo dokaze o vremenskoj neusklađenosti, što dokazuje da postoji problem sa sistemom kazina.
The casino just insists that the system is fine.
The casino has not provided any evidence of this, and the conversation is not going on.
The casino needs to explain the evidence that there is no difference between the casino's clock and the player's clock.
If they cannot do that, we have evidence of a time discrepancy, which proves that there is a problem with the casino's system.
Još uvek nisam siguran kako bi kazino mogao da dokaže da je sve u redu. Objasnili su vam da treba da idete sa njihovim vremenom jer je razlika između njihovog odbrojavanja turnira i podešavanja vašeg računara. Nije li turnir već gotov, molim vas?
I'm still not sure how the casino could prove that everything is fine. They explained to you that you should go with their time as the difference is between their tournament countdown and your PC setup. Isn't the tournament over already, please?
Ovaj problem se ne javlja samo na ovom turniru.
To se dešava na svim turnirima, i osim ako se sistem ne poboljša
Osim ako se sistem ne poboljša, korisnici će biti primorani da se dugo igraju sa nesinhronizovanim vremenom.
This problem is not occurring only in this tournament.
It is occurring at all tournaments, and unless the system improves
Unless the system is improved, users will be forced to play with the time out of sync for a long time.
Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći. Moja jedina preporuka bi bila da pratite vreme kazina, a ne ono na vašem računaru. Nisam siguran kako bi se sistem mogao poboljšati za sve igrače iz različitih vremenskih zona.
Žao mi je što nismo mogli da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj slučaj, ali ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa nekim drugim kazinom u budućnosti. Iz gore navedenih razloga, sada ću odbiti ovu žalbu. Hvala na razumevanju.
I wish I could be of more help. My only recommendation would be to follow the casino's time and not the one on your PC. I'm not sure how the system could be improved for all the players from different time zones.
I’m sorry we couldn’t help you to resolve this case, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with any other casino in the future. For the abovementioned reasons, I will now reject this complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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